Steve McGarrett Was Right: Gays NOT Born That Way, The Condition Is Related To Mental Illness

All the sperm in the world isn't going to make a child if it's in another dude's rectum....get it?
It's no wonder my previous response went way over your head. You have no idea what this discussion is about.

Save it Bozo, you're running around flapping your yap thinking you're in the lead and you're a lap down
Don't be a sore loser... You must be used to getting owned by now

Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end you daffy dumb bastards. Stop playing stupid fucking games you can't win
What depth of thought! You can add 2 + 2 all day long, but once a third digit is entered into the equation ..... you're racking your brains .

You could prove me wrong also....but we both know you can't. Now go join your little butt buddy in the corner. You lose
It's no wonder my previous response went way over your head. You have no idea what this discussion is about.

Save it Bozo, you're running around flapping your yap thinking you're in the lead and you're a lap down
Don't be a sore loser... You must be used to getting owned by now

Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end you daffy dumb bastards. Stop playing stupid fucking games you can't win
You are a true scholar.

Prove me wrong, Einstein. That would be game, set annnnnnnd match :)
Nobody is arguing that if the whole world was gay we wouldn't reproduce. You've taken this discussion down a tangent that only makes you look desperate and without a valid point. Just give up
Save it Bozo, you're running around flapping your yap thinking you're in the lead and you're a lap down
Don't be a sore loser... You must be used to getting owned by now

Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end you daffy dumb bastards. Stop playing stupid fucking games you can't win
You are a true scholar.

Prove me wrong, Einstein. That would be game, set annnnnnnd match :)
Nobody is arguing that if the whole world was gay we wouldn't reproduce. You've taken this discussion down a tangent that only makes you look desperate and without a valid point. Just give up

Stop spinning and deflecting I stated homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end, it is...end of discussion. Now be gone with your nonsense
It's no wonder my previous response went way over your head. You have no idea what this discussion is about.

Save it Bozo, you're running around flapping your yap thinking you're in the lead and you're a lap down
Don't be a sore loser... You must be used to getting owned by now

Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end you daffy dumb bastards. Stop playing stupid fucking games you can't win
What depth of thought! You can add 2 + 2 all day long, but once a third digit is entered into the equation ..... you're racking your brains .

You could prove me wrong also....but we both know you can't. Now go join your little butt buddy in the corner. You lose
You must be that proverbial 'fish in a barrel' I've heard so much about.
Save it Bozo, you're running around flapping your yap thinking you're in the lead and you're a lap down
Don't be a sore loser... You must be used to getting owned by now

Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end you daffy dumb bastards. Stop playing stupid fucking games you can't win
What depth of thought! You can add 2 + 2 all day long, but once a third digit is entered into the equation ..... you're racking your brains .

You could prove me wrong also....but we both know you can't. Now go join your little butt buddy in the corner. You lose
You must be that proverbial 'fish in a barrel' I've heard so much about.

Prove it wrong or cease bothering me, I'm weary of you and your lil buddy's alerts and if it continues I'll simply ignore you both. No time for left loon nonsense
Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end ..... Prove me wrong ...
Nobody is arguing that if the whole world was gay we wouldn't reproduce.
The odd thing about our friend is that she has the idea that, although these hypothetical 1000 homosexual men wouldn't able to produce .....1000 heterosexual men could.
Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end ..... Prove me wrong ...
Nobody is arguing that if the whole world was gay we wouldn't reproduce.
The odd thing about our friend is that she has the idea that, although these hypothetical 1000 homosexual men wouldn't able to produce .....1000 heterosexual men could.

I warned ya....bye.
Don't be a sore loser... You must be used to getting owned by now

Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end you daffy dumb bastards. Stop playing stupid fucking games you can't win
You are a true scholar.

Prove me wrong, Einstein. That would be game, set annnnnnnd match :)
Nobody is arguing that if the whole world was gay we wouldn't reproduce. You've taken this discussion down a tangent that only makes you look desperate and without a valid point. Just give up

Stop spinning and deflecting I stated homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end, it is...end of discussion. Now be gone with your nonsense
Great... And the earth revolves around the sun... Prove me wrong, I win!
Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end you daffy dumb bastards. Stop playing stupid fucking games you can't win
You are a true scholar.

Prove me wrong, Einstein. That would be game, set annnnnnnd match :)
Nobody is arguing that if the whole world was gay we wouldn't reproduce. You've taken this discussion down a tangent that only makes you look desperate and without a valid point. Just give up

Stop spinning and deflecting I stated homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end, it is...end of discussion. Now be gone with your nonsense
Great... And the earth revolves around the sun... Prove me wrong, I win!

I won where it're just blabbering to be blabbering at this point and given I've always thought you were a limp wristed left loon you're just annoying now. Run along
Ladies and Gentlemen, there are just some things you have to go with your gut instinct on and in this one instance, I, Steve McGarrett got it right. I guess being a conservative Christian Southern Baptist straight White man such as myself has it's benefits. It's called having intellect. And when using that intellect God graced me with along with a strong gut instinct, it alerts me to the dangers of society. It tells me that since liberalism is a mental disorder, so is homosexuality.

Gays NOT born that way, the condition is linked to Mental Illness – US study |
Just because you had a gay experience and it wasn't as good as you thought it would be, doesn't mean you should feel guilty and hate all gays.
I suspect you might find it a better experience outside of Airport men's rooms and Forest Preserve outhouses.
Find yourself the right guy and go on an actual date. I'm sure he can help you get over your fixation.
So anyone who disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle must be homosexual themselves? Is this what passes for intellectual conversation on the Left?

It's more funny when a homesexual accuses you of being homesexual in order to insult you
sez bi catfish partaker of group

Says shameless racist/bigot.
Again, from the link in the OP:

Sexual orientation and gender identity resist explanation by simple theories. There is a large gap between the certainty with which beliefs are held about these matters and what a sober assessment of the science reveals. In the face of this complexity and uncertainty, we need to be humble about what we know and do not know,” it said.

Apparently the researchers responsible for that statement have never read this study:

We know it comes from conditioning. And that study found it was from SOCIAL conditioning. Which means if you change the norms within a society, the next generations will learn to be what that change is and themselves "orient" that way. Which of course was the game plan from day #1 and why "teaching it in the schools" was considered an item of major importance to the LGBT cult leadership running the legal machine.

I've always said that these creeps know exactly what they're doing, HAVE read studies like the one from concordia and that the entire game plan reads like a police report on a gay predator "grooming" children he intends to molest, writ-large.

Yet another excellent reason to keep children out of the grasp of public education.
I agree. We don't want your children to contaminate the schools.

GOP Opposes Critical Thinking

"Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."

Good grief, send me back at least 40-50 yrs, this is insanity. I put critical thinking at the top of education, along with reading and math. Education is not memory, it is figuring thing for yourself. To analysis a problem and find their own answer. To look at things from all angles and use their brains.
Life is not programming it is thinking for one's self.
Yet in nature homosexuality exist across over a thousand species.

God create

Also cannibalism exists. I would say over all, that cannibalism serves the perpetuation of a species far more than homosexuality does. Homosexuality is the antitheses of evolution. Homosexuality is not God created; it is socially and environmentally created.

I've had "gay" livestock too. And these male animals penned in with other males became that way out of frustration of not being able to get at the females just on the other side of the fence. That was an environmental/behavior construct and had nothing to do with their original sex drive...had they been able to access what they were really after.

This is why I always poke fun at gay men using each others assholes as artificial vaginas...and dykes employing dildos in their activities with each other. Their true drive is evident even if they themselves cannot admit it or access those painful memories of wrong imprinting, frustration etc. etc. etc. Even abuse can drive someone to wrongfully believe that "going gay" will solve their relationship problems. It doesn't. But time deals long and painful lessons some times. Realization always comes in the end.

you castrate male live stock not used for breeding, basic animal husbandry
Keeps males from fighting. It is quick and easy, and afterward delicious, or throw it to the dogs if you don't have a taste for them.
^^ Yes, 100s of millions of years ago homo sapiens evolved into dioecious mammals for the sake of procreation. Their drive to procreate is biological and instinctive. Homosexuals cannot procreate and by definition cannot be "an evolutionary phenomenon".

Next tiny-brained question?

Homosexulaity is an evolutionary dead end

and yet two gay men have a child with both DNA

Isn't science wonderful?

Soon womb transplants will be available for gay or transgenders. We know it can be done for women already.

Head transplants will be done in a few weeks as well. Then someone can truly have a woman's body or vs.

Men spill sperm all the time, so what. This is not the dark ages and we are not underpopulated due to the black death when man power was need to produce food for survival.

We may well be limited to two children in the not so distant future.

Common sense tells us most can not afford more than two or three children now. We don't have large extended families to help raise the children like many did in the past. Now we pay more for day care than many low income workers even make.

Tell man to stop masturbating and only have sex one week a month till their wife is pregnant and then wait at least a month or two after childbirth before having sex again.......... try and sell that to the majority of males. You would be laughed out of town. Then tell them if they can't afford more children to no have sex at all? What of older people? Because a woman can no longer breed she can't enjoy sex because it would be a waste of sperm?

Guess there are banks full of sperm if a woman wants of needs.

Spill sperm.....need to breed..... we are not live stock

Why must women always be pregnant? Why should sex for good health and fun be a bad thing? Sexual revolution freed women with birth control. Maybe men should have enough control with withdraw.....ops again spilling that golden sperm. Tell men not to have sex. Let women do what they want.
There isn't any concrete evidence one way or the other that people are born gay or not. I can only speak for myself and I didn't just wake-up one day and decide to be gay.
Nobody did. I don't care if people agree or disagree with the lifestyle, but to supplant facts with rank ignorance is unacceptable.

I distinctly remember Anne Heche saying she was "born gay" what happened? LOL
You should read what I was responding to. I made the opposite point.
Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end you daffy dumb bastards. Stop playing stupid fucking games you can't win
What depth of thought! You can add 2 + 2 all day long, but once a third digit is entered into the equation ..... you're racking your brains .

I've got news for you, Bonzo girl. Even 1,000 heterosxual men on an island would render the very same results. Duh!
And they would have less fun.
^^ Yes, 100s of millions of years ago homo sapiens evolved into dioecious mammals for the sake of procreation. Their drive to procreate is biological and instinctive. Homosexuals cannot procreate and by definition cannot be "an evolutionary phenomenon".

Next tiny-brained question?

Homosexulaity is an evolutionary dead end

and yet two gay men have a child with both DNA

Isn't science wonderful?

Soon womb transplants will be available for gay or transgenders. We know it can be done for women already.

Head transplants will be done in a few weeks as well. Then someone can truly have a woman's body or vs.

Men spill sperm all the time, so what. This is not the dark ages and we are not underpopulated due to the black death when man power was need to produce food for survival.

We may well be limited to two children in the not so distant future.

Common sense tells us most can not afford more than two or three children now. We don't have large extended families to help raise the children like many did in the past. Now we pay more for day care than many low income workers even make.

Tell man to stop masturbating and only have sex one week a month till their wife is pregnant and then wait at least a month or two after childbirth before having sex again.......... try and sell that to the majority of males. You would be laughed out of town. Then tell them if they can't afford more children to no have sex at all? What of older people? Because a woman can no longer breed she can't enjoy sex because it would be a waste of sperm?

Guess there are banks full of sperm if a woman wants of needs.

Spill sperm.....need to breed..... we are not live stock

Why must women always be pregnant? Why should sex for good health and fun be a bad thing? Sexual revolution freed women with birth control. Maybe men should have enough control with withdraw.....ops again spilling that golden sperm. Tell men not to have sex. Let women do what they want.
Why are you trying so hard to antiquate pregnancy? It's the most beautiful thing about humanity.

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