Stephen Colbert called Ron DeSantis a 'gaping a**hole'

Giving them a voluntary option to go to a nice pretty place where they say they honeyed words about how much they love open immigration and infinite welfare rather than someplace that would deport them yesterday if we could? A voluntary option they took, giving them free food and air conditioning on their way?

Garbage gets thrown in the back of a cramped truck and taken to the dump.

Your metaphors suck.

But hey, I certainly didn’t miss it when NBC news tweeted out calling giving the aliens a plane ride dumping your trash everywhere.

Tell us how you really feel.
Dude, the guy's projecting like the MV'rs did. He didn't say shit about the MV'rs calling the military to escort their guests out now did he. It's gaslighting and projection at it's finest in his post. Let him ignore the facts, the real Americans know the snobs with the wine called the military and locked them up in cages. Yep. Ask him why they did that!
Not the first time we have seen republicans just not being able to understand why it's wrong to treat vulnerable people like garbage.

Oh! Teh waycism & hypocwosy!
No, no, this story can never die. NEVER. The Virtuous Demofks took guests and locked them up after calling the military!! The military. Not 911 cops, 911 Military. Nope, this can never die. Let's watch all these Virtuous fkwads scramble now. tic, tic, tic,
Send illegals to Colbert's area of living. Saturate Hollywood and other areas with illegals.
I think it already is isn't it?

The Hollywood celebrity class loves having a slave class that will work for almost nothing, and who they've got by the balls... Because these people don't want to be sent back and they will be ratted out by their own masters for letting them down. It's really just the new slavery that's all.

Oh! Teh waycism & hypocwosy!
let's see how many of the virtuous stations avoid telling that those Sweet old virtuous MV'rs called the military and had them removed and locked in cages. Yep, that's how gracious they were. hhahhhaahahahahaah. gaslighters ignite I see.
Dude, the guy's projecting like the MV'rs did. He didn't say shit about the MV'rs calling the military to escort their guests out now did he. It's gaslighting and projection at it's finest in his post. Let him ignore the facts, the real Americans know the snobs with the wine called the military and locked them up in cages. Yep. Ask him why they did that!
Zat iss verboten! :nono:
Isn't Steven Colbert the Libtard asshole that bragged he didn't have to worry about the high cost of gas because he had a $80K Tesla?

Was it him or another Limousine Libtard? It is hard to tell these arrogant jackasses apart.
So the next question to Steven is, hey Steve, if you and your demofks are so gracious to guests, why'd they call the military and put them in cages? They were promised a dorm. ooops. Hey Steven, you remain the dog shit on the bottom of my shoe.
Isn't Steven Colbert the Libtard asshole that bragged he didn't have to worry about the high cost of gas because he had a $80K Tesla?

Was it him or another Limousine Libtard? It is hard to tell these arrogant jackasses apart.
Well they all do Virtue signal daily.
Well. If he could play piano with his dick them Ukarannianz would sElect him pResident !
I don't think he can. I remember hearing before that Colbert has a micro-penis.

Maybe he can play a sonatina.
LOL fail. Treating anyone like garbage is wrong you sadistic fuck.
why did the MV'rs lock them up in cages after calling the military. tell me the difference from what you just posted. I'll wait.
See the Venezuelans were expecting wine and oysters because that's the MV invite. Instead they got guns and military in their faces and escorted to cages where they sit today. Don't virtue signal us you fk.
I wonder how many demofk dicks Colbert walks around holding.
I don’t wonder, unless the board brings up Colbert, I don’t think about him at all. He is just a celebrity asshole that somehow believes his opinions matter and thinks he is funny. He is neither.
I don’t wonder, unless the board brings up Colbert, I don’t think about him at all. He is just a celebrity asshole that somehow believes his opinions matter and thinks he is funny. He is neither.
I haven't paid attention to that nobody for two decades now. Nor Jimmy Fallon or the other Jimmy, Kimble. all they are are the elites puppets for entertainment about the low lifers and laughing while they sample their wine and eat their oysters. Yep.

Broadcast tv is gone.

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