Stephen Miller

You can't even put together a coherent sentence, and you want to debate somebody?

What's not coherent about it?

I agree with you about the guy being a prick. I want to be clear about that.

As for the incoherence....The cliche is "the emperor has 'no' clothes," not "new" clothes. The title of the story is "The Emperor's New Clothes."

Miller, even though he is a prick, is smart and reasonably quick on his feet. You wouldn't want to make a mistake like that debating him.
I agree with you about the guy being a prick. I want to be clear about that.

As for the incoherence....The cliche is "the emperor has 'no' clothes," not "new" clothes. The title of the story is "The Emperor's New Clothes."

Miller, even though he is a prick, is smart and reasonably quick on his feet. You wouldn't want to make a mistake like that debating him.
My point was, he's the guy in the crowd telling the people the emperor has new clothes. "Hey, check out the emperor's new clothes!"
That's what Miller is trying to tell this nation, when it's obvious he's FOS.
His understanding was that they "let" because he was a star. I suspect they "let" him get away with groping them and didn't say anything because they were afraid of him.

Based on WHAT?

An intimate knowledge of the mysterious workings of some of the minds that owns a said pussy?

Well either that or what some of his victims have said.

You don't KNOW, what you base your vile dishonest smears on?

That's not credible.

WOmen find fame and fortune attractive in men. That is one of the reasons that men try so hard to become rich and'or famous.

Your shock at this is not credible.

Stop being an ass.

The only thing I find shocking is when someone says something about high morals with regards to the so called president in the WH

Well, if you'd poke your head out of the pretend world once in a while I think you'd find that men with penises, you know, real life men....really like vaginas and many have and will say crude things about women and their vaginas and that doesn't always mean that men who 'guy talk' have compromised their morality.
They are weak, insecure men.
Says the lefty to dumb to understand the word "let".

His understanding was that they "let" because he was a star. I suspect they "let" him get away with groping them and didn't say anything because they were afraid of him.

Based on WHAT?

An intimate knowledge of the mysterious workings of some of the minds that owns a said pussy?

Well either that or what some of his victims have said.

You don't KNOW, what you base your vile dishonest smears on?

That's not credible.

WOmen find fame and fortune attractive in men. That is one of the reasons that men try so hard to become rich and'or famous.

Your shock at this is not credible.

Stop being an ass.

Some women do. They have a name for those kind of women don't they?

Would you encourage your daughter to do so?

The only thing I find shocking is when someone says something about high morals with regards to the so called president in the WH

Your slut shaming is noted and dismissed.

The rest of your post does not dispute my point, "let" equals consent, thus your slurs about Trump "taking advantage of women" is debunked and you are shown to be a liar.
Science says otherwise.
That book is not science, you credulous bloviator.

"And in a survey of 2,000 Americans, Haidt found that self-described liberals, especially those who called themselves “very liberal,” were worse at predicting the moral judgments of moderates and conservatives than moderates and conservatives were at predicting the moral judgments of liberals. Liberals don’t understand conservative values. And they can’t recognize this failing, because they’re so convinced of their rationality, open-mindedness and enlightenment."
I didn't watch all the way though, but he seemed good.

Your godwin is noted. YOu lose the thread.
he reminded me of a middle management asshole in the PO... the kind of ass you would want to reach over and smack after talking with him for a few minutes...arrogant little piss ants....

NOt crawling on your belly is not the same as arrogant.
you dont even know what i am talking about....unless you worked in the try some other comment....

I know exactly what you are talking about.

And this guy is not it. He answered the fucking questions. That the reporters didn't like the answers is not on him, or me.
so how long did you work in the PO and where?.....

Standard lefty tactic # 1, when confronted by an argument that shows your position to be nonsense, look for an excuse to dismiss the messenger.

My point stands. Miller answered the questions. That the reporter didn't like the answers is not on him.
In other word, you do not have to have any knowledge of a subject to voice an opinion.
I said I don't follow every iota and your corrupt brain saw I don't follow anything.

Liberals have been scientifically proven to be the WORST at understanding people different then themselves.
the far left ones yes,but they aint no different at understanding those different from themselves as the far right is.....

Science says otherwise.

‘The Righteous Mind,’ by Jonathan Haidt
do you read any posts around here from some posters on the right who seem to have problems understanding those different then themselves?....

Are you trying to pretend that I made an absolute statement that all conservatives understand all liberals?

I made a statement, that it has been shown that liberals are the worst at understanding people different from themselves.

I have posted a link supporting that.

If you have something to say, say it, don't try to float some bullshit strawman. I am not responsible for shit you make up inside your own head.
he reminded me of a middle management asshole in the PO... the kind of ass you would want to reach over and smack after talking with him for a few minutes...arrogant little piss ants....

NOt crawling on your belly is not the same as arrogant.
you dont even know what i am talking about....unless you worked in the try some other comment....

I know exactly what you are talking about.

And this guy is not it. He answered the fucking questions. That the reporters didn't like the answers is not on him, or me.
so how long did you work in the PO and where?.....

Standard lefty tactic # 1, when confronted by an argument that shows your position to be nonsense, look for an excuse to dismiss the messenger.

My point stands. Miller answered the questions. That the reporter didn't like the answers is not on him.
so then you have no idea what i was talking about?.....dumbass tactic # 1....say you understand what the person is talking about,when you dont,and then keep on acting like a dumbass insisting you point stands,miller acts just like so many of the middle management asswipes in the PO that i thought i was actually seeing one being interviewed...
NOt crawling on your belly is not the same as arrogant.
you dont even know what i am talking about....unless you worked in the try some other comment....

I know exactly what you are talking about.

And this guy is not it. He answered the fucking questions. That the reporters didn't like the answers is not on him, or me.
so how long did you work in the PO and where?.....

Standard lefty tactic # 1, when confronted by an argument that shows your position to be nonsense, look for an excuse to dismiss the messenger.

My point stands. Miller answered the questions. That the reporter didn't like the answers is not on him.
so then you have no idea what i was talking about?.....dumbass tactic # 1....say you understand what the person is talking about,when you dont,and then keep on acting like a dumbass insisting you point stands,miller acts just like so many of the middle management asswipes in the PO that i thought i was actually seeing one being interviewed...

I understand what you said. And I responded appropriately.
I said I don't follow every iota and your corrupt brain saw I don't follow anything.

Liberals have been scientifically proven to be the WORST at understanding people different then themselves.
the far left ones yes,but they aint no different at understanding those different from themselves as the far right is.....

Science says otherwise.

‘The Righteous Mind,’ by Jonathan Haidt
do you read any posts around here from some posters on the right who seem to have problems understanding those different then themselves?....

Are you trying to pretend that I made an absolute statement that all conservatives understand all liberals?

I made a statement, that it has been shown that liberals are the worst at understanding people different from themselves.

I have posted a link supporting that.

If you have something to say, say it, don't try to float some bullshit strawman. I am not responsible for shit you make up inside your own head.
Are you trying to pretend that I made an absolute statement that all conservatives understand all liberals?
i did not say that,i said far righties.....there is a difference.....and i believe a hell of a lot of people on both sides who are not on the far side would agree with me that the far left is no different at understanding those different from themselves as the far right is.....and if you cant understand that then the reason is pretty obvious....
you dont even know what i am talking about....unless you worked in the try some other comment....

I know exactly what you are talking about.

And this guy is not it. He answered the fucking questions. That the reporters didn't like the answers is not on him, or me.
so how long did you work in the PO and where?.....

Standard lefty tactic # 1, when confronted by an argument that shows your position to be nonsense, look for an excuse to dismiss the messenger.

My point stands. Miller answered the questions. That the reporter didn't like the answers is not on him.
so then you have no idea what i was talking about?.....dumbass tactic # 1....say you understand what the person is talking about,when you dont,and then keep on acting like a dumbass insisting you point stands,miller acts just like so many of the middle management asswipes in the PO that i thought i was actually seeing one being interviewed...

I understand what you said. And I responded appropriately.
no you have no idea what i was talking about...UNLESS you worked in the PO....and since you did not,you have no idea of the people i was comparing this little ass too....
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

Just another BADASS from the Trump admin who won't play stupid games.
I love watching these media clowns bait these guys in to what is a designed, premeditated verbal ambush then it backfires and they get verbally bitch-slapped every time...haha
They're so use to everyone sucking their ass they don't know how to act with the Trump admin basically telling them to go fuck themselves...hahaha

What are you going to do when Trump tells you to go fuck yourself on jobs, wages, and anything really, for white Americans. Think of all those job openings being created picking lettuce, and working in the fields. Good times!
Liberals have been scientifically proven to be the WORST at understanding people different then themselves.
the far left ones yes,but they aint no different at understanding those different from themselves as the far right is.....

Science says otherwise.

‘The Righteous Mind,’ by Jonathan Haidt
do you read any posts around here from some posters on the right who seem to have problems understanding those different then themselves?....

Are you trying to pretend that I made an absolute statement that all conservatives understand all liberals?

I made a statement, that it has been shown that liberals are the worst at understanding people different from themselves.

I have posted a link supporting that.

If you have something to say, say it, don't try to float some bullshit strawman. I am not responsible for shit you make up inside your own head.
Are you trying to pretend that I made an absolute statement that all conservatives understand all liberals?
i did not say that,i said far righties.....there is a difference.....and i believe a hell of a lot of people on both sides who are not on the far side would agree with me that the far left is no different at understanding those different from themselves as the far right is.....and if you cant understand that then the reason is pretty obvious....

I am sure that you are correct, in that there are a lot of people who assume that the far right is no different than the far left at understanding the other.

But science shows otherwise. THe link i provided goes into great detail at to why that is. The book even more so, of course.

The Left is the worst at understanding those that are different, the far left especially.
I know exactly what you are talking about.

And this guy is not it. He answered the fucking questions. That the reporters didn't like the answers is not on him, or me.
so how long did you work in the PO and where?.....

Standard lefty tactic # 1, when confronted by an argument that shows your position to be nonsense, look for an excuse to dismiss the messenger.

My point stands. Miller answered the questions. That the reporter didn't like the answers is not on him.
so then you have no idea what i was talking about?.....dumbass tactic # 1....say you understand what the person is talking about,when you dont,and then keep on acting like a dumbass insisting you point stands,miller acts just like so many of the middle management asswipes in the PO that i thought i was actually seeing one being interviewed...

I understand what you said. And I responded appropriately.
no you have no idea what i was talking about...UNLESS you worked in the PO....and since you did not,you have no idea of the people i was comparing this little ass too....

I've had experience with Middle Management that could not, or would not answer questions.

Miller answered the questions.
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

Just another BADASS from the Trump admin who won't play stupid games.
I love watching these media clowns bait these guys in to what is a designed, premeditated verbal ambush then it backfires and they get verbally bitch-slapped every time...haha
They're so use to everyone sucking their ass they don't know how to act with the Trump admin basically telling them to go fuck themselves...hahaha

What are you going to do when Trump tells you to go fuck yourself on jobs, wages, and anything really, for white Americans. Think of all those job openings being created picking lettuce, and working in the fields. Good times!

Your pretense that illegals are mostly working in the fields is bullshit. Knock that shit off.

By lying so transparently and pathetically, you demonstrate that you know that the Truth is not on your side.

How can you know that and not realize that you are in the wrong?
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

I think the boy is on strong hallucigen drugs.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
i did not say that,i said far righties.....there is a difference.....and i believe a hell of a lot of people on both sides who are not on the far side would agree with me that the far left is no different at understanding those different from themselves as the far right is....
I can't agree. We are ALL liberals when we are born. We grow up needy, dependent, immature, selfish, impatient, emotional, want instant gratification, etc. As we mature we learn to overcome our basic instincts, see further down the road, anticipate problems become more self reliant, responsible, etc.

So it's easier to look back than it is to envision what never happened. Maturity.
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

Just another BADASS from the Trump admin who won't play stupid games.
I love watching these media clowns bait these guys in to what is a designed, premeditated verbal ambush then it backfires and they get verbally bitch-slapped every time...haha
They're so use to everyone sucking their ass they don't know how to act with the Trump admin basically telling them to go fuck themselves...hahaha

What are you going to do when Trump tells you to go fuck yourself on jobs, wages, and anything really, for white Americans. Think of all those job openings being created picking lettuce, and working in the fields. Good times!

Like nearly all stand-up, hard working real American's...I'm happy to take my chances.
You gotta realize I'm use to watching a scrawny, soft spoken negro with oversized ears continuously write and push policies that perpetuates and encourages the degradation of a higher grade society.
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

I think the boy is on strong hallucigen drugs.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

No, you don't.

You hate that he isn't afraid of the Press, and is treating them like they deserve.

THus you lie and smear.

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