Stephen Colbert called Ron DeSantis a 'gaping a**hole'

Colbert lives in New York. Hollywood and surround is already saturated with illegals, and druggies, and criminals, and every other kind of disreputable flotsam you could think of.

So is New York the "Gutfeld," #1 show at night, they cover the crime, homelessness and disaster of democrat party controlled New York too....
Steven Colbert has branded Ron DeSantis a 'gaping a**hole' for sending 50 Venezuelan migrants to Martha's Vineyard.

The Late Show host took on the Florida governor during his opening monologue on Tuesday night following the stunt last week.

'Oh, I remember that one from the SAT,' Colbert said, mocking DeSantis' statement, 'If two people are traveling in a car, and there are hundreds of different cars, how big of an a-hole is Ron DeSantis?' Gaping. Gaping.'

Colbert is an obnoxious cretin.
Joe Biden's open border policy is killing thousands of people, but Colbert doesn't care.
Colbert is worried about 50 people getting a free trip to a resort island.
The Democrats Party's constant hate mongering, racism, lying and corruption has alienated millions of mainstream voters.
Therefor the goal of the Corrupt Democrat Party's open border policy is to grow their voter base of uneducated moochers.
I guess Colbert is an expert on gaping assholes.
Steven Colbert has branded Ron DeSantis a 'gaping a**hole' for sending 50 Venezuelan migrants to Martha's Vineyard.

The Late Show host took on the Florida governor during his opening monologue on Tuesday night following the stunt last week.

'Oh, I remember that one from the SAT,' Colbert said, mocking DeSantis' statement, 'If two people are traveling in a car, and there are hundreds of different cars, how big of an a-hole is Ron DeSantis?' Gaping. Gaping.'

Colbert is an obnoxious cretin.
Joe Biden's open border policy is killing thousands of people, but Colbert doesn't care.
Colbert is worried about 50 people getting a free trip to a resort island.
The Democrats Party's constant hate mongering, racism, lying and corruption has alienated millions of mainstream voters.
Therefor the goal of the Corrupt Democrat Party's open border policy is to grow their voter base of uneducated moochers.
An apt description of DeathSantis.
For me I am weary of politicians in general. I was even weary of DeSantis because perhaps of being suspicious of his real views. As a Governor he drew a line in the sand. Florida has a lot of transients. A lot of people who are from other states. There is the rise and fall of nations. There is also the rise and fall of states. Florida is on the rise. California exists on the massive economic power of East Asia. The Africans would be the same for Florida if they pulled their weight. So, Florida goes it with a negative there.
On what planet did that post make sense, because it sure wasn't this one?
Steven Colbert has branded Ron DeSantis a 'gaping a**hole' for sending 50 Venezuelan migrants to Martha's Vineyard.

The Late Show host took on the Florida governor during his opening monologue on Tuesday night following the stunt last week.

'Oh, I remember that one from the SAT,' Colbert said, mocking DeSantis' statement, 'If two people are traveling in a car, and there are hundreds of different cars, how big of an a-hole is Ron DeSantis?' Gaping. Gaping.'

Colbert is an obnoxious cretin.
Joe Biden's open border policy is killing thousands of people, but Colbert doesn't care.
Colbert is worried about 50 people getting a free trip to a resort island.
The Democrats Party's constant hate mongering, racism, lying and corruption has alienated millions of mainstream voters.
Therefor the goal of the Corrupt Democrat Party's open border policy is to grow their voter base of uneducated moochers.
no doubt colbert has seen plenty of those in his day...up close too
Globalism is the resources taken from rich nations and given to poorer ones. Climate change is a scam to get global taxation that is promoted as green technologies but to give the money to poorer nations. World government will be the impoverishing of the West and the currencies to become digital. Haiti is African dominated and dirt poor. White Progressive Socialist Marthas Vineyard is dirty rich. Uplifting Haiti economically by Prog agendas should make them live like those rich Prog white enclaves. Rich White Progs living in their lily-white areas are frauds. Lying, disgusting, contemptable evil examples of the worst humanity has been in the past and up to now.

I am not sure what you mean by that statement.
Steven Colbert has branded Ron DeSantis a 'gaping a**hole' for sending 50 Venezuelan migrants to Martha's Vineyard.

The Late Show host took on the Florida governor during his opening monologue on Tuesday night following the stunt last week.

'Oh, I remember that one from the SAT,' Colbert said, mocking DeSantis' statement, 'If two people are traveling in a car, and there are hundreds of different cars, how big of an a-hole is Ron DeSantis?' Gaping. Gaping.'

Colbert is an obnoxious cretin.
Joe Biden's open border policy is killing thousands of people, but Colbert doesn't care.
Colbert is worried about 50 people getting a free trip to a resort island.
The Democrats Party's constant hate mongering, racism, lying and corruption has alienated millions of mainstream voters.
Therefor the goal of the Corrupt Democrat Party's open border policy is to grow their voter base of uneducated moochers.
im pretty sure colbert has seen more than his share of gaping a holes
He is like every other liberal Hollywood elitist talks big until the problem is in his backyard then it’s get them out of here.
Steven Colbert has branded Ron DeSantis a 'gaping a**hole' for sending 50 Venezuelan migrants to Martha's Vineyard.

The Late Show host took on the Florida governor during his opening monologue on Tuesday night following the stunt last week.

'Oh, I remember that one from the SAT,' Colbert said, mocking DeSantis' statement, 'If two people are traveling in a car, and there are hundreds of different cars, how big of an a-hole is Ron DeSantis?' Gaping. Gaping.'

Colbert is an obnoxious cretin.
Joe Biden's open border policy is killing thousands of people, but Colbert doesn't care.
Colbert is worried about 50 people getting a free trip to a resort island.
The Democrats Party's constant hate mongering, racism, lying and corruption has alienated millions of mainstream voters.
Therefor the goal of the Corrupt Democrat Party's open border policy is to grow their voter base of uneducated moochers.
Colbert is right, don't be butthurt.

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