Steve Bannon backs Biden's plan for economy....hmmmm???

I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

Trump 2016 Adviser Bannon Praises Bidenā€™s ā€˜Buy Americanā€™ Plan: ā€˜I Tip My Hat to Themā€™

Wait... so you hate Trump.... but are supporting policies that Trump originated?

Do you need a mental examination?
Biden didn't say anything about a huge tax handout to wealthy and corporations. I also didn't hear him say trade wars are easy to win. haha

Yeah, and how exactly does he plan to bring manufacturing and jobs back to America, without any trade restrictions or tax incentives. Do tell. Can't wait for your brilliant explanation.
Democrats lie to win...nothing else needs to be said.....does someone have to kick you in the head?....Democrats can't be honest or they sound like AOC and will lose in a national they have to lie....Biden will give us back the sluggish Obama economic struggles....if you liked it vote for it....I sure won't...
How many times did trump say he'd give up his taxes? Politicians lie to pretend trump isn't one of the worst is funny.
Trump was perfectly clear...he said that after what the democrat congress tried to do to him he will not be turning his taxes over to them so they can lie about whats in them....catch up!!!
He had a whole lot of time before that to give up his taxes. Most good presidents give them before they get elected....
He was under attention and lets be real can we? its not as if the dems ever would have read his returns fairly and without malice and you freaking know go play your time games with someone ain't getting them and by the time the NY DA gets them Trump will be well into his 2nd term or maybe after his 2nd you can just forget about it....

Nobody's under audit for 5-6 years.
Friend of mine is an attorney with the IRS in D.C.
He said Trump is lying his ass off.
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

Trump 2016 Adviser Bannon Praises Bidenā€™s ā€˜Buy Americanā€™ Plan: ā€˜I Tip My Hat to Themā€™

Wait... so you hate Trump.... but are supporting policies that Trump originated?

Do you need a mental examination?

You need the exam.
You can't read.
I am posting a link to an article and questioning what Trump might say on his Twitter feed, you stupid bi-assed idiot.

Right, so.... is this "Biden supporting Trump like slogan and policy" a reason to support Biden or not?

Are against Biden for being like Trump? Or what?
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

Trump 2016 Adviser Bannon Praises Bidenā€™s ā€˜Buy Americanā€™ Plan: ā€˜I Tip My Hat to Themā€™

Wait... so you hate Trump.... but are supporting policies that Trump originated?

Do you need a mental examination?
Biden didn't say anything about a huge tax handout to wealthy and corporations. I also didn't hear him say trade wars are easy to win. haha

Yeah, and how exactly does he plan to bring manufacturing and jobs back to America, without any trade restrictions or tax incentives. Do tell. Can't wait for your brilliant explanation.
Heck if I know. Trump plan sure was a failure though. Biden wants to invest in infrastructure and education from what I heard.
Democrats lie to win...nothing else needs to be said.....does someone have to kick you in the head?....Democrats can't be honest or they sound like AOC and will lose in a national they have to lie....Biden will give us back the sluggish Obama economic struggles....if you liked it vote for it....I sure won't...
How many times did trump say he'd give up his taxes? Politicians lie to pretend trump isn't one of the worst is funny.
Trump was perfectly clear...he said that after what the democrat congress tried to do to him he will not be turning his taxes over to them so they can lie about whats in them....catch up!!!
He had a whole lot of time before that to give up his taxes. Most good presidents give them before they get elected....
He was under attention and lets be real can we? its not as if the dems ever would have read his returns fairly and without malice and you freaking know go play your time games with someone ain't getting them and by the time the NY DA gets them Trump will be well into his 2nd term or maybe after his 2nd you can just forget about it....

Nobody's under audit for 5-6 years.
Friend of mine is an attorney with the IRS in D.C.
He said Trump is lying his ass off.
Trump hasn't even proven he was under audit. Guy won't provide anything. He just says anything stupid and trumpers believe....
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

Trump 2016 Adviser Bannon Praises Bidenā€™s ā€˜Buy Americanā€™ Plan: ā€˜I Tip My Hat to Themā€™

Wait... so you hate Trump.... but are supporting policies that Trump originated?

Do you need a mental examination?
Biden didn't say anything about a huge tax handout to wealthy and corporations. I also didn't hear him say trade wars are easy to win. haha

Yeah, and how exactly does he plan to bring manufacturing and jobs back to America, without any trade restrictions or tax incentives. Do tell. Can't wait for your brilliant explanation.
Heck if I know. Trump plan sure was a failure though. Biden wants to invest in infrastructure and education from what I heard.

Didn't we invest in infrastructure with that almost trillion dollar stimulus plan Obama passed? Why didn't that work?

Education? We already spend more money than any other country on the face of this planet on education.

If there are no jobs, how does education help? Go read about India. They had all these people with degrees standing around, and no jobs. Why do you think people with a masters degree, were working phone tech support?

We don't need a bridge built to no-where, so you can get to a job that doesn't exist. Nor do we need more money blown on education, if there are no jobs for educated people.


If you can't answer that, then you are wasting our time. You don't have an answer, and Trump does.
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

Trump 2016 Adviser Bannon Praises Bidenā€™s ā€˜Buy Americanā€™ Plan: ā€˜I Tip My Hat to Themā€™

Wait... so you hate Trump.... but are supporting policies that Trump originated?

Do you need a mental examination?

You need the exam.
You can't read.
I am posting a link to an article and questioning what Trump might say on his Twitter feed, you stupid bi-assed idiot.

Right, so.... is this "Biden supporting Trump like slogan and policy" a reason to support Biden or not?

Are against Biden for being like Trump? Or what?

You still can't comprendo.
I'm observing how Trump will handle this betrayal by his former advisor.
AND...Trump didn't fire Bannon, either. John Kelly did.
Then John Kelly quit.
Like most sane people who worked for Trump have.
Democrats lie to win...nothing else needs to be said.....does someone have to kick you in the head?....Democrats can't be honest or they sound like AOC and will lose in a national they have to lie....Biden will give us back the sluggish Obama economic struggles....if you liked it vote for it....I sure won't...
How many times did trump say he'd give up his taxes? Politicians lie to pretend trump isn't one of the worst is funny.
Trump was perfectly clear...he said that after what the democrat congress tried to do to him he will not be turning his taxes over to them so they can lie about whats in them....catch up!!!
He had a whole lot of time before that to give up his taxes. Most good presidents give them before they get elected....
He was under attention and lets be real can we? its not as if the dems ever would have read his returns fairly and without malice and you freaking know go play your time games with someone ain't getting them and by the time the NY DA gets them Trump will be well into his 2nd term or maybe after his 2nd you can just forget about it....

Nobody's under audit for 5-6 years.
Friend of mine is an attorney with the IRS in D.C.
He said Trump is lying his ass off.
Trump hasn't even proven he was under audit. Guy won't provide anything. He just says anything stupid and trumpers believe....

I don't even care. The government takes too much of people's money as it is.
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

Trump 2016 Adviser Bannon Praises Bidenā€™s ā€˜Buy Americanā€™ Plan: ā€˜I Tip My Hat to Themā€™

Wait... so you hate Trump.... but are supporting policies that Trump originated?

Do you need a mental examination?

You need the exam.
You can't read.
I am posting a link to an article and questioning what Trump might say on his Twitter feed, you stupid bi-assed idiot.

Right, so.... is this "Biden supporting Trump like slogan and policy" a reason to support Biden or not?

Are against Biden for being like Trump? Or what?

You still can't comprendo.
I'm observing how Trump will handle this betrayal by his former advisor.
AND...Trump didn't fire Bannon, either. John Kelly did.
Then John Kelly quit.
Like most sane people who worked for Trump have.

So it doesn't matter that you reject someone, for policies, that now Biden is using.

That would be more important than how Trump responds on Twitter.

What you are telling me is, irrelevant twitter posts, are more important than how the country is run. That's sad.
Democrats lie to win...nothing else needs to be said.....does someone have to kick you in the head?....Democrats can't be honest or they sound like AOC and will lose in a national they have to lie....Biden will give us back the sluggish Obama economic struggles....if you liked it vote for it....I sure won't...
How many times did trump say he'd give up his taxes? Politicians lie to pretend trump isn't one of the worst is funny.
Trump was perfectly clear...he said that after what the democrat congress tried to do to him he will not be turning his taxes over to them so they can lie about whats in them....catch up!!!
He had a whole lot of time before that to give up his taxes. Most good presidents give them before they get elected....
He was under attention and lets be real can we? its not as if the dems ever would have read his returns fairly and without malice and you freaking know go play your time games with someone ain't getting them and by the time the NY DA gets them Trump will be well into his 2nd term or maybe after his 2nd you can just forget about it....

Nobody's under audit for 5-6 years.
Friend of mine is an attorney with the IRS in D.C.
He said Trump is lying his ass off.
Trump hasn't even proven he was under audit. Guy won't provide anything. He just says anything stupid and trumpers believe....

None of them ever, ever criticize Trump. Never.
From reading this board I'd say they think he's perfect.
That's a cult.
Democrats lie to win...nothing else needs to be said.....does someone have to kick you in the head?....Democrats can't be honest or they sound like AOC and will lose in a national they have to lie....Biden will give us back the sluggish Obama economic struggles....if you liked it vote for it....I sure won't...
How many times did trump say he'd give up his taxes? Politicians lie to pretend trump isn't one of the worst is funny.
Trump was perfectly clear...he said that after what the democrat congress tried to do to him he will not be turning his taxes over to them so they can lie about whats in them....catch up!!!
He had a whole lot of time before that to give up his taxes. Most good presidents give them before they get elected....
None did until Nixon did. So only seven out of 45 gave up their taxes.
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

Trump 2016 Adviser Bannon Praises Bidenā€™s ā€˜Buy Americanā€™ Plan: ā€˜I Tip My Hat to Themā€™

Bannon is just pointing out that Biden just echoed Trump
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

Trump 2016 Adviser Bannon Praises Bidenā€™s ā€˜Buy Americanā€™ Plan: ā€˜I Tip My Hat to Themā€™

Wait... so you hate Trump.... but are supporting policies that Trump originated?

Do you need a mental examination?

You need the exam.
You can't read.
I am posting a link to an article and questioning what Trump might say on his Twitter feed, you stupid bi-assed idiot.

Right, so.... is this "Biden supporting Trump like slogan and policy" a reason to support Biden or not?

Are against Biden for being like Trump? Or what?

You still can't comprendo.
I'm observing how Trump will handle this betrayal by his former advisor.
AND...Trump didn't fire Bannon, either. John Kelly did.
Then John Kelly quit.
Like most sane people who worked for Trump have.

So it doesn't matter that you reject someone, for policies, that now Biden is using.

That would be more important than how Trump responds on Twitter.

What you are telling me is, irrelevant twitter posts, are more important than how the country is run. That's sad.

Jesus Christ, TRUMP thinks his Twitter feed is the most important thing in the world.
You calling his posts irrelevant??? Whoooo, you really don't understand your Lord and Master at all. AT ALL.
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

But...but... Brain Squeezer, didn't Trump FIRE Bannon? And isn't Buy American TRUMP'S campaign goal?

You'd think at least Joe could come up with something more ORIGINAL to steal!

BTW, good luck with that Twitter feed, I don't use or read Twitter and I can see Trump has you dolts hooked lined & sinker.
Trump plan was give huge tax cuts to the rich and tariff everyone. That failed. I didn't hear that from biden. Biden seems to be talking about investing in infrastructure and we need more unions. Invest in education.
Trumpā€™s across the board tax cuts gave a tax cut to EVERYONE.
Yes little for the middle class and a lot for the rich and huge corporations. The tax cuts neither paid for themselves or delivered the promised 4-6% gdp growth. Trump policy failed.
Standard deduction, which the vast majority of the middle and lower class uses, doubled.
You lied about it being a tax cut for the rich.
And most people didn't use the standard deduction. The vast majority of dollars went to the wealthy and the companies. That's a fact. And it was a failure more importantly. It drastically increased deficits with no gdp growth. 2019 gdp growth dropped.
Your bullshit lies are too easy to expose.

Prior to the Trump ACROSS THE BOARD TAX CUTS, 70% of all taxpayers used the standard deduction.

That figure is estimated to rise to around 90% after the Trump ACROSS THE BOARD TAX CUTS.

They failed miserably. Trump drastically increased deficits and 2019 gdp growth dropped.

This my complaint with Trump. He failed to curb spending. Of course I never thought a liberal would reduce spending.
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

Trump 2016 Adviser Bannon Praises Bidenā€™s ā€˜Buy Americanā€™ Plan: ā€˜I Tip My Hat to Themā€™

Bannon is just pointing out that Biden just echoed Trump

Yes, and he thinks it's brilliant.
That Biden caught them "flat footed".
"""Steve Bannon, architect of the 2016 Trump campaign, warned that former vice president Joe Bidenā€™s new economic plan, which proposes a massive cash injection to ā€œbuy American,ā€ is ā€œvery smartā€ and shows that President Trumpā€™s reelection effort has been ā€œcaught flat-footed.ā€""""
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

Trump 2016 Adviser Bannon Praises Bidenā€™s ā€˜Buy Americanā€™ Plan: ā€˜I Tip My Hat to Themā€™

Bannon is just pointing out that Biden just echoed Trump

Yes, and he thinks it's brilliant.
That Biden caught them "flat footed".
"""Steve Bannon, architect of the 2016 Trump campaign, warned that former vice president Joe Bidenā€™s new economic plan, which proposes a massive cash injection to ā€œbuy American,ā€ is ā€œvery smartā€ and shows that President Trumpā€™s reelection effort has been ā€œcaught flat-footed.ā€""""
400 billion over 4 years is not massive, Trump just put trillions into the economy. All Biden wants is to buy more trinkets from China putting people here out of work again like he and Obooba did
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

But...but... Brain Squeezer, didn't Trump FIRE Bannon? And isn't Buy American TRUMP'S campaign goal?

You'd think at least Joe could come up with something more ORIGINAL to steal!

BTW, good luck with that Twitter feed, I don't use or read Twitter and I can see Trump has you dolts hooked lined & sinker.
Trump plan was give huge tax cuts to the rich and tariff everyone. That failed. I didn't hear that from biden. Biden seems to be talking about investing in infrastructure and we need more unions. Invest in education.
Trumpā€™s across the board tax cuts gave a tax cut to EVERYONE.
Yes little for the middle class and a lot for the rich and huge corporations. The tax cuts neither paid for themselves or delivered the promised 4-6% gdp growth. Trump policy failed.
Standard deduction, which the vast majority of the middle and lower class uses, doubled.
You lied about it being a tax cut for the rich.
And most people didn't use the standard deduction. The vast majority of dollars went to the wealthy and the companies. That's a fact. And it was a failure more importantly. It drastically increased deficits with no gdp growth. 2019 gdp growth dropped.
Your bullshit lies are too easy to expose.

Prior to the Trump ACROSS THE BOARD TAX CUTS, 70% of all taxpayers used the standard deduction.

That figure is estimated to rise to around 90% after the Trump ACROSS THE BOARD TAX CUTS.

They failed miserably. Trump drastically increased deficits and 2019 gdp growth dropped.

This my complaint with Trump. He failed to curb spending. Of course I never thought a liberal would reduce spending.

Geeee, you're putting that SO nicely.

Reagan, Dubya's numbers are for 8 years.
Trump's is for 3.5 years.


I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

Trump 2016 Adviser Bannon Praises Bidenā€™s ā€˜Buy Americanā€™ Plan: ā€˜I Tip My Hat to Themā€™

Bannon is just pointing out that Biden just echoed Trump

Yes, and he thinks it's brilliant.
That Biden caught them "flat footed".
"""Steve Bannon, architect of the 2016 Trump campaign, warned that former vice president Joe Bidenā€™s new economic plan, which proposes a massive cash injection to ā€œbuy American,ā€ is ā€œvery smartā€ and shows that President Trumpā€™s reelection effort has been ā€œcaught flat-footed.ā€""""
400 billion over 4 years is not massive, Trump just put trillions into the economy. All Biden wants is to buy more trinkets from China putting people here out of work again like he and Obooba did

See post #97. You are wrong.

I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

Trump 2016 Adviser Bannon Praises Bidenā€™s ā€˜Buy Americanā€™ Plan: ā€˜I Tip My Hat to Themā€™

Bannon is just pointing out that Biden just echoed Trump

Yes, and he thinks it's brilliant.
That Biden caught them "flat footed".
"""Steve Bannon, architect of the 2016 Trump campaign, warned that former vice president Joe Bidenā€™s new economic plan, which proposes a massive cash injection to ā€œbuy American,ā€ is ā€œvery smartā€ and shows that President Trumpā€™s reelection effort has been ā€œcaught flat-footed.ā€""""
Bannon is under FBI investigation for aiding Chinese Exiles, thus Bannon sides with Biden and China. Bannon is a traitor about to be indicted

Billionaire Chinese fugitive 'is being investigated by the FBI over the funding of his media activities in the US and his ties to Steve Bannon'
  • FBI agents have been looking into exiled Chinese tycoon Guo Wengui for the past six months, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday
  • Sources said the agents are asking about the funding for Guo's firm Guo Media
  • Guo Media hired former White House adviser Steve Bannon in 2018
  • It paid him $1million for a year of 'strategic consulting services'
  • Together Guo and Bannon launched a $100million investigation into alleged corruption by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
  • Guo fled to the US in 2014 after the Chinese government accused him of bribery, fraud, money laundering and rape
  • In the years since Guo has flooded social media with posts condemning the CCP

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