Stem Cell Burgers - Its what's for dinner

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Special report: 'In vitro' beef - it's the meat of the future - Science - News - The Independent

Asked the cost of a regular beefburger, you might guess around £3... with fries. But, next week, a select group will be fed a £250,000 patty. What's the difference? This one was grown in a laboratory – from a cow's stem cells

Related -

The vegetarian: So, would you eat a test-tube burger? - Comment - Voices - The Independent

Anyone wanna bet the usual suspects will say they'd eat it with gusto?

I do think this is the meat of the future. We simply cannot go on with our present methods of raising, transporting and slaughtering livestock. But, I don't expect the knee jerkers to care or even wonder why.
Why the hell can't we keep raising, transporting and slaughtering livestock?
Why the hell can't we keep raising, transporting and slaughtering livestock?
We can.

My guess is we're (First-Worlders) just test-marketing it here.

So that we can sell it to Third World shit-holes that can't afford anything better.

But at least we'll be able to claim that we tested it in the First World before dumping it onto the Third.

Soylent Green, anyone?

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I'm dubious about smoking a fake hog. I agree with the poster above who said this would be used in 3rd world countries or places where hunger is a problem.

Or anyplace else you wanted to cause heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity ...
I'm dubious about smoking a fake hog. I agree with the poster above who said this would be used in 3rd world countries or places where hunger is a problem.

Or anyplace else you wanted to cause heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity ...

When can they make this in a lab?

I don't eat red meat but if I did I woudn't touch it with a ten foot pole. I sure as hell wouldn't serve it to my family. I'd rather go vegetarian.
Special report: 'In vitro' beef - it's the meat of the future - Science - News - The Independent

Asked the cost of a regular beefburger, you might guess around £3... with fries. But, next week, a select group will be fed a £250,000 patty. What's the difference? This one was grown in a laboratory – from a cow's stem cells

Related -

The vegetarian: So, would you eat a test-tube burger? - Comment - Voices - The Independent

The carnivore: So, would you eat a test-tube burger? - Comment - Voices - The Independent

Anyone wanna bet the usual suspects will say they'd eat it with gusto?

I do think this is the meat of the future. We simply cannot go on with our present methods of raising, transporting and slaughtering livestock. But, I don't expect the knee jerkers to care or even wonder why.

This is nothing more than an attempt by PETA, at trying to give GMO lab-grown meat some good PR.

I would not want to eat any GMO petrie-dish grown frankenmeat.
I'm dubious about smoking a fake hog. I agree with the poster above who said this would be used in 3rd world countries or places where hunger is a problem.

Or anyplace else you wanted to cause heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity ...

When it comes to a choice between medical symptoms in some consumers and starvation, I'm guessing that most Third Worlders will choose the medical symptoms...

Beats pushing-up daisies from six feet under, I"m sure...

And, genetically manufactured foodstuffs may buy them (and us) enough time to fix the problem more permanently...

Unless you've got another similarly cost-effective solution to World Hunger in the Third World that the rest of us don't know about...
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