Statue paying homage to Satan to be unveiled in Detroit

We are at the end now, or it's gotta be real close.

Unless it isn't. In which case you'll just make a new prediction based on nothing.
The end times are near, read the bible revelations. Guess what? The evil liberals are in charge of social issues, liberalism is always a failure.

So much for freedom of religion. I guess you christians believe that only christians have that right.

I guess people believe that only christians can erect buildings, monuments and statues.

This is America. Everyone can believe as they choose and no one has any right to stop them.

While I don't agree with their faith, I'm an American and we Americans protect everyone's freedom of religion.

They aren't harming anyone and all you christians should stop trying to take freedom of religion from those who don't follow your faith.

That's the thing to remember. Whenever you hear about freedom of religion, or religious concience, or religious expression, in almost every case add the word Christian to the front of it. And you'll get the real meaning.

If its a Muslim or a Wiccan or anyone that the wingers don't like.....then they actively fight the very freedom of religion they demand for themselves. Or as the OP himself has said: 'eradicate Islam'.
I've missed the fighting against Muslims and Wiccans. Were there riots and parades I missed?

So you missed Bachmann and other conservative Christians protesting the 'victory mosque' in New York? Or the conservative State legislatures passing laws to keep Sharia out of civil law? Or conservative Christians calling for the eradication of Islam.....or the banning of the Koran in the US?

If you've missed it, I'd be happy to clue you in.
Let muslims take over then. Abortion, gay marriage, women's rights gone. So let them take over, they have already practiced Sharia law in the United states.
We are at the end now, or it's gotta be real close.

Unless it isn't. In which case you'll just make a new prediction based on nothing.
The end times are near, read the bible revelations. Guess what? The evil liberals are in charge of social issues, liberalism is always a failure.

When it happens I sure you will be one that that tries to repent, but it will unfortunately be to late.
We are at the end now, or it's gotta be real close.

Unless it isn't. In which case you'll just make a new prediction based on nothing.
The end times are near, read the bible revelations. Guess what? The evil liberals are in charge of social issues, liberalism is always a failure.

When it happens I sure you will be one that that tries to repent, but it will unfortunately be to late.

Now I'm skeered
Not "Satan" -- Baphomet. "Satan" is a creation of Christianism.
I stand corrected. Baphomet. So can you tell me more? Are you a believer of Baphomet?

No. Just a student of mythology. With a nose for bullshit headlines.

It's always fascinated me how so many 'students of mythology' are also Leftists. And how almost inevitably, those Leftist students of mythology end up advocating for and otherwise adhering to the unprincipled, irrational tenets of evil.

What is up wit dat?

I'm really not interested in Baphomet. I just understand he's not the same thing as "Satan". And I don't believe in "evil" as such.

What I'm more interested in is bullshit rhetoric that morphs realities and myths into what's supposed to be an appeal to emotion, yet is nakedly transparent when it shows up. That's why I'm here.

You're welcome.
You don't think that senseless killings are evil?
We are at the end now, or it's gotta be real close.

Unless it isn't. In which case you'll just make a new prediction based on nothing.
The end times are near, read the bible revelations. Guess what? The evil liberals are in charge of social issues, liberalism is always a failure.

When it happens I sure you will be one that that tries to repent, but it will unfortunately be to late.

Now I'm skeered
In the end you will be, and add regretful.
Not "Satan" -- Baphomet. "Satan" is a creation of Christianism.
I stand corrected. Baphomet. So can you tell me more? Are you a believer of Baphomet?

No. Just a student of mythology. With a nose for bullshit headlines.

It's always fascinated me how so many 'students of mythology' are also Leftists. And how almost inevitably, those Leftist students of mythology end up advocating for and otherwise adhering to the unprincipled, irrational tenets of evil.

What is up wit dat?

I'm really not interested in Baphomet. I just understand he's not the same thing as "Satan". And I don't believe in "evil" as such.

Oh now that's fascinatin'... I've been told that most homosexual don't 'believe in' The HIV. Which for some reason their belief has had no effect in precluding them from contracting it and subsequently the AIDS that kills 'em.

What's more the Bawney Fwank and Maxine Waters did not 'BELIEVE' that coercing the financial markets to turn from the soundly reasoned, actuarial lending principle that sustained the viability of the Financial Lending Industry and replacing it with their perverse notions of "Fairness", would result in the catastrophic failure of that industry...

BUT! It turned out that it DID!

Now that's because soundly reasoned, actuarial lending principle and The HIV/AIDS are a function of REALITY... much as is the Dark Energy that is SATAN, OKA: EVIL.

So 'not believing' in it... is irrational, or more accurately: DELUSIONAL... OKA: INSANE.

But hey... in fairness to you, such is the nature of EVIL!
I love how much these guys are trolling you.

I'll have to mention it to "Lucien" next time I see him.
Good Lord, some people are so sick that they are on the edge of true evil. Just like the bozos that make decisions...The Confederate flag goes down and satan goes up. What's wrong here?
A lack of enslavement...
Shouldn't we keep ANY kind of religious law out of civil law?

Ya mean like the Laws against Murder? Which rests in Judea/Christian tenets, founded in the self-evident truth that God endows the individual with its life, thus no man is entitled strip an innocent of that which God provided, and so on down through the entirety of Western Jurisprudence?
Not "Satan" -- Baphomet. "Satan" is a creation of Christianism.
I stand corrected. Baphomet. So can you tell me more? Are you a believer of Baphomet?

No. Just a student of mythology. With a nose for bullshit headlines.

It's always fascinated me how so many 'students of mythology' are also Leftists. And how almost inevitably, those Leftist students of mythology end up advocating for and otherwise adhering to the unprincipled, irrational tenets of evil.

What is up wit dat?
So many students in general are Leftists.

Well foolishness is the nature of children, that's why we don't allow them to vote.
Not "Satan" -- Baphomet. "Satan" is a creation of Christianism.
I stand corrected. Baphomet. So can you tell me more? Are you a believer of Baphomet?

No. Just a student of mythology. With a nose for bullshit headlines.

It's always fascinated me how so many 'students of mythology' are also Leftists. And how almost inevitably, those Leftist students of mythology end up advocating for and otherwise adhering to the unprincipled, irrational tenets of evil.

What is up wit dat?

I'm really not interested in Baphomet. I just understand he's not the same thing as "Satan". And I don't believe in "evil" as such.

Oh now that's fascinatin'... I've been told that most homosexual don't 'believe in' The HIV. Which for some reason their belief has had no effect in precluding them from contracting it and subsequently the AIDS that kills 'em.

What's more the Bawney Fwank and Maxine Waters did not 'BELIEVE' that coercing the financial markets to turn from the soundly reasoned, actuarial lending principle that sustained the viability of the Financial Lending Industry and replacing it with their perverse notions of "Fairness", would result in the catastrophic failure of that industry...

BUT! It turned out that it DID!

Now that's because soundly reasoned, actuarial lending principle and The HIV/AIDS are a function of REALITY... much as is the Dark Energy that is SATAN, OKA: EVIL.

So 'not believing' in it... is irrational, or more accurately: DELUSIONAL... OKA: INSANE.

But hey... in fairness to you, such is the nature of EVIL!
Straights get HIV more than we do......maybe we should take marriage away from you.
I stand corrected. Baphomet. So can you tell me more? Are you a believer of Baphomet?

No. Just a student of mythology. With a nose for bullshit headlines.

It's always fascinated me how so many 'students of mythology' are also Leftists. And how almost inevitably, those Leftist students of mythology end up advocating for and otherwise adhering to the unprincipled, irrational tenets of evil.

What is up wit dat?

I'm really not interested in Baphomet. I just understand he's not the same thing as "Satan". And I don't believe in "evil" as such.

Oh now that's fascinatin'... I've been told that most homosexual don't 'believe in' The HIV. Which for some reason their belief has had no effect in precluding them from contracting it and subsequently the AIDS that kills 'em.

What's more the Bawney Fwank and Maxine Waters did not 'BELIEVE' that coercing the financial markets to turn from the soundly reasoned, actuarial lending principle that sustained the viability of the Financial Lending Industry and replacing it with their perverse notions of "Fairness", would result in the catastrophic failure of that industry...

BUT! It turned out that it DID!

Now that's because soundly reasoned, actuarial lending principle and The HIV/AIDS are a function of REALITY... much as is the Dark Energy that is SATAN, OKA: EVIL.

So 'not believing' in it... is irrational, or more accurately: DELUSIONAL... OKA: INSANE.

But hey... in fairness to you, such is the nature of EVIL!
Straights get HIV more than we do......maybe we should take marriage away from you.
I need a link for that!
I would agree with you that religious symbols should not be in government buildings or outside of them.

THAT ! and many other anti-America :bsflag: is why America is rapidly descending into total degeneracy.

those symbols were just fine in America until the libertards started bastardizing the Constitution. :up:

Since our country has freedom of and from religion, out government buildings should honor that premise. Either allow all different religions to be represented or none.

By removing God from the State, you establish the state as representing the absence of God.

Now... some argue that where a Government represents the absence of God, you will quickly find that government departing from God's Laws... such as:

- The Failure to adhere to sound stewardship of the public treasury.

- The Failure to discriminate between that which is sound behavior and that which is unsound behavior.

- and so on...

Inevitably culminating in a government which pays people to not produce, denigrates and punishes people who DO PRODUCE, economic insolvency, promoting the interests of those hostile to the nation and of course: The Licensing of Degeneracy... .

But what are the chances of that, really? (100%)
I would agree with you that religious symbols should not be in government buildings or outside of them.

THAT ! and many other anti-America :bsflag: is why America is rapidly descending into total degeneracy.

those symbols were just fine in America until the libertards started bastardizing the Constitution. :up:

Since our country has freedom of and from religion, out government buildings should honor that premise. Either allow all different religions to be represented or none.

By removing God from the State, you establish the state as representing the absence of God.

Now... some argue that where a Government represents the absence of God, you will quickly find that government departing from God's Laws... such as:

- The Failure to adhere to sound stewardship of the public treasury.

- The Failure to discriminate between that which is sound behavior and that which is unsound behavior.

- and so on...

Inevitably culminating in a government which pays people to not produce, denigrates and punishes people who DO PRODUCE, economic insolvency, promoting the interests of those hostile to the nation and of course: The Licensing of Degeneracy... .

But what are the chances of that, really? (100%)

Your first statement is wrong. The fact that religious symbols would no longer be allowed in state buildings would not have an affect on the public at large. They don't depend on what plaque is inside the Family Court. or the DMV.
Your first statement is wrong. The fact that religious symbols would no longer be allowed in state buildings would not have an affect on the public at large. They don't depend on what plaque is inside the Family Court. or the DMV.

By removing God from the State, you establish the state as representing the absence of God.

Now... some argue that where a Government represents the absence of God, you will quickly find that government departing from God's Laws... such as:

- The Failure to adhere to sound stewardship of the public treasury.

- The Failure to discriminate between that which is sound behavior and that which is unsound behavior.

- and so on...

Inevitably culminating in a government which pays people to not produce, denigrates and punishes people who DO PRODUCE, economic insolvency, promoting the interests of those hostile to the nation and of course: The Licensing of Degeneracy... . (100%!) {that means that it is an absolute certainty... meaning that if you remove GOD from government your government therefore represents THE OPPOSITION OF GOD... which for those keeping score is: EVIL! }

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