Stereotypes are Natural and Develop Over Time...PC is Wrong

Cultural groups all have their own unique fingerprint. We should embrace this and stop with all the PC crap.

What the fuck does this even mean in an American context?

We have no laws or policy on the subject

If you're referring to things like racial profiling...Do you really want to be a second class citizen? Because whites are not very well behaved relative to small immigrant groups in America.

Racial profiling is good police work. I was racially profiled as a White male. Coming home from grad school finals I had to drive through a Black area late at night. Cop pulled me over. Why? Because usally the only White people in that neighborhood at that time of night are buying drugs. Why do you hate Whites to the point you say we are somehow "privileged?"

The one time I've been arrested with any substantive weight of drugs was exactly for this reason in Chicago

I'm tan look like a tall latino or an arab but I brought one of my white friends (it was his supplier we were going to meet, but I knew the guy I should have left him at home in the suburbs, always wears a wide brimmed cap that makes him stick out too)

Racial profiling does happen, but it's not legal. The cops said my seatbelt was undone when it was not, not the my obviously out of place white friend with the cap is why they rolled us.

Totally different to have bad police work being based on racial profiling relative to making it institutional policy.

And again in a world where it's policy, otehrs would have more rights than you on paper. That's corrosive for all sorts of reasons.

I don't want to think "oh I shouldn't marry any white or black people I should stick to Asians so my children retain the protections a small modern immigrant population provides in America's stats driven legal system"

That's obscene

So you broke the law...and was arrested. What's the problem here?

Uhh using inadmissible evidence based on a lie?

If I'm caught I'm caught, as a criminal I accept that

My rights do not get suspended the moment I bring an illicit substance into my possession, a court of law needs to prove that before my rights can be fucked with.

edit - not to mention I walked away with a fine because i'm from the subrubs and could afford a lawyer..
How odd - I think exactly the same thing about, you are a fucking fruitcake (left out in the rain from 1946 and just as moldy).
You have never seen a great I understand.
We have never been a great nation. We've had better days (and worse) but we have never been great.
Now your getting way off the mark.
Not in the slightest. If you think we've been great you just name the year and I'll tell you why were weren't.
Right here...American Zeinith!

Used terrorism to make it happen (even though they were going to surrender if we just waited).
You have never seen a great I understand.
We have never been a great nation. We've had better days (and worse) but we have never been great.
Now your getting way off the mark.
Not in the slightest. If you think we've been great you just name the year and I'll tell you why were weren't.
Right here...American Zeinith!

Used terrorism to make it happen (even though they were going to surrender if we just waited).

If there was no Pearl Harbor attack...there would not have been a Hiroshima or Nagisaki. Don't start none if you don't want none.
What about this day?

Men return from war that shouldn't have been fought, in which many were drafted, to fight a war (that we lost and could never have won) which made us absolutely no safer and was a major humiliation based upon lies.

They were heroes. LBJ and liberal pussies lost the war politically. We dominated it militarily.
What about this glorious day!

Russia elects its first American President, an Orange egotistical immoral sexist con-man about to have to pay off for defrauding hundreds of American citizens out of their hard-earned money.
What about this glorious day!

Russia elects its first American President, an Orange egotistical immoral sexist con-man about to have to pay off for defrauding hundreds of American citizens out of their hard-earned money.

People of the respective states, as per Constituion, elect the man that espoused the right ideas on the important issues.
We have never been a great nation. We've had better days (and worse) but we have never been great.
Now your getting way off the mark.
Not in the slightest. If you think we've been great you just name the year and I'll tell you why were weren't.
Right here...American Zeinith!

Used terrorism to make it happen (even though they were going to surrender if we just waited).

If there was no Pearl Harbor attack...there would not have been a Hiroshima or Nagisaki. Don't start none if you don't want none.

Their attack was strategic, ours was to show off our new weapons of terror and mass destruction.
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What about this glorious day!

Russia elects its first American President, an Orange egotistical immoral sexist con-man about to have to pay off for defrauding hundreds of American citizens out of their hard-earned money.

People of the respective states, as per Constituion, elect the man that espoused the right ideas on the important issues.

The people didn't elect him - he lost the popular vote.
What about this glorious day!

Russia elects its first American President, an Orange egotistical immoral sexist con-man about to have to pay off for defrauding hundreds of American citizens out of their hard-earned money.

People of the respective states, as per Constituion, elect the man that espoused the right ideas on the important issues.

The people didn't elect him - he lost the popular vote.

See...Constitution of the United States of America.

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