States look to ban abortion coverage in Obamacare exchanges.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011

The people are speaking.

Hope the death cultists have the sense to listen..but I don't hold out much hope.

"The Virginia House and Senate voted Wednesday to ban abortion coverage in insurance plans sold through the health care exchange that will be set up in compliance with the Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare."

"The amendment reads: "No qualified health insurance plan that is sold or offered for sale through an exchange established or operating in the Commonwealth shall provide coverage for abortions, regardless of whether such coverage is provided through the plan or is offered as a separate optional rider thereto … ."

"According to SBA List's Charlotte Lozier Institute, at least 20 states have now banned abortion coverage in their health care exchanges."

Read more at No Abortion Funding in 'Obamacare' Health Exchanges, Virginia Decides

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