States banning Sharia Law

States banning Sharia Law

Actually, there’s no point in ‘banning’ Sharia ‘law,’ particularly since it isn’t ‘law’ to begin with, as it must conform to existing state contract law.
True. The real problem for law makers in banning it would be defining it. Sharia is interpretations of the teachings of the Qur’an and those interpretation vary with different sects just as interpretations of the Bible vary greatly. To complicate the issue even further, Non-Islamic cultural practices in countries such as Nigeria and Pakistan have been accepted as Shari even though they are completely contrary to the Qur'an and are rejected elsewhere.
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Anything that bans muslim extremism is good to go in my book, sharia definitely falls in that category.

This doesn’t make any sense.

Sharia isn’t ‘Muslim extremism.’

As is the case with Islam in general, there are criminals who misappropriate and distort Sharia in an effort to realize their own nefarious goals.

Moreover, there are already laws in place in the United States prohibiting acts of terrorism, ‘banning’ Sharia, whatever that means, doesn’t change that.

And as already correctly noted, ‘banning’ Sharia is likely un-Constitutional.
How can we condone legally allowing Muslims to trample women's rights? If they divorce, for instance, they want to kick the woman out the door with nothing. They don't want women to vote, drive or have a mind of their own. We cannot respect such stupid laws. If women wish to be treated like dogs, there is little we can do, but we shouldn't uphold such cruelty in courts.

That's odd.
Indonesia has more Muslims than any other country but here:

In the event of a divoece, all propery is divided 50/50 (except inherited property, regardless of if it's the man or woman that owns it).

All women here have the same voting rights as men - absolutely no difference at all.

Any woman can have a driving licence, either for car or motorcycle, exactly the same as men.

All women have the same rights to education as men, no difference at all.
Many women go into business, become doctors or follow a wide variety of other trades and professions.

One of the Indonesian national heroes is Kartini; known for her lead in the fight for women's education and rights.

Given mainly Muslim Indonesia does all these things, how can you claim Muslims don't do them?

Silly boy.
Banning Sharia Law is either redundant or unconstitutional, depending. To the extent that any elements of Sharia Law violate the constitution, they are already banned. To the extent that any elements of Sharia Law conform to the constitution, they are not bannable.
Anything that bans muslim extremism is good to go in my book, sharia definitely falls in that category.
The problem is there is no agreement on what Shari Law is. There is no one thing called Shari Law. There is no official document, such as the Ten Commandments that encapsulates it. Muslim communities have very different interpretations of Shari. It is overwhelmingly concerned with personal religious observance such as prayer and fasting. To outlaw Shari is equivant to outlawing Islam which of course is unconstitutional.

Shari law has all kinds of rules on banking and business
Anything that bans muslim extremism is good to go in my book, sharia definitely falls in that category.
The problem is there is no agreement on what Shari Law is. There is no one thing called Shari Law. There is no official document, such as the Ten Commandments that encapsulates it. Muslim communities have very different interpretations of Shari. It is overwhelmingly concerned with personal religious observance such as prayer and fasting. To outlaw Shari is equivant to outlawing Islam which of course is unconstitutional.

Shari law has all kinds of rules on banking and business

Actually, no. For the most part, it really only has one - outlawing usury.

Everything else is just interpretations of that, and will vary depending on the community.
The problem is there is no agreement on what Shari Law is. There is no one thing called Shari Law. There is no official document, such as the Ten Commandments that encapsulates it. Muslim communities have very different interpretations of Shari. It is overwhelmingly concerned with personal religious observance such as prayer and fasting. To outlaw Shari is equivant to outlawing Islam which of course is unconstitutional.

Shari law has all kinds of rules on banking and business

Actually, no. For the most part, it really only has one - outlawing usury.

Everything else is just interpretations of that, and will vary depending on the community.
Jesus was a bit anti usury as well, did he not throw the money lenders out of the temple.
As a Jew and member of the Labour Party I took great pride in assisting Yasmin Qureshi to become the first female Muslim Member of Parliament. Ms Qureshi is a Barrister practicing criminal law. Your view on Sharia arbitration match hers and mine because they are accurate.
CaféAuLait;9117725 said:
CaféAuLait;9117646 said:
As I said earlier, the Brits changed the current laws regarding wills.

Islamic law is adopted by British legal chiefs - Telegraph

And as I said earlier, I find it disturbing that it seems the laws are going backwards and the civil rights of women are now in question.

You're misreading your article, and seeing what you want to see (or what the Telegraph wants you to see). No law has been changed.

A guidance has been sent out advising lawyers on how to create "sharia" compliant wills. "Sharia" compliant wills have never been against the law in Britain.

You're right I did misread that law/guidance. the point to me, is it is being accepted and guidance is being given which supersedes exiting laws, Wills Act 1837 according to the article.

I don't care if its Muslim law, Jewish Law, Satanic law, or Scientology law. If it allows a woman to be treated differently than her peers its wrong IMO.
it take a man to admit he is wrong.

In the UK the laws that were altered to accommodate Jewish culture and religion were allowing Jewish shopkeepers to open on the Christian Sabbath when it was illegal for Christian shopkeepers to open, the humane slaughter of animals, the mandatory schools religious education act.
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