Stephen Hawking says Trump’s Paris climate decision will make Earth as hot as Venus

^ And right on cue is Westwall to show up and pretend he's smarter than Stephen Hawking!!!


I never claimed that stupid boy. What I did claim, and I am correct, is that hawking is as wrong as you can be about this subject. The Earth has experienced times when the CO2 concentrations were 20 TIMES higher than now. Guess what. No 250 degree's. That is called a fact. Hawking is giving an uninformed opinion.

Hahahahahahah!!!! Hawking is "uninformed" to you, a stupid, gullible know-nothing dupe! That's rich!! Thread's already turning out to be way more entertaining than I thought! You stupid dupes never fail to deliver!


Yes. He is. Look at your hysterical posting dude. Hawking is a great theoretical physicist, of that there is no doubt. But he has no clue what he is talking about as regards the Earth, and its processes. That is demonstrated in this claim of his.

Gawd, you poor loons they keep getting caught and you ignore it and keep slurping the Kool Aid, you're freaking stupid

Says the muppet who posted a link from BREITBART as a rebuttal. Get a clue.


You should try defending your OP instead of middle school antics
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking warned Sunday that President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of Paris climate accord last month could result in temperatures on Earth rising as high as those on the surface of Venus, the second-closest planet to the Sun.

Hawking also told BBC News, ahead of a celebration for his 75th birthday at Cambridge University, that he fears the best hope for human civilization is to colonize other planets.

“We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible. Trump's action could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees, and raining sulphuric acid,” he said.

Hawking also said: "Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it's one we can prevent if we act now. By denying the evidence for climate change, and pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement, Donald Trump will cause avoidable environmental damage to our beautiful planet, endangering the natural world, for us and our children."

Stephen Hawking says Trump’s Paris climate decision will make Earth as hot as Venus

I await the resident conservatards to show up and pretend that they're smarter than Stephen Hawking. Always entertaining stuff, those 'tards.
^ And right on cue is Westwall to show up and pretend he's smarter than Stephen Hawking!!!


^ Is running out of responses.

HAS no response save maniacal laughter as he drops into a quivering puddle of goo. It is a WELL KNOWN fact that hawkings claim is an impossibility. Not debated, or debatable. KNOWN! Ignorant twats like shyty here babble on about some ridiculous claim without ever bothering to actually check to see if it is possible. It is the ultimate Appeal to Authority and that is the ultimate logic fail.
^ And right on cue is Westwall to show up and pretend he's smarter than Stephen Hawking!!!


I never claimed that stupid boy. What I did claim, and I am correct, is that hawking is as wrong as you can be about this subject. The Earth has experienced times when the CO2 concentrations were 20 TIMES higher than now. Guess what. No 250 degree's. That is called a fact. Hawking is giving an uninformed opinion.

Hahahahahahah!!!! Hawking is "uninformed" to you, a stupid, gullible know-nothing dupe! That's rich!! Thread's already turning out to be way more entertaining than I thought! You stupid dupes never fail to deliver!


Yes. He is. Look at your hysterical posting dude. Hawking is a great theoretical physicist, of that there is no doubt. But he has no clue what he is talking about as regards the Earth, and its processes. That is demonstrated in this claim of his.

Your little opinion is of absolutely no consequence, Westwall. You have proven over and over again on this forum that you are nothing but a muppet for big oil, a 1st class dupe. An absolute know-nothing in terms of global warming.

What Hawkins is saying might sound alarmist, but he knows more about this subject than you or any of your right wing big oil cock sucking friends, that's for damn sure.
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Sorry for my last post, but I think Mr. Hawking should stick to what he knows best, and that is producing black powder rifles.
^ And right on cue is Westwall to show up and pretend he's smarter than Stephen Hawking!!!


I never claimed that stupid boy. What I did claim, and I am correct, is that hawking is as wrong as you can be about this subject. The Earth has experienced times when the CO2 concentrations were 20 TIMES higher than now. Guess what. No 250 degree's. That is called a fact. Hawking is giving an uninformed opinion.

Hahahahahahah!!!! Hawking is "uninformed" to you, a stupid, gullible know-nothing dupe! That's rich!! Thread's already turning out to be way more entertaining than I thought! You stupid dupes never fail to deliver!


Yes. He is. Look at your hysterical posting dude. Hawking is a great theoretical physicist, of that there is no doubt. But he has no clue what he is talking about as regards the Earth, and its processes. That is demonstrated in this claim of his.

Your little opinion is of absolutely no consequence, Westwall. You have proven over and over again on this forum that you are nothing but a muppet for big oil, a 1st class dupe of the highest ranking. An absolute know-nothing in terms of global warming.

What Hawkins is saying might sound alarmist, but he knows more about this subject than you or any of your right wing big oil cock sucking friends, that's for damn sure.
Perhaps when we get to Venus we can use their oil and solve the problem.
^ And right on cue is Westwall to show up and pretend he's smarter than Stephen Hawking!!!


I never claimed that stupid boy. What I did claim, and I am correct, is that hawking is as wrong as you can be about this subject. The Earth has experienced times when the CO2 concentrations were 20 TIMES higher than now. Guess what. No 250 degree's. That is called a fact. Hawking is giving an uninformed opinion.

Hahahahahahah!!!! Hawking is "uninformed" to you, a stupid, gullible know-nothing dupe! That's rich!! Thread's already turning out to be way more entertaining than I thought! You stupid dupes never fail to deliver!


Yes. He is. Look at your hysterical posting dude. Hawking is a great theoretical physicist, of that there is no doubt. But he has no clue what he is talking about as regards the Earth, and its processes. That is demonstrated in this claim of his.

Your little opinion is of absolutely no consequence, Westwall. You have proven over and over again on this forum that you are nothing but a muppet for big oil, a 1st class dupe. An absolute know-nothing in terms of global warming.

What Hawkins is saying might sound alarmist, but he knows more about this subject than you or any of your right wing big oil cock sucking friends, that's for damn sure.

Mine isn't an opinion dipshit. It is a well known FACT. Go ahead and look it up. I dare you.
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking warned Sunday that President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of Paris climate accord last month could result in temperatures on Earth rising as high as those on the surface of Venus, the second-closest planet to the Sun.

Hawking also told BBC News, ahead of a celebration for his 75th birthday at Cambridge University, that he fears the best hope for human civilization is to colonize other planets.

“We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible. Trump's action could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees, and raining sulphuric acid,” he said.

Hawking also said: "Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it's one we can prevent if we act now. By denying the evidence for climate change, and pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement, Donald Trump will cause avoidable environmental damage to our beautiful planet, endangering the natural world, for us and our children."

Stephen Hawking says Trump’s Paris climate decision will make Earth as hot as Venus

I await the resident conservatards to show up and pretend that they're smarter than Stephen Hawking. Always entertaining stuff, those 'tards.

If he's so smart how come he doesnt know how hot Venus is?
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking warned Sunday that President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of Paris climate accord last month could result in temperatures on Earth rising as high as those on the surface of Venus, the second-closest planet to the Sun.

Hawking also told BBC News, ahead of a celebration for his 75th birthday at Cambridge University, that he fears the best hope for human civilization is to colonize other planets.

“We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible. Trump's action could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees, and raining sulphuric acid,” he said.

Hawking also said: "Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it's one we can prevent if we act now. By denying the evidence for climate change, and pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement, Donald Trump will cause avoidable environmental damage to our beautiful planet, endangering the natural world, for us and our children."

Stephen Hawking says Trump’s Paris climate decision will make Earth as hot as Venus

I await the resident conservatards to show up and pretend that they're smarter than Stephen Hawking. Always entertaining stuff, those 'tards.

Posting this here is like posting dinner table etiquette rules to an Isis message board. The cons here are gone, they gave up on reality long ago. They think belief overrides fact. And their beliefs are in opposition to the facts so they view anything like this as something to be ignored or ridiculed, not on merit, but to protect their own fragile worldview.

I also think scientists should stop with these extreme analogies or comparisons. It merely gives the fact challenged an easy target of what appears to most laymen an impossible extreme. Earth at 250 degrees? "Well it's only 100 degrees at most now so how can that happen? I think it isn't true." That's how the thought process goes. Science should just stick to what we know and slowly move the skeptics along with facts. Global Warming deniers don't have fact, they have opinion. Opinion unsupported by fact can be defeated but it sometimes takes quite a while as those who sell lies generally are well funded, buy a lot of outlets to put out their lies, and they scream these lies over and over as if they are true.

It's like pulling up a piece of tape stuck to a table. It takes two minutes to get your fingernail under the edge, then it comes right off. We're still in the stage of getting a fingernail under the edge. Hyperbole from our most respected scientists does not help with the masses. It scares them to want to believe in the lies.

The Earths AVERAGE temperature is 57 (give or take a few tenths) degrees numbskull. If you are going to make a statement about a subject you had best be conversant in the BASIC facts!

Take a Valium, calm down and don't be so triggered, then go look up the meaning of 'at most'.

See, you got all arm flaily over nothing again.
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking warned Sunday that President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of Paris climate accord last month could result in temperatures on Earth rising as high as those on the surface of Venus, the second-closest planet to the Sun.

Hawking also told BBC News, ahead of a celebration for his 75th birthday at Cambridge University, that he fears the best hope for human civilization is to colonize other planets.

“We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible. Trump's action could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees, and raining sulphuric acid,” he said.

Hawking also said: "Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it's one we can prevent if we act now. By denying the evidence for climate change, and pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement, Donald Trump will cause avoidable environmental damage to our beautiful planet, endangering the natural world, for us and our children."

Stephen Hawking says Trump’s Paris climate decision will make Earth as hot as Venus

I await the resident conservatards to show up and pretend that they're smarter than Stephen Hawking. Always entertaining stuff, those 'tards.

With such an alarmist statement like this, there needs to be demands of full disclosure.

Mr. Hawkings show us your investment portfolio. I'm guessing alot of "green" investments....
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking warned Sunday that President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of Paris climate accord last month could result in temperatures on Earth rising as high as those on the surface of Venus, the second-closest planet to the Sun.

Hawking also told BBC News, ahead of a celebration for his 75th birthday at Cambridge University, that he fears the best hope for human civilization is to colonize other planets.

“We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible. Trump's action could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees, and raining sulphuric acid,” he said.

Hawking also said: "Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it's one we can prevent if we act now. By denying the evidence for climate change, and pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement, Donald Trump will cause avoidable environmental damage to our beautiful planet, endangering the natural world, for us and our children."

Stephen Hawking says Trump’s Paris climate decision will make Earth as hot as Venus

I await the resident conservatards to show up and pretend that they're smarter than Stephen Hawking. Always entertaining stuff, those 'tards.

Posting this here is like posting dinner table etiquette rules to an Isis message board. The cons here are gone, they gave up on reality long ago. They think belief overrides fact. And their beliefs are in opposition to the facts so they view anything like this as something to be ignored or ridiculed, not on merit, but to protect their own fragile worldview.

I also think scientists should stop with these extreme analogies or comparisons. It merely gives the fact challenged an easy target of what appears to most laymen an impossible extreme. Earth at 250 degrees? "Well it's only 100 degrees at most now so how can that happen? I think it isn't true." That's how the thought process goes. Science should just stick to what we know and slowly move the skeptics along with facts. Global Warming deniers don't have fact, they have opinion. Opinion unsupported by fact can be defeated but it sometimes takes quite a while as those who sell lies generally are well funded, buy a lot of outlets to put out their lies, and they scream these lies over and over as if they are true.

It's like pulling up a piece of tape stuck to a table. It takes two minutes to get your fingernail under the edge, then it comes right off. We're still in the stage of getting a fingernail under the edge. Hyperbole from our most respected scientists does not help with the masses. It scares them to want to believe in the lies.

The Earths AVERAGE temperature is 57 (give or take a few tenths) degrees numbskull. If you are going to make a statement about a subject you had best be conversant in the BASIC facts!

Take a Valium, calm down and don't be so triggered, then go look up the meaning of 'at most'.

See, you got all arm flaily over nothing again.

Ummm, I'm not the one ranting hysterically... That's your buddy shyty, and you too for that matter.
^ And right on cue is Westwall to show up and pretend he's smarter than Stephen Hawking!!!


I never claimed that stupid boy. What I did claim, and I am correct, is that hawking is as wrong as you can be about this subject. The Earth has experienced times when the CO2 concentrations were 20 TIMES higher than now. Guess what. No 250 degree's. That is called a fact. Hawking is giving an uninformed opinion.

Hahahahahahah!!!! Hawking is "uninformed" to you, a stupid, gullible know-nothing dupe! That's rich!! Thread's already turning out to be way more entertaining than I thought! You stupid dupes never fail to deliver!


Yes. He is. Look at your hysterical posting dude. Hawking is a great theoretical physicist, of that there is no doubt. But he has no clue what he is talking about as regards the Earth, and its processes. That is demonstrated in this claim of his.

Your little opinion is of absolutely no consequence, Westwall. You have proven over and over again on this forum that you are nothing but a muppet for big oil, a 1st class dupe. An absolute know-nothing in terms of global warming.

What Hawkins is saying might sound alarmist, but he knows more about this subject than you or any of your right wing big oil cock sucking friends, that's for damn sure.

^ This:

^ And right on cue is Westwall to show up and pretend he's smarter than Stephen Hawking!!!


I never claimed that stupid boy. What I did claim, and I am correct, is that hawking is as wrong as you can be about this subject. The Earth has experienced times when the CO2 concentrations were 20 TIMES higher than now. Guess what. No 250 degree's. That is called a fact. Hawking is giving an uninformed opinion.

Hahahahahahah!!!! Hawking is "uninformed" to you, a stupid, gullible know-nothing dupe! That's rich!! Thread's already turning out to be way more entertaining than I thought! You stupid dupes never fail to deliver!


According to these scientists he is. Go challenge them. :) I dare you.

"Climate scientists, even those usually worried about future global warming, pushed back against Hawking’s claims that Earth would become like Venus.

A good example that even brilliant scientists sometimes say silly things when it’s outside their field of expertise (see Nobel disease) Gareth S Jones on Twitter

— Zeke Hausfather (@hausfath) July 2, 2017

Meteorologist Ryan Maue called Hawking’s statements “bizarre,” and professor and environmental activist Bjorn Lomborg noted how the Paris agreement would only avert 0.2 degrees of projected global warming.

Stephen Hawking’s wacky & bizarre opinions on climate change (e.g. Earth becoming Venus) pollute policy debate. Hawking says Trump's climate stance could damage Earth - BBC News

— Ryan Maue (@RyanMaue) July 3, 2017

Stephen Hawking being silly:
No risk of climate runaway to Venus
US Paris cuts were just 0.2% of needed to 2°CZeke Hausfather on Twitter

— Bjorn Lomborg (@BjornLomborg) July 3, 2017"

Scientists Criticize Stephen Hawking’s ‘Bizarre’ Claim Trump Will Push Earth ‘Over The Brink’
^ And right on cue is Westwall to show up and pretend he's smarter than Stephen Hawking!!!

So what exactly did Hawking achieve ?
This is not the first time he made a statement which later turned out to be total crap
These are just a few examples and thanks to your post we can add another one to the list

In 1970, Hawking postulated what became known as the second law of black hole dynamics, that the event horizon of a black hole can never get smaller. With James M. Bardeen and Brandon Carter, he proposed the four laws of black hole mechanics, drawing an analogy with thermodynamics. To Hawking's irritation, Jacob Bekenstein, a graduate student of John Wheeler, went further—and ultimately correctly—to apply thermodynamic concepts literally
Hawking moved into the study of quantum gravity and quantum mechanics. His work in this area was spurred by a visit to Moscow and discussions with Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich and Alexei Starobinsky, whose work showed that according to the uncertainty principle, rotating black holes emit particles. To Hawking's annoyance, his much-checked calculations produced findings that contradicted his second law, which claimed black holes could never get smaller
As part of another longstanding scientific dispute, Hawking had emphatically argued, and bet, that the Higgs boson would never be found.The particle was proposed to exist as part of the Higgs field theory by Peter Higgs in 1964. Hawking and Higgs engaged in a heated and public debate over the matter in 2002 and again in 2008, with Higgs criticising Hawking's work and complaining that Hawking's "celebrity status gives him instant credibility that others do not have. The particle was discovered in July 2012 at CERN following construction of the Large Hadron Collider
And that's how it works and Hawking knew that. Which is most likely the reason why he chose to publish his rubbish in the media instead of the academic publications.
No way would the media even dare to criticize a cripple in a wheelchair with a speech impediment; but crucify anyone who would. Hawking might be a sacred cow in that realm but so is the other media clown...that kiddy TV "science guy". But hey that's the way it works these days. The actor playing the part gets all the credit and admiration but the man who did his part in the real world does not even get mentioned when the actor accepts his acting award.
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