Stat's daily tidbits of weird but not worthless factoids, one topic per day!

Here's one. What was the beautiful Hedy Lamarr known for? Other than Hollywood. No googling. You either know or you don't.

fascinating. :eusa_think: I did not know this.
30 March 2015: flummoxing animal terms

Q. What's the seabird with the zoological name Puffinus puffinus?



No, it's no the Puffin. Keep thinking....

A. The Manx Shearwater.


Also known in German as the Schwarzschnabel Sturmtaucher.

Schwarz = black
Schnabel = beak
Sturm = storm
Taucher = Diver

So, the black-beaked storm-diver!!!
30 March 2015: flummoxing animal terms

Q. What's the seabird with the zoological name Puffinus puffinus?

No, it's no the Puffin. Keep thinking....

A. The Manx Shearwater.


Also known in German as the Schwarzschnabel Sturmtaucher.

Schwarz = black
Schnabel = beak
Sturm = storm
Taucher = Diver

So, the black-beaked storm-diver!!!

I'm still a-chuckle over the species name of troglodytes troglodytes ....

02 April 2015

Familiar Phrases I

PARTING SHOT: a final cutting remark or severe look at the end of an argument.

Origin: as unlikely as it seems, this term evolved from the term "Parthian" or "Parthian Shaft". Circa 1 B.C.(E.) in Western Asia, Parthian warriors were known for firing Arrows backward as they were retreating from the enemy.

Parthian shot, from a carved plate in the British Museum.

note the following: bow held in right hand, while left hand has fingers down, bow drawn by the thumb, arrow on the left side of the bow. This is the Steppe method used by the Scythians, from whom the Parthians derived.

The modern archer - meaning, at least as far back as the English Longbowman - holds the bow in the left hand, draws the string with 2 (or 3) fingers of the right, holding the tip of the index finger at the corner of the mouth. Shaft is still on the left.
06 April 2015, Monday

A misodoctakleidist is:

someone who hates to practice the piano!
Here's one. What was the beautiful Hedy Lamarr known for? Other than Hollywood. No googling. You either know or you don't.


I know she had a patent in communications for frequency hopping technology

Other than that, she was in Blazing Saddles
07 April, 2015

Researchers say: the three things that pregnant women dream of most during their first trimester are:

1.) Frogs
2.) Worms
3.) Potted plants.

07 April, 2015

Researchers say: the three things that pregnant women dream of most during their first trimester are:

1.) Frogs
2.) Worms
3.) Potted plants.


I always thought they dreamed about killing the son of a bitch that got them pregnant
11 April 2015

In most card decks, the King of Hearts is the only King WITHOUT a moustache.

15 April 2015:

The first golf-course in the world with 18 holes was St. Andrews in Scotland, in 1764, 251 years ago.
17 April 2015:

Toto the dog was paid $125.00 per week for his work in THE WIZARD OF OZ.


Wonder how he cashed the checks......

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