Statue paying homage to Satan to be unveiled in Detroit

You know the State could easily do away with this by declaring that no religious themed monuments will be put on public property.

But that means 'no religious monuments' not just the ones Christians don't approve of.
True. And I wouldn't be against that. But don't do the same with the American flag.

The flag is not a religious symbol.

It is freedom of expression which is what the Constitution is about.

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This thread is about religion.

It's about freedom.

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You know the State could easily do away with this by declaring that no religious themed monuments will be put on public property.

But that means 'no religious monuments' not just the ones Christians don't approve of.
True. And I wouldn't be against that. But don't do the same with the American flag.

The flag is not a religious symbol.

It is freedom of expression which is what the Constitution is about.

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This thread is about religion.

It's about freedom.

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And shall we have a vote on that?? the drunken old sailor at the end of the bar raises his mug of rum in the affirmative ... " EYE FREEDOMM !!"

"dont take away me flag and me rum, and you can keep your old statue of satan"
Damn my guess is the statue would be unveiled in DC instead of Detroit, it would have been more appropriate
Damn my guess is the statue would be unveiled in DC instead of Detroit, it would have been more appropriate

Unless Detroit is coming out with a new automoblie, maybe the Demon, or if its a motor cycle, the Goat Head model maybe. Of course financing through the dealer would be a draw back if you needed to sign over your soul to get the full warranty.
You know the State could easily do away with this by declaring that no religious themed monuments will be put on public property.

But that means 'no religious monuments' not just the ones Christians don't approve of.
True. And I wouldn't be against that. But don't do the same with the American flag.

The flag is not a religious symbol.

It is freedom of expression which is what the Constitution is about.

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This thread is about religion.

It's about freedom.

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Not exactly sure how you got to there, but it's obvious you no longer care about the subject at hand. Have a good night.
We are at the end now, or it's gotta be real close.

Unless it isn't. In which case you'll just make a new prediction based on nothing.
The end times are near, read the bible revelations. Guess what? The evil liberals are in charge of social issues, liberalism is always a failure.

I disagree with your evaluation of the situation, but you are free to believe what you want as long as you understand that liberals are calling some of the shots now even if you don't like it.
Not to much longer, Americans are getting tired of losing their freedom.
Damn my guess is the statue would be unveiled in DC instead of Detroit, it would have been more appropriate

Unless Detroit is coming out with a new automoblie, maybe the Demon, or if its a motor cycle, the Goat Head model maybe. Of course financing through the dealer would be a draw back if you needed to sign over your soul to get the full warranty.

Dude...the Demon came out 44 years ago.
No. Just a student of mythology. With a nose for bullshit headlines.

It's always fascinated me how so many 'students of mythology' are also Leftists. And how almost inevitably, those Leftist students of mythology end up advocating for and otherwise adhering to the unprincipled, irrational tenets of evil.

What is up wit dat?

I'm really not interested in Baphomet. I just understand he's not the same thing as "Satan". And I don't believe in "evil" as such.

What I'm more interested in is bullshit rhetoric that morphs realities and myths into what's supposed to be an appeal to emotion, yet is nakedly transparent when it shows up. That's why I'm here.

You're welcome.
Can you say that you can look at those who behead innocents and you don't believe in evil?

It's just a statue. I don't think they are planning on any beheadings.

And the 10 Commandments is just a Plaque... the Cross is just two lines opposed at 90 degrees, the Bible is just a book and the Confederate Battle Flag is just a piece of cloth.

Yet you clowns are hysterical about all of 'em.

Thus each represents something beyond its composition.

The image of Baphomet...
The Cross...
The Confederate Flag....
The Star of David...
The Swastika (Nazi version)
The Swastika (ancient version)
The Stars and Stripes...
The photo of Iwo Jima and its parodies...

of these are symbols invested with emotional power. And then wonder with outrage when the ones we don't personally buy are displayed. If we hadn't invested that power in the first place, whether to the positive or negative -- we wouldn't give a shit. You can't be offended unless you first invest that symbol with that power.
It's always fascinated me how so many 'students of mythology' are also Leftists. And how almost inevitably, those Leftist students of mythology end up advocating for and otherwise adhering to the unprincipled, irrational tenets of evil.

What is up wit dat?

I'm really not interested in Baphomet. I just understand he's not the same thing as "Satan". And I don't believe in "evil" as such.

What I'm more interested in is bullshit rhetoric that morphs realities and myths into what's supposed to be an appeal to emotion, yet is nakedly transparent when it shows up. That's why I'm here.

You're welcome.
Can you say that you can look at those who behead innocents and you don't believe in evil?

It's just a statue. I don't think they are planning on any beheadings.

And the 10 Commandments is just a Plaque... the Cross is just two lines opposed at 90 degrees, the Bible is just a book and the Confederate Battle Flag is just a piece of cloth.

Yet you clowns are hysterical about all of 'em.

Thus each represents something beyond its composition.

The image of Baphomet...
The Cross...
The Confederate Flag....
The Star of David...
The Swastika (Nazi version)
The Swastika (ancient version)
The Stars and Stripes...
The photo of Iwo Jima and its parodies...

of these are symbols invested with emotional power. And then wonder with outrage when the ones we don't personally buy are displayed. If we hadn't invested that power in the first place, whether to the positive or negative -- we wouldn't give a shit. You can't be offended unless you first invest that symbol with that power.
Very interesting ... I agree with you. Nice post.
True. And I wouldn't be against that. But don't do the same with the American flag.

The flag is not a religious symbol.

It is freedom of expression which is what the Constitution is about.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

This thread is about religion.

It's about freedom.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Not exactly sure how you got to there, but it's obvious you no longer care about the subject at hand. Have a good night.

Freedom religious or otherwise. You take away one, then you start taking it all religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of the press. It is all in the first amendment for a reason.

BTW: your trying to control and dictate the thread, doesn't work with me. I will post if a damn well want to and about what I want to. If you can't handle that, I don't care. Pretty simple.
Last edited:
We are at the end now, or it's gotta be real close.

Unless it isn't. In which case you'll just make a new prediction based on nothing.
The end times are near, read the bible revelations. Guess what? The evil liberals are in charge of social issues, liberalism is always a failure.

I disagree with your evaluation of the situation, but you are free to believe what you want as long as you understand that liberals are calling some of the shots now even if you don't like it.
Not to much longer, Americans are getting tired of losing their freedom.

Exactly which freedoms have you lost, other than the freedom to deny rights to others?
Awesome. Hopefully a Satan statue can come here too, to give theocrats a taste of their own medicine. If they want the ten commandments and god everywhere, they had better get used to Buddha, Satan, and a long list of other religious figures being everywhere.
We are at the end now, or it's gotta be real close.

Unless it isn't. In which case you'll just make a new prediction based on nothing.
The end times are near, read the bible revelations. Guess what? The evil liberals are in charge of social issues, liberalism is always a failure.

I disagree with your evaluation of the situation, but you are free to believe what you want as long as you understand that liberals are calling some of the shots now even if you don't like it.
Not to much longer, Americans are getting tired of losing their freedom.

Exactly which freedoms have you lost, other than the freedom to deny rights to others?
Religious freedom
Forced to buy health insurance
If I say I am a conservative, I could get audited by the irs
The epa can take my land because a mud puddle can be considered a wetland
just a few off the top if my head.
Unless it isn't. In which case you'll just make a new prediction based on nothing.
The end times are near, read the bible revelations. Guess what? The evil liberals are in charge of social issues, liberalism is always a failure.

I disagree with your evaluation of the situation, but you are free to believe what you want as long as you understand that liberals are calling some of the shots now even if you don't like it.
Not to much longer, Americans are getting tired of losing their freedom.

Exactly which freedoms have you lost, other than the freedom to deny rights to others?
Religious freedom
Forced to buy health insurance
If I say I am a conservative, I could get audited by the irs
The epa can take my land because a mud puddle can be considered a wetland
just a few off the top if my head.

Religion never eliminated the requirement to follow laws required to do business with the public, and it shouldn't

You are not forced to buy anything. However, you are forced to deal with the expense of your own medical care in some way.

That IRS claim is just dumb.

But you think it is fine for Keystone to take private land to benefit a foreign company.

Anything else?
The end times are near, read the bible revelations. Guess what? The evil liberals are in charge of social issues, liberalism is always a failure.

I disagree with your evaluation of the situation, but you are free to believe what you want as long as you understand that liberals are calling some of the shots now even if you don't like it.
Not to much longer, Americans are getting tired of losing their freedom.

Exactly which freedoms have you lost, other than the freedom to deny rights to others?
Religious freedom
Forced to buy health insurance
If I say I am a conservative, I could get audited by the irs
The epa can take my land because a mud puddle can be considered a wetland
just a few off the top if my head.

Religion never eliminated the requirement to follow laws required to do business with the public, and it shouldn't

You are not forced to buy anything. However, you are forced to deal with the expense of your own medical care in some way.

That IRS claim is just dumb.

But you think it is fine for Keystone to take private land to benefit a foreign company.

Anything else?
I disagree with your evaluation of the situation, but you are free to believe what you want as long as you understand that liberals are calling some of the shots now even if you don't like it.
Not to much longer, Americans are getting tired of losing their freedom.

Exactly which freedoms have you lost, other than the freedom to deny rights to others?
Religious freedom
Forced to buy health insurance
If I say I am a conservative, I could get audited by the irs
The epa can take my land because a mud puddle can be considered a wetland
just a few off the top if my head.

Religion never eliminated the requirement to follow laws required to do business with the public, and it shouldn't

You are not forced to buy anything. However, you are forced to deal with the expense of your own medical care in some way.

That IRS claim is just dumb.

But you think it is fine for Keystone to take private land to benefit a foreign company.

Anything else?

Of course you are, but that's OK. You're at least funny.
What good has Satan done to deserve a such a thing? To me, absolutely nothing!

God bless you always!!!

Damn my guess is the statue would be unveiled in DC instead of Detroit, it would have been more appropriate

Unless Detroit is coming out with a new automoblie, maybe the Demon, or if its a motor cycle, the Goat Head model maybe. Of course financing through the dealer would be a draw back if you needed to sign over your soul to get the full warranty.

Dude...the Demon came out 44 years ago.

Oh damn thought that sounded familiar, well scrap that joke. you get the idea though .
Awesome. Hopefully a Satan statue can come here too, to give theocrats a taste of their own medicine. If they want the ten commandments and god everywhere, they had better get used to Buddha, Satan, and a long list of other religious figures being everywhere.

The thing is they aren't ready for that.

They believe only those who follow the christian faith have a right to freedom of religion. They also believe they have the right to force their religion on everyone else.

Their idea of freedom of religion is that everyone is free to follow the same faith as the far right christians.

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