Std rates continue to climb in San Fran

Have had lots of sex with guys picked up on Castro Street when living across the bay 20 years ago. Never caught so much as a cold. STI infection rates then at least, were grossly overstated. Statistically I shoulda caught Plague at the very least. :)
I'd rather die as a human (get ass fucked without condoms in gay bathhouses!) than live as a freak (not getting fucked up the ass in gay bathhouses)

I shit you not, this is what happened when they wanted to deal with HIV in San Francisco in the beginning stages of HIV...
The Bay Area Reporter Online | STD rates continue <br>to climb in SF

Majority of which are due to gays. Gonna blame this on conservatives?

What the fuck's it got to do with you? Seriously? You are viciously anti-gay which means you're never going to catch anything off them, you're anti obamacare which isn't even close to working yet so you're not going to have to pay for the treatment so why does it in any way affect you?

you just can't stop thinking about them can you?
Hey libs: we should just ignore this except when they beg for more funding to enae their irresponsible behavior then blame that on republicans right?
I always tune into NovaSteve's threads to see what's new in in the world of GAYS and other deviants from the straight world of sex.

Novasteve is a man who keeps up with the goings on in the world of sexual perversions.

Why is he like that, you ask?

Because he's SO STRAIGHT, obviously.

Notice you guys refuse to discuss the actual issue, that despite all of the sex education, besides all of the use condoms message, STD rates are increasing, you choose to attack me instead. Why do you want this news hidden so badly? Do you think it's good that people get STDs? why do you want people to not know this is happening?
Notice you guys refuse to discuss the actual issue, that despite all of the sex education, besides all of the use condoms message, STD rates are increasing, you choose to attack me instead. Why do you want this news hidden so badly? Do you think it's good that people get STDs? why do you want people to not know this is happening?

The irony of you wantiong to discuss the issue instead of fielding personal attacks is so tangible it's funny.

The reason that nobody, lib or otherwise, wants to disuss the issue is that nobody cares because unlike you we're all happy to let gay people live their lives in peace. We don't mentally lump all people of an entire sexuality in to one big group to hate, that we accept them as individual human beings, some of who will take risks in their sexual practices and some who wont. Its their call and that is called freedom. I don't know why you hate it so much.
So you think smokers should be left in peace to just do what they do, or wait, you liberals love protecting people from themselves, except if they are special privileged status group members. I forgot! So what if gays infect each other are much higher rates than the rest of the population, so long as smokers don't even have a place just for smokers to smoke at indoors like a bar, we are all safe!

Get a life you cockgurlging liberal nanny state fascist hypocrite.
So you think smokers should be left in peace to just do what they do, or wait, you liberals love protecting people from themselves, except if they are special privileged status group members. I forgot! So what if gays infect each other are much higher rates than the rest of the population, so long as smokers don't even have a place just for smokers to smoke at indoors like a bar, we are all safe!

Get a life you cockgurlging liberal nanny state fascist hypocrite.

Yes I think smokers should be allowed to smoke in peace if they so wish, as the saying goes "It's your funeral"

But wait, you didn't expect that did you, because dispite me telling you 3 times in a week I'm not a liberal you just don't let information in to your bigotted little brain do you? Still well done on YET ANOTHER strawman you've attacked, calling me a nanny state when I hate nanny state politics.

Cock gurgling? What a very onomatopoeic, graphic description of an act. It takes a lot of thinking about it to come out with something so specific, a lot of thought.
Notice you guys refuse to dares the issue and all you can do is accuse the messenger of being gay like it's an insult
People should stop engaging in behavior that is potentially bad for their health. However, it is a free country and people are allowed to do what they want when it comes to having sex with each other. I'm not sure what else needs to be said.
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Notice you guys refuse to dares the issue and all you can do is accuse the messenger of being gay like it's an insult

Was that before or after you called me a "cockgurlging liberal nanny state fascist hypocrite" whilst turbo posting about homosexuality?
San Francisco saw increased cases of sexually transmitted diseases for the eighth consecutive year in 2013.

According to preliminary numbers from the city's public health department, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and early syphilis continued their upward climb last year.

"Clearly, we are concerned there continues to be increases," said Deputy Health Officer Dr. Susan Philip, the director of disease prevention and control in the health department's population health division. "We believe the public needs to be aware of that."

Overall reported chlamydia increased from 4,874 in 2012 to 5,089 cases in 2013, a 4.4 percent year-over-year increase. Male rectal chlamydia also increased in 2013 from 1,081 to 1,167 cases for an 8 percent annual increase from 2012...

...After declines in early syphilis seen in 2008, early syphilis continues to increase. In 2013, reported early syphilis increased by 13.9 percent from 890 cases in 2012 to 1,014.

"I don't know if this is a new normal. I am not sure we are going to expect rates are going to continue to increase," said Philip.

The health department is committed to working "diligently" and partnering with the community to decrease the rates, added Philip, though she acknowledged it is an uphill fight.

"There is no silver bullet for this," said Philip. "Until we get vaccines for these STDs, we are not going to have an easy fix."

The final 2013 numbers won't be known until later this year, although the majority of STD cases remain among men who have sex with men, said Philip. The Bay Area Reporter Online | STD rates continue <br>to climb in SF

Gee, we can't figure out that a cult that is based around promiscuous, anonymous compulisive hypersexuality could be related to the increasing numbers of syphilis? :cuckoo:

Add in HIV, its numbers have sharply increased in boys ages 13-24, over and above the syphilis rate. With all these health issues surrounding an evangelical cult that is uber-aggressive in recruiting, our nation is going to go bankrupt treating these epidemics as they spread like wildfire.
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So what if gays are spreading STDs. They do it intentionally, especially AIDS. They just shouldn't be allowed to suck up medical care for these voluntary activities. Or their care should be subsidized only by funds generated in San Francisco.

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