State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple

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And some here the country is going in the right direction... The owners did nothing wrong.

Only a fool would side with such a frivolous lawsuit.
135k???? LOL maybe $135

The other way... For being stupid gay baiters.
"State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple"

And appropriately so.

Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional – as authorized by the Commerce Clause.

The bakers were afforded their comprehensive due process:

“Our agency has docketed the judgment and is exploring collection options,” Charlie Burr, communications director for the agency, told The Daily Signal. “They are entitled to a full and fair review of the case, but do not have the right to disregard a legally binding order.”


No one has the right to defy, ignore, or disregard a lawful court order, regardless how much they might disagree with it.

Moreover, as a fact of law, the judgment is not 'extortion,' the bakers are not 'victims,' nor is their religious liberty in any manner being 'violated' – it is a lie to maintain otherwise.

Yeah, like you Obamabot dimwits care about the Rule of Law. Funny shite. :laugh:
Even under bible law they are frauds . If they follow the bible they wouldn't bake cakes for divorced people , people living in sin, couples having premarital sex . I'm sure that's all fine . But they gays!!! Now they suddenly find religion ? Fakes !

Religious beliefs and practices have to be respected as well. It's not only about Gay Rights. Others' rights have to be respected too.

So if someone didn't believe in serving Christians because of their religion.....or blacks......or're cool with that?

According to their religious beliefs, they couldn't support homosexuality and marriage. They shouldn't have been forced to make them their cake. That's just wrong. We have to respect religious rights and beliefs as well.

Notice you didn't actually answer my question. If their religious beliefs mandated that they refuse service to blacks...or Christians....or'd be fine with that?

If so, what laws couldn't you ignore because of your religious beliefs?

We'll see when the time comes. But these particular people should not have been punished for their religious beliefs. It's wrong.
No, this is wrong.

They are not being 'punished' for their 'religious beliefs,' this is an ignorant lie.

They were lawfully and Constitutionally found to be in violation of their state's public accommodations law concerning sexual orientation, where religious beliefs do not 'excuse' someone from obeying a just and proper law. (See Employment Division v. Smith)
Even under bible law they are frauds . If they follow the bible they wouldn't bake cakes for divorced people , people living in sin, couples having premarital sex . I'm sure that's all fine . But they gays!!! Now they suddenly find religion ? Fakes !

Religious beliefs and practices have to be respected as well. It's not only about Gay Rights. Others' rights have to be respected too.

So if someone didn't believe in serving Christians because of their religion.....or blacks......or're cool with that?

According to their religious beliefs, they couldn't support homosexuality and marriage. They shouldn't have been forced to make them their cake. That's just wrong. We have to respect religious rights and beliefs as well.

Notice you didn't actually answer my question. If their religious beliefs mandated that they refuse service to blacks...or Christians....or'd be fine with that?

If so, what laws couldn't you ignore because of your religious beliefs?

We'll see when the time comes. But these particular people should not have been punished for their religious beliefs. It's wrong.

Ah. So apparently your support of religion trumping the law is when it involves discriminating against gays.

Why is it wrong if they're discriminating against gays....but not if they are discriminating against black people? Or Christians?
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
And religious rights come WAY ahead of some homosexual whining over a cake. Go get someone else to make a cake. EVERY business I have been into has a sign that says we reserve the right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. This is an attack by homosexuals on the rights of religious people. Simple as that.
Ignorant nonsense.

This has nothing to do with 'religious rights'; in fact, this has nothing to do with the First Amendment whatsoever, as there are no Free Exercise Clause issues at stake.

This concerns Commerce Clause jurisprudence, where public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy ensuring the integrity of the local market and all other interrelated markets (See Wickard v. Filburn, Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US, Gonzales v. Raich)
It's a sign the government has slipped into tyranny when they force people to be accepting of politically aggressive deviant lifestyles. We shouldn't need a religious reason to turn down business we find repulsive.

It's a sign of rightwing ignorance and inconsistency, and of conservative contempt for the rule of law, having nothing to do with 'tyranny.'
Even under bible law they are frauds . If they follow the bible they wouldn't bake cakes for divorced people , people living in sin, couples having premarital sex . I'm sure that's all fine . But they gays!!! Now they suddenly find religion ? Fakes !

Religious beliefs and practices have to be respected as well. It's not only about Gay Rights. Others' rights have to be respected too.
Again, this has nothing to do with religious beliefs and practices, it has nothing to do with not respecting religious beliefs and practices, and it has nothing to do with 'religious liberty' or the First Amendment – it's a lie to attempt to contrive it as such.

Business owners are subject to all manner of necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies – such as paying a minimum wage, ensuring safe working conditions, and protecting consumer safety; public accommodations laws are no different, and are no more a 'violation' of religious beliefs and practices than other regulatory measures.
It's a sign the government has slipped into tyranny when they force people to be accepting of politically aggressive deviant lifestyles. We shouldn't need a religious reason to turn down business we find repulsive.
You have no religious reason. None at all.

"Politically aggressive"? American citizens seeking equal justice under law is seen as "politically aggressive" by those who seek to deny equal justice.
The state will collect it, and the state will collect the go-fund me monies as well.

You can't bankrupt a state judgement.
It's a sign the government has slipped into tyranny when they force people to be accepting of politically aggressive deviant lifestyles. We shouldn't need a religious reason to turn down business we find repulsive.
We need bakeries to protect us from homosexuals?
Creating a wedding cake is not like ordering napkins. It's special. It requires a great deal of collaboration. It is a creative process. I believe that in a free society an artist should be free to accept or deny a commission for any reason. Should all creative artists be dragooned to the needs of the state?

PS - At the time the lesbians requested the cake, same sex marriage was not legal in Oregon.

It's just a fucking cake

It's not a social statement
In my opinion, if you are not going to respect a person's beliefs, then you are crazy to think that you are going to get any respect out of that person in return.

God bless you and the bakery people always!!!


P.S. Can the people who wanted the cake made be sued for harassment? To me, harassment is what they are guilty of. They are like bullies in a school yard. When a bully is ignored by whoever their target is, the bullies are not going to turn their attention to something else until they have gotten whatever it is that they want out of whoever their target is and even then, they still may not turn their attention to something else. Once they get whatever it is that they want out of whoever their target is, they are only going to keep coming back for more, just like a stray cat. Once you have fed them, they never go away.
No one has the right to defy, ignore, or disregard a lawful court order, regardless how much they might disagree with it.

Moreover, as a fact of law, the judgment is not 'extortion,' the bakers are not 'victims,' nor is their religious liberty in any manner being 'violated' – it is a lie to maintain otherwise.

So, what is,the Government to do in a situation like I've suggested where there are no longer any assets to be seized or cashed in because they've all been destroyed or disposed of?
^^^ Them people who wanted the cake are still guilty of harassment especially if they knew that the people of the bakery weren't going to make the cake for them.

God bless you and the bakery people always!!!


P.S. If people can be charged with harassment, then that means that harassment is against the law too.
No one has the right to defy, ignore, or disregard a lawful court order, regardless how much they might disagree with it.

Moreover, as a fact of law, the judgment is not 'extortion,' the bakers are not 'victims,' nor is their religious liberty in any manner being 'violated' – it is a lie to maintain otherwise.

So, what is,the Government to do in a situation like I've suggested where there are no longer any assets to be seized or cashed in because they've all been destroyed or disposed of?
Garnish wages
So, what is,the Government to do in a situation like I've suggested where there are no longer any assets to be seized or cashed in because they've all been destroyed or disposed of?

For burning $500,000 in cash plus anything they had in savings, checking, college accounts for the kids - probably only two things. One, arrest them because burning money is a federal crime under 18 USC 333. Then after the jail time, the Government probably wouldn't do anything except act for wage garnishment for any future Job either would hold.

Most other people? Laugh.

They don't have wages. They had a business, since closed. They are operating out of their home kitchen.

With the number of exemptions the Kleins are entitled to, it's unlikely there will be any recovery at all.
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