Steve McGarrett Was Right: Gays NOT Born That Way, The Condition Is Related To Mental Illness

from your link: "The study does not claim that being gay is a choice, merely that stating the opposite may be wrong."

(Cherry picked that one sentence as a wee bit of comfort did you? ) Hint: the researchers know its behavioral but don't want to upset the precarious mental balance of men who use other dudes' anuses as artificial vaginas or lesbians who use a dildo while proclaiming they want nothing to do with men sexually...

You know, gentle gloves at first. But prepare yourself for the inevitable.
from your link: "The study does not claim that being gay is a choice, merely that stating the opposite may be wrong."

(Cherry picked that one sentence as a wee bit of comfort did you? ) Hint: the researchers know its behavioral but don't want to upset the precarious mental balance of men who use other dudes' anuses as artificial vaginas or lesbians who use a dildo while proclaiming they want nothing to do with men sexually...

You know, gentle gloves at first. But prepare yourself for the inevitable.

Personally, I don't care whether it is innate or a choice. It changes nothing.

As for my "...wee bit of comfort", I am perfectly comfortable. Your hopes that homosexuality will go back in the closet is laughably improbable. You should prepare yourself for homosexuals to stay out of the closet.
Ladies and Gentlemen, there are just some things you have to go with your gut instinct on and in this one instance, I, Steve McGarrett got it right. I guess being a conservative Christian Southern Baptist straight White man such as myself has it's benefits. It's called having intellect. And when using that intellect God graced me with along with a strong gut instinct, it alerts me to the dangers of society. It tells me that since liberalism is a mental disorder, so is homosexuality.

Gays NOT born that way, the condition is linked to Mental Illness – US study |

Yo, How

Personally, I don't care whether it is innate or a choice. It changes nothing.

As for my "...wee bit of comfort", I am perfectly comfortable. Your hopes that homosexuality will go back in the closet is laughably improbable. You should prepare yourself for homosexuals to stay out of the closet.

Actually it changes law apparently. Have you read the Opinion on Hively v Ivy Tech? Apparently adopted behaviors aren't the same as static race or gender. Who knew? Well, me, but I mean besides me? Plenty of people just too scared to talk I guess. I guess the difference is weighty enough to take homosexuality off the 1964 Civil Rights-protected list.

Oh no. Homosexuals can be as open as they want to be. I just don't want what they do incorporated into social norms. People openly walk around obese as hell but that doesn't mean we encourage overeating as public policy and teach it to kids in schools.
Personally, I don't care whether it is innate or a choice. It changes nothing.

As for my "...wee bit of comfort", I am perfectly comfortable. Your hopes that homosexuality will go back in the closet is laughably improbable. You should prepare yourself for homosexuals to stay out of the closet.

Actually it changes law apparently. Have you read the Opinion on Hively v Ivy Tech? Apparently adopted behaviors aren't the same as static race or gender. Who knew? Well, me, but I mean besides me? Plenty of people just too scared to talk I guess. I guess the difference is weighty enough to take homosexuality off the 1964 Civil Rights-protected list.

Oh no. Homosexuals can be as open as they want to be. I just don't want what they do incorporated into social norms. People openly walk around obese as hell but that doesn't mean we encourage overeating as public policy and teach it to kids in schools.

You worry about people encouraging homosexuality?
You worry about people encouraging homosexuality?

Specifically to kids, yes. You've heard of Kevin Jennings' curriculum including teaching fisting to kids in school? I guess he figures sooner rather than later to get those peg boys opened up..
Personally, I don't care whether it is innate or a choice. It changes nothing.

As for my "...wee bit of comfort", I am perfectly comfortable. Your hopes that homosexuality will go back in the closet is laughably improbable. You should prepare yourself for homosexuals to stay out of the closet.

Actually it changes law apparently. Have you read the Opinion on Hively v Ivy Tech? Apparently adopted behaviors aren't the same as static race or gender. Who knew? Well, me, but I mean besides me? Plenty of people just too scared to talk I guess. I guess the difference is weighty enough to take homosexuality off the 1964 Civil Rights-protected list.

Oh no. Homosexuals can be as open as they want to be. I just don't want what they do incorporated into social norms. People openly walk around obese as hell but that doesn't mean we encourage overeating as public policy and teach it to kids in schools.

You've clearly never read Hively and homosexuals were never covered under the Civil Rights Act. Do you ever tire of making shit up and making a buffoon of yourself?
from your link: "The study does not claim that being gay is a choice, merely that stating the opposite may be wrong."

(Cherry picked that one sentence as a wee bit of comfort did you? ) Hint: the researchers know its behavioral but don't want to upset the precarious mental balance of men who use other dudes' anuses as artificial vaginas or lesbians who use a dildo while proclaiming they want nothing to do with men sexually...

You know, gentle gloves at first. But prepare yourself for the inevitable.

Just b/c you choose to ignore that sentence from the study doesn't mean the rest of us will remain as willfully obtuse as you.
from your link: "The study does not claim that being gay is a choice, merely that stating the opposite may be wrong."

(Cherry picked that one sentence as a wee bit of comfort did you? ) Hint: the researchers know its behavioral but don't want to upset the precarious mental balance of men who use other dudes' anuses as artificial vaginas or lesbians who use a dildo while proclaiming they want nothing to do with men sexually...

You know, gentle gloves at first. But prepare yourself for the inevitable.

So you are claiming that these "researchers" really mean it is completely behavioral, but are saying something different so they can further their agenda?? Great research. lmao
So you are claiming that these "researchers" really mean it is completely behavioral, but are saying something different so they can further their agenda?? Great research. lmao

No, I'm saying they're breaking it to the general public gently. After all, it's not every day you misuse a premise to gain massive inroads on stealing states' powers only to find that the premise is incorrect. Also, the gays will flip a nut if someone suggests how they are is a result of imprinting from the environment. Then their innate argument ist kaput an they might have to then start accessing old memories about what those environmental pressures were.
So you are claiming that these "researchers" really mean it is completely behavioral, but are saying something different so they can further their agenda?? Great research. lmao

No, I'm saying they're breaking it to the general public gently. After all, it's not every day you misuse a premise to gain massive inroads on stealing states' powers only to find that the premise is incorrect. Also, the gays will flip a nut if someone suggests how they are is a result of imprinting from the environment. Then their innate argument ist kaput an they might have to then start accessing old memories about what those environmental pressures were.

" I'm saying they're breaking it to the general public gently" is the same as what I said. Especially since you added the "Also, the gays will flip a nut if someone suggests how they are is a result of imprinting from the environment" line, you only prove my point.
Ladies and Gentlemen, there are just some things you have to go with your gut instinct on and in this one instance, I, Steve McGarrett got it right. I guess being a conservative Christian Southern Baptist straight White man such as myself has it's benefits. It's called having intellect. And when using that intellect God graced me with along with a strong gut instinct, it alerts me to the dangers of society. It tells me that since liberalism is a mental disorder, so is homosexuality.

Gays NOT born that way, the condition is linked to Mental Illness – US study |

There was never a shred of actual evidence otherwise, so this isn't really news; they know they're just sick and dysfunctional, not some 'oppressed minority', and so do their equally dysfunctional and mentally ill fans. there is a very good reason they started burying all these fake 'scientific studies' behind pay walls, it's because the methodologies used in them are ridiculously inept and amateurish, and doody heads kept reading them instead of just repeating the propaganda, and pointing out how ridiculously unscientific all of those studies are. It was nothing but a hoax form the beginning, and they need to be kept away from children by law, and also locked up when they generate these mindless unnecessary epidemics constantly, and refuse to stop spreading them, like every other sicko who deliberately spreads these diseases.
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^^ Yes, 100s of millions of years ago homo sapiens evolved into dioecious mammals for the sake of procreation. Their drive to procreate is biological and instinctive. Homosexuals cannot procreate and by definition cannot be "an evolutionary phenomenon".

Next tiny-brained question?

Homosexulaity is an evolutionary dead end

and yet two gay men have a child with both DNA

Isn't science wonderful?

Soon womb transplants will be available for gay or transgenders. We know it can be done for women already.

Head transplants will be done in a few weeks as well. Then someone can truly have a woman's body or vs.

Men spill sperm all the time, so what. This is not the dark ages and we are not underpopulated due to the black death when man power was need to produce food for survival.

We may well be limited to two children in the not so distant future.

Common sense tells us most can not afford more than two or three children now. We don't have large extended families to help raise the children like many did in the past. Now we pay more for day care than many low income workers even make.

Tell man to stop masturbating and only have sex one week a month till their wife is pregnant and then wait at least a month or two after childbirth before having sex again.......... try and sell that to the majority of males. You would be laughed out of town. Then tell them if they can't afford more children to no have sex at all? What of older people? Because a woman can no longer breed she can't enjoy sex because it would be a waste of sperm?

Guess there are banks full of sperm if a woman wants of needs.

Spill sperm.....need to breed..... we are not live stock

Why must women always be pregnant? Why should sex for good health and fun be a bad thing? Sexual revolution freed women with birth control. Maybe men should have enough control with withdraw.....ops again spilling that golden sperm. Tell men not to have sex. Let women do what they want.
Why are you trying so hard to antiquate pregnancy? It's the most beautiful thing about humanity.

for the right time and women that want it. Sex is about far more than just procreation. Love does not have to include children.
Funny then, how the "right" to suck an innocent child into the lifestyle is being lined up as the next political fight. Apparently, homosexuals disagree with you. Love is not enough without the delusion of procreation.
Your hopes that homosexuality will go back in the closet is laughably improbable.
You're probably right. However, there is no guarantee, and when the masses have had enough of this pseudo-Democracy called Fascism there is a fair chance they will revolt and replace the government (and political philosophy) with something else. And although we can assume it'll be better than Fascism we cannot say if it will be better for EVERYONE. Hitler wanted to exterminate homosexuals (despite his 'brown shirts' being rife with them) and I'm not sure what Putin thinks about gays ...... but I don't think he's a fan. Sometimes we humans take 1 step forward then 2 steps back.
You worry about people encouraging homosexuality?
I've been walking the fence, not because I'm afraid to say what I think but because I'd like to remain impartial. I have nothing against homosexuality because it is a normal part of any community, nothing to be ashamed of as long as the community as a whole is in touch with reality. Unfortunately your comment/question just nudged me off the fence. In my country homosexuality has become such a PC subject that, yes ....... homosexuality is being 'encouraged'. I am not talking about 'acceptance'. I am talking about 'encouragement'.
Your hopes that homosexuality will go back in the closet is laughably improbable.
You're probably right. However, there is no guarantee, and when the masses have had enough of this pseudo-Democracy called Fascism there is a fair chance they will revolt and replace the government (and political philosophy) with something else. And although we can assume it'll be better than Fascism we cannot say if it will be better for EVERYONE. Hitler wanted to exterminate homosexuals (despite his 'brown shirts' being rife with them) and I'm not sure what Putin thinks about gays ...... but I don't think he's a fan. Sometimes we humans take 1 step forward then 2 steps back.
This post doesn't suck.
You worry about people encouraging homosexuality?
I've been walking the fence, not because I'm afraid to say what I think but because I'd like to remain impartial. I have nothing against homosexuality because it is a normal part of any community, nothing to be ashamed of as long as the community as a whole is in touch with reality. Unfortunately your comment/question just nudged me off the fence. In my country homosexuality has become such a PC subject that, yes ....... homosexuality is being 'encouraged'. I am not talking about 'acceptance'. I am talking about 'encouragement'.

I too find this comment completely honest and acceptable. You're right. You've gotten to the essence of the LGBT movement. They don't want acceptance, they want promotion, evangelism. And it's not by mistake that the end game in every state is to get it taught at the youngest ages in schools. I've likened it to a child molestor movement writ-large...if you read up on "grooming" you'll learn that child predators will sometimes spend years grooming a target they intend to molest. They do it by first winning over the parents, getting their trust to leave them alone with the child (in the classroom, where he is taught "anal fisting is OK!" ) with Kevin Jennings' (Obama's gay education Czar) curriculum. And then finally they have a steady supply of fresh meat, once the "it's cool!" idea has sunk deep in the child's brain. The earlier the better for a complete imprinting.

Promotion is the definition of a cult. They don't just want to be left alone. They want your child to join up as soon as possible. Of course adults don't need to be homophobic. But children do. They're not set in their ways yet. And so, adults concerned about children might do well to adopt some healthy homophobia...realize what's actually going on...
You worry about people encouraging homosexuality?
I've been walking the fence, not because I'm afraid to say what I think but because I'd like to remain impartial. I have nothing against homosexuality because it is a normal part of any community, nothing to be ashamed of as long as the community as a whole is in touch with reality. Unfortunately your comment/question just nudged me off the fence. In my country homosexuality has become such a PC subject that, yes ....... homosexuality is being 'encouraged'. I am not talking about 'acceptance'. I am talking about 'encouragement'.
I think what you are talking about is largely reactionary. The natural reaction to hate and discrimination is an overreaction push for acceptance, encouragement and support.

Personally I can relate. I'm straight and don't feel completely comfortable around gay acts. I usually close my eyes when two dude are making out on TV. Two girls I'm fine with, go figure. However, I completely accept an individual's choice to be gay and do not think there is anything wrong with that choice. My cousin is gay and I love her to death. When I hear the hate talk my reaction is to throw on a rainbow shirt and shame the haters. That might make me look like I'm encouraging homosexuals and throwing it in people's faces but again I state that it is reactionary
^^ Then what is your "reactionary" response to men using women's showers/restrooms? Or kids being taught gay "anal fisting" in schools?
^^ Then what is your "reactionary" response to men using women's showers/restrooms? Or kids being taught gay "anal fisting" in schools?
I don't care which restroom transgenders use and I would be against teaching gay anal fisting in school

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