States banning Sharia Law

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I dont think banning sharia will pass constitutional muster. If Muslims want to establish sharia courts and voluntarily submit themselves to them, fine.

Every state has a sharia court. The Supreme Court of sharia is in Texas. We've had Sharia in this country for many years. That's not what muslims want. OUR courts do not consider sharia law. That's what they want. Our enforcement procedures will enforce a sharia judgment, but our courts will not impose one, particularly on an infidel.
CaféAuLait;9114496 said:
I dont think banning sharia will pass constitutional muster. If Muslims want to establish sharia courts and voluntarily submit themselves to them, fine.

Settling petty disputes is one thing, bringing in and adopting religious laws into the British constitution where it violates and or allows Muslims to ignore established law is totally different. Brits just did this. It totally ignores the rights of women under British law, but is being adopted by British law due to religion.

Keith Porteous Wood, executive director of the National Secular Society, said: “This guidance marks a further stage in the British legal establishment’s undermining of democratically determined human rights-compliant law in favour of religious law from another era and another culture. British equality law is more comprehensive in scope and remedies than any elsewhere in the world. Instead of protecting it, The Law Society seems determined to sacrifice the progress made in the last 500 years.”

Lady Cox said: “Everyone has freedom to make their own will and everyone has freedom to let those wills reflect their religious beliefs. But to have an organisation such as The Law Society seeming to promote or encourage a policy which is inherently gender discriminatory in a way which will have very serious implications for women and possibly for children is a matter of deep concern.”

Islamic law is adopted by British legal chiefs - Telegraph

I find it disturbing.

I agree. We can't allow any religion to go against state or federal laws. If people are not willing to live by our laws, they should never come here.

If it were a matter of Muslim women voluntarily being subservient to their men and ceding all rights in their private lives, fine. But they want courts to ignore women's rights. Considering the horrible abuses and deaths many Muslim women suffer, how can any country even think about allowing it?
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CaféAuLait;9114496 said:
I dont think banning sharia will pass constitutional muster. If Muslims want to establish sharia courts and voluntarily submit themselves to them, fine.

Settling petty disputes is one thing, bringing in and adopting religious laws into the British constitution where it violates and or allows Muslims to ignore established law is totally different. Brits just did this. It totally ignores the rights of women under British law, but is being adopted by British law due to religion.

Keith Porteous Wood, executive director of the National Secular Society, said: “This guidance marks a further stage in the British legal establishment’s undermining of democratically determined human rights-compliant law in favour of religious law from another era and another culture. British equality law is more comprehensive in scope and remedies than any elsewhere in the world. Instead of protecting it, The Law Society seems determined to sacrifice the progress made in the last 500 years.”

Lady Cox said: “Everyone has freedom to make their own will and everyone has freedom to let those wills reflect their religious beliefs. But to have an organisation such as The Law Society seeming to promote or encourage a policy which is inherently gender discriminatory in a way which will have very serious implications for women and possibly for children is a matter of deep concern.”

Islamic law is adopted by British legal chiefs - Telegraph

I find it disturbing.
do you have beth din in America?

Has Beth Din been incorporated into American Law? Meaning the states have changed their existing laws to appease religious wants? No, in fact it must follow civil law of the US which has precedence over the Jewish marital law.

Instead, the Brits have CHANGED their existing laws to appease Muslims who wish to remove rights from women- which previously were voted in according to a democracy. Now those civil rights for women have been removed.

Beth din - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CaféAuLait;9117498 said:
CaféAuLait;9114496 said:
Settling petty disputes is one thing, bringing in and adopting religious laws into the British constitution where it violates and or allows Muslims to ignore established law is totally different. Brits just did this. It totally ignores the rights of women under British law, but is being adopted by British law due to religion.

Islamic law is adopted by British legal chiefs - Telegraph

I find it disturbing.
do you have beth din in America?

Has Beth Din been incorporated into American Law? Meaning the states have changed their existing laws to appease religious wants? No, in fact it must follow civil law of the US which has precedence over the Jewish marital law.

Instead, the Brits have CHANGED their existing laws to appease Muslims who wish to remove rights from women- which previously were voted in according to a democracy. Now those civil rights for women have been removed.

Beth din - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What laws have been changed?

What rights have been removed from women?
Sharia courts in western countries function the same as Beth Din courts, or private arbitration.

No non-Muslims are forced to be subject to them.

The ridiculous fear mongering about "sharia" is a pretty good example of why it's so hard to take you people seriously.
Sharia courts in western countries function the same as Beth Din courts, or private arbitration.

No non-Muslims are forced to be subject to them.

The ridiculous fear mongering about "sharia" is a pretty good example of why it's so hard to take you people seriously.

But it doesn't COUNT HERE. Learn it, Live It, KNOW it.
Sharia law is an abomination. Is has no place on this earth.

So many of the leftist jackholes on these pages say that WE conservatives want a theocracy...but in the same breath defend Sharia Law...when WE Conservatives defend the ONLY law that matters here in this Republic, and that IS the Constitution.

I'd say something is rather askew here, wouldn't you?

Hint: It isn't Conservatives...but't tell them.:eusa_shhh:
CaféAuLait;9117498 said:
do you have beth din in America?

Has Beth Din been incorporated into American Law? Meaning the states have changed their existing laws to appease religious wants? No, in fact it must follow civil law of the US which has precedence over the Jewish marital law.

Instead, the Brits have CHANGED their existing laws to appease Muslims who wish to remove rights from women- which previously were voted in according to a democracy. Now those civil rights for women have been removed.

Beth din - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What laws have been changed?

What rights have been removed from women?

As I said earlier, the Brits changed the current laws regarding wills.

Baroness Cox, a cross-bench peer leading a Parliamentary campaign to protect women from religiously sanctioned discrimination, including from unofficial Sharia courts in Britain, said it was a “deeply disturbing” development and pledged to raise it with ministers.

“This violates everything that we stand for,” she said. “It would make the Suffragettes turn in their graves.”

The guidance, quietly published this month and distributed to solicitors in England and Wales, details how wills should be drafted to fit Islamic traditions while being valid under British law...

It advises lawyers to draft special exclusions from the Wills Act 1837, which allows gifts to pass to the children of an heir who has died, because this is not recognised in Islamic law.

Islamic law is adopted by British legal chiefs - Telegraph

I find it disturbing that it seems the laws are going backwards and the civil rights of women are now in question.
Sharia courts in western countries function the same as Beth Din courts, or private arbitration.

No non-Muslims are forced to be subject to them.

The ridiculous fear mongering about "sharia" is a pretty good example of why it's so hard to take you people seriously.

But it doesn't COUNT HERE. Learn it, Live It, KNOW it.

So you don't believe that individuals should have the right to enter contracts as they wish, simply because you don't like their religion?
CaféAuLait;9117646 said:
CaféAuLait;9117498 said:
Has Beth Din been incorporated into American Law? Meaning the states have changed their existing laws to appease religious wants? No, in fact it must follow civil law of the US which has precedence over the Jewish marital law.

Instead, the Brits have CHANGED their existing laws to appease Muslims who wish to remove rights from women- which previously were voted in according to a democracy. Now those civil rights for women have been removed.

Beth din - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What laws have been changed?

What rights have been removed from women?

As I said earlier, the Brits changed the current laws regarding wills.

Baroness Cox, a cross-bench peer leading a Parliamentary campaign to protect women from religiously sanctioned discrimination, including from unofficial Sharia courts in Britain, said it was a “deeply disturbing” development and pledged to raise it with ministers.

“This violates everything that we stand for,” she said. “It would make the Suffragettes turn in their graves.”

The guidance, quietly published this month and distributed to solicitors in England and Wales, details how wills should be drafted to fit Islamic traditions while being valid under British law...

It advises lawyers to draft special exclusions from the Wills Act 1837, which allows gifts to pass to the children of an heir who has died, because this is not recognised in Islamic law.

Islamic law is adopted by British legal chiefs - Telegraph

And as I said earlier, I find it disturbing that it seems the laws are going backwards and the civil rights of women are now in question.

You're misreading your article, and seeing what you want to see (or what the Telegraph wants you to see). No law has been changed.

A guidance has been sent out advising lawyers on how to create "sharia" compliant wills. "Sharia" compliant wills have never been against the law in Britain.
Sharia courts in western countries function the same as Beth Din courts, or private arbitration.

No non-Muslims are forced to be subject to them.

The ridiculous fear mongering about "sharia" is a pretty good example of why it's so hard to take you people seriously.

Beth Din courts have to follow the law of the civil state when it comes to divorce/marriage.

The new guidance in Britain no longer requires such for wills when it comes to marriage. Muslim women can be treated without regard to the same laws when it comes to wills as opposed to non-Muslim women.
CaféAuLait;9117669 said:
Sharia courts in western countries function the same as Beth Din courts, or private arbitration.

No non-Muslims are forced to be subject to them.

The ridiculous fear mongering about "sharia" is a pretty good example of why it's so hard to take you people seriously.

Beth Din courts have to follow the law of the civil state when it comes to divorce/marriage.

The new guidance in Britain no longer requires such for wills when it comes to marriage. Muslim women can be treated without regard to the same laws when it comes to wills as opposed to non-Muslim women.

This is simply not true. No laws have changed. A "guidance" is not a change in laws, it's a letter sent to solicitors advising them how to write "sharia compliant" wills, within the framework of existing law.
CaféAuLait;9117646 said:
What laws have been changed?

What rights have been removed from women?

As I said earlier, the Brits changed the current laws regarding wills.

Baroness Cox, a cross-bench peer leading a Parliamentary campaign to protect women from religiously sanctioned discrimination, including from unofficial Sharia courts in Britain, said it was a “deeply disturbing” development and pledged to raise it with ministers.

“This violates everything that we stand for,” she said. “It would make the Suffragettes turn in their graves.”

The guidance, quietly published this month and distributed to solicitors in England and Wales, details how wills should be drafted to fit Islamic traditions while being valid under British law...

It advises lawyers to draft special exclusions from the Wills Act 1837, which allows gifts to pass to the children of an heir who has died, because this is not recognised in Islamic law.

Islamic law is adopted by British legal chiefs - Telegraph

And as I said earlier, I find it disturbing that it seems the laws are going backwards and the civil rights of women are now in question.

You're misreading your article, and seeing what you want to see (or what the Telegraph wants you to see). No law has been changed.

A guidance has been sent out advising lawyers on how to create "sharia" compliant wills. "Sharia" compliant wills have never been against the law in Britain.

You're right I did misread that law/guidance. the point to me, is it is being accepted and guidance is being given which supersedes exiting laws, Wills Act 1837 according to the article.

I don't care if its Muslim law, Jewish Law, Satanic law, or Scientology law. If it allows a woman to be treated differently than her peers its wrong IMO.
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CaféAuLait;9117725 said:
CaféAuLait;9117646 said:
As I said earlier, the Brits changed the current laws regarding wills.

Islamic law is adopted by British legal chiefs - Telegraph

And as I said earlier, I find it disturbing that it seems the laws are going backwards and the civil rights of women are now in question.

You're misreading your article, and seeing what you want to see (or what the Telegraph wants you to see). No law has been changed.

A guidance has been sent out advising lawyers on how to create "sharia" compliant wills. "Sharia" compliant wills have never been against the law in Britain.

You're right I did misread that law/guidance. the point to me, is it is being accepted and guidance is being given which supersedes exiting laws, Wills Act 1837 according to the article.

I don't care if its Muslim law, Jewish Law, Satanic law, or Scientology law. If it allows a woman to be treated differently than her peers its wrong IMO.

If I were to have 2 kids, a boy and a girl, and chose to leave all of my money to my son and nothing to my daughter, that wouldn't violate any laws - whether or not I did it for religious reasons.

The Wills Act of 1837 does not require "fairness" to women. (1837 wasn't really that big of a year for "women's rights", after all)

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