Stat's daily tidbits of weird but not worthless factoids, one topic per day!

January 28, 2015: know what you eat.

Oysters change their gender at least once in their lifetimes. Usually, the progression is from male to female, sometimes the other way around. Therefore, it is technically possible for an oyster to fertilize it's own eggs.

Triggerfish change genders as well. All triggerfish are born female, the largest, more dominant triggerfish changes into a male via "protogyny." The remaining female triggerfish become part of his harem, lucky guy! When he dies, then the next most dominant triggerfish will turn into a male. But at least he dies very, very happy.

Here is a triggerfish:



Earthworms and snails are hermaphrodites. Bet they have some wild parties!

For one type of slime-mold, there are more than 500 possible variations of genders. Oy!
January 29, 2015:


-On the average, it takes 18 hummingbirds together to weigh one ounce.

-There are 320 species of hummingbirds to be found. Hummingbirds are native to the "New World" and are not found outside the Western Hemisphere.

-They are the only genus of birds that can also fly backwards. But, they cannot walk or hop.

-The can fly up about 55 mph.

-Avg. hummingbird heartrate: 1,200 beats per minute, 20 times faster than the average human heartbeat.

-At rest, a hummingbird breathes 250 times per minute, or a little more than 4 times per second.

-Hummingbirds have no sense of smell.
January 20, 2015.
William H. Harrison's was the longest inaugural address at 8,445 words. (1841)

When Harrison took office, he delivered the longest inaugural address on record even though the weather was bitterly cold. He further got caught outside in the freezing rain. He ended the inauguration with a cold that grew worse, ending in his death on April 4, 1841. This was only one month after taking office. As stated previously, some people claimed that his death was the result of Tecumseh’s Curse. Oddly, all seven president who were election in a year that ended in a zero were either assassinated or died in office until 1980 when Ronald Reagan survived an assassination attempt and finished out his term.

10 Things to Know About William Henry Harrison
January 20, 2015.
William H. Harrison's was the longest inaugural address at 8,445 words. (1841)

When Harrison took office, he delivered the longest inaugural address on record even though the weather was bitterly cold. He further got caught outside in the freezing rain. He ended the inauguration with a cold that grew worse, ending in his death on April 4, 1841. This was only one month after taking office. As stated previously, some people claimed that his death was the result of Tecumseh’s Curse. Oddly, all seven president who were election in a year that ended in a zero were either assassinated or died in office until 1980 when Ronald Reagan survived an assassination attempt and finished out his term.

10 Things to Know About William Henry Harrison

Except Lincoln, also. He was re-elected in 1864, shot in 1865.
January 20, 2015.
William H. Harrison's was the longest inaugural address at 8,445 words. (1841)

When Harrison took office, he delivered the longest inaugural address on record even though the weather was bitterly cold. He further got caught outside in the freezing rain. He ended the inauguration with a cold that grew worse, ending in his death on April 4, 1841. This was only one month after taking office. As stated previously, some people claimed that his death was the result of Tecumseh’s Curse. Oddly, all seven president who were election in a year that ended in a zero were either assassinated or died in office until 1980 when Ronald Reagan survived an assassination attempt and finished out his term.

10 Things to Know About William Henry Harrison

Except Lincoln, also. He was re-elected in 1864, shot in 1865.

No, Lincoln still counts because he's the same guy that was elected in 1960.

Fun fact from the memory banks- Lincoln, succeeded by a VP named Johnson, had a secretary named Kennedy; Kennedy, succeeded by a VP named Johnson, had a secretary named Lincoln.
January 20, 2015.
William H. Harrison's was the longest inaugural address at 8,445 words. (1841)

When Harrison took office, he delivered the longest inaugural address on record even though the weather was bitterly cold. He further got caught outside in the freezing rain. He ended the inauguration with a cold that grew worse, ending in his death on April 4, 1841. This was only one month after taking office. As stated previously, some people claimed that his death was the result of Tecumseh’s Curse. Oddly, all seven president who were election in a year that ended in a zero were either assassinated or died in office until 1980 when Ronald Reagan survived an assassination attempt and finished out his term.

10 Things to Know About William Henry Harrison

Except Lincoln, also. He was re-elected in 1864, shot in 1865.

No, Lincoln still counts because he's the same guy that was elected in 1960.

Fun fact from the memory banks- Lincoln, succeeded by a VP named Johnson, had a secretary named Kennedy; Kennedy, succeeded by a VP named Johnson, had a secretary named Lincoln.

Then the sentence only works when when slightly changed and one states that "all seven presidents who were at least once elected in a year that ends in a zero have been assassinated", because William McKinley was first elected in 1896, re-elected in 1900, and then assassinated. Might be semantics, but maybe important in this case.
January 30, 2015: Friday is BLUE EARTH day for a while"

Our planet, Factoid number one:

The earth is not a perfect sphere, it's more like a squashed sphere. As Earth spins, gravity points toward the center of our planet (assuming for explanation's sake that Earth is a perfect sphere), and a centrifugal force pushes outward. But since this gravity-opposing force acts perpendicular to the axis of Earth, and Earth's axis is tilted, centrifugal force at the equator is not exactly opposed to gravity. This imbalance adds up at the equator, where gravity pushes extra masses of water and earth into a bulge, or "spare tire" around our planet.

Planet Earth Facts 50 Interesting Facts About Earth

Sunday, 01 February, 2015: Sumo Wrestler factoids.

-Sumo wrestling originated in Shinto shrines.

-Sumo-Wrestlers used to be thin and muscular:


-There are no weight divisions in professional Sumo.

-Many sumo are recruited from abroad and are therefore "gaijin".

-Sumo wrestlers engage in a ritual dance before the bout begins. Part of the dance is to face each other, clap their hands simultaneously and then spread their arm wide out - a way of demonstrating that they are carrying no secret weapons.

-The term YOKOZUNA refers to the highest rank among Sumos, their equivalent, if you will, to the black belt. There are no specific requirements for reaching this level, based on grace and agility.

-The under-50 crowd of spectators for Sumo-sport is shrinking very, very rapidly. Sumo fans at events express their dissatisfaction by thowing the cushions upon which they were sitting.

-The Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) like Sumo events.

-Although the Sumo association does not allow females into the "ring", there is also a long tradition of female Sumos:


-Sumo referees take their job so seriously that they carry a more than ceremonial sword with them to commit "Seppuku" (ritual suicide) should their calls be contested. Talk about a touchy bunch!!

-There is a legend of monsters who can Sumo-wrestle. They are called Kappa. Perhaps this explains why the Japanese come up with films like Godzilla and Ultraman.... :D
January 20, 2015.
William H. Harrison's was the longest inaugural address at 8,445 words. (1841)

When Harrison took office, he delivered the longest inaugural address on record even though the weather was bitterly cold. He further got caught outside in the freezing rain. He ended the inauguration with a cold that grew worse, ending in his death on April 4, 1841. This was only one month after taking office. As stated previously, some people claimed that his death was the result of Tecumseh’s Curse. Oddly, all seven president who were election in a year that ended in a zero were either assassinated or died in office until 1980 when Ronald Reagan survived an assassination attempt and finished out his term.

10 Things to Know About William Henry Harrison

Except Lincoln, also. He was re-elected in 1864, shot in 1865.

No, Lincoln still counts because he's the same guy that was elected in 1960.

Fun fact from the memory banks- Lincoln, succeeded by a VP named Johnson, had a secretary named Kennedy; Kennedy, succeeded by a VP named Johnson, had a secretary named Lincoln.

Then the sentence only works when when slightly changed and one states that "all seven presidents who were at least once elected in a year that ends in a zero have been assassinated", because William McKinley was first elected in 1896, re-elected in 1900, and then assassinated. Might be semantics, but maybe important in this case.

You don't need the phrase "at least once". McKinley was elected in 1900; that's a fact all by itself, regardless what happened in 1896. :cranky:
January 20, 2015.
William H. Harrison's was the longest inaugural address at 8,445 words. (1841)

When Harrison took office, he delivered the longest inaugural address on record even though the weather was bitterly cold. He further got caught outside in the freezing rain. He ended the inauguration with a cold that grew worse, ending in his death on April 4, 1841. This was only one month after taking office. As stated previously, some people claimed that his death was the result of Tecumseh’s Curse. Oddly, all seven president who were election in a year that ended in a zero were either assassinated or died in office until 1980 when Ronald Reagan survived an assassination attempt and finished out his term.

10 Things to Know About William Henry Harrison

Except Lincoln, also. He was re-elected in 1864, shot in 1865.

No, Lincoln still counts because he's the same guy that was elected in 1960.

Fun fact from the memory banks- Lincoln, succeeded by a VP named Johnson, had a secretary named Kennedy; Kennedy, succeeded by a VP named Johnson, had a secretary named Lincoln.

Then the sentence only works when when slightly changed and one states that "all seven presidents who were at least once elected in a year that ends in a zero have been assassinated", because William McKinley was first elected in 1896, re-elected in 1900, and then assassinated. Might be semantics, but maybe important in this case.

You don't need the phrase "at least once". McKinley was elected in 1900; that's a fact all by itself, regardless what happened in 1896. :cranky:

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
02 February 2015: WATER WATER WATER

-An estimated 60%-80% of all life on our planet is to be found in our oceans/seas, which comprise 71% of the planet, 97% of all water on the earth and (cubically) 99% of the living space on our planet.

-Currently, as of October 2014, there are 226,408 names species of life in the oceans and it is estimated that there are more than 700,000 species out there.

-90% of all vulcanic activity occurs in the oceans and hardly anyone knows that it happened.

-The speed of sound in water is nearly five times the speed of sound in the air.

-The top 3 meters (10 feet) of the world's oceans hold as much heat as the entire atmosphere.

-Antarctica has as much ice as the Atlantic Ocean has water.

-Because the architecture and chemistry of coral is so similar to human bone, coral has been used to replace bone grafts in helping human bone to heal quickly and cleanly.
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03 February, 2015: Totally Trivial Tuesday!

Procreation that makes the missionary position look totally boring....


Female kangaroos have three vaginas.
(Male kangaroos have none!!! :D )

Flatworms fight each other with their penises. Talk about cockblocking!

Speaking of penises, an insect called the WATER BOATMAN can "stridulate". This means that it makes a musical sound up to 98 decibels by rubbing it's penis up against something. Call it a sex symphony! And not suprisingly, this penile music is part of a mating ritual. This makes the tiny little water insect the loudest creature on Earth in relation to it's body size.

Female hyenas have a clitoris so large, it is often mistaken for a penis. Confusion!! No wonder people laugh like hyenas!!
(No, I am NOT going to show a picture of this...)


The male-orb weaver spider, in order to avoid getting eaten by his mate during copulation, simply detaches his penis and leaves it alone with the object of his affections to do the job. This kind of penis is called a "palp" and a male orb-weaver spider is equipped with two of them, which means he gets to have bliss twice in his life - well, in a kind of detached way!

Similarly, under the ocean, male Argonauts (a form of octopus) also detach their penis and let it swim over to the female for "the act".


Not to be outdone by kangaroos, Koalas are truly unique: male Koalas have a bifurcated penis, female Koalas have two vaginas. You do the math and figure out the possibilities!

Gracie - you wanted animal factoids, you got'em!!!

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04 February 2015: Whacky Wednesday factoids

There are only 2 escalators in the entire state of Wyoming.

Liberace owned a retracting toilet. It sank into the bathroom floor at the flip of a switch.

Now, that is whacky.

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