Steve Bannon backs Biden's plan for economy....hmmmm???

I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

But...but... Brain Squeezer, didn't Trump FIRE Bannon? And isn't Buy American TRUMP'S campaign goal?

You'd think at least Joe could come up with something more ORIGINAL to steal!

BTW, good luck with that Twitter feed, I don't use or read Twitter and I can see Trump has you dolts hooked lined & sinker.
Trump plan was give huge tax cuts to the rich and tariff everyone. That failed. I didn't hear that from biden. Biden seems to be talking about investing in infrastructure and we need more unions. Invest in education.
Trump’s across the board tax cuts gave a tax cut to EVERYONE.
Yes little for the middle class and a lot for the rich and huge corporations. The tax cuts neither paid for themselves or delivered the promised 4-6% gdp growth. Trump policy failed.
Standard deduction, which the vast majority of the middle and lower class uses, doubled.
You lied about it being a tax cut for the rich.
And most people didn't use the standard deduction. The vast majority of dollars went to the wealthy and the companies. That's a fact. And it was a failure more importantly. It drastically increased deficits with no gdp growth. 2019 gdp growth dropped.
Your bullshit lies are too easy to expose.

Prior to the Trump ACROSS THE BOARD TAX CUTS, 70% of all taxpayers used the standard deduction.

That figure is estimated to rise to around 90% after the Trump ACROSS THE BOARD TAX CUTS.

They failed miserably. Trump drastically increased deficits and 2019 gdp growth dropped.
Democrats lie to win...nothing else needs to be said.....does someone have to kick you in the head?....Democrats can't be honest or they sound like AOC and will lose in a national they have to lie....Biden will give us back the sluggish Obama economic struggles....if you liked it vote for it....I sure won't...
How many times did trump say he'd give up his taxes? Politicians lie to pretend trump isn't one of the worst is funny.
Trump was perfectly clear...he said that after what the democrat congress tried to do to him he will not be turning his taxes over to them so they can lie about whats in them....catch up!!!
He had a whole lot of time before that to give up his taxes. Most good presidents give them before they get elected....
He was under attention and lets be real can we? its not as if the dems ever would have read his returns fairly and without malice and you freaking know go play your time games with someone ain't getting them and by the time the NY DA gets them Trump will be well into his 2nd term or maybe after his 2nd you can just forget about it....
You morons will believe anything. Moron is wasting tax dollars and court time fighting showing his taxes. Nobody should be surprised the country is such a mess.
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

But...but... Brain Squeezer, didn't Trump FIRE Bannon? And isn't Buy American TRUMP'S campaign goal?

You'd think at least Joe could come up with something more ORIGINAL to steal!

BTW, good luck with that Twitter feed, I don't use or read Twitter and I can see Trump has you dolts hooked lined & sinker.
Trump plan was give huge tax cuts to the rich and tariff everyone. That failed.

It failed? We had the best economy of all time before Covid slowed it down!
You have some imagination. GDP growth went down drastically in 2019 and deficits went up to a trillion dollars. If you are spending a trillion dollars and gdp growth is only 2.1% it's pretty poor.
You just described most of the Barry Regime.

Deficits were way under a trillion the last few years of Obama. GDP growth was about the same the last 4 years of obama and first 4 of trump. But deficits were trending down for Obama and drastically up for Trump.

More of your lies.

Deficits were rising when Barry left office.

Yeah a slight uptick, then a huge uptick when trump took over. Thanks for sharing, shows how bad trump has been.
Moron is wasting tax dollars and court time fighting showing his taxes.
You mean like Nancy and Adam and their wasted two years investigation into what never was or would be?

AT LEAST WE HAVE A MORON. All you got is a sleepy pedo and a perv.
Moron is wasting tax dollars and court time fighting showing his taxes.
You mean like Nancy and Adam and their wasted two years investigation into what never was or would be?

AT LEAST WE HAVE A MORON. All you got is a sleepy pedo and a perv.
Quite different, trump has said many times he would share his taxes. Rather than be a man of his word he's wasting tax dollars and court time. Trump has said he'd like to be with his own daughter. Nothing more pervy than that.
Moron is wasting tax dollars and court time fighting showing his taxes.
You mean like Nancy and Adam and their wasted two years investigation into what never was or would be?

AT LEAST WE HAVE A MORON. All you got is a sleepy pedo and a perv.
Quite different, trump has said many times he would share his taxes. Rather than be a man of his word he's wasting tax dollars and court time. Trump has said he'd like to be with his own daughter. Nothing more pervy than that.
Soon as his audits are over.
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

But...but... Brain Squeezer, didn't Trump FIRE Bannon? And isn't Buy American TRUMP'S campaign goal?

You'd think at least Joe could come up with something more ORIGINAL to steal!

BTW, good luck with that Twitter feed, I don't use or read Twitter and I can see Trump has you dolts hooked lined & sinker.
Trump plan was give huge tax cuts to the rich and tariff everyone. That failed. I didn't hear that from biden. Biden seems to be talking about investing in infrastructure and we need more unions. Invest in education.
Trump’s across the board tax cuts gave a tax cut to EVERYONE.
Yes little for the middle class and a lot for the rich and huge corporations. The tax cuts neither paid for themselves or delivered the promised 4-6% gdp growth. Trump policy failed.
Standard deduction, which the vast majority of the middle and lower class uses, doubled.
You lied about it being a tax cut for the rich.
And most people didn't use the standard deduction. The vast majority of dollars went to the wealthy and the companies. That's a fact. And it was a failure more importantly. It drastically increased deficits with no gdp growth. 2019 gdp growth dropped.
Your bullshit lies are too easy to expose.

Prior to the Trump ACROSS THE BOARD TAX CUTS, 70% of all taxpayers used the standard deduction.

That figure is estimated to rise to around 90% after the Trump ACROSS THE BOARD TAX CUTS.

They failed miserably. Trump drastically increased deficits and 2019 gdp growth dropped.
Your lie gets exposed, and all you can do is come back with lame ass talking points your handlers have fed you. They have you trained well......lie your ass off, and when caught just move on to other bullshit talking points.
Democrats lie to win...nothing else needs to be said.....does someone have to kick you in the head?....Democrats can't be honest or they sound like AOC and will lose in a national they have to lie....Biden will give us back the sluggish Obama economic struggles....if you liked it vote for it....I sure won't...
How many times did trump say he'd give up his taxes? Politicians lie to pretend trump isn't one of the worst is funny.
Trump was perfectly clear...he said that after what the democrat congress tried to do to him he will not be turning his taxes over to them so they can lie about whats in them....catch up!!!
He had a whole lot of time before that to give up his taxes. Most good presidents give them before they get elected....
He was under attention and lets be real can we? its not as if the dems ever would have read his returns fairly and without malice and you freaking know go play your time games with someone ain't getting them and by the time the NY DA gets them Trump will be well into his 2nd term or maybe after his 2nd you can just forget about it....
You morons will believe anything. Moron is wasting tax dollars and court time fighting showing his taxes. Nobody should be surprised the country is such a mess.
Nazi Pelousy initiated the lawsuit, Stupid.

she is the one wasting tax dollars, dummy.
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

But...but... Brain Squeezer, didn't Trump FIRE Bannon? And isn't Buy American TRUMP'S campaign goal?

You'd think at least Joe could come up with something more ORIGINAL to steal!

BTW, good luck with that Twitter feed, I don't use or read Twitter and I can see Trump has you dolts hooked lined & sinker.
Trump plan was give huge tax cuts to the rich and tariff everyone. That failed.

It failed? We had the best economy of all time before Covid slowed it down!
You have some imagination. GDP growth went down drastically in 2019 and deficits went up to a trillion dollars. If you are spending a trillion dollars and gdp growth is only 2.1% it's pretty poor.
You just described most of the Barry Regime.

Deficits were way under a trillion the last few years of Obama. GDP growth was about the same the last 4 years of obama and first 4 of trump. But deficits were trending down for Obama and drastically up for Trump.

More of your lies.

Deficits were rising when Barry left office.

Yeah a slight uptick, then a huge uptick when trump took over. Thanks for sharing, shows how bad trump has been.
2 years of rising deficits Barry turned over.

Another of your lies exposed.

I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

But...but... Brain Squeezer, didn't Trump FIRE Bannon? And isn't Buy American TRUMP'S campaign goal?

You'd think at least Joe could come up with something more ORIGINAL to steal!

BTW, good luck with that Twitter feed, I don't use or read Twitter and I can see Trump has you dolts hooked lined & sinker.
Trump plan was give huge tax cuts to the rich and tariff everyone. That failed. I didn't hear that from biden. Biden seems to be talking about investing in infrastructure and we need more unions. Invest in education.
Trump’s across the board tax cuts gave a tax cut to EVERYONE.
Yes little for the middle class and a lot for the rich and huge corporations. The tax cuts neither paid for themselves or delivered the promised 4-6% gdp growth. Trump policy failed.
Standard deduction, which the vast majority of the middle and lower class uses, doubled.
You lied about it being a tax cut for the rich.
And most people didn't use the standard deduction. The vast majority of dollars went to the wealthy and the companies. That's a fact. And it was a failure more importantly. It drastically increased deficits with no gdp growth. 2019 gdp growth dropped.
Your bullshit lies are too easy to expose.

Prior to the Trump ACROSS THE BOARD TAX CUTS, 70% of all taxpayers used the standard deduction.

That figure is estimated to rise to around 90% after the Trump ACROSS THE BOARD TAX CUTS.

They failed miserably. Trump drastically increased deficits and 2019 gdp growth dropped.
Your lie gets exposed, and all you can do is come back with lame ass talking points your handlers have fed you. They have you trained well......lie your ass off, and when caught just move on to other bullshit talking points.
Trump policy failing is a lame talking point? 2019 GDP growth dropped and we had a trillion dollar deficit. Trump said the cuts would pay for themselves and deliver 4-6% growth. Policy failed miserably.
I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

But...but... Brain Squeezer, didn't Trump FIRE Bannon? And isn't Buy American TRUMP'S campaign goal?

You'd think at least Joe could come up with something more ORIGINAL to steal!

BTW, good luck with that Twitter feed, I don't use or read Twitter and I can see Trump has you dolts hooked lined & sinker.
Trump plan was give huge tax cuts to the rich and tariff everyone. That failed.

It failed? We had the best economy of all time before Covid slowed it down!
You have some imagination. GDP growth went down drastically in 2019 and deficits went up to a trillion dollars. If you are spending a trillion dollars and gdp growth is only 2.1% it's pretty poor.
You just described most of the Barry Regime.

Deficits were way under a trillion the last few years of Obama. GDP growth was about the same the last 4 years of obama and first 4 of trump. But deficits were trending down for Obama and drastically up for Trump.

More of your lies.

Deficits were rising when Barry left office.

Yeah a slight uptick, then a huge uptick when trump took over. Thanks for sharing, shows how bad trump has been.
2 years of rising deficits Barry turned over.

Another of your lies exposed.

Not according to your link....
Democrats lie to win...nothing else needs to be said.....does someone have to kick you in the head?....Democrats can't be honest or they sound like AOC and will lose in a national they have to lie....Biden will give us back the sluggish Obama economic struggles....if you liked it vote for it....I sure won't...
How many times did trump say he'd give up his taxes? Politicians lie to pretend trump isn't one of the worst is funny.
Trump was perfectly clear...he said that after what the democrat congress tried to do to him he will not be turning his taxes over to them so they can lie about whats in them....catch up!!!
He had a whole lot of time before that to give up his taxes. Most good presidents give them before they get elected....
He was under attention and lets be real can we? its not as if the dems ever would have read his returns fairly and without malice and you freaking know go play your time games with someone ain't getting them and by the time the NY DA gets them Trump will be well into his 2nd term or maybe after his 2nd you can just forget about it....
You morons will believe anything. Moron is wasting tax dollars and court time fighting showing his taxes. Nobody should be surprised the country is such a mess.
Nazi Pelousy initiated the lawsuit, Stupid.

she is the one wasting tax dollars, dummy.
He's the moron who won't just give them up as promised. Why do you like being lied to so much?

I haven't gone to Trump's twitter feed yet but I bet he's shittin' his pants over this.

Trump 2016 Adviser Bannon Praises Biden’s ‘Buy American’ Plan: ‘I Tip My Hat to Them’

Of course he does. Bannon was Trumps advisor. Joe plagiarized it from Bannon and is running as Trump-lite. It's pathetic.
Joe plagerized it?! Haha. Do you think Trump sat down by the candlelight and wrote his plan out with his ink dipped feather pen??
Democrats lie to win...nothing else needs to be said.....does someone have to kick you in the head?....Democrats can't be honest or they sound like AOC and will lose in a national they have to lie....Biden will give us back the sluggish Obama economic struggles....if you liked it vote for it....I sure won't...
How many times did trump say he'd give up his taxes? Politicians lie to pretend trump isn't one of the worst is funny.
Trump was perfectly clear...he said that after what the democrat congress tried to do to him he will not be turning his taxes over to them so they can lie about whats in them....catch up!!!
He had a whole lot of time before that to give up his taxes. Most good presidents give them before they get elected....
He was under attention and lets be real can we? its not as if the dems ever would have read his returns fairly and without malice and you freaking know go play your time games with someone ain't getting them and by the time the NY DA gets them Trump will be well into his 2nd term or maybe after his 2nd you can just forget about it....
You morons will believe anything. Moron is wasting tax dollars and court time fighting showing his taxes. Nobody should be surprised the country is such a mess.
Nazi Pelousy initiated the lawsuit, Stupid.

she is the one wasting tax dollars, dummy.
He's the moron who won't just give them up as promised. Why do you like being lied to so much?

Well, Trump said it.
  • He'd be GLAD to show his tax returns, IF IT BECOMES NECESSARY.
  • He'll release them when Hillary releases her emails.

So Bidum now agrees with Trump's policy.

Too damn funny.

Well he has a history of plagiarism. And he's never had an original thought.
Oh this is a fun game... I guess we need to take another step back as Obama had a “Buy America” plan in his 2009 stimulus which Trump must have stolen. So technically Trump would be stealing from Obama/Biden right?

“The Buy American provision included in the $787 billion economic stimulus act requires all public works projects funded by the bill use only U.S.-made goods.”

Trump loves China too much, while deceiving you, and claiming it's Biden that does.... I wish you were not so blind to see, that y'all are being blindsided...
Yes, yes

as a lib you see everything while the rest of us are blind
President Trump weighed in on Biden's plagiarism...“He plagiarized from me, but he can never pull it off,” Trump said. “He likes plagiarizing.”
Democrats lie to win...nothing else needs to be said.....does someone have to kick you in the head?....Democrats can't be honest or they sound like AOC and will lose in a national they have to lie....Biden will give us back the sluggish Obama economic struggles....if you liked it vote for it....I sure won't...
How many times did trump say he'd give up his taxes? Politicians lie to pretend trump isn't one of the worst is funny.
Trump was perfectly clear...he said that after what the democrat congress tried to do to him he will not be turning his taxes over to them so they can lie about whats in them....catch up!!!
He had a whole lot of time before that to give up his taxes. Most good presidents give them before they get elected....
He was under attention and lets be real can we? its not as if the dems ever would have read his returns fairly and without malice and you freaking know go play your time games with someone ain't getting them and by the time the NY DA gets them Trump will be well into his 2nd term or maybe after his 2nd you can just forget about it....
You morons will believe anything. Moron is wasting tax dollars and court time fighting showing his taxes. Nobody should be surprised the country is such a mess.
Nazi Pelousy initiated the lawsuit, Stupid.

she is the one wasting tax dollars, dummy.
He's the moron who won't just give them up as promised. Why do you like being lied to so much?

Well, Trump said it.
  • He'd be GLAD to show his tax returns, IF IT BECOMES NECESSARY.
  • He'll release them when Hillary releases her emails.


Yes many times he said he'd provide his taxes. You like being lied to.
President Trump weighed in on Biden's plagiarism...“He plagiarized from me, but he can never pull it off,” Trump said. “He likes plagiarizing.”
You know Obama/Biden had a “buy American” plan as part of there 2009 stimulus right? Something republicans fought against. So I guess according to your logic Trump did the plagiarizing. right?


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