Stephen Hawking can understand the universe, but not Donald Trump

And "the donald" is an expert at!!!! but you believe his BS!

Nothing personal, but 'Hawking can't understand Trump's popularity'? Really?! Is that really supposed to sway someone politically? Perhaps he has never seen an episode of the Apprentice? LOL!

Personally, again, I could care less who likes candidate 'X', who endorses or does not endorse candidate 'X'. I can make up my own mind thank you. Everyone's got an opinion, and 'yours' is no different than anyone else's and can be just as right or wrong as anyone else's.

If he has an opinion of Trump's scientific theories of the galaxy please let me know.
Hawking is a loon
You think anyone with a high IQ is a loon.

Wow I'm dazzled by your middle school attempt at a comeback.....not
What you don't understand....low IQ that you kicked your ignorant irish

Hawking is a loon
You think anyone with a high IQ is a loon.

Wow I'm dazzled by your middle school attempt at a comeback.....not
If this thread doesn't support the stereotype of right wingers being stupid, I don't know what would.
And "the donald" is an expert at!!!! but you believe his BS!

Nothing personal, but 'Hawking can't understand Trump's popularity'? Really?! Is that really supposed to sway someone politically? Perhaps he has never seen an episode of the Apprentice? LOL!

Personally, again, I could care less who likes candidate 'X', who endorses or does not endorse candidate 'X'. I can make up my own mind thank you. Everyone's got an opinion, and 'yours' is no different than anyone else's and can be just as right or wrong as anyone else's.

If he has an opinion of Trump's scientific theories of the galaxy please let me know.
No one said Trump is an expert at anything. If anyone did say that I wouldn't believe them without some type of proof.

President's aren't elected because they are 'experts' at something. It helps, but they aren't.

This next statement is not about bush but the DECISION he made: When Bush was elected President he immediately started looking for the smartest people in their realms he could find to fill his Cabinet positions. Many liberals at the time actually made fun of him for doing so, remarking that he was trying to make up for his own intellectual inadequacies.


While whether he succeeded or failed is up for ('violent') debate, the fact is he did try to surround himself with the smartest people he could find. (By comparison., it can be noted, once elected President Obama sought to surround himself not with the smartest / most talented but with the most number of liberal tax cheats he could find. :p was a joke. )
Hawking is a loon
You think anyone with a high IQ is a loon.

Wow I'm dazzled by your middle school attempt at a comeback.....not
What you don't understand....low IQ that you kicked your ignorant irish

Hawking is a loon
You think anyone with a high IQ is a loon.

Wow I'm dazzled by your middle school attempt at a comeback.....not
If this thread doesn't support the stereotype of right wingers being stupid, I don't know what would.

Because someone dares to disagree with a "scientist" talking out his ass on politics?LOL
Hawking is a loon
You think anyone with a high IQ is a loon.

Wow I'm dazzled by your middle school attempt at a comeback.....not
What you don't understand....low IQ that you kicked your ignorant irish

Hawking is a loon
You think anyone with a high IQ is a loon.

Wow I'm dazzled by your middle school attempt at a comeback.....not
If this thread doesn't support the stereotype of right wingers being stupid, I don't know what would.

Because someone dares to disagree with a "scientist" talking out his ass on politics?LOL
I'm sure he's more qualified than a stupid right winger talking out of her ass on politics.
Hawking is a loon
You think anyone with a high IQ is a loon.

Wow I'm dazzled by your middle school attempt at a comeback.....not
What you don't understand....low IQ that you kicked your ignorant irish

You think anyone with a high IQ is a loon.

Wow I'm dazzled by your middle school attempt at a comeback.....not
If this thread doesn't support the stereotype of right wingers being stupid, I don't know what would.

Because someone dares to disagree with a "scientist" talking out his ass on politics?LOL
I'm sure he's more qualified than a stupid right winger talking out of her ass on politics. along, Sparky. You're just blabbering to blabber
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking may have a good grasp of the workings of the universe, but he says he can't understand Donald Trump's popularity. Hawking told ITV that he has no explanation for the likely GOP president nominee's success. (May 31) AP
Uh-Huh, Hawking is a physicist not a political "scientist", which means two things:

1.) He actually performs a useful function for society
2.) He has no special insights into how politics and voter preferences operate

Why the fuck anybody would ask Stephen Hawking about politics is a mystery, whats next on this reporters agenda? asking Pat Caddell to explain the mechanics of Gamma Ray bursts?

Uh... because he's wicked intelligent? This a trick question?

My professional specialty is media but that doesn't mean I don't know a lot about horticulture. Where is this planet where people get labeled as X and can never dabble in anything else?
Understanding and expertly employing theories and formulas is a whole lot different from understanding markets and human psychology to become a political strategist.
Thanks for the input memeboy.
Mark Cuban questions if Trump is really a billionaire :badgrin:
Businessman and investor Mark Cuban is questioning whether Donald Trump is really a billionaire.

Cuban said the presumptive GOP presidential nominee is good at putting his name on big buildings in an interview on WABC's "The Bernie and Sid Show," BuzzFeed News reported.

"He's good at that. Whether or not that's made him a billionaire, I don't know," Cuban said. "He's not transparent enough for us to actually know."
Cuban also said that while Trump's real estate projects might be successful, he doesn't believe he's "very good at brands for non-real estate products."

“And, to me, it’s more a reflection of desperation," Cuban said.

“So when you’re putting your name on steaks, and you’re putting your name on water, you’re putting your name on playing cards, you’re putting your name on all this nonsense, right? You’re not gonna make big bucks, no matter what. It’s not like Trump Steaks were gonna make him $100 million. It’s not like they were going make him $5 million.

“I asked, ‘What the hell are you doing? Are you that desperate for money?’ Seriously,” Cuban continued.

He said Trump doesn't have the ability to say no if someone wants to write him a check.

"And I think that's a huge problem."

Cuban also said in the interview that he has more money than Trump.

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