States sue to rein in Obama's illegal amnesty

So, basically, it's anything the President does that doesn't modify a law.

No, it's pretty much anything the President does, period. If Obama picks his nose at his desk, that's an executive action.

Keep digging your hole and tell me that Obama took action to change the law. He can't even modify a law, but he said he did.

You're trying to create problems that don't exist. Obama is using his authority as President to do things that are within the scope of his job. Just because you don't like it does not justify throwing your wet panties around in a hissy fit.

But he didn't. Naturalization is a specific enumerated power given to Congress. When the president changes the enforcement of the laws passed by Congress so as to counteract the law, he's overstepped his authority. He cannot do this. It violates his oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, it makes him a legislative force that the Constitution grants only to Congress, and it short circuits any real and lasting reform effected through the proper venue.
The president's executive order requires departments to change regulations. As long as those regulations are within the scope of the law, they are legal. Immigration law gives the president great latitude on enforcement of immigration law. Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, and both Bush I and II have issued executive orders that have defrayed deportations or have admitted millions of otherwise illegal immigrants, all without the approval of congress.
So, basically, it's anything the President does that doesn't modify a law.

No, it's pretty much anything the President does, period. If Obama picks his nose at his desk, that's an executive action.

Keep digging your hole and tell me that Obama took action to change the law. He can't even modify a law, but he said he did.

You're trying to create problems that don't exist. Obama is using his authority as President to do things that are within the scope of his job. Just because you don't like it does not justify throwing your wet panties around in a hissy fit.

But he didn't. Naturalization is a specific enumerated power given to Congress. When the president changes the enforcement of the laws passed by Congress so as to counteract the law, he's overstepped his authority. He cannot do this. It violates his oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, it makes him a legislative force that the Constitution grants only to Congress, and it short circuits any real and lasting reform effected through the proper venue.
The president's executive order requires departments to change regulations. As long as those regulations are within the scope of the law, they are legal. Immigration law gives the president great latitude on enforcement of immigration law. Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, and both Bush I and II have issued executive orders that have defrayed deportations or have admitted millions of otherwise illegal immigrants, all without the approval of congress.
Absolute bunk. Congress granted amnesty on a few occasions and the president executed the law. There's no comparison to what Hussein is doing.
TooTall is not interested in discussion only in he is right. That's why he is wrong here.

For instance, he can't providence constant number on illegal aliens in the country.

For instance, he does not understand the difference between EOs and EAs.

I gave the exact numbers as published by the government, and perhaps you will tell me if Obama issued an EO or an EA on immigration. I seriously doubt that you know.

Your number was a guesstimate, so I gave more for context. I know within the context of what was issued that it will be treated in the law as an EO.
So, basically, it's anything the President does that doesn't modify a law.

No, it's pretty much anything the President does, period. If Obama picks his nose at his desk, that's an executive action.

Keep digging your hole and tell me that Obama took action to change the law. He can't even modify a law, but he said he did.

You're trying to create problems that don't exist. Obama is using his authority as President to do things that are within the scope of his job. Just because you don't like it does not justify throwing your wet panties around in a hissy fit.

But he didn't. Naturalization is a specific enumerated power given to Congress. When the president changes the enforcement of the laws passed by Congress so as to counteract the law, he's overstepped his authority. He cannot do this. It violates his oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, it makes him a legislative force that the Constitution grants only to Congress, and it short circuits any real and lasting reform effected through the proper venue.
The president's executive order requires departments to change regulations. As long as those regulations are within the scope of the law, they are legal. Immigration law gives the president great latitude on enforcement of immigration law. Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, and both Bush I and II have issued executive orders that have defrayed deportations or have admitted millions of otherwise illegal immigrants, all without the approval of congress.
Absolute bunk. Congress granted amnesty on a few occasions and the president executed the law. There's no comparison to what Hussein is doing.
So, basically, it's anything the President does that doesn't modify a law.

No, it's pretty much anything the President does, period. If Obama picks his nose at his desk, that's an executive action.

Keep digging your hole and tell me that Obama took action to change the law. He can't even modify a law, but he said he did.

You're trying to create problems that don't exist. Obama is using his authority as President to do things that are within the scope of his job. Just because you don't like it does not justify throwing your wet panties around in a hissy fit.

nah, just don't like a liar.
So, basically, it's anything the President does that doesn't modify a law.

No, it's pretty much anything the President does, period. If Obama picks his nose at his desk, that's an executive action.

Keep digging your hole and tell me that Obama took action to change the law. He can't even modify a law, but he said he did.

You're trying to create problems that don't exist. Obama is using his authority as President to do things that are within the scope of his job. Just because you don't like it does not justify throwing your wet panties around in a hissy fit.

I take that mealy mouthed answer as an admission the Obama issued an EA and is a lying sack of dog squeeze for telling his base that he took action to change the law.

My numbers were from the government and were linked. Next!
So, basically, it's anything the President does that doesn't modify a law.

No, it's pretty much anything the President does, period. If Obama picks his nose at his desk, that's an executive action.

Keep digging your hole and tell me that Obama took action to change the law. He can't even modify a law, but he said he did.

You're trying to create problems that don't exist. Obama is using his authority as President to do things that are within the scope of his job. Just because you don't like it does not justify throwing your wet panties around in a hissy fit.

But he didn't. Naturalization is a specific enumerated power given to Congress. When the president changes the enforcement of the laws passed by Congress so as to counteract the law, he's overstepped his authority. He cannot do this. It violates his oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, it makes him a legislative force that the Constitution grants only to Congress, and it short circuits any real and lasting reform effected through the proper venue.
The president's executive order requires departments to change regulations. As long as those regulations are within the scope of the law, they are legal. Immigration law gives the president great latitude on enforcement of immigration law. Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, and both Bush I and II have issued executive orders that have defrayed deportations or have admitted millions of otherwise illegal immigrants, all without the approval of congress.
Absolute bunk. Congress granted amnesty on a few occasions and the president executed the law. There's no comparison to what Hussein is doing.
In July 1989, the Senate moved to protect a bigger group—all spouses and children of those who legalized under IRCA. The Senate passed legislation 81-17 that prohibited the administration from deporting family members of immigrants in the process of legalizing and directed officials to grant them work authorization. The House failed to act on the Senate’s bill.

George Bush Sr. then responded in February 1990 by administratively implementing the Senate bill’s provisions himself without approval of congress to back his action. This executive order protected 1.5 million from deportation. President after president have stop deportations and authorized the immigration of those that could have only enter the country illegally. Like Obama, they were all within the scope of the law.

When Reagan and GHW Bush took bold executive action on immigration TheHill
So, basically, it's anything the President does that doesn't modify a law.

No, it's pretty much anything the President does, period. If Obama picks his nose at his desk, that's an executive action.

Keep digging your hole and tell me that Obama took action to change the law. He can't even modify a law, but he said he did.

You're trying to create problems that don't exist. Obama is using his authority as President to do things that are within the scope of his job. Just because you don't like it does not justify throwing your wet panties around in a hissy fit.

But he didn't. Naturalization is a specific enumerated power given to Congress. When the president changes the enforcement of the laws passed by Congress so as to counteract the law, he's overstepped his authority. He cannot do this. It violates his oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, it makes him a legislative force that the Constitution grants only to Congress, and it short circuits any real and lasting reform effected through the proper venue.
The president's executive order requires departments to change regulations. As long as those regulations are within the scope of the law, they are legal. Immigration law gives the president great latitude on enforcement of immigration law. Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, and both Bush I and II have issued executive orders that have defrayed deportations or have admitted millions of otherwise illegal immigrants, all without the approval of congress.
Absolute bunk. Congress granted amnesty on a few occasions and the president executed the law. There's no comparison to what Hussein is doing.
In July 1989, the Senate moved to protect a bigger group—all spouses and children of those who legalized under IRCA. The Senate passed legislation 81-17 that prohibited the administration from deporting family members of immigrants in the process of legalizing and directed officials to grant them work authorization. The House failed to act on the Senate’s bill.

George Bush Sr. then responded in February 1990 by administratively implementing the Senate bill’s provisions himself without approval of congress to back his action. This executive order protected 1.5 million from deportation. President after president have stop deportations and authorized the immigration of those that could have only enter the country illegally. Like Obama, they were all within the scope of the law.

When Reagan and GHW Bush took bold executive action on immigration TheHill

This is what Bush Sr was enforcing.

S. 1200; Pub.L. 99-603; 100 Stat. 3359.

99th Congress; November 6, 1986.

You can find the full text of this law here or download the PDF.


The Immigration Reform and Control Act was passed and signed into law on November 6, 1986. The purpose of this legislation was to amend, revise, and reform/re-assess the status of unauthorized immigrants set forth in the Immigration and Nationality Act. The content of this bill is overwhelming and is divided into many sections such as control of unauthorized immigration, legalization and reform of legal immigration. The focus of this précis will be on the legalization aspect of the bill.

This bill gave unauthorized aliens the opportunity to apply and gain legal status if they met mandated requirements. The fate or status of all those who applied fell into the hands of “Designated Entities” and finally the U.S. Attorney General. Applicants had to prove that they lived and maintained a continuous physical presence in the U.S. since January 1st, 1982, possess a clean criminal record, and provide proof of registration within the Selective Service. Moreover, applicants had to meet minimal knowledge requirements in U.S. history, government and the English language or be pursuing a course of study approved by the Attorney General.

This bill also outlined previsions for temporary residents’ travel, employment, false statements, numerical limitations, adjustments for status and treatment of applications by “Designated Entities”. Furthermore, after an applicant was assigned a legal status or deemed a temporary lawful resident, they were disqualified from receiving all forms of public welfare assistance for five years. The rules for applications and welfare assistance did not apply to Cuban or Haitian immigrants.
So, basically, it's anything the President does that doesn't modify a law.

No, it's pretty much anything the President does, period. If Obama picks his nose at his desk, that's an executive action.

Keep digging your hole and tell me that Obama took action to change the law. He can't even modify a law, but he said he did.

You're trying to create problems that don't exist. Obama is using his authority as President to do things that are within the scope of his job. Just because you don't like it does not justify throwing your wet panties around in a hissy fit.

Providing illegal immigrants with the ability to work legally is in violation of current immigration law. There is NO law that allows him to do that. THAT is his violation of constitutional authority.
So, basically, it's anything the President does that doesn't modify a law.

No, it's pretty much anything the President does, period. If Obama picks his nose at his desk, that's an executive action.

Keep digging your hole and tell me that Obama took action to change the law. He can't even modify a law, but he said he did.

You're trying to create problems that don't exist. Obama is using his authority as President to do things that are within the scope of his job. Just because you don't like it does not justify throwing your wet panties around in a hissy fit.

I take that mealy mouthed answer as an admission the Obama issued an EA and is a lying sack of dog squeeze for telling his base that he took action to change the law.

My numbers were from the government and were linked. Next!

All of my numbers were linked and were in context. Yours? Meh.

That you don't know the difference between executive orders etc is your problem, son, no one else.

You droids' hatred twists evidence and critical thinking into stupid conclusions.

The black man is president and will remain so. The brown people will not be mass deported.

The EO give the Congress a several month window to act: do so.
So, basically, it's anything the President does that doesn't modify a law.

No, it's pretty much anything the President does, period. If Obama picks his nose at his desk, that's an executive action.

Keep digging your hole and tell me that Obama took action to change the law. He can't even modify a law, but he said he did.

You're trying to create problems that don't exist. Obama is using his authority as President to do things that are within the scope of his job. Just because you don't like it does not justify throwing your wet panties around in a hissy fit.

I take that mealy mouthed answer as an admission the Obama issued an EA and is a lying sack of dog squeeze for telling his base that he took action to change the law.

My numbers were from the government and were linked. Next!

All of my numbers were linked and were in context. Yours? Meh.

That you don't know the difference between executive orders etc is your problem, son, no one else.

You droids' hatred twists evidence and critical thinking into stupid conclusions.

The black man is president and will remain so. The brown people will not be mass deported.

The EO give the Congress a several month window to act: do so.

Obama didn't issue an EO dumbass! And the EA he did sign is a weak attempt at blackmail.
You don't what is an EO, obviously.

Your opinion is not the definition of EO, bub.
You don't what is an EO, obviously.

Your opinion is not the definition of EO, bub.

Read this and learn something, if that is even possible.

Fixing Our Broken Immigration System Through Executive Action - Key Facts

The President asked Secretary Johnson and Attorney General Eric Holder to undertake a rigorous and inclusive review to inform recommendations on reforming our broken immigration system through executive action.

Immigration Action Homeland Security

On edit:

"The terms executive action and executive order are not interchangeable. Executive orders are legally binding and published in the Federal Register, though they also can be reversed by the courts and Congress.

A good way to think of executive actions is a wish list of policies the president would like to see enacted."
Last edited:

Because we only have so much money each year to deport these immigrants, only 400k or so a year can be deported....(and it could be even less than that if they divert some of the INS budgeted money towards increasing our security along the border)

And waiting 27.5 years to deport all of these 11 million is just too long....

Who do you think should be deported first since it is so limited? To me, the sooner they get the gangsters, gang members, drug dealers, and the likes of such deported, would be better for all Americans safety. It costs money to deport these illegals, and the money is limited.

The parents of US Citizen children, due to our laws on the books, can not be easily deported and no one, except a handful, truly want to separate these children from their family unit, especially when the parents are law abiding parents outside of their initial misdemeanor of staying beyond their Visa or crossing the border illegally....

Basically, IF SOME of the 11 million ILLEGALS can't be deported immediately, who would be best to keep?

My problem with all of this, is not who Obama chose to delay deportation on, or him prioritizing....which is necessary under the circumstances...

but is with Congress's inaction on this immigration problem that we have.... if they don't fund more deportations and fund a more secure border, and don't penalize employers for hiring illegals to a degree that really hurts them, and don't change our guest working visa quantities and simplify the process, then 20 years from now, we will be in the same boat...

it'll be groundhog day.

I didn't support President Reagan when he made the effort to legalized illegal immigrants with the promise of stricter borders later, and I don't support the similar actions and promises now. The Federal Immigration Laws are still being ignored, and our borders are still not secured, those issues are the GREATER priority.

What no one has addressed is accountability. I know .. I know ... accountability and responsibility are words the left doesn't want to hear or even discuss, they often just act without ever taking in consideration the consequences such action would create. Obama has proven that himself with the multiple executive actions he has made on the issue of immigration alone, each an attempt to try solve the mess he created from the last one. NEWSFLASH - that's why we have a Congress and politicians on both sides who debate, insert, remove, reject, and rebuild a bill to send to the senate. It is a Constitutional process that has work rather well for over 200 years WITHOUT having an "oops" to turn around and then try to quickly fix, like we usually find with Obama's mess.

As for the issue of accountability, some states have been know to be very vocal in choosing their OWN way to handle the issue, outside of and ignoring Federal laws. Many of these added costs have resulted from the problems created by the state themselves, their actions have encouraged illegal immigrations not prevented them. You blame businesses who hire illegals, I say the states have set policies that are far worse.

The solution?
If states want their "sanctuary cities", if their governors want to give them free education and a driver's license that encourages more illegals to live there .... then I am in favor of cutting their Federal funding as a consequence of those policies ... until they comply. The funding saved will go towards paying for those costs concerns that you have addressed.

Is that cold to those that depend on Federal funding? Our Federal Government, and particularly this president, cuts defense spending that is linked to AMERICAN jobs and LEGAL citizens. Yet the liberals supports the funding of illegals through various programs OVER their own citizens who live here legally. That does not help our economy, that doesn't put our own American citizens first. THAT way of thinking has to change. If your state supports harboring illegals and paying for their programs, in an effort to take a symbolic stand against Federal Law, your Federal funding WILL be cut.

Remember ... Obama may think he is a dictator boss who thinks he will get what he wants, but Congress holds the purse strings. Good luck with your funding Mr President. I fully support that kind of legislative action.

1) Close our borders

2) Deal with those states who harbor illegals

3) strengthen our immigration laws

.... then Mr. Obama, we have something to discuss and build on. Nothing else should be even discussed... until such actions above are accomplished FIRST.

President Reagan gave us promises if we comply ... we will NOT be making the same mistake twice. The voters in the mid term election have spoken, and Obama has two Republican majorities who has to answer to those voters who elected them. The liberals may not like it, but that is our Constitutional process under the voting power of "We the people".
"Sates sue to rein in Obama's illegal amnesty"

Again, the president's order is neither 'illegal' nor 'amnesty.'

The president's order is supported by Federal law reaffirmed as Constitutional by the Supreme Court.

The suit is devoid of merit, no court will hear the case as immigration policy is the sole purview of the Federal government.

Can you show me specifically where in the Constitution that it shows the executive branch has THAT kind of executive power, over legislative laws that have already been passed and signed into law?
He took action to change the law, but he didn't really change the law. What does that mean?

You'll never understand the answer to your question until you understand how absurd your question is. And you'll never understand that until you recognize that not all law is statutory.

What other kinds of law are there besides statutory law? All I understand is Obama said "I took action to change the law." and now I am told he did not change the law. My next 'absurd' question is, did his action change the law or was he just lying and pandering to illegal immigrants?

Has anyone actually seen any written order from the president at all, or is he claiming that he can now change the law just by saying he wants to do so?
He took action to change the law, but he didn't really change the law. What does that mean?

You'll never understand the answer to your question until you understand how absurd your question is. And you'll never understand that until you recognize that not all law is statutory.

What other kinds of law are there besides statutory law? All I understand is Obama said "I took action to change the law." and now I am told he did not change the law. My next 'absurd' question is, did his action change the law or was he just lying and pandering to illegal immigrants?

Has anyone actually seen any written order from the president at all, or is he claiming that he can now change the law just by saying he wants to do so?

Obama: Hey Jeh.
Johnson: What's up Barry?
Obama: Listen I want us to do something about this immigration mess. This is what I want you to do....don't make a big deal to deport everyday families and such. Focus on the scary guys. You know, murderers, rapists, human smugglers, drug mules, and the Dutch. I always hated the Dutch.
Johnson: Yeah, sure thing Barry. We can do that.

And voila! Executive action, action.
No, it's pretty much anything the President does, period. If Obama picks his nose at his desk, that's an executive action.

You're trying to create problems that don't exist. Obama is using his authority as President to do things that are within the scope of his job. Just because you don't like it does not justify throwing your wet panties around in a hissy fit.

But he didn't. Naturalization is a specific enumerated power given to Congress. When the president changes the enforcement of the laws passed by Congress so as to counteract the law, he's overstepped his authority. He cannot do this. It violates his oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, it makes him a legislative force that the Constitution grants only to Congress, and it short circuits any real and lasting reform effected through the proper venue.
The president's executive order requires departments to change regulations. As long as those regulations are within the scope of the law, they are legal. Immigration law gives the president great latitude on enforcement of immigration law. Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, and both Bush I and II have issued executive orders that have defrayed deportations or have admitted millions of otherwise illegal immigrants, all without the approval of congress.
Absolute bunk. Congress granted amnesty on a few occasions and the president executed the law. There's no comparison to what Hussein is doing.
In July 1989, the Senate moved to protect a bigger group—all spouses and children of those who legalized under IRCA. The Senate passed legislation 81-17 that prohibited the administration from deporting family members of immigrants in the process of legalizing and directed officials to grant them work authorization. The House failed to act on the Senate’s bill.

George Bush Sr. then responded in February 1990 by administratively implementing the Senate bill’s provisions himself without approval of congress to back his action. This executive order protected 1.5 million from deportation. President after president have stop deportations and authorized the immigration of those that could have only enter the country illegally. Like Obama, they were all within the scope of the law.

When Reagan and GHW Bush took bold executive action on immigration TheHill

This is what Bush Sr was enforcing.

S. 1200; Pub.L. 99-603; 100 Stat. 3359.

99th Congress; November 6, 1986.

You can find the full text of this law here or download the PDF.


The Immigration Reform and Control Act was passed and signed into law on November 6, 1986. The purpose of this legislation was to amend, revise, and reform/re-assess the status of unauthorized immigrants set forth in the Immigration and Nationality Act. The content of this bill is overwhelming and is divided into many sections such as control of unauthorized immigration, legalization and reform of legal immigration. The focus of this précis will be on the legalization aspect of the bill.

This bill gave unauthorized aliens the opportunity to apply and gain legal status if they met mandated requirements. The fate or status of all those who applied fell into the hands of “Designated Entities” and finally the U.S. Attorney General. Applicants had to prove that they lived and maintained a continuous physical presence in the U.S. since January 1st, 1982, possess a clean criminal record, and provide proof of registration within the Selective Service. Moreover, applicants had to meet minimal knowledge requirements in U.S. history, government and the English language or be pursuing a course of study approved by the Attorney General.

This bill also outlined previsions for temporary residents’ travel, employment, false statements, numerical limitations, adjustments for status and treatment of applications by “Designated Entities”. Furthermore, after an applicant was assigned a legal status or deemed a temporary lawful resident, they were disqualified from receiving all forms of public welfare assistance for five years. The rules for applications and welfare assistance did not apply to Cuban or Haitian immigrants.
That's true as far as it goes. However, Congress did not approve setting aside deportation of 1.5 million family members. H.W. Bush issued an executive order to do what congress did not do. I certainly approve of his actions but they were his doings not congress. Bush took advantages of loopholes in enforcement of the law which is exactly what Obama did.
He took action to change the law, but he didn't really change the law. What does that mean?

You'll never understand the answer to your question until you understand how absurd your question is. And you'll never understand that until you recognize that not all law is statutory.

What other kinds of law are there besides statutory law? All I understand is Obama said "I took action to change the law." and now I am told he did not change the law. My next 'absurd' question is, did his action change the law or was he just lying and pandering to illegal immigrants?

Has anyone actually seen any written order from the president at all, or is he claiming that he can now change the law just by saying he wants to do so?

It is all at this web site.

Text of the White House Fact Sheet on Obama 8217 s Immigration Action - Washington Wire - WSJ
Let's see. Accept your interp of the difference, although there is not any. Or accept the EO is water tight and make fun of those, like you, who either know no better or are deliberately lying. You are an uneducated liar.

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