Stephen King illustrates how despicable the left has become.

I love how the left claims to be the honest ones.
*snickers after mic drop and struts away*
Author and TDS victim Stephen King, reacting to Kayleigh McEnany’s send-off Tweet by tweeting "Enjoy your next job as a cocktail waitress in Tampa."

If you look up ugly there's a picture of Stephen King in Webster's dictionary.

I agree . . . King's behavior during the Trump presidency has been extremely disappointing. I was a Stephen King fan by the time I learned to read in the mid-70's. I've met the man at a couple of book signings over the years and his son, Joe Hill endorsed one of my short stories—which at the time was like the best thing ever. Artists of all stripes should keep their noses out of politics in all forms. Now, King himself seemed decent enough in person, but that was decades ago, when I first met him at a Borders book signing. Robert Jordan, on the hand, was just a total all around arrogant prick. Lee Child is a nice guy and very helpful to new writers, but my favorite writer-hero of all time, whom I've come to know quite well, is F. Paul Wilson. King is just trying to stay relevant and preserve his legacy from cancellation. Too bad he chose to sell his soul to do it.
Author and TDS victim Stephen King, reacting to Kayleigh McEnany’s send-off Tweet by tweeting "Enjoy your next job as a cocktail waitress in Tampa."

If you look up ugly there's a picture of Stephen King in Webster's dictionary.

Be kind to Mr. King.

He has to pay the bills like everyone else.

He figures there's a lot of potential readers among the 80,000,000 (reputed) voters who chose that fragile gentleman in the Oval Office.

And, of course, he needs to ingratiate himself with the Hollywood liberals so that they will dramatize his books.
Author and TDS victim Stephen King, reacting to Kayleigh McEnany’s send-off Tweet by tweeting "Enjoy your next job as a cocktail waitress in Tampa."

If you look up ugly there's a picture of Stephen King in Webster's dictionary.

So, she shouldn't enjoy her next job as a cocktail waitress?

I doubt her superior lying skills will be needed as a cocktail waitress.


Are you kidding?...cocktail waitresses have to lie all day long...they have to act like they like you when they hate your guts....
Author and TDS victim Stephen King, reacting to Kayleigh McEnany’s send-off Tweet by tweeting "Enjoy your next job as a cocktail waitress in Tampa."

If you look up ugly there's a picture of Stephen King in Webster's dictionary.

You went BACK to this toilet after getting your turd handed to you yesterday??

How is it "disgusting" to enjoy one's job? Hm? And what the FUCK does any of this have to do with "the left"?

Author and TDS victim Stephen King, reacting to Kayleigh McEnany’s send-off Tweet by tweeting "Enjoy your next job as a cocktail waitress in Tampa."

If you look up ugly there's a picture of Stephen King in Webster's dictionary.

Right wingers on this very forum are worse. Y'all are nothing but just plain political hypocrites who don't care about free political speech and are willing to ban people.
Author and TDS victim Stephen King, reacting to Kayleigh McEnany’s send-off Tweet by tweeting "Enjoy your next job as a cocktail waitress in Tampa."

If you look up ugly there's a picture of Stephen King in Webster's dictionary.

You went BACK to this toilet after getting your turd handed to you yesterday??

How is it "disgusting" to enjoy one's job? Hm? And what the FUCK does any of this have to do with "the left"?

YOU aren't capable of handing ANYONE'S turd back to them. You're just another narcissistic Prog prick who thinks his shit doesn't stink. McEnany was one of the best.
Author and TDS victim Stephen King, reacting to Kayleigh McEnany’s send-off Tweet by tweeting "Enjoy your next job as a cocktail waitress in Tampa."

If you look up ugly there's a picture of Stephen King in Webster's dictionary.

Right wingers on this very forum are worse. Y'all are nothing but just plain political hypocrites who don't care about free political speech and are willing to ban people.

It is one thing to speak one's mind anonymously—free of the trappings and gravity of one's professional life and all associated influences and or brand recognition—and is another entirely to use one's fame and audience in attempts to change the direction of ideological winds, a practice wholly disingenuous and self-serving, when influencing political thought one way pads one's bank accounts.
Jay Leno was the last cool host except for Conan.

In that rare chance I stop on late night TV now and actually look at it, I never see a guest on I even know who they are! Always some hollywood spoiled brat kid about 27 years old who drove their Ferrari in to the studio. And none of the shows are EVER funny anymore.
Author and TDS victim Stephen King, reacting to Kayleigh McEnany’s send-off Tweet by tweeting "Enjoy your next job as a cocktail waitress in Tampa."

If you look up ugly there's a picture of Stephen King in Webster's dictionary.

Right wingers on this very forum are worse. Y'all are nothing but just plain political hypocrites who don't care about free political speech and are willing to ban people.

It is one thing to speak one's mind anonymously—free of the trappings and gravity of one's professional life and all associated influences and or brand recognition—and is another entirely to use one's fame and audience in attempts to change the direction of ideological winds, a practice wholly disingenuous and self-serving, when influencing political thought one way pads one's bank accounts.

I agree to disagree. Right wingers have no problem banning free speech while alleging they need their guns when our First Amendment is First not Second.
In that rare chance I stop on late night TV now and actually look at it, I never see a guest on I even know who they are! Always some hollywood spoiled brat kid about 27 years old who drove their Ferrari in to the studio. And none of the shows are EVER funny anymore.
Jimmy Fallon and Conan O'Brien are the only two who are even remotely palatable to me these days. Now I only watch old clips of Carson, Leno or someone. I used to like Letterman until I saw this;

He had that Netflix show and his first guest was Obama, and in this interview at one point he goes " I just can't stop watching MSNBC..."...
Jimmy Fallon and Conan O'Brien are the only two who are even remotely palatable to me these days.

I used to check out Conan's monologue years ago when I got his channel. I used to like his "hair" skits. Conan's alright.
Author and TDS victim Stephen King, reacting to Kayleigh McEnany’s send-off Tweet by tweeting "Enjoy your next job as a cocktail waitress in Tampa."

If you look up ugly there's a picture of Stephen King in Webster's dictionary.

The real truth about Democrats is that they loath average mainstream middle class Americans for refusing go join their crazy left wing cult.
Colbert has a pathological level of hate for most people.
King main problem is that he is just not a very bright guy.
Author and TDS victim Stephen King, reacting to Kayleigh McEnany’s send-off Tweet by tweeting "Enjoy your next job as a cocktail waitress in Tampa."

If you look up ugly there's a picture of Stephen King in Webster's dictionary.

So, she shouldn't enjoy her next job as a cocktail waitress?

War on conservative white Christian women continues

Democrat communist desire for this white woman to be murdered is palpable.

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