Stephanie Miller's Message to a Republican!


this was a SCOTUS ruling what in the hell does it have to do with Republicans? Oh right that is how you left wing democrat operatives are painting the picture.

But thank you for your post. I look forward to the "Daily Liberal Propaganda" message.
I used to listen to her on KFI in L.A. about 20 years ago and she can be funny at times but she's not really worth listening to. Her claim to fame is that her father was Barry Goldwaters' running mate in the 1964 election.
You know as an original feminist who fought for equality and not superiority, I am freaking embarrassed as hell to watch all these women whine their faces off because they can't force someone to buy them birth control.

How low the new breed of feminists has sunk. Shame on you women. This is not what we fought for.
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A manufactured lefty rant and lies.
The left says it's war on all women, when these four drugs are only used by 8.5% of population of women.

Sebelius broke the law by adding these four drugs to the health care law, without congress approval.
None of the women who use the 4 drugs are stopped from using them.

The left are upset that President Clinton's Law trumped President Obama's law.

This is proof that the Government has become to big when one Democrats Law cancels another's Democrats Law.
This is all about Democrats and the mess that they created and has nothing to do with Republicans.
Blah, blah,blah....the majority of Americans don't like the goobermint telling them to buy shit for other people especially when it violates their religious rights.

Liberals are just demented fucks.
Orly the willing blindness of Party fervor could keep this woman from being laughed out of even a Liberal Media studio.

A business doesn't have to pay for forms of birth control which destroy the egg after it has been fertilized----and this becomes "the long arm of business and Republicans reaching into a woman's body"

Do women actually think this way?

No women I know do, but I live in the Heartland--where the notion of self-reliance still prevails.

When did women in New York and California and the rotting cities of the North decide to cede responsibility for their own birth control to businesses and Republicans?

Birth control costs about 9 bucks a month

It seems that it ought to be between the women and the men they go to bed with. If this haint Miller wants to shack up with 9 men a month then she ought to get each one to leave a dollar on the table by the bed.
So someone we don't know demonstrates she doesn't understand rights, self-government, the structure of our government, and the decision at hand and for some unarticulated reason, we are supposed to be convinced we are somehow wrong.

You don't have the right to force people to violate their religious beliefs. You aren't entitled to someone else paying for your health care. And the court saying you can't force someone else to pay for your health care doesn't at all prevent you from paying for it yourself
I used to listen to her on KFI in L.A. about 20 years ago and she can be funny at times but she's not really worth listening to. Her claim to fame is that her father was Barry Goldwaters' running mate in the 1964 election.

Wow...she's been on the radio for that long and her claim to fame is what again? :lol:
Last time we voted, my wife checked with her vagina first. It told her to vote for the liberal democrat....she had to obey it.......

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