Steve McGarrett Was Right: Gays NOT Born That Way, The Condition Is Related To Mental Illness

Yes, suicide and thoughts of it are an indicator of mental illness
And the mental illness being things like depression or schizophrenia or Bi Polar disorder, or Anxiety, etc etc etc... Not Homesexuality or being Guyanian

Meh, believe what you will and I will do the same. Homos are nuts
You should get to know some. My friends aren't nuts at all and they're wonderful people.

Bully for you.
Again, from the link in the OP:

Sexual orientation and gender identity resist explanation by simple theories. There is a large gap between the certainty with which beliefs are held about these matters and what a sober assessment of the science reveals. In the face of this complexity and uncertainty, we need to be humble about what we know and do not know,” it said.

Apparently the researchers responsible for that statement have never read this study:

We know it comes from conditioning. And that study found it was from SOCIAL conditioning. Which means if you change the norms within a society, the next generations will learn to be what that change is and themselves "orient" that way. Which of course was the game plan from day #1 and why "teaching it in the schools" was considered an item of major importance to the LGBT cult leadership running the legal machine.

I've always said that these creeps know exactly what they're doing, HAVE read studies like the one from concordia and that the entire game plan reads like a police report on a gay predator "grooming" children he intends to molest, writ-large.

Or maybe these researchers could have consulted with the Mayo Clinic for fuck's sake:

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle” or “abused-abusers phenomena.....why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place
Homosexuals commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros....the proof of mental illness is right there
That's a bullshit arguement. Individuals who commit suicide likely suffer from a mental illness, most likely depression... That doesn't mean that all homosexuals are mentally ill. Many white Males commit suicide, that doesn't mean white Males are mentally ill

Missed the part they commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros didn't ya

confusing signal of right and wrong, what is normal, abuse by others for being different. Why can't it just be normal to be and love who ever you happen to fall for? Why do people have be pigeon holed and labeled?
Again, from the link in the OP:

Sexual orientation and gender identity resist explanation by simple theories. There is a large gap between the certainty with which beliefs are held about these matters and what a sober assessment of the science reveals. In the face of this complexity and uncertainty, we need to be humble about what we know and do not know,” it said.

Apparently the researchers responsible for that statement have never read this study:

We know it comes from conditioning. And that study found it was from SOCIAL conditioning. Which means if you change the norms within a society, the next generations will learn to be what that change is and themselves "orient" that way. Which of course was the game plan from day #1 and why "teaching it in the schools" was considered an item of major importance to the LGBT cult leadership running the legal machine.

I've always said that these creeps know exactly what they're doing, HAVE read studies like the one from concordia and that the entire game plan reads like a police report on a gay predator "grooming" children he intends to molest, writ-large.

Yet another excellent reason to keep children out of the grasp of public education.
Yes, suicide and thoughts of it are an indicator of mental illness
And the mental illness being things like depression or schizophrenia or Bi Polar disorder, or Anxiety, etc etc etc... Not Homesexuality or being Guyanian

Meh, believe what you will and I will do the same. Homos are nuts
Yeah, go right ahead see how far it gets ya... Let me know if you find a unicorn on that path

Tolerate my beliefs, isn't that what the left screams and demands? Now run along I'm weary of you
I have no tolerance or respect for ignorant bigots that want to discriminate. You can piss off
Yes, suicide and thoughts of it are an indicator of mental illness
And the mental illness being things like depression or schizophrenia or Bi Polar disorder, or Anxiety, etc etc etc... Not Homesexuality or being Guyanian

Meh, believe what you will and I will do the same. Homos are nuts
Yeah, go right ahead see how far it gets ya... Let me know if you find a unicorn on that path

Tolerate my beliefs, isn't that what the left screams and demands? Now run along I'm weary of you
I have no tolerance or respect for ignorant bigots that want to discriminate. You can piss off

If you demand tolerance you must be's not pick and choose. So you can piss off and stop expecting to make the rules
And the mental illness being things like depression or schizophrenia or Bi Polar disorder, or Anxiety, etc etc etc... Not Homesexuality or being Guyanian

Meh, believe what you will and I will do the same. Homos are nuts
Yeah, go right ahead see how far it gets ya... Let me know if you find a unicorn on that path

Tolerate my beliefs, isn't that what the left screams and demands? Now run along I'm weary of you
I have no tolerance or respect for ignorant bigots that want to discriminate. You can piss off

If you demand tolerance you must be's not pick and choose. So you can piss off and stop expecting to make the rules
I don't demand tolerance... I demand intolerance for many people, racists, bigots and sexists being a few
Meh, believe what you will and I will do the same. Homos are nuts
Yeah, go right ahead see how far it gets ya... Let me know if you find a unicorn on that path

Tolerate my beliefs, isn't that what the left screams and demands? Now run along I'm weary of you
I have no tolerance or respect for ignorant bigots that want to discriminate. You can piss off

If you demand tolerance you must be's not pick and choose. So you can piss off and stop expecting to make the rules
I don't demand tolerance... I demand intolerance for many people, racists, bigots and sexists being a few

Sure ya don't. LOL
Excuse me...JUST Steve McGarret was right?

Ahem. :poke: *Waits for a correction*... But yeah, it's good to get to the root of a weed instead of cutting off the tops and wondering why there's still weeds in the Garden...

Aww! Someone is sad that they are not getting any props.

Here I baked you cake:


Be sure and share with your husband. :lol:
Does anyone with even the tinniest brain (SWITCHED ON, I mean) think that the indescribable attraction that 'heterosexuals' feel for one another is any different than the indescribable attraction that 'homosexual' persons feel for one another?

It could be that homophobes resist accepting this principle because validating it as a 'normal' emotion might support the non-creationist theory that God did not created man in his image, nor are morals anything more than man-made, social rules based primarily on superstitious fear, in order to second-guess an 'after-life' and increase one's chances of finding favour with "the Creator" ......... just in case there is one.
^^ Yes, 100s of millions of years ago homo sapiens evolved into dioecious mammals for the sake of procreation. Their drive to procreate is biological and instinctive. Homosexuals cannot procreate and by definition cannot be "an evolutionary phenomenon".

Next tiny-brained question?
^^ Yes, 100s of millions of years ago homo sapiens evolved into dioecious mammals for the sake of procreation. Their drive to procreate is biological and instinctive. Homosexuals cannot procreate and by definition cannot be "an evolutionary phenomenon".

Next tiny-brained question?

Yet in nature homosexuality exist across over a thousand species.

God create
^^ Yes, 100s of millions of years ago homo sapiens evolved into dioecious mammals for the sake of procreation. Their drive to procreate is biological and instinctive. Homosexuals cannot procreate and by definition cannot be "an evolutionary phenomenon".

Next tiny-brained question?

Homosexulaity is an evolutionary dead end
^^ Yes, 100s of millions of years ago homo sapiens evolved into dioecious mammals for the sake of procreation. Their drive to procreate is biological and instinctive. Homosexuals cannot procreate and by definition cannot be "an evolutionary phenomenon".

Next tiny-brained question?
Your statement is based on the presumption that the purpose of human life is to procreate. Perhaps homosexuality is one of natures methods for population control?? Either way, why in the world does it even matter? Why do people like you try so hard to label it in a demeaning way?
There isn't any concrete evidence one way or the other that people are born gay or not. I can only speak for myself and I didn't just wake-up one day and decide to be gay.
Again, from the link in the OP:

Sexual orientation and gender identity resist explanation by simple theories. There is a large gap between the certainty with which beliefs are held about these matters and what a sober assessment of the science reveals. In the face of this complexity and uncertainty, we need to be humble about what we know and do not know,” it said.

Apparently the researchers responsible for that statement have never read this study:

We know it comes from conditioning. And that study found it was from SOCIAL conditioning. Which means if you change the norms within a society, the next generations will learn to be what that change is and themselves "orient" that way. Which of course was the game plan from day #1 and why "teaching it in the schools" was considered an item of major importance to the LGBT cult leadership running the legal machine.

I've always said that these creeps know exactly what they're doing, HAVE read studies like the one from concordia and that the entire game plan reads like a police report on a gay predator "grooming" children he intends to molest, writ-large.

Yet another excellent reason to keep children out of the grasp of public education.
I agree. We don't want your children to contaminate the schools.

GOP Opposes Critical Thinking

"Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."
Again, from the link in the OP:

Sexual orientation and gender identity resist explanation by simple theories. There is a large gap between the certainty with which beliefs are held about these matters and what a sober assessment of the science reveals. In the face of this complexity and uncertainty, we need to be humble about what we know and do not know,” it said.

Apparently the researchers responsible for that statement have never read this study:

We know it comes from conditioning. And that study found it was from SOCIAL conditioning. Which means if you change the norms within a society, the next generations will learn to be what that change is and themselves "orient" that way. Which of course was the game plan from day #1 and why "teaching it in the schools" was considered an item of major importance to the LGBT cult leadership running the legal machine.

I've always said that these creeps know exactly what they're doing, HAVE read studies like the one from concordia and that the entire game plan reads like a police report on a gay predator "grooming" children he intends to molest, writ-large.

Yet another excellent reason to keep children out of the grasp of public education.
I agree. We don't want your children to contaminate the schools.

GOP Opposes Critical Thinking

"Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."

Our 12 year old twins could annihilate you in a debate, Derp
Speaking of twins, I know a set if identicals where one is gay and the other isn't.
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Ladies and Gentlemen, there are just some things you have to go with your gut instinct on and in this one instance, I, Steve McGarrett got it right. I guess being a conservative Christian Southern Baptist straight White man such as myself has it's benefits. It's called having intellect. And when using that intellect God graced me with along with a strong gut instinct, it alerts me to the dangers of society. It tells me that since liberalism is a mental disorder, so is homosexuality.

Gays NOT born that way, the condition is linked to Mental Illness – US study |

Your sexuality, as well as much more of your behavioral characteristics, are influenced by the effect of hormones on various centers of your brain. E.g., testosterone influences many of your masculine characteristics and behaviors, whereas androgen is the female hormone. Homosexuality is the consequence of an imbalance of those (and other) hormones.

The effect either occurs in the womb or later in life and it varies in intensity.

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