Statements or quotes Obama should have made


Gold Member
Jun 26, 2008
With Obama finally on the way out I think it fitting to list some statements or quotes he should have made during his control of our country. I will start and feel free to add to it.

"Mike Brown did not have his hands up"

"All lives matter"

"My administration and I made a huge mistake pulling out of Iraq too soon"

"My administration acted dishonorably by giving the stand down orders and not allowing help to the Benghazi victims"

"I apologize for allowing the media and democratic politicians to falsely accuse opponents of all policies put in force by my administration as being racist."

"I apologize for ObamaCare"

"I apologize for all the expensive wasted trips my family and myself have cost the taxpayers"
Black Lives Matter doesn't mean only black lives matter... it means exactly as you quoted above... "All lives matter", including black lives"
Black Lives Matter doesn't mean only black lives matter... it means exactly as you quoted above... "All lives matter", including black lives"
Is this a quote you wanted Obama to make?

No, I don't need to play pretend. Do you want to continue playing pretend?

Yay I can pretend Obama said everything that vindicates my stupid beliefs! yay!
You people elected me on a platform of change and then you elected Trump on a platform of change.

If you REALLY want things to change, change congress.
The greatest quote ever made by Obama was calling west a jack ass from taking the mike from Taylor..


I will give him that
"I'm sorry for leaving Donald Trump with the Dow at 600 and half a million jobs being lost every month."

"I'm sorry for creating the DHS police state and three wars."
"I apologize for the foolish agreement that John Kerry and myself made with Iran in giving them that tremendous amount of money and accomplishing absolutely nothing."
I should have told Nancy to shove where the sun don't shine the Affordable Care Act that she let the insurance lobby compose and come back with a public option like I asked for.
When congress made it their mission to see me fail instead of doing the job that they were elected to do, I should have called upon the people to march on D.C.

Maybe The Donald won't make the same mistake.....
"I apologize to America for apologizing to other countries for what I foolishly thought were weaknesses in America."
"I apologize for falsely accepting responsibility for creating so many new jobs when they were mostly part time jobs.
"I apologize for taking 750 billion out of Medicare and put it in ObamaCare which I knew would fail."
You people elected me on a platform of change and then you elected Trump on a platform of change.

If you REALLY want things to change, change congress.

Change for the better only happens under Dems...unless you're a greedy rich a-hole...

That is simply not true, franco. The democrats in congress and the senate are just as beholding to campaign contributors as are their republican counterparts. Neither party has the answers, neither party is innocent, and neither party has cornered the market on corruption.

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