Stephen Miller

The whole trump is a nazi shit is getting old.... Trump isn't a socialist.

Neither was Hitler. Once in power Hitler arrested the Socialist and Communist. They were the first occupants of the Nazi Happy Camps.
That lie is getting old as well

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Yeah? The whole Reichstag fire was just one big misunderstanding. You see Hitler and the leaders of Commies and Socialist were sitting around a fire in the Parliament building holding hands and joyfully singing Kumbaya and nobody noticed how the fire got out of control.......
Except Trump is rebuilding on the ashes Obama left.

Stock market that had more than doubled. Unemployment cut in half. ISIS losing ground. Tough times I tells ya, tough times.
The whole trump is a nazi shit is getting old.... Trump isn't a socialist.

Neither was Hitler. Once in power Hitler arrested the Socialist and Communist. They were the first occupants of the Nazi Happy Camps.
That lie is getting old as well

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Yeah? The whole Reichstag fire was just one big misunderstanding. You see Hitler and the leaders of Commies and Socialist were sitting around a fire in the Parliament building holding hands and joyfully singing Kumbaya and nobody noticed how the fire got out of control.......
Except Trump is rebuilding on the ashes Obama left.

Stock market that had more than doubled. Unemployment cut in half. ISIS losing ground. Tough times I tells ya, tough times.
Not for us, but not so good for guys in their 60s who in 1970 had been hoping for a union job making refrigerators
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

He appears to be a psychopath.


Yes, he is a bit like that.

To dumb to know that I am laughing at you, how sad, what a sad little person.

Here is some more for you.

He did seem good, almost as if he is a Nazi.
How dense and consistent from you. You attack someone's credibility with none of your own.

I don't follow every iota of what's going on and only heard him once, all I need to do is see who is outraging the lefties. Sounds like he's got it.
In other word, you do not have to have any knowledge of a subject to voice an opinion.
I said I don't follow every iota and your corrupt brain saw I don't follow anything.

Liberals have been scientifically proven to be the WORST at understanding people different then themselves.

I really believe you are nuts. That's not meant as a personal attack, my reasoning is justified by reality, something which you seem not able to comprehend.

I find it interesting that you are so certain of yourself that you, while calling me crazy, did not demand me to support my statement.

Have you seen me do so before?

Here it is again.

‘The Righteous Mind,’ by Jonathan Haidt

Also, that bit where lefties like you are the absolute WORST at understanding other people? THat applies to your absurd belief(s) about me and Trump.
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

I didn't watch all the way though, but he seemed good.

Your godwin is noted. YOu lose the thread.

he reminded me of a middle management asshole in the PO... the kind of ass you would want to reach over and smack after talking with him for a few minutes...arrogant little piss ants....

NOt crawling on your belly is not the same as arrogant.

you dont even know what i am talking about....unless you worked in the try some other comment....

I know exactly what you are talking about.

And this guy is not it. He answered the fucking questions. That the reporters didn't like the answers is not on him, or me.
He did seem good, almost as if he is a Nazi.
How dense and consistent from you. You attack someone's credibility with none of your own.

I don't follow every iota of what's going on and only heard him once, all I need to do is see who is outraging the lefties. Sounds like he's got it.
In other word, you do not have to have any knowledge of a subject to voice an opinion.
I said I don't follow every iota and your corrupt brain saw I don't follow anything.

Liberals have been scientifically proven to be the WORST at understanding people different then themselves.
the far left ones yes,but they aint no different at understanding those different from themselves as the far right is.....

Science says otherwise.

‘The Righteous Mind,’ by Jonathan Haidt
Miller is just plain creepy and thinks Trump is bigger than any branch of government. He's the supreme commanders.

Don't believe me... listen to this little worm's own words:
  • “Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”
Don't forget all these little Hitlers were hand picked by Adoph himself.

The words "very substantial" does not equal "bigger than any branch of government.

Try to listen to what HE says, not the voices in your head.

Do you disagree with the claim that the President has "very substantial" power?

No, it's the "and will not be questioned" that followed that is telling.

From the post I questioned.

"and thinks Trump is bigger than any branch of government."

Your read on what he meant is incorrect.
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

i saw him on some political show the other day.....seemed like an arrogant fuck.....some of these people trump has picked are a piece of work....

He's also advocating some type of fascist dictatorial nation where the courts have no power and the president can't be challenged.

Insane was more like what I saw.

Um, no he is not.

Try to be less bat shit crazy.
31 year old Stephen Miller missed his calling. He ought to have gone into acting in the entertainment industry; there he would have easily earned an Emmy, playing himself as a Nazi on The Man in the High Tower TV Series.

Watching him on Meet the Press, who would have thought he was anything more substantive than a man-child reading a script for a part in a dystopian play.

What do you, the reader, think of his performance?

Is everyone who's tired of wetbacks riding the backs of hard working real Americans a Nazi?
I have a feeling whom you call a Nazi I call a a Patriot.

You have every right to offer that opinion, the reader has every right to question your attachment to reality. Your use of the pejorative "wetbacks" is telling, and an example of scapegoating a minority, a fixture in historically fascist governments.

Says they guy using multiple Godwins.

If the shoe fits

Except it doesn't.

Try to be less bat shit crazy.
I'm clueless about how you can even exist. You are too stupid to breathe.
You have no reply, so you just do ignorant. I accept your capitulation.
I accept you had no answer for:

"I said I don't follow every iota and your corrupt brain saw I don't follow anything."

You stupid smug dishonest asshole.

Note: More honest feedback can be ascertained from a lamp post. icewesel has proved himself to be a toxic, mendacious, willfully ignorant and self-righteousness jerk.

The human mirror speaks. I'm sorry, you and your ilk are subhumans.

You are sorry; a sorry example of an American Citizen, and an embarrassment to all of us who understand people all over the world read your comments, and may come to believe all Americans are fools, liars and callous jerks, just like you.

Coming from a man who is accusing large percentage of his fellow citizens of being Nazis, that was very, very funny.
Miller is just plain creepy and thinks Trump is bigger than any branch of government. He's the supreme commanders.

Don't believe me... listen to this little worm's own words:
  • “Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”
Don't forget all these little Hitlers were hand picked by Adoph himself.

The words "very substantial" does not equal "bigger than any branch of government.

Try to listen to what HE says, not the voices in your head.

Do you disagree with the claim that the President has "very substantial" power?

No, it's the "and will not be questioned" that followed that is telling.

From the post I questioned.

"and thinks Trump is bigger than any branch of government."

Your read on what he meant is incorrect.

It is quite clear that he meant that the president has very substantial power and will not be questioned.

He does have substantial power but that power does get questioned and can be checked when necessary.
You have no reply, so you just do ignorant. I accept your capitulation.
I accept you had no answer for:

"I said I don't follow every iota and your corrupt brain saw I don't follow anything."

You stupid smug dishonest asshole.

Note: More honest feedback can be ascertained from a lamp post. icewesel has proved himself to be a toxic, mendacious, willfully ignorant and self-righteousness jerk.

The human mirror speaks. I'm sorry, you and your ilk are subhumans.

You are sorry; a sorry example of an American Citizen, and an embarrassment to all of us who understand people all over the world read your comments, and may come to believe all Americans are fools, liars and callous jerks, just like you.
Act like a human and I'll treat you like one.

It is unbelievable the way these lefties go around calling everyone the most poisonous names, (racist, nazi, ect) and are shocked, utterly shocked when someone is rude BACK TO THEM.

THey are such entitled assholes that if you wrote someone like that into a story, it would be panned as unrealistic.

Yet they walk the earth in their millions.
Miller is just plain creepy and thinks Trump is bigger than any branch of government. He's the supreme commanders.

Don't believe me... listen to this little worm's own words:
  • “Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”
Don't forget all these little Hitlers were hand picked by Adoph himself.

The words "very substantial" does not equal "bigger than any branch of government.

Try to listen to what HE says, not the voices in your head.

Do you disagree with the claim that the President has "very substantial" power?

No, it's the "and will not be questioned" that followed that is telling.

From the post I questioned.

"and thinks Trump is bigger than any branch of government."

Your read on what he meant is incorrect.

It is quite clear that he meant that the president has very substantial power and will not be questioned.

He does have substantial power but that power does get questioned and can be checked when necessary.

THen the asshole should not have attacked Miller for stating that the President has substantial power.
Miller is just plain creepy and thinks Trump is bigger than any branch of government. He's the supreme commanders.

Don't believe me... listen to this little worm's own words:
  • “Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”
Don't forget all these little Hitlers were hand picked by Adoph himself.

The words "very substantial" does not equal "bigger than any branch of government.

Try to listen to what HE says, not the voices in your head.

Do you disagree with the claim that the President has "very substantial" power?

No, it's the "and will not be questioned" that followed that is telling.

From the post I questioned.

"and thinks Trump is bigger than any branch of government."

Your read on what he meant is incorrect.

It is quite clear that he meant that the president has very substantial power and will not be questioned.

He does have substantial power but that power does get questioned and can be checked when necessary.

THen the asshole should not have attacked Miller for stating that the President has substantial power.

Methinks the Theory of Holes is way beyond the ability of Correll and Uncensored to comprehend.
The words "very substantial" does not equal "bigger than any branch of government.

Try to listen to what HE says, not the voices in your head.

Do you disagree with the claim that the President has "very substantial" power?

No, it's the "and will not be questioned" that followed that is telling.

From the post I questioned.

"and thinks Trump is bigger than any branch of government."

Your read on what he meant is incorrect.

It is quite clear that he meant that the president has very substantial power and will not be questioned.

He does have substantial power but that power does get questioned and can be checked when necessary.

THen the asshole should not have attacked Miller for stating that the President has substantial power.

Methinks the Theory of Holes is way beyond the ability of Correll and Uncensored to comprehend.

This is what your idiot fellow lefties said.

"Miller is just plain creepy and thinks Trump is bigger than any branch of government. He's the supreme commanders."

That of course, is not backed up by the Miller quote that the fool posted.

He then made some Gowins, so he is a Godwin loser. Which is why I guess you are here defending him.

"Reasonable's" evidence for thinking that Miller is "plain creepy" has been completely debunked. It is time for him to retract his statement.

But you lefties never do that, just because you have been proven wrong, do you?
This country is in desperate need of higher grade, self accountable citizens with a moral compass

So you elected a guy who takes advantage of women by grabbing them by the pussy because he thinks he is entitle too by being a star? That'll save us! LOL.

Says the lefty to dumb to understand the word "let".
If you are going to call someone dumb, use proper English.

Here, to help you.

  1. 1.
    not prevent or forbid; allow.

"when you’re a star, they let you do it,"

Do you doubt that women find fame and fortune attractive in a man?
This country is in desperate need of higher grade, self accountable citizens with a moral compass

So you elected a guy who takes advantage of women by grabbing them by the pussy because he thinks he is entitle too by being a star? That'll save us! LOL.

Says the lefty to dumb to understand the word "let".

His understanding was that they "let" because he was a star. I suspect they "let" him get away with groping them and didn't say anything because they were afraid of him.

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