Stephen King: Don’t Be Trump’s Friend, He Will F()ck You If You Cross Him

Sessions should never have accepted the AG position stabbing Trump in the back by recusing himself from all things Russia as soon as he was sworn in.

Sessions deceived the President.

During the confirmation hearings, he made it clear he would recuse himself in any probe involving Russia and Clinton as well.
Well I’ll be...another wealthy elite attacks Trump. Who would have thought?
When you haven't written a good novel in 10 years bashing trump is all you got....
As usual I'm baffled by why you on the left think I should be more impressed by the opinion of an actor...a musician...or a novelist! I have nothing against Stephen King. I've enjoyed reading many of his books. That doesn't mean he's someone who's opinions on politics carries any more weight than the guy who fixes my car...cuts my hair...or fixes me a cocktail down at my local watering hole. To be honest with you...I think most "celebrities" have lost contact with reality and live in their own little bubble worlds. Doesn't make them bad people but it also doesn't make them someone who's opinion should shape yours.
You dont anyone to tell you that Trump is a bully, conman, idiot, pussy grabber, cheater, failed businessman, liar, narcissist, just have to listen to him.

King’s entire message, “Today’s lesson: Don’t be Trump’s friend. He will fuck you at the drive-thru if you cross him. Ask Jeff Sessions,” has been a lesson learned by many “former friends” of the idiot trump.

However, a much more dire lesson looms for those who are currently friends of the idiot trump. Those whose loyalty and services to the idiot trump will lead to their prosecution and convictions when the rule of law finally returns to this country.

Some of the idiot trump’s friends have already been convicted. But while their presidential pardons can save them from prison time, those convicted for obstruction of justice, treason, breaking campaign finance laws, and other federal crimes after the United States’ return to the rule of law will not have that safety net.

King’s words of wisdom should ring loudly in the ears of the idiot trump‘s “friends”. At least in the ears of the idiot trump’s “friends” who have enough smarts to learn from the idiot trump’s record of his treatment of past friends.

Stephen King Has An Ominous Warning For Donald Trump’s ‘Friends’

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As opposed to how the Clinton's treated their friends?
Being dead?

LOL...pretty much...

Yup. People had a way of dropping dead around the Clintons.

Hell even his bodyguards from when he was Gov. of Arkansas are all dead.

Coincidence?? You decide. LOL

Oh and most celebrities be they authors, actors, actresses, in sports think their opinion is the be all and end all. Most of them just live in their own little self important world.

Personally. I make up my own mind and I couldn't care less what celebrities think.
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As usual I'm baffled by why you on the left think I should be more impressed by the opinion of an actor...a musician...or a novelist! I have nothing against Stephen King. I've enjoyed reading many of his books. That doesn't mean he's someone who's opinions on politics carries any more weight than the guy who fixes my car...cuts my hair...or fixes me a cocktail down at my local watering hole. To be honest with you...I think most "celebrities" have lost contact with reality and live in their own little bubble worlds. Doesn't make them bad people but it also doesn't make them someone who's opinion should shape yours.
You dont anyone to tell you that Trump is a bully, conman, idiot, pussy grabber, cheater, failed businessman, liar, narcissist, just have to listen to him.

I was told by someone long ago that the best way to judge politicians was solely on what they DO and not at all on what they say! Quite frankly I could care less if Donald Trump's tweets "offend" you or Stephen King...those are words. I care deeply about his actions as President and I'm pleased with what he's accomplished.
As usual I'm baffled by why you on the left think I should be more impressed by the opinion of an actor...a musician...or a novelist! I have nothing against Stephen King. I've enjoyed reading many of his books. That doesn't mean he's someone who's opinions on politics carries any more weight than the guy who fixes my car...cuts my hair...or fixes me a cocktail down at my local watering hole. To be honest with you...I think most "celebrities" have lost contact with reality and live in their own little bubble worlds. Doesn't make them bad people but it also doesn't make them someone who's opinion should shape yours.
You dont anyone to tell you that Trump is a bully, conman, idiot, pussy grabber, cheater, failed businessman, liar, narcissist, just have to listen to him.

I was told by someone long ago that the best way to judge politicians was solely on what they DO and not at all on what they say! Quite frankly I could care less if Donald Trump's tweets "offend" you or Stephen King...those are words. I care deeply about his actions as President and I'm pleased with what he's accomplished.

You and me both.

Trump has done more in two years than Obama and others did in their entire time in office.

King’s entire message, “Today’s lesson: Don’t be Trump’s friend. He will fuck you at the drive-thru if you cross him. Ask Jeff Sessions,” has been a lesson learned by many “former friends” of the idiot trump.

However, a much more dire lesson looms for those who are currently friends of the idiot trump. Those whose loyalty and services to the idiot trump will lead to their prosecution and convictions when the rule of law finally returns to this country.

Some of the idiot trump’s friends have already been convicted. But while their presidential pardons can save them from prison time, those convicted for obstruction of justice, treason, breaking campaign finance laws, and other federal crimes after the United States’ return to the rule of law will not have that safety net.

King’s words of wisdom should ring loudly in the ears of the idiot trump‘s “friends”. At least in the ears of the idiot trump’s “friends” who have enough smarts to learn from the idiot trump’s record of his treatment of past friends.

Stephen King Has An Ominous Warning For Donald Trump’s ‘Friends’

View attachment 214695

Democrats colluded with the FBI, CIA, British intelligence and Russian agents to stop Trump and still failed. Dead bodies litter Clinton's history. Trumps friends have every reason to worry and it has nothing to do with Trump.
Dude, I think you were supposed to share that koolaide with the other kids.
Stephen King has always been a liberal, sneaking mostly meaningless anti-republican junk into most of his novels but he ain't been right since he got hit by that van. His political opinion is even less relevant than Colbert or Bill Maher.

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