Steve McGarrett Was Right: Gays NOT Born That Way, The Condition Is Related To Mental Illness

Are you suggesting that people with liberal/progressive views not be able to express their views and fight for policy points that they feel creates a better society?
I'm suggesting that perversion regresses a society, bringing it to its knees. Society is made great through productivity, not the sins of idle hands.

I would question your connection between homosexuality and "idle hands".
Living the homosexual high life, drugs, partying, booze, multiple partners, etc is self destructive. People earn a good living, buy a home, raise a family, save for retirement, and contribute to society through the industry of their hands. The old saying is correct, idle hands are the Devil's workshop.

And partying, drugs, booze, multiple partners ect, are all part of single life for many straights as well.

But if you want totalk about homosexuality being the danger to society, and then talk about idle hands destroying society, you need to link the two. With homosexuals being a minor part of the population, blaming them for the lack of industry is simply dishonest. And many, many homosexuals earn a good living, buy homes, save for retirement, contribute to society through their careers, and even raise families.
Many, many? How many? Because you're right that when heterosexuals live the high life, the results are just as disasterous, but most don't. The same can't be said of homosexuals.

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals
By Jane Collingwood
~ 3 min read

Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates. Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

His team looked at rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents.

Four percent had a depressive episode in the last week, compared to two percent of heterosexual people. The rate of alcohol dependence was ten percent versus five percent, and for self-harming it was nine percent versus five percent.

The proportion of homosexual people who described themselves as being fairly or very happy was 30 percent, versus 40 percent for heterosexual people.

Dr. Chakraborty believes the findings are “very worrying.” He said, “This study is the first time the mental health and well-being of gay, lesbian and bisexual people has been examined in a random sample of the population.

“Our study confirms earlier work carried out in the UK, USA and Holland which suggests that non-heterosexual people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse and self-harm than heterosexual people.”

He stated that, although the level of discrimination was low, it was still significantly higher than against heterosexual people. This “lends support to the idea that people who feel discriminated against experience social stressors, which in turn increases their risk of experiencing mental health problems,” he says.

These higher levels of psychiatric problems in homosexual people call for greater efforts at preventing the issues arising, Dr. Chakraborty adds.

In the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, participants chosen to be representative of the UK population gave information on neurotic symptoms, common mental disorders, probable psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug use, as well as aspects of sexual identity and perceived discrimination.

First of all, I would point out that your link suggests that you may be a contributing factor, with your hatred. Your link said "
Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK."

But I mainly want to show the inaccuracy of your claims that homosexuals are why our society is failing. The percentages of homosexuals that suffer from depression, are alcohol dependent or self harm makes it look rather bad. But when you look at actual numbers, you can see the straights are the harmful ones.

If 4% of homosexuals suffer from depression, with a population of 318 million and homosexuals being 5% of the population, that gives us 636,000 depression sufferers in that group. With 2% of straights suffering from depression, with the same population and being 95% of the population, we have 6,042,000 depressives in that group.

Using the same population figures, alcohol dependence for homosexuals is 1,590,000. For straights it is 15,105,000.

So if you are claiming that these lifestyle issues cause lower production, then straights are causing FAR more reduction in production than homosexuals. But you with to single them out and ignore the group that is almost 10x worse.

For perspective, reverse the fairly or very happy numbers.
70% of the homosexuals are unhappy. That is 11,130,000.
60% of heterosexuals are unhappy. That is 181,260,000.
Which group do you think contributes more unhappiness to society?
Not everybody agrees with that point of view. You have every right to express it just as supporters of LGBT rights has that same right.... Are we agreed?
That's not something that can be disputed. No civilization has ever been made great and advanced through liberal social justice. Greatness comes through industry, not idleness. And I also don't agree on LGBT "rights" as spelled out by the Left. The general social contract that you go to the bathroom that corresponds with your plumbing regardless of your sexual orientation or "identity" is the very essence of equality. But then LGBT comes along and says it isn't fair, even though it is. This is one of many examples of how the Left twists the concept of equal rights and equal protection under the law.
You are dead Wrong... America became great when it liberated blacks from the bounds of slavery, when It gave women the right to vote and when it promotes equality in The work place. When we awarded the same freedoms to blacks in the civil rights movement. When we became the country of innovation that accepted people no matter their race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender and they came from all over the world to be educated, build businesses, and contribute to the great society that America is known to have. Whether you like it or not liberal social justice is the cornerstone of who we are as Americans
Wrong. France has all those accomplishments too, but they're on the decline, their GNP in a state of abysmal retrograde. A nation can be morally praiseworthy when it extends the same rights and opportunities to all its citizens but still fail to possess the economic stamina to sustain itself into the future. It really is the economy, stupid. And when symbolic gestures and abstracts are given higher priority than pragmatic realities, a nation can be brought to its matter what bathroom transgenders get to use.
Those are two entirely different things. Nobody is saying that economic policy isnt important. Greatness can be measured in many different ways.
Your way is ultimately useless, like walking through a museum looking at a "great society" that practiced liberal tolerance but couldn't keep it going because it fell over a fiscal precipice. I'm glad that everyone has equal rights regardless of race, gender, or even sexual orientation, but the fight to find more phantom bigots to slay has taken precedent over the alarming state of our economy and morbid debt. Trump is focused like a laser beam on those issues, the ones that will kill us if we don't fix it now.

Gary Johnson is focused on balancing the budget and ending the wars that are ACTUALLY killing our young people.
That's not something that can be disputed. No civilization has ever been made great and advanced through liberal social justice. Greatness comes through industry, not idleness. And I also don't agree on LGBT "rights" as spelled out by the Left. The general social contract that you go to the bathroom that corresponds with your plumbing regardless of your sexual orientation or "identity" is the very essence of equality. But then LGBT comes along and says it isn't fair, even though it is. This is one of many examples of how the Left twists the concept of equal rights and equal protection under the law.
You are dead Wrong... America became great when it liberated blacks from the bounds of slavery, when It gave women the right to vote and when it promotes equality in The work place. When we awarded the same freedoms to blacks in the civil rights movement. When we became the country of innovation that accepted people no matter their race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender and they came from all over the world to be educated, build businesses, and contribute to the great society that America is known to have. Whether you like it or not liberal social justice is the cornerstone of who we are as Americans
Wrong. France has all those accomplishments too, but they're on the decline, their GNP in a state of abysmal retrograde. A nation can be morally praiseworthy when it extends the same rights and opportunities to all its citizens but still fail to possess the economic stamina to sustain itself into the future. It really is the economy, stupid. And when symbolic gestures and abstracts are given higher priority than pragmatic realities, a nation can be brought to its matter what bathroom transgenders get to use.
Those are two entirely different things. Nobody is saying that economic policy isnt important. Greatness can be measured in many different ways.
Your way is ultimately useless, like walking through a museum looking at a "great society" that practiced liberal tolerance but couldn't keep it going because it fell over a fiscal precipice. I'm glad that everyone has equal rights regardless of race, gender, or even sexual orientation, but the fight to find more phantom bigots to slay has taken precedent over the alarming state of our economy and morbid debt. Trump is focused like a laser beam on those issues, the ones that will kill us if we don't fix it now.

Gary Johnson is focused on balancing the budget and ending the wars that are ACTUALLY killing our young people.
I like Gary Johnson. But his open borders position is a little scary.
Really who gives a shit? This is a tired debate. You are not going to prove to millions of people that they have a mental disorder or what they feel is unnatural. Stop trying to demonize that which you don't understand and kindly crawl back into your hole.
I'm not demonizing them. I'm exposing the truth about them.
Trying to prove that homosexuality is a mental illness isn't truth, it's religious, cultural and/or sociological opinion. It's a bigots way to justify their hate and discrimination against those who are different than them.

A true scientific mind would not call it an illness they would identify and characterize the differences and explore conditions that may affect behavior. Illness would only be used if the condition caused harm or a deficiency of some sort
Bigotry and racism are mental disorders.
I'm suggesting that perversion regresses a society, bringing it to its knees. Society is made great through productivity, not the sins of idle hands.

I would question your connection between homosexuality and "idle hands".
Living the homosexual high life, drugs, partying, booze, multiple partners, etc is self destructive. People earn a good living, buy a home, raise a family, save for retirement, and contribute to society through the industry of their hands. The old saying is correct, idle hands are the Devil's workshop.

And partying, drugs, booze, multiple partners ect, are all part of single life for many straights as well.

But if you want totalk about homosexuality being the danger to society, and then talk about idle hands destroying society, you need to link the two. With homosexuals being a minor part of the population, blaming them for the lack of industry is simply dishonest. And many, many homosexuals earn a good living, buy homes, save for retirement, contribute to society through their careers, and even raise families.
Many, many? How many? Because you're right that when heterosexuals live the high life, the results are just as disasterous, but most don't. The same can't be said of homosexuals.

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals
By Jane Collingwood
~ 3 min read

Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates. Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

His team looked at rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents.

Four percent had a depressive episode in the last week, compared to two percent of heterosexual people. The rate of alcohol dependence was ten percent versus five percent, and for self-harming it was nine percent versus five percent.

The proportion of homosexual people who described themselves as being fairly or very happy was 30 percent, versus 40 percent for heterosexual people.

Dr. Chakraborty believes the findings are “very worrying.” He said, “This study is the first time the mental health and well-being of gay, lesbian and bisexual people has been examined in a random sample of the population.

“Our study confirms earlier work carried out in the UK, USA and Holland which suggests that non-heterosexual people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse and self-harm than heterosexual people.”

He stated that, although the level of discrimination was low, it was still significantly higher than against heterosexual people. This “lends support to the idea that people who feel discriminated against experience social stressors, which in turn increases their risk of experiencing mental health problems,” he says.

These higher levels of psychiatric problems in homosexual people call for greater efforts at preventing the issues arising, Dr. Chakraborty adds.

In the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, participants chosen to be representative of the UK population gave information on neurotic symptoms, common mental disorders, probable psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug use, as well as aspects of sexual identity and perceived discrimination.

First of all, I would point out that your link suggests that you may be a contributing factor, with your hatred. Your link said "
Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK."

But I mainly want to show the inaccuracy of your claims that homosexuals are why our society is failing. The percentages of homosexuals that suffer from depression, are alcohol dependent or self harm makes it look rather bad. But when you look at actual numbers, you can see the straights are the harmful ones.

If 4% of homosexuals suffer from depression, with a population of 318 million and homosexuals being 5% of the population, that gives us 636,000 depression sufferers in that group. With 2% of straights suffering from depression, with the same population and being 95% of the population, we have 6,042,000 depressives in that group.

Using the same population figures, alcohol dependence for homosexuals is 1,590,000. For straights it is 15,105,000.

So if you are claiming that these lifestyle issues cause lower production, then straights are causing FAR more reduction in production than homosexuals. But you with to single them out and ignore the group that is almost 10x worse.

For perspective, reverse the fairly or very happy numbers.
70% of the homosexuals are unhappy. That is 11,130,000.
60% of heterosexuals are unhappy. That is 181,260,000.
Which group do you think contributes more unhappiness to society?
I think you know that any study of this nature would have to tiptoe around the elephant, making multiple affirmative suggestions that discrimination is to blame instead of the more obvious explanation, the mental, spiritual, and social malfunction of such a lifestyle. I wish the study, instead of seeking the cover of political correctness, instead went further to separate the high life homosexuals from those in domesticated, committed, monogamous relationships. I believe there is ample evidence that those homosexuals who live in committed marriages don't experience the high rates of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide. A life of partying, casual hookups, and multiple partners should be highlighted as a dangerous life that shortens their expected lifespan.

Read what I'm saying carefully before judging. I'm not the enemy here. Gays are not being helped by misappropriating the blame for their array of maladies on phantom discrimination. They should be educated that there is a good, healthy gay lifestyle and one that is destructive and that they should choose wisely. The best family friends we have are 2 (now married) lesbians who are, in my evaluation, virtuous, responsible, and a good model for homosexuals everywhere. They've taught me much more on this issue than anything I could ever read.
Pressure from gays/lesbians, their families and friends, forced the psychiatric community to give in and drop gays and lesbians as having a mental illness, however, whether or not it is in fact a mental illness, is irrelevant as they are not harming either you or I. They can love who they want, marry who they want and live their lives how they want. Bottom line, what goes on behind closed doors is none of your or my business.
That's not something that can be disputed. No civilization has ever been made great and advanced through liberal social justice. Greatness comes through industry, not idleness. And I also don't agree on LGBT "rights" as spelled out by the Left. The general social contract that you go to the bathroom that corresponds with your plumbing regardless of your sexual orientation or "identity" is the very essence of equality. But then LGBT comes along and says it isn't fair, even though it is. This is one of many examples of how the Left twists the concept of equal rights and equal protection under the law.
You are dead Wrong... America became great when it liberated blacks from the bounds of slavery, when It gave women the right to vote and when it promotes equality in The work place. When we awarded the same freedoms to blacks in the civil rights movement. When we became the country of innovation that accepted people no matter their race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender and they came from all over the world to be educated, build businesses, and contribute to the great society that America is known to have. Whether you like it or not liberal social justice is the cornerstone of who we are as Americans
Wrong. France has all those accomplishments too, but they're on the decline, their GNP in a state of abysmal retrograde. A nation can be morally praiseworthy when it extends the same rights and opportunities to all its citizens but still fail to possess the economic stamina to sustain itself into the future. It really is the economy, stupid. And when symbolic gestures and abstracts are given higher priority than pragmatic realities, a nation can be brought to its matter what bathroom transgenders get to use.
Those are two entirely different things. Nobody is saying that economic policy isnt important. Greatness can be measured in many different ways.
Your way is ultimately useless, like walking through a museum looking at a "great society" that practiced liberal tolerance but couldn't keep it going because it fell over a fiscal precipice. I'm glad that everyone has equal rights regardless of race, gender, or even sexual orientation, but the fight to find more phantom bigots to slay has taken precedent over the alarming state of our economy and morbid debt. Trump is focused like a laser beam on those issues, the ones that will kill us if we don't fix it now.
I understand your point and I think it's white trash bigots like dipshit that just tried to chim in (nice comeback btw) that creates a defensive movement that takes the conversation to a yelling match between the wingnuts... reasonable voices get drowned out.

I agree at this time economic policy is extremely important and the social issues shouldn't dominate the discussion.

I also don't agree that trump is laser focused on issues, quite the opposite in fact. He throws out talking points with no details, sounds strong one day then weak the next, trys to stay on point with policy then dives into the gutter with personal attacks. It was entertaining as hell at first, is now getting really old, and has little to do with serious politics.
I think he's had a lot of growing up to do in this campaign, starting off with the impulse control we associate with teenagers. But if it's possible to see past all that, Donald Trump is a builder. His buildings, projects, and multi national business speaks for itself and he understands money and how economies work. Hillary represents a continuance of what we've had for the last 8 years with 1.2% yearly growth and skyrocketing debt. We can do better than that. The choice couldn't be simpler in this election, change versus no change. And if economic policy is extremely important, more so than the silly who-hates-who game, then Trump is what America needs.
I would question your connection between homosexuality and "idle hands".
Living the homosexual high life, drugs, partying, booze, multiple partners, etc is self destructive. People earn a good living, buy a home, raise a family, save for retirement, and contribute to society through the industry of their hands. The old saying is correct, idle hands are the Devil's workshop.

And partying, drugs, booze, multiple partners ect, are all part of single life for many straights as well.

But if you want totalk about homosexuality being the danger to society, and then talk about idle hands destroying society, you need to link the two. With homosexuals being a minor part of the population, blaming them for the lack of industry is simply dishonest. And many, many homosexuals earn a good living, buy homes, save for retirement, contribute to society through their careers, and even raise families.
Many, many? How many? Because you're right that when heterosexuals live the high life, the results are just as disasterous, but most don't. The same can't be said of homosexuals.

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals
By Jane Collingwood
~ 3 min read

Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates. Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

His team looked at rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents.

Four percent had a depressive episode in the last week, compared to two percent of heterosexual people. The rate of alcohol dependence was ten percent versus five percent, and for self-harming it was nine percent versus five percent.

The proportion of homosexual people who described themselves as being fairly or very happy was 30 percent, versus 40 percent for heterosexual people.

Dr. Chakraborty believes the findings are “very worrying.” He said, “This study is the first time the mental health and well-being of gay, lesbian and bisexual people has been examined in a random sample of the population.

“Our study confirms earlier work carried out in the UK, USA and Holland which suggests that non-heterosexual people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse and self-harm than heterosexual people.”

He stated that, although the level of discrimination was low, it was still significantly higher than against heterosexual people. This “lends support to the idea that people who feel discriminated against experience social stressors, which in turn increases their risk of experiencing mental health problems,” he says.

These higher levels of psychiatric problems in homosexual people call for greater efforts at preventing the issues arising, Dr. Chakraborty adds.

In the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, participants chosen to be representative of the UK population gave information on neurotic symptoms, common mental disorders, probable psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug use, as well as aspects of sexual identity and perceived discrimination.

First of all, I would point out that your link suggests that you may be a contributing factor, with your hatred. Your link said "
Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK."

But I mainly want to show the inaccuracy of your claims that homosexuals are why our society is failing. The percentages of homosexuals that suffer from depression, are alcohol dependent or self harm makes it look rather bad. But when you look at actual numbers, you can see the straights are the harmful ones.

If 4% of homosexuals suffer from depression, with a population of 318 million and homosexuals being 5% of the population, that gives us 636,000 depression sufferers in that group. With 2% of straights suffering from depression, with the same population and being 95% of the population, we have 6,042,000 depressives in that group.

Using the same population figures, alcohol dependence for homosexuals is 1,590,000. For straights it is 15,105,000.

So if you are claiming that these lifestyle issues cause lower production, then straights are causing FAR more reduction in production than homosexuals. But you with to single them out and ignore the group that is almost 10x worse.

For perspective, reverse the fairly or very happy numbers.
70% of the homosexuals are unhappy. That is 11,130,000.
60% of heterosexuals are unhappy. That is 181,260,000.
Which group do you think contributes more unhappiness to society?
I think you know that any study of this nature would have to tiptoe around the elephant, making multiple affirmative suggestions that discrimination is to blame instead of the more obvious explanation, the mental, spiritual, and social malfunction of such a lifestyle. I wish the study, instead of seeking the cover of political correctness, instead went further to separate the high life homosexuals from those in domesticated, committed, monogamous relationships. I believe there is ample evidence that those homosexuals who live in committed marriages don't experience the high rates of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide. A life of partying, casual hookups, and multiple partners should be highlighted as a dangerous life that shortens their expected lifespan.

Read what I'm saying carefully before judging. I'm not the enemy here. Gays are not being helped by misappropriating the blame for their array of maladies on phantom discrimination. They should be educated that there is a good, healthy gay lifestyle and one that is destructive and that they should choose wisely. The best family friends we have are 2 (now married) lesbians who are, in my evaluation, virtuous, responsible, and a good model for homosexuals everywhere. They've taught me much more on this issue than anything I could ever read.

I think your downplaying of the effects of the rampant hatred of homosexuals may be a defensive mechanism.

Look at the effects of bullying for children in schools. It has resulted in mental issues, physical illnesses, and suicides. Now multiply that bullying exponentially, and you have the horrific treatment of homosexuals up until the last few years.

Lets say homosexuality has been more accepted in the last 10 to 15 years. That means every homosexual old enough to get a driver's license has likely been thru some pretty serious bullying and harassment. Being called an "abomination" is not great for teenagers. Being harassed, having to hide who you are, and worrying about losing your job/family/friends, would have an effect on the metal state of anyone.

I would like to see the study done to see the differences between stable married couples and wild singles of the same age. But I would like to see it for both gays and straights.
I'm suggesting that perversion regresses a society, bringing it to its knees. Society is made great through productivity, not the sins of idle hands.
Not everybody agrees with that point of view. You have every right to express it just as supporters of LGBT rights has that same right.... Are we agreed?
That's not something that can be disputed. No civilization has ever been made great and advanced through liberal social justice. Greatness comes through industry, not idleness. And I also don't agree on LGBT "rights" as spelled out by the Left. The general social contract that you go to the bathroom that corresponds with your plumbing regardless of your sexual orientation or "identity" is the very essence of equality. But then LGBT comes along and says it isn't fair, even though it is. This is one of many examples of how the Left twists the concept of equal rights and equal protection under the law.
You are dead Wrong... America became great when it liberated blacks from the bounds of slavery, when It gave women the right to vote and when it promotes equality in The work place. When we awarded the same freedoms to blacks in the civil rights movement. When we became the country of innovation that accepted people no matter their race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender and they came from all over the world to be educated, build businesses, and contribute to the great society that America is known to have. Whether you like it or not liberal social justice is the cornerstone of who we are as Americans
Faggot motherfucker.
You are a gentleman and a scholar... I bet you rule the trailer park

Nah....that would be your mother.
Living the homosexual high life, drugs, partying, booze, multiple partners, etc is self destructive. People earn a good living, buy a home, raise a family, save for retirement, and contribute to society through the industry of their hands. The old saying is correct, idle hands are the Devil's workshop.

And partying, drugs, booze, multiple partners ect, are all part of single life for many straights as well.

But if you want totalk about homosexuality being the danger to society, and then talk about idle hands destroying society, you need to link the two. With homosexuals being a minor part of the population, blaming them for the lack of industry is simply dishonest. And many, many homosexuals earn a good living, buy homes, save for retirement, contribute to society through their careers, and even raise families.
Many, many? How many? Because you're right that when heterosexuals live the high life, the results are just as disasterous, but most don't. The same can't be said of homosexuals.

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals
By Jane Collingwood
~ 3 min read

Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates. Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

His team looked at rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents.

Four percent had a depressive episode in the last week, compared to two percent of heterosexual people. The rate of alcohol dependence was ten percent versus five percent, and for self-harming it was nine percent versus five percent.

The proportion of homosexual people who described themselves as being fairly or very happy was 30 percent, versus 40 percent for heterosexual people.

Dr. Chakraborty believes the findings are “very worrying.” He said, “This study is the first time the mental health and well-being of gay, lesbian and bisexual people has been examined in a random sample of the population.

“Our study confirms earlier work carried out in the UK, USA and Holland which suggests that non-heterosexual people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse and self-harm than heterosexual people.”

He stated that, although the level of discrimination was low, it was still significantly higher than against heterosexual people. This “lends support to the idea that people who feel discriminated against experience social stressors, which in turn increases their risk of experiencing mental health problems,” he says.

These higher levels of psychiatric problems in homosexual people call for greater efforts at preventing the issues arising, Dr. Chakraborty adds.

In the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, participants chosen to be representative of the UK population gave information on neurotic symptoms, common mental disorders, probable psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug use, as well as aspects of sexual identity and perceived discrimination.

First of all, I would point out that your link suggests that you may be a contributing factor, with your hatred. Your link said "
Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK."

But I mainly want to show the inaccuracy of your claims that homosexuals are why our society is failing. The percentages of homosexuals that suffer from depression, are alcohol dependent or self harm makes it look rather bad. But when you look at actual numbers, you can see the straights are the harmful ones.

If 4% of homosexuals suffer from depression, with a population of 318 million and homosexuals being 5% of the population, that gives us 636,000 depression sufferers in that group. With 2% of straights suffering from depression, with the same population and being 95% of the population, we have 6,042,000 depressives in that group.

Using the same population figures, alcohol dependence for homosexuals is 1,590,000. For straights it is 15,105,000.

So if you are claiming that these lifestyle issues cause lower production, then straights are causing FAR more reduction in production than homosexuals. But you with to single them out and ignore the group that is almost 10x worse.

For perspective, reverse the fairly or very happy numbers.
70% of the homosexuals are unhappy. That is 11,130,000.
60% of heterosexuals are unhappy. That is 181,260,000.
Which group do you think contributes more unhappiness to society?
I think you know that any study of this nature would have to tiptoe around the elephant, making multiple affirmative suggestions that discrimination is to blame instead of the more obvious explanation, the mental, spiritual, and social malfunction of such a lifestyle. I wish the study, instead of seeking the cover of political correctness, instead went further to separate the high life homosexuals from those in domesticated, committed, monogamous relationships. I believe there is ample evidence that those homosexuals who live in committed marriages don't experience the high rates of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide. A life of partying, casual hookups, and multiple partners should be highlighted as a dangerous life that shortens their expected lifespan.

Read what I'm saying carefully before judging. I'm not the enemy here. Gays are not being helped by misappropriating the blame for their array of maladies on phantom discrimination. They should be educated that there is a good, healthy gay lifestyle and one that is destructive and that they should choose wisely. The best family friends we have are 2 (now married) lesbians who are, in my evaluation, virtuous, responsible, and a good model for homosexuals everywhere. They've taught me much more on this issue than anything I could ever read.

I think your downplaying of the effects of the rampant hatred of homosexuals may be a defensive mechanism.

Look at the effects of bullying for children in schools. It has resulted in mental issues, physical illnesses, and suicides. Now multiply that bullying exponentially, and you have the horrific treatment of homosexuals up until the last few years.

Lets say homosexuality has been more accepted in the last 10 to 15 years. That means every homosexual old enough to get a driver's license has likely been thru some pretty serious bullying and harassment. Being called an "abomination" is not great for teenagers. Being harassed, having to hide who you are, and worrying about losing your job/family/friends, would have an effect on the metal state of anyone.

I would like to see the study done to see the differences between stable married couples and wild singles of the same age. But I would like to see it for both gays and straights.
The results would be predictable. By the way, far more straight people are victims of bullying than gay people. I think you're so eager to broad brush conservatives as full of hate that you miss what's really going on. I don't want homosexuals to die, I want them to live out their days in happiness. There's only one way to do that, and that's to send a clear message that they can take command of their destiny and that if they choose poorly, and go down the path of drugs, meaningless sex, and early morbidity, it's not some bigot that made them do that.

It seems personal responsibility is a sermon only preached on my side of politics, though.
Living the homosexual high life, drugs, partying, booze, multiple partners, etc is self destructive. People earn a good living, buy a home, raise a family, save for retirement, and contribute to society through the industry of their hands. The old saying is correct, idle hands are the Devil's workshop.

And partying, drugs, booze, multiple partners ect, are all part of single life for many straights as well.

But if you want totalk about homosexuality being the danger to society, and then talk about idle hands destroying society, you need to link the two. With homosexuals being a minor part of the population, blaming them for the lack of industry is simply dishonest. And many, many homosexuals earn a good living, buy homes, save for retirement, contribute to society through their careers, and even raise families.
Many, many? How many? Because you're right that when heterosexuals live the high life, the results are just as disasterous, but most don't. The same can't be said of homosexuals.

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals
By Jane Collingwood
~ 3 min read

Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates. Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

His team looked at rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents.

Four percent had a depressive episode in the last week, compared to two percent of heterosexual people. The rate of alcohol dependence was ten percent versus five percent, and for self-harming it was nine percent versus five percent.

The proportion of homosexual people who described themselves as being fairly or very happy was 30 percent, versus 40 percent for heterosexual people.

Dr. Chakraborty believes the findings are “very worrying.” He said, “This study is the first time the mental health and well-being of gay, lesbian and bisexual people has been examined in a random sample of the population.

“Our study confirms earlier work carried out in the UK, USA and Holland which suggests that non-heterosexual people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse and self-harm than heterosexual people.”

He stated that, although the level of discrimination was low, it was still significantly higher than against heterosexual people. This “lends support to the idea that people who feel discriminated against experience social stressors, which in turn increases their risk of experiencing mental health problems,” he says.

These higher levels of psychiatric problems in homosexual people call for greater efforts at preventing the issues arising, Dr. Chakraborty adds.

In the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, participants chosen to be representative of the UK population gave information on neurotic symptoms, common mental disorders, probable psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug use, as well as aspects of sexual identity and perceived discrimination.

First of all, I would point out that your link suggests that you may be a contributing factor, with your hatred. Your link said "
Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK."

But I mainly want to show the inaccuracy of your claims that homosexuals are why our society is failing. The percentages of homosexuals that suffer from depression, are alcohol dependent or self harm makes it look rather bad. But when you look at actual numbers, you can see the straights are the harmful ones.

If 4% of homosexuals suffer from depression, with a population of 318 million and homosexuals being 5% of the population, that gives us 636,000 depression sufferers in that group. With 2% of straights suffering from depression, with the same population and being 95% of the population, we have 6,042,000 depressives in that group.

Using the same population figures, alcohol dependence for homosexuals is 1,590,000. For straights it is 15,105,000.

So if you are claiming that these lifestyle issues cause lower production, then straights are causing FAR more reduction in production than homosexuals. But you with to single them out and ignore the group that is almost 10x worse.

For perspective, reverse the fairly or very happy numbers.
70% of the homosexuals are unhappy. That is 11,130,000.
60% of heterosexuals are unhappy. That is 181,260,000.
Which group do you think contributes more unhappiness to society?
I think you know that any study of this nature would have to tiptoe around the elephant, making multiple affirmative suggestions that discrimination is to blame instead of the more obvious explanation, the mental, spiritual, and social malfunction of such a lifestyle. I wish the study, instead of seeking the cover of political correctness, instead went further to separate the high life homosexuals from those in domesticated, committed, monogamous relationships. I believe there is ample evidence that those homosexuals who live in committed marriages don't experience the high rates of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide. A life of partying, casual hookups, and multiple partners should be highlighted as a dangerous life that shortens their expected lifespan.

Read what I'm saying carefully before judging. I'm not the enemy here. Gays are not being helped by misappropriating the blame for their array of maladies on phantom discrimination. They should be educated that there is a good, healthy gay lifestyle and one that is destructive and that they should choose wisely. The best family friends we have are 2 (now married) lesbians who are, in my evaluation, virtuous, responsible, and a good model for homosexuals everywhere. They've taught me much more on this issue than anything I could ever read.

I think your downplaying of the effects of the rampant hatred of homosexuals may be a defensive mechanism.

Look at the effects of bullying for children in schools. It has resulted in mental issues, physical illnesses, and suicides. Now multiply that bullying exponentially, and you have the horrific treatment of homosexuals up until the last few years.

Lets say homosexuality has been more accepted in the last 10 to 15 years. That means every homosexual old enough to get a driver's license has likely been thru some pretty serious bullying and harassment. Being called an "abomination" is not great for teenagers. Being harassed, having to hide who you are, and worrying about losing your job/family/friends, would have an effect on the metal state of anyone.

I would like to see the study done to see the differences between stable married couples and wild singles of the same age. But I would like to see it for both gays and straights.
Gay bullying must be encouraged. It must be encouraged to force them into seclusion and out of mainstream society's way.

And partying, drugs, booze, multiple partners ect, are all part of single life for many straights as well.

But if you want totalk about homosexuality being the danger to society, and then talk about idle hands destroying society, you need to link the two. With homosexuals being a minor part of the population, blaming them for the lack of industry is simply dishonest. And many, many homosexuals earn a good living, buy homes, save for retirement, contribute to society through their careers, and even raise families.
Many, many? How many? Because you're right that when heterosexuals live the high life, the results are just as disasterous, but most don't. The same can't be said of homosexuals.

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals
By Jane Collingwood
~ 3 min read

Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates. Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

His team looked at rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents.

Four percent had a depressive episode in the last week, compared to two percent of heterosexual people. The rate of alcohol dependence was ten percent versus five percent, and for self-harming it was nine percent versus five percent.

The proportion of homosexual people who described themselves as being fairly or very happy was 30 percent, versus 40 percent for heterosexual people.

Dr. Chakraborty believes the findings are “very worrying.” He said, “This study is the first time the mental health and well-being of gay, lesbian and bisexual people has been examined in a random sample of the population.

“Our study confirms earlier work carried out in the UK, USA and Holland which suggests that non-heterosexual people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse and self-harm than heterosexual people.”

He stated that, although the level of discrimination was low, it was still significantly higher than against heterosexual people. This “lends support to the idea that people who feel discriminated against experience social stressors, which in turn increases their risk of experiencing mental health problems,” he says.

These higher levels of psychiatric problems in homosexual people call for greater efforts at preventing the issues arising, Dr. Chakraborty adds.

In the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, participants chosen to be representative of the UK population gave information on neurotic symptoms, common mental disorders, probable psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug use, as well as aspects of sexual identity and perceived discrimination.

First of all, I would point out that your link suggests that you may be a contributing factor, with your hatred. Your link said "
Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK."

But I mainly want to show the inaccuracy of your claims that homosexuals are why our society is failing. The percentages of homosexuals that suffer from depression, are alcohol dependent or self harm makes it look rather bad. But when you look at actual numbers, you can see the straights are the harmful ones.

If 4% of homosexuals suffer from depression, with a population of 318 million and homosexuals being 5% of the population, that gives us 636,000 depression sufferers in that group. With 2% of straights suffering from depression, with the same population and being 95% of the population, we have 6,042,000 depressives in that group.

Using the same population figures, alcohol dependence for homosexuals is 1,590,000. For straights it is 15,105,000.

So if you are claiming that these lifestyle issues cause lower production, then straights are causing FAR more reduction in production than homosexuals. But you with to single them out and ignore the group that is almost 10x worse.

For perspective, reverse the fairly or very happy numbers.
70% of the homosexuals are unhappy. That is 11,130,000.
60% of heterosexuals are unhappy. That is 181,260,000.
Which group do you think contributes more unhappiness to society?
I think you know that any study of this nature would have to tiptoe around the elephant, making multiple affirmative suggestions that discrimination is to blame instead of the more obvious explanation, the mental, spiritual, and social malfunction of such a lifestyle. I wish the study, instead of seeking the cover of political correctness, instead went further to separate the high life homosexuals from those in domesticated, committed, monogamous relationships. I believe there is ample evidence that those homosexuals who live in committed marriages don't experience the high rates of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide. A life of partying, casual hookups, and multiple partners should be highlighted as a dangerous life that shortens their expected lifespan.

Read what I'm saying carefully before judging. I'm not the enemy here. Gays are not being helped by misappropriating the blame for their array of maladies on phantom discrimination. They should be educated that there is a good, healthy gay lifestyle and one that is destructive and that they should choose wisely. The best family friends we have are 2 (now married) lesbians who are, in my evaluation, virtuous, responsible, and a good model for homosexuals everywhere. They've taught me much more on this issue than anything I could ever read.

I think your downplaying of the effects of the rampant hatred of homosexuals may be a defensive mechanism.

Look at the effects of bullying for children in schools. It has resulted in mental issues, physical illnesses, and suicides. Now multiply that bullying exponentially, and you have the horrific treatment of homosexuals up until the last few years.

Lets say homosexuality has been more accepted in the last 10 to 15 years. That means every homosexual old enough to get a driver's license has likely been thru some pretty serious bullying and harassment. Being called an "abomination" is not great for teenagers. Being harassed, having to hide who you are, and worrying about losing your job/family/friends, would have an effect on the metal state of anyone.

I would like to see the study done to see the differences between stable married couples and wild singles of the same age. But I would like to see it for both gays and straights.
Gay bullying must be encouraged. It must be encouraged to force them into seclusion and out of mainstream society's way.

Thank God there's laws in this country to keep people like you from acting out on your hate and bigotry.
And partying, drugs, booze, multiple partners ect, are all part of single life for many straights as well.

But if you want totalk about homosexuality being the danger to society, and then talk about idle hands destroying society, you need to link the two. With homosexuals being a minor part of the population, blaming them for the lack of industry is simply dishonest. And many, many homosexuals earn a good living, buy homes, save for retirement, contribute to society through their careers, and even raise families.
Many, many? How many? Because you're right that when heterosexuals live the high life, the results are just as disasterous, but most don't. The same can't be said of homosexuals.

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals
By Jane Collingwood
~ 3 min read

Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates. Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

His team looked at rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents.

Four percent had a depressive episode in the last week, compared to two percent of heterosexual people. The rate of alcohol dependence was ten percent versus five percent, and for self-harming it was nine percent versus five percent.

The proportion of homosexual people who described themselves as being fairly or very happy was 30 percent, versus 40 percent for heterosexual people.

Dr. Chakraborty believes the findings are “very worrying.” He said, “This study is the first time the mental health and well-being of gay, lesbian and bisexual people has been examined in a random sample of the population.

“Our study confirms earlier work carried out in the UK, USA and Holland which suggests that non-heterosexual people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse and self-harm than heterosexual people.”

He stated that, although the level of discrimination was low, it was still significantly higher than against heterosexual people. This “lends support to the idea that people who feel discriminated against experience social stressors, which in turn increases their risk of experiencing mental health problems,” he says.

These higher levels of psychiatric problems in homosexual people call for greater efforts at preventing the issues arising, Dr. Chakraborty adds.

In the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, participants chosen to be representative of the UK population gave information on neurotic symptoms, common mental disorders, probable psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug use, as well as aspects of sexual identity and perceived discrimination.

First of all, I would point out that your link suggests that you may be a contributing factor, with your hatred. Your link said "
Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK."

But I mainly want to show the inaccuracy of your claims that homosexuals are why our society is failing. The percentages of homosexuals that suffer from depression, are alcohol dependent or self harm makes it look rather bad. But when you look at actual numbers, you can see the straights are the harmful ones.

If 4% of homosexuals suffer from depression, with a population of 318 million and homosexuals being 5% of the population, that gives us 636,000 depression sufferers in that group. With 2% of straights suffering from depression, with the same population and being 95% of the population, we have 6,042,000 depressives in that group.

Using the same population figures, alcohol dependence for homosexuals is 1,590,000. For straights it is 15,105,000.

So if you are claiming that these lifestyle issues cause lower production, then straights are causing FAR more reduction in production than homosexuals. But you with to single them out and ignore the group that is almost 10x worse.

For perspective, reverse the fairly or very happy numbers.
70% of the homosexuals are unhappy. That is 11,130,000.
60% of heterosexuals are unhappy. That is 181,260,000.
Which group do you think contributes more unhappiness to society?
I think you know that any study of this nature would have to tiptoe around the elephant, making multiple affirmative suggestions that discrimination is to blame instead of the more obvious explanation, the mental, spiritual, and social malfunction of such a lifestyle. I wish the study, instead of seeking the cover of political correctness, instead went further to separate the high life homosexuals from those in domesticated, committed, monogamous relationships. I believe there is ample evidence that those homosexuals who live in committed marriages don't experience the high rates of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide. A life of partying, casual hookups, and multiple partners should be highlighted as a dangerous life that shortens their expected lifespan.

Read what I'm saying carefully before judging. I'm not the enemy here. Gays are not being helped by misappropriating the blame for their array of maladies on phantom discrimination. They should be educated that there is a good, healthy gay lifestyle and one that is destructive and that they should choose wisely. The best family friends we have are 2 (now married) lesbians who are, in my evaluation, virtuous, responsible, and a good model for homosexuals everywhere. They've taught me much more on this issue than anything I could ever read.

I think your downplaying of the effects of the rampant hatred of homosexuals may be a defensive mechanism.

Look at the effects of bullying for children in schools. It has resulted in mental issues, physical illnesses, and suicides. Now multiply that bullying exponentially, and you have the horrific treatment of homosexuals up until the last few years.

Lets say homosexuality has been more accepted in the last 10 to 15 years. That means every homosexual old enough to get a driver's license has likely been thru some pretty serious bullying and harassment. Being called an "abomination" is not great for teenagers. Being harassed, having to hide who you are, and worrying about losing your job/family/friends, would have an effect on the metal state of anyone.

I would like to see the study done to see the differences between stable married couples and wild singles of the same age. But I would like to see it for both gays and straights.
Gay bullying must be encouraged. It must be encouraged to force them into seclusion and out of mainstream society's way.


You go ahead and do that. I'll encourage people to stand up to ignorant, hate-mongering bullies. We'll see who gets more done. And I have no problem encouraging people to put a stop to bullying when they see it.
Many, many? How many? Because you're right that when heterosexuals live the high life, the results are just as disasterous, but most don't. The same can't be said of homosexuals.

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals
By Jane Collingwood
~ 3 min read

Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates. Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

His team looked at rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents.

Four percent had a depressive episode in the last week, compared to two percent of heterosexual people. The rate of alcohol dependence was ten percent versus five percent, and for self-harming it was nine percent versus five percent.

The proportion of homosexual people who described themselves as being fairly or very happy was 30 percent, versus 40 percent for heterosexual people.

Dr. Chakraborty believes the findings are “very worrying.” He said, “This study is the first time the mental health and well-being of gay, lesbian and bisexual people has been examined in a random sample of the population.

“Our study confirms earlier work carried out in the UK, USA and Holland which suggests that non-heterosexual people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse and self-harm than heterosexual people.”

He stated that, although the level of discrimination was low, it was still significantly higher than against heterosexual people. This “lends support to the idea that people who feel discriminated against experience social stressors, which in turn increases their risk of experiencing mental health problems,” he says.

These higher levels of psychiatric problems in homosexual people call for greater efforts at preventing the issues arising, Dr. Chakraborty adds.

In the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, participants chosen to be representative of the UK population gave information on neurotic symptoms, common mental disorders, probable psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug use, as well as aspects of sexual identity and perceived discrimination.

First of all, I would point out that your link suggests that you may be a contributing factor, with your hatred. Your link said "
Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK."

But I mainly want to show the inaccuracy of your claims that homosexuals are why our society is failing. The percentages of homosexuals that suffer from depression, are alcohol dependent or self harm makes it look rather bad. But when you look at actual numbers, you can see the straights are the harmful ones.

If 4% of homosexuals suffer from depression, with a population of 318 million and homosexuals being 5% of the population, that gives us 636,000 depression sufferers in that group. With 2% of straights suffering from depression, with the same population and being 95% of the population, we have 6,042,000 depressives in that group.

Using the same population figures, alcohol dependence for homosexuals is 1,590,000. For straights it is 15,105,000.

So if you are claiming that these lifestyle issues cause lower production, then straights are causing FAR more reduction in production than homosexuals. But you with to single them out and ignore the group that is almost 10x worse.

For perspective, reverse the fairly or very happy numbers.
70% of the homosexuals are unhappy. That is 11,130,000.
60% of heterosexuals are unhappy. That is 181,260,000.
Which group do you think contributes more unhappiness to society?
I think you know that any study of this nature would have to tiptoe around the elephant, making multiple affirmative suggestions that discrimination is to blame instead of the more obvious explanation, the mental, spiritual, and social malfunction of such a lifestyle. I wish the study, instead of seeking the cover of political correctness, instead went further to separate the high life homosexuals from those in domesticated, committed, monogamous relationships. I believe there is ample evidence that those homosexuals who live in committed marriages don't experience the high rates of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide. A life of partying, casual hookups, and multiple partners should be highlighted as a dangerous life that shortens their expected lifespan.

Read what I'm saying carefully before judging. I'm not the enemy here. Gays are not being helped by misappropriating the blame for their array of maladies on phantom discrimination. They should be educated that there is a good, healthy gay lifestyle and one that is destructive and that they should choose wisely. The best family friends we have are 2 (now married) lesbians who are, in my evaluation, virtuous, responsible, and a good model for homosexuals everywhere. They've taught me much more on this issue than anything I could ever read.

I think your downplaying of the effects of the rampant hatred of homosexuals may be a defensive mechanism.

Look at the effects of bullying for children in schools. It has resulted in mental issues, physical illnesses, and suicides. Now multiply that bullying exponentially, and you have the horrific treatment of homosexuals up until the last few years.

Lets say homosexuality has been more accepted in the last 10 to 15 years. That means every homosexual old enough to get a driver's license has likely been thru some pretty serious bullying and harassment. Being called an "abomination" is not great for teenagers. Being harassed, having to hide who you are, and worrying about losing your job/family/friends, would have an effect on the metal state of anyone.

I would like to see the study done to see the differences between stable married couples and wild singles of the same age. But I would like to see it for both gays and straights.
Gay bullying must be encouraged. It must be encouraged to force them into seclusion and out of mainstream society's way.

Thank God there's laws in this country to keep people like you from acting out on your hate and bigotry.

Amen. People of that ilk are a dying breed. For that I am grateful.
First of all, I would point out that your link suggests that you may be a contributing factor, with your hatred. Your link said "
Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK."

But I mainly want to show the inaccuracy of your claims that homosexuals are why our society is failing. The percentages of homosexuals that suffer from depression, are alcohol dependent or self harm makes it look rather bad. But when you look at actual numbers, you can see the straights are the harmful ones.

If 4% of homosexuals suffer from depression, with a population of 318 million and homosexuals being 5% of the population, that gives us 636,000 depression sufferers in that group. With 2% of straights suffering from depression, with the same population and being 95% of the population, we have 6,042,000 depressives in that group.

Using the same population figures, alcohol dependence for homosexuals is 1,590,000. For straights it is 15,105,000.

So if you are claiming that these lifestyle issues cause lower production, then straights are causing FAR more reduction in production than homosexuals. But you with to single them out and ignore the group that is almost 10x worse.

For perspective, reverse the fairly or very happy numbers.
70% of the homosexuals are unhappy. That is 11,130,000.
60% of heterosexuals are unhappy. That is 181,260,000.
Which group do you think contributes more unhappiness to society?
I think you know that any study of this nature would have to tiptoe around the elephant, making multiple affirmative suggestions that discrimination is to blame instead of the more obvious explanation, the mental, spiritual, and social malfunction of such a lifestyle. I wish the study, instead of seeking the cover of political correctness, instead went further to separate the high life homosexuals from those in domesticated, committed, monogamous relationships. I believe there is ample evidence that those homosexuals who live in committed marriages don't experience the high rates of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide. A life of partying, casual hookups, and multiple partners should be highlighted as a dangerous life that shortens their expected lifespan.

Read what I'm saying carefully before judging. I'm not the enemy here. Gays are not being helped by misappropriating the blame for their array of maladies on phantom discrimination. They should be educated that there is a good, healthy gay lifestyle and one that is destructive and that they should choose wisely. The best family friends we have are 2 (now married) lesbians who are, in my evaluation, virtuous, responsible, and a good model for homosexuals everywhere. They've taught me much more on this issue than anything I could ever read.

I think your downplaying of the effects of the rampant hatred of homosexuals may be a defensive mechanism.

Look at the effects of bullying for children in schools. It has resulted in mental issues, physical illnesses, and suicides. Now multiply that bullying exponentially, and you have the horrific treatment of homosexuals up until the last few years.

Lets say homosexuality has been more accepted in the last 10 to 15 years. That means every homosexual old enough to get a driver's license has likely been thru some pretty serious bullying and harassment. Being called an "abomination" is not great for teenagers. Being harassed, having to hide who you are, and worrying about losing your job/family/friends, would have an effect on the metal state of anyone.

I would like to see the study done to see the differences between stable married couples and wild singles of the same age. But I would like to see it for both gays and straights.
Gay bullying must be encouraged. It must be encouraged to force them into seclusion and out of mainstream society's way.

Thank God there's laws in this country to keep people like you from acting out on your hate and bigotry.

Amen. People of that ilk are a dying breed. For that I am grateful.
I joke around with race baiting and that kind of thing because I think it's hilarious how people react to it, but I'm always disturbed when I sense some people are serious about enacting the systematic oppression of a minority.

By the way, where's that cigar? I just bought some Brick House cigars because I love the draw on them.
I think you know that any study of this nature would have to tiptoe around the elephant, making multiple affirmative suggestions that discrimination is to blame instead of the more obvious explanation, the mental, spiritual, and social malfunction of such a lifestyle. I wish the study, instead of seeking the cover of political correctness, instead went further to separate the high life homosexuals from those in domesticated, committed, monogamous relationships. I believe there is ample evidence that those homosexuals who live in committed marriages don't experience the high rates of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide. A life of partying, casual hookups, and multiple partners should be highlighted as a dangerous life that shortens their expected lifespan.

Read what I'm saying carefully before judging. I'm not the enemy here. Gays are not being helped by misappropriating the blame for their array of maladies on phantom discrimination. They should be educated that there is a good, healthy gay lifestyle and one that is destructive and that they should choose wisely. The best family friends we have are 2 (now married) lesbians who are, in my evaluation, virtuous, responsible, and a good model for homosexuals everywhere. They've taught me much more on this issue than anything I could ever read.

I think your downplaying of the effects of the rampant hatred of homosexuals may be a defensive mechanism.

Look at the effects of bullying for children in schools. It has resulted in mental issues, physical illnesses, and suicides. Now multiply that bullying exponentially, and you have the horrific treatment of homosexuals up until the last few years.

Lets say homosexuality has been more accepted in the last 10 to 15 years. That means every homosexual old enough to get a driver's license has likely been thru some pretty serious bullying and harassment. Being called an "abomination" is not great for teenagers. Being harassed, having to hide who you are, and worrying about losing your job/family/friends, would have an effect on the metal state of anyone.

I would like to see the study done to see the differences between stable married couples and wild singles of the same age. But I would like to see it for both gays and straights.
Gay bullying must be encouraged. It must be encouraged to force them into seclusion and out of mainstream society's way.

Thank God there's laws in this country to keep people like you from acting out on your hate and bigotry.

Amen. People of that ilk are a dying breed. For that I am grateful.
I joke around with race baiting and that kind of thing because I think it's hilarious how people react to it, but I'm always disturbed when I sense some people are serious about enacting the systematic oppression of a minority.

By the way, where's that cigar? I just bought some Brick House cigars because I love the draw on them.

I was inside, and couldn't smoke. If I recall, I did have a tasty dark stogie shortly after that pic was taken. We were celebrating the marriage of a good friend (and amazing guitarist).
I joke around with race baiting and that kind of thing because I think it's hilarious how people react to it, but I'm always disturbed when I sense some people are serious about enacting the systematic oppression of a minority.

By the way, where's that cigar? I just bought some Brick House cigars because I love the draw on them.
That it's so obvious means McGarrett is probably role playing a bad-guy to drum up sympathy for the cult of LGBT. It couldn't be more obvious at this point.
I joke around with race baiting and that kind of thing because I think it's hilarious how people react to it, but I'm always disturbed when I sense some people are serious about enacting the systematic oppression of a minority.

By the way, where's that cigar? I just bought some Brick House cigars because I love the draw on them.
That it's so obvious means McGarrett is probably role playing a bad-guy to drum up sympathy for the cult of LGBT. It couldn't be more obvious at this point.
I've been on this board for a while now. I think he seriously wants the systemized oppression of minority groups of Americans. Nothing he's ever said indicates he's only joking or playing a role.

Besides, in my experience here, I've also seen enough to conclude that you are a terrible judge of character.
And partying, drugs, booze, multiple partners ect, are all part of single life for many straights as well.

But if you want totalk about homosexuality being the danger to society, and then talk about idle hands destroying society, you need to link the two. With homosexuals being a minor part of the population, blaming them for the lack of industry is simply dishonest. And many, many homosexuals earn a good living, buy homes, save for retirement, contribute to society through their careers, and even raise families.
Many, many? How many? Because you're right that when heterosexuals live the high life, the results are just as disasterous, but most don't. The same can't be said of homosexuals.

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals
By Jane Collingwood
~ 3 min read

Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates. Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

His team looked at rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents.

Four percent had a depressive episode in the last week, compared to two percent of heterosexual people. The rate of alcohol dependence was ten percent versus five percent, and for self-harming it was nine percent versus five percent.

The proportion of homosexual people who described themselves as being fairly or very happy was 30 percent, versus 40 percent for heterosexual people.

Dr. Chakraborty believes the findings are “very worrying.” He said, “This study is the first time the mental health and well-being of gay, lesbian and bisexual people has been examined in a random sample of the population.

“Our study confirms earlier work carried out in the UK, USA and Holland which suggests that non-heterosexual people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse and self-harm than heterosexual people.”

He stated that, although the level of discrimination was low, it was still significantly higher than against heterosexual people. This “lends support to the idea that people who feel discriminated against experience social stressors, which in turn increases their risk of experiencing mental health problems,” he says.

These higher levels of psychiatric problems in homosexual people call for greater efforts at preventing the issues arising, Dr. Chakraborty adds.

In the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, participants chosen to be representative of the UK population gave information on neurotic symptoms, common mental disorders, probable psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug use, as well as aspects of sexual identity and perceived discrimination.

First of all, I would point out that your link suggests that you may be a contributing factor, with your hatred. Your link said "
Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK."

But I mainly want to show the inaccuracy of your claims that homosexuals are why our society is failing. The percentages of homosexuals that suffer from depression, are alcohol dependent or self harm makes it look rather bad. But when you look at actual numbers, you can see the straights are the harmful ones.

If 4% of homosexuals suffer from depression, with a population of 318 million and homosexuals being 5% of the population, that gives us 636,000 depression sufferers in that group. With 2% of straights suffering from depression, with the same population and being 95% of the population, we have 6,042,000 depressives in that group.

Using the same population figures, alcohol dependence for homosexuals is 1,590,000. For straights it is 15,105,000.

So if you are claiming that these lifestyle issues cause lower production, then straights are causing FAR more reduction in production than homosexuals. But you with to single them out and ignore the group that is almost 10x worse.

For perspective, reverse the fairly or very happy numbers.
70% of the homosexuals are unhappy. That is 11,130,000.
60% of heterosexuals are unhappy. That is 181,260,000.
Which group do you think contributes more unhappiness to society?
I think you know that any study of this nature would have to tiptoe around the elephant, making multiple affirmative suggestions that discrimination is to blame instead of the more obvious explanation, the mental, spiritual, and social malfunction of such a lifestyle. I wish the study, instead of seeking the cover of political correctness, instead went further to separate the high life homosexuals from those in domesticated, committed, monogamous relationships. I believe there is ample evidence that those homosexuals who live in committed marriages don't experience the high rates of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide. A life of partying, casual hookups, and multiple partners should be highlighted as a dangerous life that shortens their expected lifespan.

Read what I'm saying carefully before judging. I'm not the enemy here. Gays are not being helped by misappropriating the blame for their array of maladies on phantom discrimination. They should be educated that there is a good, healthy gay lifestyle and one that is destructive and that they should choose wisely. The best family friends we have are 2 (now married) lesbians who are, in my evaluation, virtuous, responsible, and a good model for homosexuals everywhere. They've taught me much more on this issue than anything I could ever read.

I think your downplaying of the effects of the rampant hatred of homosexuals may be a defensive mechanism.

Look at the effects of bullying for children in schools. It has resulted in mental issues, physical illnesses, and suicides. Now multiply that bullying exponentially, and you have the horrific treatment of homosexuals up until the last few years.

Lets say homosexuality has been more accepted in the last 10 to 15 years. That means every homosexual old enough to get a driver's license has likely been thru some pretty serious bullying and harassment. Being called an "abomination" is not great for teenagers. Being harassed, having to hide who you are, and worrying about losing your job/family/friends, would have an effect on the metal state of anyone.

I would like to see the study done to see the differences between stable married couples and wild singles of the same age. But I would like to see it for both gays and straights.
The results would be predictable. By the way, far more straight people are victims of bullying than gay people. I think you're so eager to broad brush conservatives as full of hate that you miss what's really going on. I don't want homosexuals to die, I want them to live out their days in happiness. There's only one way to do that, and that's to send a clear message that they can take command of their destiny and that if they choose poorly, and go down the path of drugs, meaningless sex, and early morbidity, it's not some bigot that made them do that.

It seems personal responsibility is a sermon only preached on my side of politics, though.
I haven't agreed with everything you've said in this thread but this last one was very well said

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