Statue paying homage to Satan to be unveiled in Detroit

Here’s the First Look at the New Satanic Monument Being Built for Oklahoma’s Statehouse...

In January the Satanic Temple announced plans to erect a monument glorifying the Dark Lord on the front lawn of the Oklahoma Statehouse. An Indiegogo campaign was launched with what seemed like a somewhat lofty goal of $20,000, but by the time donations ended almost $30,000 had been raised. Now an artist trained in classical sculpture is toiling away in New York, crafting a Baphomet figure sitting beneath an inverted pentagram and flanked by two children gazing upward in loyalty. When it is finished, it will be cast in bronze and, the Satanists hope, eventually displayed in Oklahoma.

The statue is a direct response to the state's installation of a Ten Commandments monument outside the Capitol in 2012. State Representative Mike Ritze paid for the controversial statue with his own money, and therefore it was considered a donation and OK to place on government property. Following that line of reasoning, the Satanic Temple submitted a formal application for their monument.

As Trait Thompson of the Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Commission told CNN last December, “Individuals and groups are free to apply to place a monument or statue or artwork.” The applications are then approved or rejected by the Commission. Unfortunately, the state has placed a halt on issuing permits for any other monuments until a lawsuit filed by the ACLU against Ritze’s Commandments monument is settled.


Nonetheless, the Satanists are building this thing, and I was offered an early peek at the work in progress by Temple spokesperson Lucien Greaves. Greaves told me he has received numerous threats from people who want to attack the sculpture, but that he “wouldn’t expect these outraged and nearly insensible reactionaries to actually know how to assault a bronze monument without severely hurting themselves in the process.” Still, he’s not taking any chances. The Temple is building a mold of the sculpture so they can pop these things out like evil, terribly expensive action figures whenever they need a new one.

“Depending on our insurance policy,” Greaves said, “we may be able to cast two from the destruction of one, expediting our arrival to the next battleground.”

The Temple estimates that the monument will be finished in a few months. Once it’s done, they plan to put it in front of the Oklahoma Statehouse regardless of the the Capitol Preservation Commission’s ongoing battle against the ACLU. They feel this should be allowed because their application was submitted before all the hullabaloo over Ritze’s monument.

“After all,” Greaves told me, “the Ten Commandments still stand at the State Capitol. We are fully willing to place our monument at the Capitol, even while the ACLU suit is fought, with the understanding that a judgment against the Ten Commandments will have ramifications for our monument as well, likely resulting in the removal of both.”

This is what happens when one tolerates Degenerates... where the idiots proclaim that 'discrimination' is wrong.

In fact discrimination is an essential to viability of the Individual and by extension the Culture.

And where a culture loses the means to determine the different, OKA: discriminate, between that which is right and from that which is wrong... thus the inevitable increase in that which is wrong.

Ya see Reader... that is the nature of Evil.

If it pisses you christers off I am all for it!!!
And some people just love to piss people off. More power to them. Sad to think that actually motivates someone, but knock yourself out,
I read the posts here and I can't believe no one really gets it. These Satanists don't really care about getting their statue up. The want YOU to understand how it feels to have a group you disagree with always putting their statue up over your objections. This is simple stuff people. Raise your consciousness a bit above the level your feet usually occupy. Freedom of religion means no one has the right to inflict their religious beliefs over anyone else publically--not even YOU. Protect yourselves by eliminating ALL religious dogmas from the public arena and let us all believe as we wish privately, where it belongs! Religious belief is between you and your God. It's NOT a public matter.

I agree with your last statements. But I do think they do care to get it up. And, I think they have every right to do so. I am just saying when our history Icons are deemed offensive and ordered taken down, then Baphwhoever gets the okay, we have a glitch in our common sense.
I believe that we should all pursue our own personal joy in life, but should never knowingly hurt others in that pursuit. I have no objections to the Ten Commandments, for I recognize they say in ten ways what I just said in one. But I am bothered that some portion of our government, city, county, or state, made the decision to selectively support the dogmatic teachings of one religion while resisting the same kind of public exposure for another. The Constitution forbids that. If freedom of religion is to have meaning beyond empty phaseology, then no government agency on any level can ever support one religious dogma or belief over another. Government is there to secure the right for everyone to believe as they wish in the privacy of their own lives, and protect them from a different religious group from imposing their views over them in any way. Government does NOT have the right to selectively display publically the statuary or beliefs of any one religion. :)
I read the posts here and I can't believe no one really gets it. These Satanists don't really care about getting their statue up. The want YOU to understand how it feels to have a group you disagree with always putting their statue up over your objections. This is simple stuff people. Raise your consciousness a bit above the level your feet usually occupy. Freedom of religion means no one has the right to inflict their religious beliefs over anyone else publically--not even YOU. Protect yourselves by eliminating ALL religious dogmas from the public arena and let us all believe as we wish privately, where it belongs! Religious belief is between you and your God. It's NOT a public matter.

I agree with your last statements. But I do think they do care to get it up. And, I think they have every right to do so. I am just saying when our history Icons are deemed offensive and ordered taken down, then Baphwhoever gets the okay, we have a glitch in our common sense.
I believe that we should all pursue our own personal joy in life, but should never knowingly hurt others in that pursuit. I have no objections to the Ten Commandments, for I recognize they say in ten ways what I just said in one. But I am bothered that some portion of our government, city, county, or state, made the decision to selectively support the dogmatic teachings of one religion while resisting the same kind of public exposure for another. The Constitution forbids that. If freedom of religion is to have meaning beyond empty phaseology, then no government agency on any level can ever support one religious dogma or belief over another. Government is there to secure the right for everyone to believe as they wish in the privacy of their own lives, and protect them from a different religious group from imposing their views over them in any way. Government does NOT have the right to selectively display publically the statuary or beliefs of any one religion. :)

Well said, Xplorer. Of course, you are right on every statement. I would agree with you that religious symbols should not be in government buildings or outside of them. Freedom of or from religion is one of the facets that makes America great when compared to other countries.
I would agree with you that religious symbols should not be in government buildings or outside of them.

THAT ! and many other anti-America :bsflag: is why America is rapidly descending into total degeneracy.

those symbols were just fine in America until the libertards started bastardizing the Constitution. :up:
And only 3 weeks after The Left Federally Licenses Degeneracy:


The Satanic Temple Detroit Chapter is getting ready to unveil a controversial sculpture in Detroit.

A bronze Baphomet monument will be revealed on Saturday, July 25 at Berts Warehouse Entertainment.

The one ton, 9-foot tall monument reportedly pays homage to Satan.

The Satanic Temple said the statue is “intended to complement and contrast the Ten Commandments monument that already resides on Oklahoma State Capitol grounds.”

The Temple also said the event will “serve as a call-to-arms” to kick off a fight “in the name of individual rights to exercise against self-serving theocrats.”

Statue paying homage to Satan to be unveiled in Detroit - Toledo News Now News Weather Sports Toledo OH

It shouldn't be long now... .
What's the issue?
I would agree with you that religious symbols should not be in government buildings or outside of them.

THAT ! and many other anti-America :bsflag: is why America is rapidly descending into total degeneracy.

those symbols were just fine in America until the libertards started bastardizing the Constitution. :up:

Since our country has freedom of and from religion, out government buildings should honor that premise. Either allow all different religions to be represented or none.
And only 3 weeks after The Left Federally Licenses Degeneracy:


The Satanic Temple Detroit Chapter is getting ready to unveil a controversial sculpture in Detroit.

A bronze Baphomet monument will be revealed on Saturday, July 25 at Berts Warehouse Entertainment.

The one ton, 9-foot tall monument reportedly pays homage to Satan.

The Satanic Temple said the statue is “intended to complement and contrast the Ten Commandments monument that already resides on Oklahoma State Capitol grounds.”

The Temple also said the event will “serve as a call-to-arms” to kick off a fight “in the name of individual rights to exercise against self-serving theocrats.”

Statue paying homage to Satan to be unveiled in Detroit - Toledo News Now News Weather Sports Toledo OH

It shouldn't be long now... .
What's the issue?
Nothing Bodecea, everything is fine. You get your hero's statue so all is right with the world.
Not "Satan" -- Baphomet. "Satan" is a creation of Christianism.
I stand corrected. Baphomet. So can you tell me more? Are you a believer of Baphomet?

No. Just a student of mythology. With a nose for bullshit headlines.

It's always fascinated me how so many 'students of mythology' are alsIt alo Leftists. And how almost inevitably, those Leftist students of mythology end up advocating for and otherwise adhering to the unprincipled, irrational tenets of evil.

What is up wit dat?
It always fascinated me how so many Rightists are so afraid of educating themselves.
And only 3 weeks after The Left Federally Licenses Degeneracy:


The Satanic Temple Detroit Chapter is getting ready to unveil a controversial sculpture in Detroit.

A bronze Baphomet monument will be revealed on Saturday, July 25 at Berts Warehouse Entertainment.

The one ton, 9-foot tall monument reportedly pays homage to Satan.

The Satanic Temple said the statue is “intended to complement and contrast the Ten Commandments monument that already resides on Oklahoma State Capitol grounds.”

The Temple also said the event will “serve as a call-to-arms” to kick off a fight “in the name of individual rights to exercise against self-serving theocrats.”

Statue paying homage to Satan to be unveiled in Detroit - Toledo News Now News Weather Sports Toledo OH

It shouldn't be long now... .
What's the issue?
Nothing Bodecea, everything is fine. You get your hero's statue so all is right with the world.
My "hero's statue"? What are you talking about?
Not "Satan" -- Baphomet. "Satan" is a creation of Christianism.
I stand corrected. Baphomet. So can you tell me more? Are you a believer of Baphomet?

No. Just a student of mythology. With a nose for bullshit headlines.

It's always fascinated me how so many 'students of mythology' are alsIt alo Leftists. And how almost inevitably, those Leftist students of mythology end up advocating for and otherwise adhering to the unprincipled, irrational tenets of evil.

What is up wit dat?
It always fascinated me how so many Rightists are so afraid of educating themselves.
I think a bug crawling across the floor would fascinate you and keep you occupied for an hour.
Yeah- the natural enemy of Satan is of course racists.....

And the adherents to Satan would therefore be those who see 'racism' in everything, except the premise that being brown requires that a person isn't capable of feeding themselves and their family without a government subsidy, who allow the color of their skin to stand as an excuse for poor behavior and poor choices.


Well Reader, they're now showing you who they are. And its at this point that the WORM TURNS!

That's incoherent word salad.

Well thank you... and Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Thanks for sharing it.
There it is. Keys at least is consistant when he gives up.
And only 3 weeks after The Left Federally Licenses Degeneracy:


The Satanic Temple Detroit Chapter is getting ready to unveil a controversial sculpture in Detroit.

A bronze Baphomet monument will be revealed on Saturday, July 25 at Berts Warehouse Entertainment.

The one ton, 9-foot tall monument reportedly pays homage to Satan.

The Satanic Temple said the statue is “intended to complement and contrast the Ten Commandments monument that already resides on Oklahoma State Capitol grounds.”

The Temple also said the event will “serve as a call-to-arms” to kick off a fight “in the name of individual rights to exercise against self-serving theocrats.”

Statue paying homage to Satan to be unveiled in Detroit - Toledo News Now News Weather Sports Toledo OH

It shouldn't be long now... .
If you display the Ten Commandments why shouldn't they be allowed to display their own monument?

You started it
Not "Satan" -- Baphomet. "Satan" is a creation of Christianism.
I stand corrected. Baphomet. So can you tell me more? Are you a believer of Baphomet?

No. Just a student of mythology. With a nose for bullshit headlines.

It's always fascinated me how so many 'students of mythology' are alsIt alo Leftists. And how almost inevitably, those Leftist students of mythology end up advocating for and otherwise adhering to the unprincipled, irrational tenets of evil.

What is up wit dat?
It always fascinated me how so many Rightists are so afraid of educating themselves.
I think a bug crawling across the floor would fascinate you and keep you occupied for an hour.
Now that's an interesting thing for you to say. Quite the insight into what occupies you.
So you believe that we should let people praise satan?

You actually believe you have the right to violate someone's freedom of religion?

You're a typical conservative christian. You believe you have the right to deny Americans their right to the religious path of their choice.

You just further confirm my belief that none of you conservatives are real Americans.

It's not my place or anyone's place to "let" anyone do anything. As long as they're within our laws you have absolutely no right to stop anyone from following their chosen religious path.
So much for freedom of religion. I guess you christians believe that only christians have that right.

I guess people believe that only christians can erect buildings, monuments and statues.

This is America. Everyone can believe as they choose and no one has any right to stop them.

While I don't agree with their faith, I'm an American and we Americans protect everyone's freedom of religion.

They aren't harming anyone and all you christians should stop trying to take freedom of religion from those who don't follow your faith.

So this is turned to knocking Christians? I would hope 99% of the population sees something wrong here, but that is not you.

It doesn't matter if anyone sees something wrong or not.

No I don't see anything wrong with what they want to do. All I see is another faith I don't follow exercising their constitutional right to religious freedom.

Americans have the right to religious freedom.

I guess you believe only you and those who follow your faith have that right.

Further proof that you people aren't real Americans and don't believe in our constitution or bill of rights.

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