Stephen Miller

"Nein, nein, NEIN!!! You vill not speek ill of Herr Trump!"

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so how long did you work in the PO and where?.....

Standard lefty tactic # 1, when confronted by an argument that shows your position to be nonsense, look for an excuse to dismiss the messenger.

My point stands. Miller answered the questions. That the reporter didn't like the answers is not on him.
so then you have no idea what i was talking about?.....dumbass tactic # 1....say you understand what the person is talking about,when you dont,and then keep on acting like a dumbass insisting you point stands,miller acts just like so many of the middle management asswipes in the PO that i thought i was actually seeing one being interviewed...

I understand what you said. And I responded appropriately.
no you have no idea what i was talking about...UNLESS you worked in the PO....and since you did not,you have no idea of the people i was comparing this little ass too....

I've had experience with Middle Management that could not, or would not answer questions.

Miller answered the questions.
not what i was talking about.....middle managers in the PO answered questions too........
i did not say that,i said far righties.....there is a difference.....and i believe a hell of a lot of people on both sides who are not on the far side would agree with me that the far left is no different at understanding those different from themselves as the far right is....
I can't agree. We are ALL liberals when we are born. We grow up needy, dependent, immature, selfish, impatient, emotional, want instant gratification, etc. As we mature we learn to overcome our basic instincts, see further down the road, anticipate problems become more self reliant, responsible, etc.

So it's easier to look back than it is to envision what never happened. Maturity.
far righties are mature?.......if you say so ice......
His understanding was that they "let" because he was a star. I suspect they "let" him get away with groping them and didn't say anything because they were afraid of him.

Based on WHAT?

An intimate knowledge of the mysterious workings of some of the minds that owns a said pussy?

Well either that or what some of his victims have said.

You don't KNOW, what you base your vile dishonest smears on?

That's not credible.

WOmen find fame and fortune attractive in men. That is one of the reasons that men try so hard to become rich and'or famous.

Your shock at this is not credible.

Stop being an ass.

The only thing I find shocking is when someone says something about high morals with regards to the so called president in the WH

Well, if you'd poke your head out of the pretend world once in a while I think you'd find that men with penises, you know, real life men....really like vaginas and many have and will say crude things about women and their vaginas and that doesn't always mean that men who 'guy talk' have compromised their morality.

Sorry, to me there is a difference between "guy talk" and a super-elitist bragging about getting away with what would otherwise be known as sexual assault.
The argumentum ad Hitlerum has always been the first refuge of the moral and political ignoramus: "You don't approve of [welfare, sodomy, dope-smoking, Federal student loans, or whatever else a right to which the speaker considers the most precious]? You're a f***ing Nazi!" It rarely gets more sophisticated than that. The international Communist movement, however, which included a great many pseudo-intellectuals of Soros-like talents, had in its day slightly more subtle, if equally disreputable, grounds for making use of the ploy. Given that the Soviet Union had been, during World War II, one of the enemies of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, Communists could pass themselves off as paradigmatic anti-fascists; and from there it was, for them, but a short step to concluding that any enemy of such paradigmatic anti-fascists must himself be a paradigmatic fascist. Of course, these inferences are utterly fallacious; but one needs, perhaps, the average Communist's three brain cells to make them, rather than the two brain cells that suffice for the campus stoner to infer that anyone who wants to take his bong from him simply must have a well-thumbed copy of Mein Kampf hidden under the mattress.....

The Mustache on the Left
By Edward Feser
Standard lefty tactic # 1, when confronted by an argument that shows your position to be nonsense, look for an excuse to dismiss the messenger.

My point stands. Miller answered the questions. That the reporter didn't like the answers is not on him.
so then you have no idea what i was talking about?.....dumbass tactic # 1....say you understand what the person is talking about,when you dont,and then keep on acting like a dumbass insisting you point stands,miller acts just like so many of the middle management asswipes in the PO that i thought i was actually seeing one being interviewed...

I understand what you said. And I responded appropriately.
no you have no idea what i was talking about...UNLESS you worked in the PO....and since you did not,you have no idea of the people i was comparing this little ass too....

I've had experience with Middle Management that could not, or would not answer questions.

Miller answered the questions.
not what i was talking about.....middle managers in the PO answered questions too........

Then what are you bitching about then?
so then you have no idea what i was talking about?.....dumbass tactic # 1....say you understand what the person is talking about,when you dont,and then keep on acting like a dumbass insisting you point stands,miller acts just like so many of the middle management asswipes in the PO that i thought i was actually seeing one being interviewed...

I understand what you said. And I responded appropriately.
no you have no idea what i was talking about...UNLESS you worked in the PO....and since you did not,you have no idea of the people i was comparing this little ass too....

I've had experience with Middle Management that could not, or would not answer questions.

Miller answered the questions.
not what i was talking about.....middle managers in the PO answered questions too........

Then what are you bitching about then?
like i said correll you have no idea of what i was talking about.....but yet you commented on why dont you ask yourself why you, commented on something you knew nothing about....i was not bitching,i made a comparison,something that went by you apparently.....
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

I think he scared the living shit out of you.
I understand what you said. And I responded appropriately.
no you have no idea what i was talking about...UNLESS you worked in the PO....and since you did not,you have no idea of the people i was comparing this little ass too....

I've had experience with Middle Management that could not, or would not answer questions.

Miller answered the questions.
not what i was talking about.....middle managers in the PO answered questions too........

Then what are you bitching about then?
like i said correll you have no idea of what i was talking about.....but yet you commented on why dont you ask yourself why you, commented on something you knew nothing about....i was not bitching,i made a comparison,something that went by you apparently.....

I know what you wrote. If there was something you were thinking but did not write in your post, that is not on me.

IF your complaint was not that Miller was not answering questions, than you have not even made a complaint.

So, wtf, are you going on about?
The argumentum ad Hitlerum has always been the first refuge of the moral and political ignoramus: "You don't approve of [welfare, sodomy, dope-smoking, Federal student loans, or whatever else a right to which the speaker considers the most precious]? You're a f***ing Nazi!" It rarely gets more sophisticated than that. The international Communist movement, however, which included a great many pseudo-intellectuals of Soros-like talents, had in its day slightly more subtle, if equally disreputable, grounds for making use of the ploy. Given that the Soviet Union had been, during World War II, one of the enemies of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, Communists could pass themselves off as paradigmatic anti-fascists; and from there it was, for them, but a short step to concluding that any enemy of such paradigmatic anti-fascists must himself be a paradigmatic fascist. Of course, these inferences are utterly fallacious; but one needs, perhaps, the average Communist's three brain cells to make them, rather than the two brain cells that suffice for the campus stoner to infer that anyone who wants to take his bong from him simply must have a well-thumbed copy of Mein Kampf hidden under the mattress.....

The Mustache on the Left
By Edward Feser

Didn't Stalin make a pact with Hitler to split Poland?
Your slut shaming is noted and dismissed

"Gold digger" was the term I was looking for.
The argumentum ad Hitlerum has always been the first refuge of the moral and political ignoramus: "You don't approve of [welfare, sodomy, dope-smoking, Federal student loans, or whatever else a right to which the speaker considers the most precious]? You're a f***ing Nazi!" It rarely gets more sophisticated than that. The international Communist movement, however, which included a great many pseudo-intellectuals of Soros-like talents, had in its day slightly more subtle, if equally disreputable, grounds for making use of the ploy. Given that the Soviet Union had been, during World War II, one of the enemies of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, Communists could pass themselves off as paradigmatic anti-fascists; and from there it was, for them, but a short step to concluding that any enemy of such paradigmatic anti-fascists must himself be a paradigmatic fascist. Of course, these inferences are utterly fallacious; but one needs, perhaps, the average Communist's three brain cells to make them, rather than the two brain cells that suffice for the campus stoner to infer that anyone who wants to take his bong from him simply must have a well-thumbed copy of Mein Kampf hidden under the mattress.....

The Mustache on the Left
By Edward Feser

Didn't Stalin make a pact with Hitler to split Poland?
Your slut shaming is noted and dismissed

"Gold digger" was the term I was looking for.

THat's fine. What you are doing is slut shaming. You are the bad guy here.

Trump was sharing something we all know. That women like men with fame and fortune.

That you and yours use this to smear him, just show that there is NOTHING too low for you to do.
Based on WHAT?

An intimate knowledge of the mysterious workings of some of the minds that owns a said pussy?

Well either that or what some of his victims have said.

You don't KNOW, what you base your vile dishonest smears on?

That's not credible.

WOmen find fame and fortune attractive in men. That is one of the reasons that men try so hard to become rich and'or famous.

Your shock at this is not credible.

Stop being an ass.

The only thing I find shocking is when someone says something about high morals with regards to the so called president in the WH

Well, if you'd poke your head out of the pretend world once in a while I think you'd find that men with penises, you know, real life men....really like vaginas and many have and will say crude things about women and their vaginas and that doesn't always mean that men who 'guy talk' have compromised their morality.

Sorry, to me there is a difference between "guy talk" and a super-elitist bragging about getting away with what would otherwise be known as sexual assault.

That's fine, you have a right to feel however you like. I just wanted it noted that in the real world "guy talk" among men is common and not uncommon. Further, I'll split hairs with you...sexual assault is non consensual sexual contact. The quote goes something like this: "And when you're a star they let you do it, grab them by the pussy, you can do anything" the quote is not; "You grab them by the pussy even when they say NO!"
Hopefully you know the difference.

policies that perpetuates and encourages the degradation of a higher grade society

Higher grade society huh?

What exact does that mean? What separates that from the lower grades ones?

Something tells me you have the answer but I'll engage in the semantics and spell it out for you anyway.
Low grade citizen = A citizen who is part of "the problem" including but not limited to the following.
Uneducated ignorant folks
Filthy ghetto, barrio and white trash low-life's
Taxpayer dependent losers riding the backs of others while running the baby factory at full steam
I could go on and on and further detail but hopefully you get the point by now.

Higher grade citizen = A citizen who is part of "the solution" including but not limited to the following.
Educated and wise
Law abiding and respectful of law and order
Hard working and self supportive
Positive contributing taxpayers
Takes great pride in America

Yep, sorry low-lifes you can no longer ride the coat tails of the positive contributing public. You will no longer be taught that you are victims and you will be held accountable by your higher grade peers...get it right or you may be condemned.
no you have no idea what i was talking about...UNLESS you worked in the PO....and since you did not,you have no idea of the people i was comparing this little ass too....

I've had experience with Middle Management that could not, or would not answer questions.

Miller answered the questions.
not what i was talking about.....middle managers in the PO answered questions too........

Then what are you bitching about then?
like i said correll you have no idea of what i was talking about.....but yet you commented on why dont you ask yourself why you, commented on something you knew nothing about....i was not bitching,i made a comparison,something that went by you apparently.....

I know what you wrote. If there was something you were thinking but did not write in your post, that is not on me.

IF your complaint was not that Miller was not answering questions, than you have not even made a complaint.

So, wtf, are you going on about?
i wrote this...."he reminded me of a middle management asshole in the PO... the kind of ass you would want to reach over and smack after talking with him for a few minutes...arrogant little piss ants"....
If there was something you were thinking but did not write in your post, that is not on me.
but i did write it........"he reminded me of a middle management asshole in the PO" it is on i said,it wasnt a complaint,it was a comparison....and ok so you think the guy is a fine little rodent....i dont,he reminds me to much of the kind of arrogant smug assholes i had to deal with for 33 years,lots of the men anyways......
I've had experience with Middle Management that could not, or would not answer questions.

Miller answered the questions.
not what i was talking about.....middle managers in the PO answered questions too........

Then what are you bitching about then?
like i said correll you have no idea of what i was talking about.....but yet you commented on why dont you ask yourself why you, commented on something you knew nothing about....i was not bitching,i made a comparison,something that went by you apparently.....

I know what you wrote. If there was something you were thinking but did not write in your post, that is not on me.

IF your complaint was not that Miller was not answering questions, than you have not even made a complaint.

So, wtf, are you going on about?
i wrote this...."he reminded me of a middle management asshole in the PO... the kind of ass you would want to reach over and smack after talking with him for a few minutes...arrogant little piss ants"....
If there was something you were thinking but did not write in your post, that is not on me.
but i did write it........"he reminded me of a middle management asshole in the PO" it is on i said,it wasnt a complaint,it was a comparison....and ok so you think the guy is a fine little rodent....i dont,he reminds me to much of the kind of arrogant smug assholes i had to deal with for 33 years,lots of the men anyways......

That is just your partisan bile talking.
The argumentum ad Hitlerum has always been the first refuge of the moral and political ignoramus: "You don't approve of [welfare, sodomy, dope-smoking, Federal student loans, or whatever else a right to which the speaker considers the most precious]? You're a f***ing Nazi!" It rarely gets more sophisticated than that. The international Communist movement, however, which included a great many pseudo-intellectuals of Soros-like talents, had in its day slightly more subtle, if equally disreputable, grounds for making use of the ploy. Given that the Soviet Union had been, during World War II, one of the enemies of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, Communists could pass themselves off as paradigmatic anti-fascists; and from there it was, for them, but a short step to concluding that any enemy of such paradigmatic anti-fascists must himself be a paradigmatic fascist. Of course, these inferences are utterly fallacious; but one needs, perhaps, the average Communist's three brain cells to make them, rather than the two brain cells that suffice for the campus stoner to infer that anyone who wants to take his bong from him simply must have a well-thumbed copy of Mein Kampf hidden under the mattress.....

The Mustache on the Left
By Edward Feser

Didn't Stalin make a pact with Hitler to split Poland?
Your slut shaming is noted and dismissed

"Gold digger" was the term I was looking for.

THat's fine. What you are doing is slut shaming. You are the bad guy here.

Trump was sharing something we all know. That women like men with fame and fortune.

That you and yours use this to smear him, just show that there is NOTHING too low for you to do.

He is an immoral man who used his position to indulge his uncontrollable urges to molest beautiful women. As he said himself he just couldn't help himself. He's serial. But he's rich and powerful so for you, that's okay.
The argumentum ad Hitlerum has always been the first refuge of the moral and political ignoramus: "You don't approve of [welfare, sodomy, dope-smoking, Federal student loans, or whatever else a right to which the speaker considers the most precious]? You're a f***ing Nazi!" It rarely gets more sophisticated than that. The international Communist movement, however, which included a great many pseudo-intellectuals of Soros-like talents, had in its day slightly more subtle, if equally disreputable, grounds for making use of the ploy. Given that the Soviet Union had been, during World War II, one of the enemies of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, Communists could pass themselves off as paradigmatic anti-fascists; and from there it was, for them, but a short step to concluding that any enemy of such paradigmatic anti-fascists must himself be a paradigmatic fascist. Of course, these inferences are utterly fallacious; but one needs, perhaps, the average Communist's three brain cells to make them, rather than the two brain cells that suffice for the campus stoner to infer that anyone who wants to take his bong from him simply must have a well-thumbed copy of Mein Kampf hidden under the mattress.....

The Mustache on the Left
By Edward Feser

Didn't Stalin make a pact with Hitler to split Poland?
Your slut shaming is noted and dismissed

"Gold digger" was the term I was looking for.

THat's fine. What you are doing is slut shaming. You are the bad guy here.

Trump was sharing something we all know. That women like men with fame and fortune.

That you and yours use this to smear him, just show that there is NOTHING too low for you to do.

He is an immoral man who used his position to indulge his uncontrollable urges to molest beautiful women. As he said himself he just couldn't help himself. He's serial. But he's rich and powerful so for you, that's okay.

He said himself that they LET him, and you keep lying about it.

If they LET him, it's not molestation, you liar.

Have you ever made a pass at a woman?

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