Std rates continue to climb in San Fran

Libs presented with facts from even a gay source and they get outraged the news is made public

That's why I nearly fell off my chair laughing when I read the part in the report where the health officials were "going to work closely with the community" to stave off the problem.

Yeah, try it in San Francisco. I dare you. The first mention of objective facts that the cult of LGBT and its evangelising to schools in CA is resulting directly in the deaths and sickness of kids trying out the new fad and you'll be run out on a rail, tarred and feathered, crucified and left for the ravens to pick clean.

The Church does not tolerate ill words spoken of itself or its members activities.. :cool:
Tell a lie to a conservative and they get upset. Tell the truth to a liberal and they get upset.
Libs can you admit it you suppress news stories that aren't positive towards your special status groups?

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