State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple

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i'm not a lawyer, but that doesn't seem very legal
ORS 95.240 - Transfers fraudulent as to present creditors - 2013 Oregon Revised Statutes

and it is in fact illegal.

Okay. Then you take the cash out back and have a bonfire. If they're not allowed to sell, then you burn the house, business and all other assets to the ground. The Government abd the demon bitches from Hell get NOTHING.
also wildly illegal. criminal even. so you'd rather go to jail than pay a lawful debt?
[QUOTE="ogibillm, post: 12472825, member: 27956]also wildly illegal. criminal even. so you'd rather go to jail than pay a lawful debt?[/QUOTE]

Not that I'd ever make it to the jail, but yes I would commit crimes before paying a debt to the US Government or to any immoral individual.
The "law" won what? Seeing how the "law" isn't the one doing anything to them. Its a "commission" which IMO sounds like something from a communist like dictatorship ya know keeping an eye on business to make sure they serve who the state says they MUST serve...damn that's so dictator like. So no they broke no law if they did then the actual LAW would be doing something not a civil commission that's run like a dictatorship AND has ties to a pro homosexual group....this stinks to high heaven of corruption and doing favors for each other....yeah nothing illegal going on with the illegal commission.

Bakery knew the law
Bakery broke the law
Bakery must pay the price
Bakery didn't break any law. Bakery WON'T pay anything :) As you can see.

Bakery took $500k from the we hate fags crow

They can pay
You mean people donated money to fight the religious persecution of this couple. I know. I helped. As far as I know they haven't taken the money yet and they don't want to.
The fun part is now more homosexual customers will come in and ask for a cake

At $135k a pop
And they will be denied :) See I would have made a lovely cake...maybe a protruding vagina or a woman's head eating another woman want cake? Here ya go! :D
If you want to pretend that your God hates fags, that's your business.

If you want to act out on that belief, that's our business.
Actually its none of your business who a business chooses to do business with. None. Zero. It wasn't my business either until the state decided to persecute this couple.

The state awarded a similar amount to a woman who was discriminated against BECAUSE she was a Christian.

So much for your ignorance -based theories.

If I were in the homosexual community, I would send a steady stream of gay couples requesting wedding cakes

$135,000 a pop should break them pretty soon
Its very easy to stop that. :) Its called paying for and getting license to become private club. Therefore you CAN or CAN NOT issue memberships to people you want to be members :) Very simple.Very legal.
State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Oregon Bakers

Nope no harm done to you if you disagree with homosexuality and won't bend to their will. None at all. Just lose your business,money,freedom,house,cars etc etc etc. Great thing about the internet is it NEVER loses its memory so when time comes it will be fairly simple to find the scum who destroyed this nation and get revenge.

Lesson lost on the haters of just make the fucking cake and save yourself $135k.

You think they would be happy to do it since they didn't have to uh...oh yeah, compromise their beliefs.
Bakery didn't break any law. Bakery WON'T pay anything :) As you can see.

Bakery took $500k from the we hate fags crow

They can pay
You mean people donated money to fight the religious persecution of this couple. I know. I helped. As far as I know they haven't taken the money yet and they don't want to.
The fun part is now more homosexual customers will come in and ask for a cake

At $135k a pop
And they will be denied :) See I would have made a lovely cake...maybe a protruding vagina or a woman's head eating another woman want cake? Here ya go! :D
Actually its none of your business who a business chooses to do business with. None. Zero. It wasn't my business either until the state decided to persecute this couple.

The state awarded a similar amount to a woman who was discriminated against BECAUSE she was a Christian.

So much for your ignorance -based theories.

In Oregon, dumbass. What part of 'the state' don't you understand?

In the Matter ofANDREW W. ENGEL, DMD, PC dba AWE DENTAL SPA andDR. ANDREW W. ENGEL individually as an Aider and AbettorCase No. 38-11Final Order of Commissioner Brad AvakianIssued September 13, 2012SYNOPSIS
Respondent Awe Dental Spa employed Complainant as a dental assistant andsubjected her to harassment based on her religion, failed to reasonably accommodateher religious beliefs, and constructively discharged her based on her religion.Respondent Dr. Andrew W. Engel aided and abetted Respondent Awe Dental Spa inthe commission of the unlawful employment practices. The forum awardedComplainant $12,000 in back pay, $10,654 in out-of-pocket expenses attributable to theunlawful employment practices, and $325,000 in damages for mental, emotional, andphysical suffering, and found Respondents jointly and severally liable for thesedamages. The forum also required Respondent Dr. Engel and his staff to attendtraining on recognizing and preventing religious discrimination. ORS 659A.030(1)(a),ORS 659A.030(1)(b), ORS 659A.030(1)(g), ORS 659A.033, ORS 659A.850.

Dr Andrew Engel #38-11

Now let's hear you defend Dr. Engel
He tried forcing his employee to attend HIS religious training in the hell is that even CLOSE to being the same with the Bakery not wanting to bake a cake for faggots? Hint. ITS NOT!
Bakery knew the law
Bakery broke the law
Bakery must pay the price
Bakery didn't break any law. Bakery WON'T pay anything :) As you can see.

Bakery took $500k from the we hate fags crow

They can pay
You mean people donated money to fight the religious persecution of this couple. I know. I helped. As far as I know they haven't taken the money yet and they don't want to.
The fun part is now more homosexual customers will come in and ask for a cake

At $135k a pop
And they will be denied :) See I would have made a lovely cake...maybe a protruding vagina or a woman's head eating another woman want cake? Here ya go! :D
If you want to pretend that your God hates fags, that's your business.

If you want to act out on that belief, that's our business.
Actually its none of your business who a business chooses to do business with. None. Zero. It wasn't my business either until the state decided to persecute this couple.

The state awarded a similar amount to a woman who was discriminated against BECAUSE she was a Christian.

So much for your ignorance -based theories.

If I were in the homosexual community, I would send a steady stream of gay couples requesting wedding cakes

$135,000 a pop should break them pretty soon
Its very easy to stop that. :) Its called paying for and getting license to become private club. Therefore you CAN or CAN NOT issue memberships to people you want to be members :) Very simple.Very legal.
just becoming a 'private' club doesn't make a business exempt from public accommodation laws.
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
No, just don't force 'em to provide products and services to sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).
Why? To serve what purpose? Because you have little or no understanding of human sexual behavior, why classify homosexuality as perversions? And why openly discriminate against them? What purpose does that serve?
If you have to ask the question, you will not understand the answer.
Are you satisfied with the quick dodge, the coward's way out? Your's is such a response.

Your non response gibberish is cowardly .
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
No, just don't force 'em to provide products and services to sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).
Why? To serve what purpose? Because you have little or no understanding of human sexual behavior, why classify homosexuality as perversions? And why openly discriminate against them? What purpose does that serve?
If you have to ask the question, you will not understand the answer.
Are you satisfied with the quick dodge, the coward's way out? Your's is such a response.
Over time, I've burned-up my share of energy, supplying cogent defenses, for such a stance.

It's a nice, cool Sunday afternoon, and my time, today, is far more important to me than dealing with the pissing and moaning about sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).

They - or is it you? - just aren't important enough to justify the all the fuss.
If all I had in my quiver were poison tipped arrows of fear, hatred, suspicion and hurtful stereotypes, I might slink back into the coward's argument too. But only if I had nothing, as you appear to.
All the bakery has to do is hire some homosexual bakers
Bakery didn't break any law. Bakery WON'T pay anything :) As you can see.

Bakery took $500k from the we hate fags crow

They can pay
You mean people donated money to fight the religious persecution of this couple. I know. I helped. As far as I know they haven't taken the money yet and they don't want to.
The fun part is now more homosexual customers will come in and ask for a cake

At $135k a pop
And they will be denied :) See I would have made a lovely cake...maybe a protruding vagina or a woman's head eating another woman want cake? Here ya go! :D
Actually its none of your business who a business chooses to do business with. None. Zero. It wasn't my business either until the state decided to persecute this couple.

The state awarded a similar amount to a woman who was discriminated against BECAUSE she was a Christian.

So much for your ignorance -based theories.

If I were in the homosexual community, I would send a steady stream of gay couples requesting wedding cakes

$135,000 a pop should break them pretty soon
Its very easy to stop that. :) Its called paying for and getting license to become private club. Therefore you CAN or CAN NOT issue memberships to people you want to be members :) Very simple.Very legal.
just becoming a 'private' club doesn't make a business exempt from public accommodation laws.
Bakery didn't break any law. Bakery WON'T pay anything :) As you can see.

Bakery took $500k from the we hate fags crow

They can pay
You mean people donated money to fight the religious persecution of this couple. I know. I helped. As far as I know they haven't taken the money yet and they don't want to.
The fun part is now more homosexual customers will come in and ask for a cake

At $135k a pop
And they will be denied :) See I would have made a lovely cake...maybe a protruding vagina or a woman's head eating another woman want cake? Here ya go! :D
Actually its none of your business who a business chooses to do business with. None. Zero. It wasn't my business either until the state decided to persecute this couple.

The state awarded a similar amount to a woman who was discriminated against BECAUSE she was a Christian.

So much for your ignorance -based theories.

If I were in the homosexual community, I would send a steady stream of gay couples requesting wedding cakes

$135,000 a pop should break them pretty soon
Its very easy to stop that. :) Its called paying for and getting license to become private club. Therefore you CAN or CAN NOT issue memberships to people you want to be members :) Very simple.Very legal.
just becoming a 'private' club doesn't make a business exempt from public accommodation laws.
It allows a business to decide who gets in and who doesn't. Not a member? Can't come in. They also get to decide who becomes a member! Its a PRIVATE business/residence. :) I know I am a member of one.
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
No, just don't force 'em to provide products and services to sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).
Why? To serve what purpose? Because you have little or no understanding of human sexual behavior, why classify homosexuality as perversions? And why openly discriminate against them? What purpose does that serve?
If you have to ask the question, you will not understand the answer.
Are you satisfied with the quick dodge, the coward's way out? Your's is such a response.

Your non response gibberish is cowardly .
I asked questions. See! Here they are now:

Why? To serve what purpose? Because you have little or no understanding of human sexual behavior, why classify homosexuality as perversions? And why openly discriminate against them? What purpose does that serve?

Perhaps you would take a stab at answering my hem. Or do you only speak gibberish?
...If all I had in my quiver were poison tipped arrows of fear, hatred, suspicion and hurtful stereotypes, I might slink back into the coward's argument too. But only if I had nothing, as you appear to.
" You tell 'em, Queenie !!! "

...For the record, I'm a happy straight man. I am also an American citizen who knows bigotry when he sees it.

Bakery took $500k from the we hate fags crow

They can pay
You mean people donated money to fight the religious persecution of this couple. I know. I helped. As far as I know they haven't taken the money yet and they don't want to.
The fun part is now more homosexual customers will come in and ask for a cake

At $135k a pop
And they will be denied :) See I would have made a lovely cake...maybe a protruding vagina or a woman's head eating another woman want cake? Here ya go! :D
The state awarded a similar amount to a woman who was discriminated against BECAUSE she was a Christian.

So much for your ignorance -based theories.

If I were in the homosexual community, I would send a steady stream of gay couples requesting wedding cakes

$135,000 a pop should break them pretty soon
Its very easy to stop that. :) Its called paying for and getting license to become private club. Therefore you CAN or CAN NOT issue memberships to people you want to be members :) Very simple.Very legal.
just becoming a 'private' club doesn't make a business exempt from public accommodation laws.
Bakery took $500k from the we hate fags crow

They can pay
You mean people donated money to fight the religious persecution of this couple. I know. I helped. As far as I know they haven't taken the money yet and they don't want to.
The fun part is now more homosexual customers will come in and ask for a cake

At $135k a pop
And they will be denied :) See I would have made a lovely cake...maybe a protruding vagina or a woman's head eating another woman want cake? Here ya go! :D
The state awarded a similar amount to a woman who was discriminated against BECAUSE she was a Christian.

So much for your ignorance -based theories.

If I were in the homosexual community, I would send a steady stream of gay couples requesting wedding cakes

$135,000 a pop should break them pretty soon
Its very easy to stop that. :) Its called paying for and getting license to become private club. Therefore you CAN or CAN NOT issue memberships to people you want to be members :) Very simple.Very legal.
just becoming a 'private' club doesn't make a business exempt from public accommodation laws.
It allows a business to decide who gets in and who doesn't. Not a member? Can't come in. They also get to decide who becomes a member! Its a PRIVATE business/residence. :) I know I am a member of one.
but you do understand that simply being a private club does not necessarily mean a business is exempt from public accommodation laws, right?
So, show a little faith and do just that. When the state seizes everything they own I am just fine with that. They can walk around in sandals, preaching, as Jesus did, and just as broke and homeless.

No. You sell the house and everything else you own, for as little cash as you can get then flush the money down the toilet or give it away. Thereby ensuring the Government and the homos get NOTHING
Yep, not gonna work. Sorry, you are required to obey the law in this case. So sad, for your kind...
Bakery took $500k from the we hate fags crow

They can pay
You mean people donated money to fight the religious persecution of this couple. I know. I helped. As far as I know they haven't taken the money yet and they don't want to.
The fun part is now more homosexual customers will come in and ask for a cake

At $135k a pop
And they will be denied :) See I would have made a lovely cake...maybe a protruding vagina or a woman's head eating another woman want cake? Here ya go! :D
The state awarded a similar amount to a woman who was discriminated against BECAUSE she was a Christian.

So much for your ignorance -based theories.

In Oregon, dumbass. What part of 'the state' don't you understand?

In the Matter ofANDREW W. ENGEL, DMD, PC dba AWE DENTAL SPA andDR. ANDREW W. ENGEL individually as an Aider and AbettorCase No. 38-11Final Order of Commissioner Brad AvakianIssued September 13, 2012SYNOPSIS
Respondent Awe Dental Spa employed Complainant as a dental assistant andsubjected her to harassment based on her religion, failed to reasonably accommodateher religious beliefs, and constructively discharged her based on her religion.Respondent Dr. Andrew W. Engel aided and abetted Respondent Awe Dental Spa inthe commission of the unlawful employment practices. The forum awardedComplainant $12,000 in back pay, $10,654 in out-of-pocket expenses attributable to theunlawful employment practices, and $325,000 in damages for mental, emotional, andphysical suffering, and found Respondents jointly and severally liable for thesedamages. The forum also required Respondent Dr. Engel and his staff to attendtraining on recognizing and preventing religious discrimination. ORS 659A.030(1)(a),ORS 659A.030(1)(b), ORS 659A.030(1)(g), ORS 659A.033, ORS 659A.850.

Dr Andrew Engel #38-11

Now let's hear you defend Dr. Engel
He tried forcing his employee to attend HIS religious training in the hell is that even CLOSE to being the same with the Bakery not wanting to bake a cake for faggots? Hint. ITS NOT!

It proves you're an idiot, but, in fairness, I think that was already established.
...For the record, I'm a happy straight man. I am also an American citizen who knows bigotry when he sees it.

Just post an image of a white flag. That serves your purpose without making you look so immature.
Religious persecution is as old as Religion itself. American and European Christians are under assault. The Left has it in for em. It's time to face that reality head-on. You have to stand up. It's the only choice Christians have.
really? can you give us an example?

Everyone knows Communists/Progressives are obsessed with hating Christians. They've done everything they could to destroy the faith. This is especially true in Western Europe. Now the Churches sit empty while the Mosques are filled to capacity.

The American Left is conducting the same 'War on Christians' here. Americans are just gonna have to stand up for their religious freedoms and practices. They have no choice at this point.
everyone knows it. you can't give an example, but everyone knows it's happening.

Yes we know, ALL HAIL 'PISS CHRIST!'

ah yes. the nearly 30 year old photograph that is 'proof' of this contemporary, omnipresent 'war on christianity'

Communists/Progressives hate Christians. That's common knowledge. Just because you don't acknowledge that fact, doesn't mean it isn't so.
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