Stein pushes Justice Dept. for investigation of electoral system


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
A never end story and a good proof liberals are mentally insane.In no one country liberals ( leftists ) went freely, only with help of soldiers or revolutions folks kicked them out. Liberals are like cancer which afflicted societies and only hardly let its victim free.

Jill Stein is continuing her push to investigate the integrity of the U.S. electoral system, with lawyers for the former Green Party presidential candidate asking Attorney General Loretta Lynch to probe the issue.

"We write to urge the Department of Justice to launch an investigation into the integrity of our nation’s election system generally, and our nation’s voting machines specifically, based on the information we discovered in the course of this representation," reads the letter from Stein's counsel dated Friday.

"The attempted recount process has uncovered that voting machines relied on in these states and across the country are prone to human and machine error, especially in under-resourced black and brown communities, and vulnerable to tampering and hacking," the letter continued.

Stein pushes Justice Dept. for investigation of electoral system
I have no problem with ending the fake votes in Detroit. You guys sure you want to go there?
A never end story and a good proof liberals are mentally insane.In no one country liberals ( leftists ) went freely, only with help of soldiers or revolutions folks kicked them out. Liberals are like cancer which afflicted societies and only hardly let its victim free.

Jill Stein is continuing her push to investigate the integrity of the U.S. electoral system, with lawyers for the former Green Party presidential candidate asking Attorney General Loretta Lynch to probe the issue.

"We write to urge the Department of Justice to launch an investigation into the integrity of our nation’s election system generally, and our nation’s voting machines specifically, based on the information we discovered in the course of this representation," reads the letter from Stein's counsel dated Friday.

"The attempted recount process has uncovered that voting machines relied on in these states and across the country are prone to human and machine error, especially in under-resourced black and brown communities, and vulnerable to tampering and hacking," the letter continued.

Stein pushes Justice Dept. for investigation of electoral system

She's making to many assumptions.

The mistakes uncovered all favored the democrats.

Also, the scanning process would likely NOT Show a vote Instead of increase the tally as was the case in Michigan precincts that cast more votes (which favored Clinton) then there were voters.

Excuse me, but this is bs. its obvious this was human manipulation not machine error.
She'll uncover that it's been rigged for years, for both parties, depending on which one at the time served the interest of mass immigration more.
AS if at this point, Loretta Lynch is going to get up off her fat black ass to do anything other than send out resumes for her next government job. Stein literally STOLE the money she's taken in and the only DOJ investigation should be to indict her for theft-through conversion and mail fraud.
A never end story and a good proof liberals are mentally insane.In no one country liberals ( leftists ) went freely, only with help of soldiers or revolutions folks kicked them out. Liberals are like cancer which afflicted societies and only hardly let its victim free.

Jill Stein is continuing her push to investigate the integrity of the U.S. electoral system, with lawyers for the former Green Party presidential candidate asking Attorney General Loretta Lynch to probe the issue.

"We write to urge the Department of Justice to launch an investigation into the integrity of our nation’s election system generally, and our nation’s voting machines specifically, based on the information we discovered in the course of this representation," reads the letter from Stein's counsel dated Friday.

"The attempted recount process has uncovered that voting machines relied on in these states and across the country are prone to human and machine error, especially in under-resourced black and brown communities, and vulnerable to tampering and hacking," the letter continued.

Stein pushes Justice Dept. for investigation of electoral system

Loretta is STILL THERE?


In Pennsylvania, many voters who requested absentee ballots never received them in time to cast their vote. There were so many problems with absentee ballots that a Montgomery County judge ordered a four-
day extension of the deadline to return them, warning that 17,000 people could be disenfranchised without an extension.

Voters also reported issues with DREs that appeared to inaccurately record their votes on Election Day.
The “no vote” button on Sequoia AVC Advantage machines in Montgomery County remained lit even after voters attempted to press other buttons to vote for candidates. Voters feared that their votes were
inaccurately counted as “no votes.”

Indeed, the election results for Montgomery County included
4,087 “no votes” —

meaning either that 4,087 people implausibly went to their polling places only to vote for no candidate in any election, or that the machines did not work.
AS if at this point, Loretta Lynch is going to get up off her fat black ass to do anything other than send out resumes for her next government job. Stein literally STOLE the money she's taken in and the only DOJ investigation should be to indict her for theft-through conversion and mail fraud.
I wonder how many LIBs realise if Stein hadn't run Hillary would have won the election?

In Pennsylvania, many voters who requested absentee ballots never received them in time to cast their vote. There were so many problems with absentee ballots that a Montgomery County judge ordered a four-
day extension of the deadline to return them, warning that 17,000 people could be disenfranchised without an extension.

Voters also reported issues with DREs that appeared to inaccurately record their votes on Election Day.
The “no vote” button on Sequoia AVC Advantage machines in Montgomery County remained lit even after voters attempted to press other buttons to vote for candidates. Voters feared that their votes were
inaccurately counted as “no votes.”

Indeed, the election results for Montgomery County included
4,087 “no votes” —

meaning either that 4,087 people implausibly went to their polling places only to vote for no candidate in any election, or that the machines did not work.

Polls showed that many people would not vote for a presidential candidate, so fewer people voting for one then actual voters only makes sense.
What's obvious is that something has to be done to prevent the DOJ from being the enforcement arm of the administration. Lynch actually considered agreeing to legislation JAILING "climate-deniers". She blocked Comey from getting an indictment of both Lois Lerner and Clinton, and followed Holder's policy of ignoring black on white hate-crimes. I don't know what the solution is....maybe giving the FBI director the discretion to empanel grand juries if he feels the AG is ignoring criminal activity.
A never end story and a good proof liberals are mentally insane.In no one country liberals ( leftists ) went freely, only with help of soldiers or revolutions folks kicked them out. Liberals are like cancer which afflicted societies and only hardly let its victim free.

Jill Stein is continuing her push to investigate the integrity of the U.S. electoral system, with lawyers for the former Green Party presidential candidate asking Attorney General Loretta Lynch to probe the issue.

"We write to urge the Department of Justice to launch an investigation into the integrity of our nation’s election system generally, and our nation’s voting machines specifically, based on the information we discovered in the course of this representation," reads the letter from Stein's counsel dated Friday.

"The attempted recount process has uncovered that voting machines relied on in these states and across the country are prone to human and machine error, especially in under-resourced black and brown communities, and vulnerable to tampering and hacking," the letter continued.

Stein pushes Justice Dept. for investigation of electoral system

She's making to many assumptions.

The mistakes uncovered all favored the democrats.

Also, the scanning process would likely NOT Show a vote Instead of increase the tally as was the case in Michigan precincts that cast more votes (which favored Clinton) then there were voters.

Excuse me, but this is bs. its obvious this was human manipulation not machine error.

She's crazy.Period.
AS if at this point, Loretta Lynch is going to get up off her fat black ass to do anything other than send out resumes for her next government job. Stein literally STOLE the money she's taken in and the only DOJ investigation should be to indict her for theft-through conversion and mail fraud.
I wonder how many LIBs realise if Stein hadn't run Hillary would have won the election?

interesting idea-----did Stein win any electoral college votes?
AS if at this point, Loretta Lynch is going to get up off her fat black ass to do anything other than send out resumes for her next government job. Stein literally STOLE the money she's taken in and the only DOJ investigation should be to indict her for theft-through conversion and mail fraud.
I wonder how many LIBs realise if Stein hadn't run Hillary would have won the election?
Is that true? I haven't read anything about that yet.... but if it is true.... Wow. Sucks to be a Democrat in 2016!:badgrin:
A never end story and a good proof liberals are mentally insane.In no one country liberals ( leftists ) went freely, only with help of soldiers or revolutions folks kicked them out. Liberals are like cancer which afflicted societies and only hardly let its victim free.

Jill Stein is continuing her push to investigate the integrity of the U.S. electoral system, with lawyers for the former Green Party presidential candidate asking Attorney General Loretta Lynch to probe the issue.

"We write to urge the Department of Justice to launch an investigation into the integrity of our nation’s election system generally, and our nation’s voting machines specifically, based on the information we discovered in the course of this representation," reads the letter from Stein's counsel dated Friday.

"The attempted recount process has uncovered that voting machines relied on in these states and across the country are prone to human and machine error, especially in under-resourced black and brown communities, and vulnerable to tampering and hacking," the letter continued.

Stein pushes Justice Dept. for investigation of electoral system

"voting machines relied on in these states and across the country are prone to human and machine error, especially in under-resourced black and brown communities, and vulnerable to tampering and hacking," the letter continued."

Sure Thing ! Lets go after the Dem vote fraud in Negro & Mestiso 'hoods.

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