Steele dossier firm Fusion GPS ordered to spill the beans by federal judge

If Hillary paid money that got to Russia for dirt on Trump, that’s collusion, right?

No votes were changed. Putin didn’t affect the election any more than Obama affected Brexit when Obama went to England to campaign against it.

If the cast votes were not changed, Trump and Putin did not rig the election.

That distinction goes to Hillary rigging the DNC primaries and disenfranchising millions of
Bernie Sanders voters.

That is some sick shit.

Since neither Clinton or her campaign communicated with a foreign government, they did not violate the law. Clinton did not publicly ask a foreign government to spy on the Trump or Sander's campaign (unlike Trump).

Whether the Russian government changed the outcome of the election is immaterial. The Trump campaign and Trump himself violated the Logan Act.

It's clear that some Pro-Clinton Democrats treated the Sanders campaign unfairly (which was the stupidest thing they could have possibly have done), but that did not involve a foreign government - so it wasn't illegal.

When is Trump going prison?

My prediction is that once Mueller publishes the results of his investigation, Trump will make a deal with Pence to pardon him (and his son). Then any further indictments will be moot.

So I don't expect Trump to go to prison.

Perhaps if the Republican sretain control of congress Trump may survive as President, but I doubt it.

Pardon Trump for what crime?


Violation of the Logan Act.

By HIllary, right? For paying for the Dossier.
This is pretty interesting...

Steele dossier firm Fusion GPS ordered to spill the beans by federal judge

A federal judge has ordered opposition research firm Fusion GPS to answer a series of questions on the Steele dossier, which contained unverified allegations against Donald Trump, and helped start the ‘Russiagate’ probe.
The ruling was issued by a US district judge in Florida on Tuesday, in a defamation lawsuit filed by a Russian tech executive against BuzzFeed News, which published the full, unverified dossier in January 2017. Multiple other outlets, including CNN and the New York Times, declined to publish the dossier, as they could not verify its claims.

Now, Fusion GPS will have to answer a wide-ranging series of questions; about the Democrat-connected law firm that requested the dossier, about the efforts the company made to fact-check its allegations, and about the man who actually compiled it; former British spy Christopher Steele.
Steele himself said everything in the dos was "speculation" too (unverified stories he'd dug up.)
Steele himself said everything in the dos was "speculation" too (unverified stories he'd dug up.)
True...Steele said it was a field report, that needed to be checked out and verified... it was like a table of contents, or outline of a book, that needed to be expounded on... which the FBI has been doing since they got it.... checking out the sources in and what was said, in the field report, of which much at this point has been researched and in several cases verified....(not the golden showers stuff, the FBI is not even looking in to it) Steele also said that he believes once the FBI finished their investigation, that his field report will turn out to be 90 to 95% true and verified.

The Clinton stuff that Schweitzer claimed, has been debunked by several sources....just google a fact check on it....
And to the Bozo that's asked how many people switched their vote from Clinton to Trump becuase of Russian government interference:

Probably close to zero, if not zero. However what Russia's interference did do is to increase the anti-Clinton sentiment that resulted in a larger pro-Trump turnout than there would have otherwise been. So it most probably did affect the election.

If she won the popular vote...….how does that work?

So you've never heard of the Electoral College?

Well DUH, that's how it works in this country. But by your own comments, you admit Russia didn't change anyones votes...…..but now you say it did change the Electorates votes??? Aren't the Electorates people too? Not only that, but they hold a responsibility to the people they represent and less likely to be influenced beyond their public.
This is pretty interesting...

Steele dossier firm Fusion GPS ordered to spill the beans by federal judge

A federal judge has ordered opposition research firm Fusion GPS to answer a series of questions on the Steele dossier, which contained unverified allegations against Donald Trump, and helped start the ‘Russiagate’ probe.
The ruling was issued by a US district judge in Florida on Tuesday, in a defamation lawsuit filed by a Russian tech executive against BuzzFeed News, which published the full, unverified dossier in January 2017. Multiple other outlets, including CNN and the New York Times, declined to publish the dossier, as they could not verify its claims.

Now, Fusion GPS will have to answer a wide-ranging series of questions; about the Democrat-connected law firm that requested the dossier, about the efforts the company made to fact-check its allegations, and about the man who actually compiled it; former British spy Christopher Steele.

Found a commie judge. How much you want to bet the questions are going to be aimed at where the info came from so he can pass it to Putin. This Russian needs to be run out of town on a rail.
This is pretty interesting...

Steele dossier firm Fusion GPS ordered to spill the beans by federal judge

A federal judge has ordered opposition research firm Fusion GPS to answer a series of questions on the Steele dossier, which contained unverified allegations against Donald Trump, and helped start the ‘Russiagate’ probe.
The ruling was issued by a US district judge in Florida on Tuesday, in a defamation lawsuit filed by a Russian tech executive against BuzzFeed News, which published the full, unverified dossier in January 2017. Multiple other outlets, including CNN and the New York Times, declined to publish the dossier, as they could not verify its claims.

Now, Fusion GPS will have to answer a wide-ranging series of questions; about the Democrat-connected law firm that requested the dossier, about the efforts the company made to fact-check its allegations, and about the man who actually compiled it; former British spy Christopher Steele.

So far the Steele Dossier has proven to be accurate. Who paid for it is immaterial. Since Steele was a private contractor, and FusionGPS there was no law violated.

Unlike some politicians that have directly colluded with a foreign government:

Logan Act - Wikipedia

And to the Bozo that's asked how many people switched their vote from Clinton to Trump becuase of Russian government interference:

Probably close to zero, if not zero. However what Russia's interference did do is to increase the anti-Clinton sentiment that resulted in a larger pro-Trump turnout than there would have otherwise been. So it most probably did affect the election.

If Hillary paid money that got to Russia for dirt on Trump, that’s collusion, right?

No votes were changed. Putin didn’t affect the election any more than Obama affected Brexit when Obama went to England to campaign against it.

If the cast votes were not changed, Trump and Putin did not rig the election.

That distinction goes to Hillary rigging the DNC primaries and disenfranchising millions of
Bernie Sanders voters.

That is some sick shit.

Since neither Clinton or her campaign communicated with a foreign government, they did not violate the law. Clinton did not publicly ask a foreign government to spy on the Trump or Sander's campaign (unlike Trump).

Whether the Russian government changed the outcome of the election is immaterial. The Trump campaign and Trump himself violated the Logan Act.

It's clear that some Pro-Clinton Democrats treated the Sanders campaign unfairly (which was the stupidest thing they could have possibly have done), but that did not involve a foreign government - so it wasn't illegal.

When is Trump going prison?

My prediction is that once Mueller publishes the results of his investigation, Trump will make a deal with Pence to pardon him (and his son). Then any further indictments will be moot.

So I don't expect Trump to go to prison.

Perhaps if the Republican sretain control of congress Trump may survive as President, but I doubt it.

There's nothing to pardon, you king-sized idiot.
If Hillary paid money that got to Russia for dirt on Trump, that’s collusion, right?

No votes were changed. Putin didn’t affect the election any more than Obama affected Brexit when Obama went to England to campaign against it.

If the cast votes were not changed, Trump and Putin did not rig the election.

That distinction goes to Hillary rigging the DNC primaries and disenfranchising millions of
Bernie Sanders voters.

That is some sick shit.

Since neither Clinton or her campaign communicated with a foreign government, they did not violate the law. Clinton did not publicly ask a foreign government to spy on the Trump or Sander's campaign (unlike Trump).

Whether the Russian government changed the outcome of the election is immaterial. The Trump campaign and Trump himself violated the Logan Act.

It's clear that some Pro-Clinton Democrats treated the Sanders campaign unfairly (which was the stupidest thing they could have possibly have done), but that did not involve a foreign government - so it wasn't illegal.

When is Trump going prison?

My prediction is that once Mueller publishes the results of his investigation, Trump will make a deal with Pence to pardon him (and his son). Then any further indictments will be moot.

So I don't expect Trump to go to prison.

Perhaps if the Republican sretain control of congress Trump may survive as President, but I doubt it.

Pardon Trump for what crime?


Violation of the Logan Act.
It’s just unreal that a bullshit document was used to spy on the Trump campaign.

The dossier Is cited as "Source #1" in the FISA application, which makes up a sizable portion of the unredacted evidence in the warrant application on Carter Page.
the whole dossier, EVERY word included was a whopping 36 pages,

the FISA Warrant was 400 pages, me thinks you are missing a great deal of evidence, verifying the dossier and all the other intel used to get the Fisa warrant
Me thinks you are blowing hot gas out your ass. There is no mention of any other evidence, fool.
Steele himself said everything in the dos was "speculation" too (unverified stories he'd dug up.)
True...Steele said it was a field report, that needed to be checked out and verified... it was like a table of contents, or outline of a book, that needed to be expounded on... which the FBI has been doing since they got it.... checking out the sources in and what was said, in the field report, of which much at this point has been researched and in several cases verified....(not the golden showers stuff, the FBI is not even looking in to it) Steele also said that he believes once the FBI finished their investigation, that his field report will turn out to be 90 to 95% true and verified.

The Clinton stuff that Schweitzer claimed, has been debunked by several sources....just google a fact check on it....
McCabe testified before Congress that the document is just a pile of worthless unsubstantiated malicious gossip. The FBI never even attempted to verify any of the claims in it because they knew it was horseshit.
This is pretty interesting...

Steele dossier firm Fusion GPS ordered to spill the beans by federal judge

A federal judge has ordered opposition research firm Fusion GPS to answer a series of questions on the Steele dossier, which contained unverified allegations against Donald Trump, and helped start the ‘Russiagate’ probe.
The ruling was issued by a US district judge in Florida on Tuesday, in a defamation lawsuit filed by a Russian tech executive against BuzzFeed News, which published the full, unverified dossier in January 2017. Multiple other outlets, including CNN and the New York Times, declined to publish the dossier, as they could not verify its claims.

Now, Fusion GPS will have to answer a wide-ranging series of questions; about the Democrat-connected law firm that requested the dossier, about the efforts the company made to fact-check its allegations, and about the man who actually compiled it; former British spy Christopher Steele.

In 79 I had contracts in The Pentagon and the basement was a shopping center and at a magazine stand was where I first saw Fusion and thinking it was a science and bought a copy. The high dollar saloon in Arlington was populated by Jimmy Carter appointees and we got along good until they asked who am I going to vote for and I said Ronald Reagan which put me out of favor.

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