Stephen Paddock Brother, Crisis Actor?



Ok, so LV is my first false flag in real time since my eyes were opened 6 months ago. At first I thought maybe this Stephen Paddock was an unfortunate patsy somehow duped into being in that hotel room for whatever reason and his body left to be discovered, that still may prove true. The first interview I saw with the Stephen Paddock's brother seemed genuine to me, but this morning I saw a follow up interview and 30 seconds in my alarm bells are going off and all I can see is crisis actor doing a really poor job. I'll provide a link to whomever wants to check it out. What do you think?

I give God the credit. I'd begun to see some things that troubled me but couldn't put my finger on. Some other things I didn't want to believe, but I prayed about it, I asked for Him to show me what was true. Soon after I was researching on Nephilim(I've always found them interesting) and a video on 911 was suggested and I watched it. I remember where I was and what I was doing when 911 went down but it was much later when I finally saw WTC 7 collapse. From my first viewing I knew in my gut it didn't look right, so I did some research on my own. Soon it was like I discovered a chain buried in the sand, every link I uncovered led to another link and on and on. I must admit for a while it felt like my head was on backwards, so many things I once thought true were complete lies, but my journey continues. Now there are the "Ah-Hah!" moments, but then some sad realizations too on this road of truth and it can be lonely too. I'm careful to who and how much I reveal about what I've discovered and some react violently when you show them the truth. I do understand though I remember the fear I felt when I first began to see, it was frightening to have reality stripped away. Anyway I rambled.
Ok, so LV is my first false flag in real time since my eyes were opened 6 months ago. At first I thought maybe this Stephen Paddock was an unfortunate patsy somehow duped into being in that hotel room for whatever reason and his body left to be discovered, that still may prove true. The first interview I saw with the Stephen Paddock's brother seemed genuine to me, but this morning I saw a follow up interview and 30 seconds in my alarm bells are going off and all I can see is crisis actor doing a really poor job. I'll provide a link to whomever wants to check it out. What do you think?

I agree he showed no pain or distress at all the carnage but more intellectual amazement. This is typical of someone with Aspergers which seems to run in that family. They say that condition does not statistically indicate a greater propensity to violence although you'd think it would given it is a natural Disconnect or lack of empathy for other people
I give God the credit. I'd begun to see some things that troubled me but couldn't put my finger on. Some other things I didn't want to believe, but I prayed about it, I asked for Him to show me what was true. Soon after I was researching on Nephilim(I've always found them interesting) and a video on 911 was suggested and I watched it. I remember where I was and what I was doing when 911 went down but it was much later when I finally saw WTC 7 collapse. From my first viewing I knew in my gut it didn't look right, so I did some research on my own. Soon it was like I discovered a chain buried in the sand, every link I uncovered led to another link and on and on. I must admit for a while it felt like my head was on backwards, so many things I once thought true were complete lies, but my journey continues. Now there are the "Ah-Hah!" moments, but then some sad realizations too on this road of truth and it can be lonely too. I'm careful to who and how much I reveal about what I've discovered and some react violently when you show them the truth. I do understand though I remember the fear I felt when I first began to see, it was frightening to have reality stripped away. Anyway I rambled.
did you already reach chemtrails, haarp, and sandy hook? the rabid hole is deep.
Sandy Hook, yes. HAARP is on the list. I ended up going in the direction of the Holocaust/Zionism after 911 & Sandy Hook and that takes up most of my time right now.
Ok, so LV is my first false flag in real time since my eyes were opened 6 months ago. At first I thought maybe this Stephen Paddock was an unfortunate patsy somehow duped into being in that hotel room for whatever reason and his body left to be discovered, that still may prove true. The first interview I saw with the Stephen Paddock's brother seemed genuine to me, but this morning I saw a follow up interview and 30 seconds in my alarm bells are going off and all I can see is crisis actor doing a really poor job. I'll provide a link to whomever wants to check it out. What do you think?

If he were a "Crisis Actor", wouldn't it make more sense for him to come out and say, "Yeah, we always knew Steve was a little crazy and was going to go off one day!" That would seem to add more credibility to the narrative.
Ok, so LV is my first false flag in real time since my eyes were opened 6 months ago. At first I thought maybe this Stephen Paddock was an unfortunate patsy somehow duped into being in that hotel room for whatever reason and his body left to be discovered, that still may prove true. The first interview I saw with the Stephen Paddock's brother seemed genuine to me, but this morning I saw a follow up interview and 30 seconds in my alarm bells are going off and all I can see is crisis actor doing a really poor job. I'll provide a link to whomever wants to check it out. What do you think?

I agree he showed no pain or distress at all the carnage but more intellectual amazement. This is typical of someone with Aspergers which seems to run in that family. They say that condition does not statistically indicate a greater propensity to violence although you'd think it would given it is a natural Disconnect or lack of empathy for other people

I haven't seen any indication that Aspergers runs in their family. Even so Aspergers doesn't mean that a person lacks empathy.
Sandy Hook, yes. HAARP is on the list. I ended up going in the direction of the Holocaust/Zionism after 911 & Sandy Hook and that takes up most of my time right now.

wow, that isn't a substitute for having a life, dude.
Ok, so LV is my first false flag in real time since my eyes were opened 6 months ago. At first I thought maybe this Stephen Paddock was an unfortunate patsy somehow duped into being in that hotel room for whatever reason and his body left to be discovered, that still may prove true. The first interview I saw with the Stephen Paddock's brother seemed genuine to me, but this morning I saw a follow up interview and 30 seconds in my alarm bells are going off and all I can see is crisis actor doing a really poor job. I'll provide a link to whomever wants to check it out. What do you think?

If he were a "Crisis Actor", wouldn't it make more sense for him to come out and say, "Yeah, we always knew Steve was a little crazy and was going to go off one day!" That would seem to add more credibility to the narrative.
I guess it depends on motive and to whom they want to effect. If this is a gun rights deal and they want to sway Conservative gun owners then having the shooter be, "Average Joe" would suggest anyone could do this, someone you can't background check for. And I think it was a Rep from Nevada that said yesterday, "We just need to get guns out of peoples hands". So the liberals have been on board, they have background checks for different things and some weapons are just flat illegal, but if it looks like anyone could be capable of doing this then the logical thing is for "No one to own a gun"...
Sandy Hook, yes. HAARP is on the list. I ended up going in the direction of the Holocaust/Zionism after 911 & Sandy Hook and that takes up most of my time right now.

wow, that isn't a substitute for having a life, dude.
Hah! No its not like that, i just meant I haven't gone researching everything under the sun and what I do look at right now pertains to Zionism as I see it as the over arching deal. The other stuff are just methods and tools to be used by them. I do have a real life though, I'm not consumed, but I appreciate your concern.
Ok, so LV is my first false flag in real time since my eyes were opened 6 months ago. At first I thought maybe this Stephen Paddock was an unfortunate patsy somehow duped into being in that hotel room for whatever reason and his body left to be discovered, that still may prove true. The first interview I saw with the Stephen Paddock's brother seemed genuine to me, but this morning I saw a follow up interview and 30 seconds in my alarm bells are going off and all I can see is crisis actor doing a really poor job. I'll provide a link to whomever wants to check it out. What do you think?
The "crisis actor" stories have been proven to be fake news. What makes you think this is any different?
The "crisis actor" stories have been proven to be fake news. What makes you think this is any different?
We'll have to agree to disagree on what is fake news and what isn't. Everything I've uncovered and investigated shows the "Crisis Actors" for what they are, actors playing a role. You can find the credentials from several of the players at Sandy Hook on IMBD and others elsewhere. The father/SWAT team member from Sandy Hook didn't wear the proper gear and didn't carry his rifle properly either and there is a correct way to do that you learn during basic firearms training. I could go on and on but I always encourage people to do their own work and not to believe me. As to the Paddock brother character I haven't dug into him, but his acting was so bad it jumped off the screen at me and like I said earlier, yesterday I believed him, but today he completely over did it.
Ok, so LV is my first false flag in real time since my eyes were opened 6 months ago. At first I thought maybe this Stephen Paddock was an unfortunate patsy somehow duped into being in that hotel room for whatever reason and his body left to be discovered, that still may prove true. The first interview I saw with the Stephen Paddock's brother seemed genuine to me, but this morning I saw a follow up interview and 30 seconds in my alarm bells are going off and all I can see is crisis actor doing a really poor job. I'll provide a link to whomever wants to check it out. What do you think?

Oh boy....another Truther/Birther...whatever are we gonna call these Las Vegas conspiracy nuts?
Ok, so LV is my first false flag in real time since my eyes were opened 6 months ago. At first I thought maybe this Stephen Paddock was an unfortunate patsy somehow duped into being in that hotel room for whatever reason and his body left to be discovered, that still may prove true. The first interview I saw with the Stephen Paddock's brother seemed genuine to me, but this morning I saw a follow up interview and 30 seconds in my alarm bells are going off and all I can see is crisis actor doing a really poor job. I'll provide a link to whomever wants to check it out. What do you think?

I knew it!

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