State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple

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They don't have wages. They had a business, since closed. They are operating out of their home kitchen.

With the number of exemptions the Kleins are entitled to, it's unlikely there will be any recovery at all.

Excemptions don't apply to the $135,000 that the Kleins owe out of the $500,000 in funds they have raised.

Under Anathema's plan there would be no kitchen. He's calling for them to burn all assets, including their home (which would include their kitchen), their car, and any valuables. Instead of keeping $375,000 and opening a new storefront***, Anathema's plan the Klein's and their children would be living on the streets with no means of support.

*** They could take that $375,000, open a new storefront and just not offer wedding cakes as part of their catalog. Since they wouldn't be part of the catalog, they wouldn't have to sell wedding cakes to anyone - including gays.

For burning $500,000 in cash plus anything they had in savings, checking, college accounts for the kids - probably only two things. One, arrest them because burning money is a federal crime under 18 USC 333. Then after the jail time, the Government probably wouldn't do anything except act for wage garnishment for any future Job either would hold.

I was thinking about the home, cars, etc.... being burned. The cash can just disappear.

As for future wages..... what wages? Gotta have a job to have wages.
Exemptions don't apply to the $135,000 that the Kleins owe out of the $500,000 in funds they have raised.

Under Anathema's plan there would be no kitchen. He's calling for them to burn all assets, including their home (which would include their kitchen), their car, and any valuables. Instead of keeping $375,000 and opening a new storefront***, Anathema's plan the Klein's and their children would be living on the streets with no means of support.

*** They could take that $375,000, open a new storefront and just not offer wedding cakes as part of their catalog. Since they wouldn't be part of the catalog, they wouldn't have to sell wedding cakes to anyone - including gays.

See, I wouldn't have taken the half million to begin with. I don't believe in accepting charity. Besides, better to be on the street than to see a penny go to the Government or the Freaks.
Okay. Then you take the cash out back and have a bonfire.
For burning $500,000 in cash plus anything they had in savings, checking, college accounts for the kids - probably only two things. One, arrest them because burning money is a federal crime under 18 USC 333. Then after the jail time, the Government probably wouldn't do anything except act for wage garnishment for any future Job either would hold.
I was thinking about the home, cars, etc.... being burned. The cash can just disappear.

As for future wages..... what wages? Gotta have a job to have wages.

Well a bonfire is one way to make cash disappear. Hence the reference to you saying burn it.

And of course it's easy to have the opinion that it's better for the Kleins and their children to live on the streets in poverty - when it's someone else that you are recommending live on the streets.

State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Oregon Bakers

Nope no harm done to you if you disagree with homosexuality and won't bend to their will. None at all. Just lose your business,money,freedom,house,cars etc etc etc. Great thing about the internet is it NEVER loses its memory so when time comes it will be fairly simple to find the scum who destroyed this nation and get revenge.
Do you need my home address?
And of course it's easy to have the opinion that it's better for the Kleins and their children to live on the streets in poverty - when it's someone else that you are recommending live on the streets.

It's up to them to make the decision about what they should/could/will do. They will have to live with thise decisions. Ive only commented on ehst I would do in their place.

Either way the decision makers will have to answer for their decisions at the ebd of their life.
You mean people donated money to fight the religious persecution of this couple. I know. I helped. As far as I know they haven't taken the money yet and they don't want to.
And they will be denied :) See I would have made a lovely cake...maybe a protruding vagina or a woman's head eating another woman want cake? Here ya go! :D

If I were in the homosexual community, I would send a steady stream of gay couples requesting wedding cakes

$135,000 a pop should break them pretty soon
Its very easy to stop that. :) Its called paying for and getting license to become private club. Therefore you CAN or CAN NOT issue memberships to people you want to be members :) Very simple.Very legal.
just becoming a 'private' club doesn't make a business exempt from public accommodation laws.
You mean people donated money to fight the religious persecution of this couple. I know. I helped. As far as I know they haven't taken the money yet and they don't want to.
And they will be denied :) See I would have made a lovely cake...maybe a protruding vagina or a woman's head eating another woman want cake? Here ya go! :D

If I were in the homosexual community, I would send a steady stream of gay couples requesting wedding cakes

$135,000 a pop should break them pretty soon
Its very easy to stop that. :) Its called paying for and getting license to become private club. Therefore you CAN or CAN NOT issue memberships to people you want to be members :) Very simple.Very legal.
just becoming a 'private' club doesn't make a business exempt from public accommodation laws.
It allows a business to decide who gets in and who doesn't. Not a member? Can't come in. They also get to decide who becomes a member! Its a PRIVATE business/residence. :) I know I am a member of one.
but you do understand that simply being a private club does not necessarily mean a business is exempt from public accommodation laws, right?
It allows the club to decide who and who is not allowed in the club that's the entire point :)
They can simply file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and the judgement will be dismissed.

Well, no, they can't because it's a matter of public record that they got $850,000 from fellow bigots.
They should pay the fine, collect their 750,000 in profit and call it a day.
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
And religious rights come WAY ahead of some homosexual whining over a cake. Go get someone else to make a cake. EVERY business I have been into has a sign that says we reserve the right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. This is an attack by homosexuals on the rights of religious people. Simple as that.
Ignorant nonsense.

This has nothing to do with 'religious rights'; in fact, this has nothing to do with the First Amendment whatsoever, as there are no Free Exercise Clause issues at stake.

This concerns Commerce Clause jurisprudence, where public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy ensuring the integrity of the local market and all other interrelated markets (See Wickard v. Filburn, Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US, Gonzales v. Raich)
Yes it does
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
And religious rights come WAY ahead of some homosexual whining over a cake. Go get someone else to make a cake. EVERY business I have been into has a sign that says we reserve the right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. This is an attack by homosexuals on the rights of religious people. Simple as that.
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
And religious rights come WAY ahead of some homosexual whining over a cake. Go get someone else to make a cake. EVERY business I have been into has a sign that says we reserve the right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. This is an attack by homosexuals on the rights of religious people. Simple as that.

Silly eff'd up trannys...
It's a sign the government has slipped into tyranny when they force people to be accepting of politically aggressive deviant lifestyles. We shouldn't need a religious reason to turn down business we find repulsive.
You have no religious reason. None at all.

"Politically aggressive"? American citizens seeking equal justice under law is seen as "politically aggressive" by those who seek to deny equal justice.
You have no ability to think at all. I'm not religious and said we shouldn't even need a religious reason. And your idiotic definition of equality can be applied to anybody that wants to claim it. Tyrants like you need to be beat back down into the hellhole your escaped from.
It's a sign the government has slipped into tyranny when they force people to be accepting of politically aggressive deviant lifestyles. We shouldn't need a religious reason to turn down business we find repulsive.

It's a sign of rightwing ignorance and inconsistency, and of conservative contempt for the rule of law, having nothing to do with 'tyranny.'
So if you favor a law, the law is the law, if you don't favor a law it's injustice and must be changed. Did you say the law is the law when homosexuals weren't allowed to marry? You dim fucks can't think straight. What about the bisexual, where's their equality. Try using your head for something other than a butt cork.
It's a sign the government has slipped into tyranny when they force people to be accepting of politically aggressive deviant lifestyles. We shouldn't need a religious reason to turn down business we find repulsive.
You have no religious reason. None at all.

"Politically aggressive"? American citizens seeking equal justice under law is seen as "politically aggressive" by those who seek to deny equal justice.
You have no ability to think at all. I'm not religious and said we shouldn't even need a religious reason. And your idiotic definition of equality can be applied to anybody that wants to claim it. Tyrants like you need to be beat back down into the hellhole your escaped from.
Those claiming a religious reason are committing religious fraud. Those using the 'we find Gays icky' defense have no standing.

Alas, you are politically impotent to stave off equal; justice. You are cu7lturally impotent in labeling homosexuals as 'repulsive'. And now we find you are rhetorically impotent by making such a ham handed argument.
It's a sign the government has slipped into tyranny when they force people to be accepting of politically aggressive deviant lifestyles. We shouldn't need a religious reason to turn down business we find repulsive.
You have no religious reason. None at all.

"Politically aggressive"? American citizens seeking equal justice under law is seen as "politically aggressive" by those who seek to deny equal justice.
You have no ability to think at all. I'm not religious and said we shouldn't even need a religious reason. And your idiotic definition of equality can be applied to anybody that wants to claim it. Tyrants like you need to be beat back down into the hellhole your escaped from.
Those claiming a religious reason are committing religious fraud. Those using the 'we find Gays icky' defense have no standing.

Alas, you are politically impotent to stave off equal; justice. You are cu7lturally impotent in labeling homosexuals as 'repulsive'. And now we find you are rhetorically impotent by making such a ham handed argument.
Only the foaming at the mouth libtards claim the icky defense. Those Christians don't want to participate in sin according to their faith. You want to stop on that right like the little Nazi thug that you are. We get it.

And you can't even respond to my "equality" bullshit you try to beat people around with. The ham is between your ears.
Even under bible law they are frauds . If they follow the bible they wouldn't bake cakes for divorced people , people living in sin, couples having premarital sex . I'm sure that's all fine . But they gays!!! Now they suddenly find religion ? Fakes !

Religious beliefs and practices have to be respected as well. It's not only about Gay Rights. Others' rights have to be respected too.

So if someone didn't believe in serving Christians because of their religion.....or blacks......or're cool with that?

Even if they tell you they're cool with that, Federal law prohibits it. Not little state and local laws like PA laws that protect gays, but a Federal law passed by Congress that protects race and religion from the kind of discrimination these LOCAL laws do for gays in small few.
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