Statue paying homage to Satan to be unveiled in Detroit

No. Just a student of mythology. With a nose for bullshit headlines.

It's always fascinated me how so many 'students of mythology' are also Leftists. And how almost inevitably, those Leftist students of mythology end up advocating for and otherwise adhering to the unprincipled, irrational tenets of evil.

What is up wit dat?

I'm really not interested in Baphomet. I just understand he's not the same thing as "Satan". And I don't believe in "evil" as such.

Oh now that's fascinatin'... I've been told that most homosexual don't 'believe in' The HIV. Which for some reason their belief has had no effect in precluding them from contracting it and subsequently the AIDS that kills 'em.

What's more the Bawney Fwank and Maxine Waters did not 'BELIEVE' that coercing the financial markets to turn from the soundly reasoned, actuarial lending principle that sustained the viability of the Financial Lending Industry and replacing it with their perverse notions of "Fairness", would result in the catastrophic failure of that industry...

BUT! It turned out that it DID!

Now that's because soundly reasoned, actuarial lending principle and The HIV/AIDS are a function of REALITY... much as is the Dark Energy that is SATAN, OKA: EVIL.

So 'not believing' in it... is irrational, or more accurately: DELUSIONAL... OKA: INSANE.

But hey... in fairness to you, such is the nature of EVIL!
Straights get HIV more than we do......maybe we should take marriage away from you.
Lol wow!
I don't believe it.
I stand corrected. Baphomet. So can you tell me more? Are you a believer of Baphomet?

No. Just a student of mythology. With a nose for bullshit headlines.

It's always fascinated me how so many 'students of mythology' are also Leftists. And how almost inevitably, those Leftist students of mythology end up advocating for and otherwise adhering to the unprincipled, irrational tenets of evil.

What is up wit dat?

I'm really not interested in Baphomet. I just understand he's not the same thing as "Satan". And I don't believe in "evil" as such.

Oh now that's fascinatin'... I've been told that most homosexual don't 'believe in' The HIV. Which for some reason their belief has had no effect in precluding them from contracting it and subsequently the AIDS that kills 'em.

What's more the Bawney Fwank and Maxine Waters did not 'BELIEVE' that coercing the financial markets to turn from the soundly reasoned, actuarial lending principle that sustained the viability of the Financial Lending Industry and replacing it with their perverse notions of "Fairness", would result in the catastrophic failure of that industry...

BUT! It turned out that it DID!

Now that's because soundly reasoned, actuarial lending principle and The HIV/AIDS are a function of REALITY... much as is the Dark Energy that is SATAN, OKA: EVIL.

So 'not believing' in it... is irrational, or more accurately: DELUSIONAL... OKA: INSANE.

But hey... in fairness to you, such is the nature of EVIL!
Straights get HIV more than we do......maybe we should take marriage away from you.

Uhh... NO... They don't.

In reality, thus in truth... if one is not homosexual, there is virtually NO CHANCE of contracting HIV.

If one is not a homosexual and does not engage in promiscuous sex and does not share needles with those who share needles with homosexuals ... and do not accept blood from a blood bank that allows homosexuals to 'contribute'... there is precisely 0.00000~% chance of contracting The HIV.
I read the posts here and I can't believe no one really gets it. These Satanists don't really care about getting their statue up. The want YOU to understand how it feels to have a group you disagree with always putting their statue up over your objections. This is simple stuff people. Raise your consciousness a bit above the level your feet usually occupy. Freedom of religion means no one has the right to inflict their religious beliefs over anyone else publically--not even YOU. Protect yourselves by eliminating ALL religious dogmas from the public arena and let us all believe as we wish privately, where it belongs! Religious belief is between you and your God. It's NOT a public matter.

I agree with your last statements. But I do think they do care to get it up. And, I think they have every right to do so. I am just saying when our history Icons are deemed offensive and ordered taken down, then Baphwhoever gets the okay, we have a glitch in our common sense.

Yeah I agree with you here. The whole flag flap was stupid. And in a way insulting to the nine dead innocent victims, to say "hey, see what we're doing to vindicate your deaths, we're taking down this flag here".

"Yeah, uh, thanks a lot, don't get involved or anything, just pull down a symbol and pretend you did something"
I read the posts here and I can't believe no one really gets it. These Satanists don't really care about getting their statue up. The want YOU to understand how it feels to have a group you disagree with always putting their statue up over your objections. This is simple stuff people. Raise your consciousness a bit above the level your feet usually occupy. Freedom of religion means no one has the right to inflict their religious beliefs over anyone else publically--not even YOU. Protect yourselves by eliminating ALL religious dogmas from the public arena and let us all believe as we wish privately, where it belongs! Religious belief is between you and your God. It's NOT a public matter.

I agree with your last statements. But I do think they do care to get it up. And, I think they have every right to do so. I am just saying when our history Icons are deemed offensive and ordered taken down, then Baphwhoever gets the okay, we have a glitch in our common sense.

Yeah I agree with you here. The whole flag flap was stupid. And in a way insulting to the nine dead innocent victims, to say "hey, see what we're doing to vindicate your deaths, we're taking down this flag here".

"Yeah, uh, thanks a lot, don't get involved or anything, just pull down a symbol and pretend you did something"
Yes. everything is for looks rather than meaningful change.
So you believe that we should let people praise satan?

It's not a matter of letting them. The constitution already gave them that right in the same place it gave Christians the same right. You want to remove the right of free exercise of religion? You would have to do that for everybody.
Not "Satan" -- Baphomet. "Satan" is a creation of Christianism.
I stand corrected. Baphomet. So can you tell me more? Are you a believer of Baphomet?

No. Just a student of mythology. With a nose for bullshit headlines.

It's always fascinated me how so many 'students of mythology' are also Leftists. And how almost inevitably, those Leftist students of mythology end up advocating for and otherwise adhering to the unprincipled, irrational tenets of evil.

What is up wit dat?

I'm really not interested in Baphomet. I just understand he's not the same thing as "Satan". And I don't believe in "evil" as such.

What I'm more interested in is bullshit rhetoric that morphs realities and myths into what's supposed to be an appeal to emotion, yet is nakedly transparent when it shows up. That's why I'm here.

You're welcome.
Can you say that you can look at those who behead innocents and you don't believe in evil?

It's just a statue. I don't think they are planning on any beheadings.
So you believe that we should let people praise satan?

In this country the most despicable are given their right to pursue what they want. The Constitution protects free practice of religion and speech. We are the only country with real free speech, but we are losing that.

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You know the State could easily do away with this by declaring that no religious themed monuments will be put on public property.

But that means 'no religious monuments' not just the ones Christians don't approve of.
True. And I wouldn't be against that. But don't do the same with the American flag.

The flag is not a religious symbol.
So you believe that we should let people praise satan?

In this country the most despicable are given their right to pursue what they want. The Constitution protects free practice of religion and speech. We are the only country with real free speech, but we are losing that.

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You notice that no sections of your statement was edited or censored...
You know the State could easily do away with this by declaring that no religious themed monuments will be put on public property.

OR... We, the People... could just draw a line and tell the Satanist to shut up or pack light for a trip to Gitmo, to serve as goats for our Muslim guests.
We are at the end now, or it's gotta be real close.

Unless it isn't. In which case you'll just make a new prediction based on nothing.
The end times are near, read the bible revelations. Guess what? The evil liberals are in charge of social issues, liberalism is always a failure.

I disagree with your evaluation of the situation, but you are free to believe what you want as long as you understand that liberals are calling some of the shots now even if you don't like it.
You know the State could easily do away with this by declaring that no religious themed monuments will be put on public property.

OR... We, the People... could just draw a line and tell the Satanist to shut up or pack light for a trip to Gitmo, to serve as goats for our Muslim guests.

You would have to rewrite the constitution to do that. Why do you hate the constitution?
You know the State could easily do away with this by declaring that no religious themed monuments will be put on public property.

OR... We, the People... could just draw a line and tell the Satanist to shut up or pack light for a trip to Gitmo, to serve as goats for our Muslim guests.
why not? That what freedom is all about to a teaper...

That literally IS what Freedom is all about.

Ya see demon, that is what is known is recognizing the distinction between good, sustainable behavior and that which is not; which is to DISCRIMINATE between that which serves the principles that define US and that which injures the adherence to those principles.

Which is very important, because those principles are what SUSTAIN: F R E E D O M . . .
You know the State could easily do away with this by declaring that no religious themed monuments will be put on public property.

OR... We, the People... could just draw a line and tell the Satanist to shut up or pack light for a trip to Gitmo, to serve as goats for our Muslim guests.

You would have to rewrite the constitution to do that. Why do you hate the constitution?

No... ya wouldn't. Satanism is not a religion. There is no potential for a RIGHT to perpetuate that which injures people; thus there is no means to perpetuate EVIL!

All that would be required to do that, is to recognize the Self Evident truths declared in the Charter of American Principles.
There ought to be no god in government. We've been too accommodating to religions already. Get god off of our currency, out of our courtrooms and out of our national pledge.

You wouldn't be happy with just that. Your zealousness would include getting rid of the pledge and US flags around the country. Liberals just do not put a priority on pride and patriotism.

Again.....The flag is not a religious symbol.
Good Lord, some people are so sick that they are on the edge of true evil. Just like the bozos that make decisions...The Confederate flag goes down and satan goes up. What's wrong here?

Allowing blacks to destroy our cities and run wild is the work of satan!!! The left loves both.
I think it's the corporate right that purposely keeps poverty around because it keeps wages down. So your politics and religion don't seem to work well together. Your economics and religion contradict each other. I think you guys worship money more than Jesus or God.
I stand corrected. Baphomet. So can you tell me more? Are you a believer of Baphomet?

No. Just a student of mythology. With a nose for bullshit headlines.

It's always fascinated me how so many 'students of mythology' are also Leftists. And how almost inevitably, those Leftist students of mythology end up advocating for and otherwise adhering to the unprincipled, irrational tenets of evil.

What is up wit dat?

I'm really not interested in Baphomet. I just understand he's not the same thing as "Satan". And I don't believe in "evil" as such.

What I'm more interested in is bullshit rhetoric that morphs realities and myths into what's supposed to be an appeal to emotion, yet is nakedly transparent when it shows up. That's why I'm here.

You're welcome.
Can you say that you can look at those who behead innocents and you don't believe in evil?

It's just a statue. I don't think they are planning on any beheadings.

And the 10 Commandments is just a Plaque... the Cross is just two lines opposed at 90 degrees, the Bible is just a book and the Confederate Battle Flag is just a piece of cloth.

Yet you clowns are hysterical about all of 'em.

Thus each represents something beyond its composition.

Which is you refuting yourself... AGAIN!
You know the State could easily do away with this by declaring that no religious themed monuments will be put on public property.

But that means 'no religious monuments' not just the ones Christians don't approve of.
True. And I wouldn't be against that. But don't do the same with the American flag.

The flag is not a religious symbol.

It is freedom of expression which is what the Constitution is about.

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