Steve McGarrett Was Right: Gays NOT Born That Way, The Condition Is Related To Mental Illness

Really who gives a shit? This is a tired debate. You are not going to prove to millions of people that they have a mental disorder or what they feel is unnatural. Stop trying to demonize that which you don't understand and kindly crawl back into your hole.
They don't have a mental disorder. The APA got the decision right even if for the wrong reasons and by circumventing correct procedure for delisting homosexuality as a disorder.

Homosexuals have the same distribution of sanity or insanity as the rest of the public. Most are mentally healthy, make rational decisions, are capable of critical thought, and don't suffer from delusions. If they have all the markers of mental health, then homosexuality alone should not qualify as a disorder.
Homosexuals commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros....the proof of mental illness is right there
There are really two classes of homosexuals, those who live in committed relationships and those who live the "high life", multiple partners, drug and alcohol abuse, a very self destructive lifestyle. These are at high risk for depression and suicide.
Ladies and Gentlemen, there are just some things you have to go with your gut instinct on and in this one instance, I, Steve McGarrett got it right. I guess being a conservative Christian Southern Baptist straight White man such as myself has it's benefits. It's called having intellect. And when using that intellect God graced me with along with a strong gut instinct, it alerts me to the dangers of society. It tells me that since liberalism is a mental disorder, so is homosexuality.

Gays NOT born that way, the condition is linked to Mental Illness – US study |

Steve, I had a friend whose son was a high school football running back and a very good one. He told me of a conversation he once had with him and it went something like this....

Friend: "Son, that was a great touchdown. I dont know how you broke out of that pack of line backers."

Son, "Thanks Dad, it was difficult, but they couldnt stop me."

Friend, "But son, why dont you ever celebrate in the end zone, you know a dance move or something?"

Son, "It's no big deal, you know, Dad, I have scored lots of touchdowns."

Friend, "So you dont celebrate because you've done it before?"

Son, "Yeah, that about sums it up."

Friend, "I'm so proud of you son."
Most are mentally healthy, make rational decisions, are capable of critical thought, and don't suffer from delusions. If they have all the markers of mental health, then homosexuality alone should not qualify as a disorder.
Then why would they make choices that leave them among the highest mortality rates of every demographic group?

I think the average life span of a homosexual male is like 46 or something around that.
Homosexuals commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros....the proof of mental illness is right there
That's a bullshit arguement. Individuals who commit suicide likely suffer from a mental illness, most likely depression... That doesn't mean that all homosexuals are mentally ill. Many white Males commit suicide, that doesn't mean white Males are mentally ill
Ladies and Gentlemen, there are just some things you have to go with your gut instinct on and in this one instance, I, Steve McGarrett got it right. I guess being a conservative Christian Southern Baptist straight White man such as myself has it's benefits. It's called having intellect. And when using that intellect God graced me with along with a strong gut instinct, it alerts me to the dangers of society. It tells me that since liberalism is a mental disorder, so is homosexuality.

Gays NOT born that way, the condition is linked to Mental Illness – US study |

Steve, I had a friend whose son was a high school football running back and a very good one. He told me of a conversation he once had with him and it went something like this....

Friend: "Son, that was a great touchdown. I dont know how you broke out of that pack of line backers."

Son, "Thanks Dad, it was difficult, but they couldnt stop me."

Friend, "But son, why dont you ever celebrate in the end zone, you know a dance move or something?"

Son, "It's no big deal, you know, Dad, I have scored lots of touchdowns."

Friend, "So you dont celebrate because you've done it before?"

Son, "Yeah, that about sums it up."

Friend, "I'm so proud of you son."
Humility truly is a great thing
Most are mentally healthy, make rational decisions, are capable of critical thought, and don't suffer from delusions. If they have all the markers of mental health, then homosexuality alone should not qualify as a disorder.
Then why would they make choices that leave them among the highest mortality rates of every demographic group?

I think the average life span of a homosexual male is like 46 or something around that.
Unfortunately, homosexuals are lumped into a single group, as I was telling Sassyirishlass, for statistical analysis, which is unfair. The party types who abuse drugs and alcohol and have multiple partners aren't going to live out their days, but there's no reason to believe that homosexuals who live in committed, monogamous relationships and live healthy won't have a similar lifespan to their heterosexual counterparts.

I try not to take sides on this issue, I'm more interested in the truth of the matter. 2 of the best family friends we have are a lesbian couple that we trust with our own children. One of them even votes Republican. People have a strange way of resisting being pigeonholed by politics.
Homosexuals commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros....the proof of mental illness is right there
That's a bullshit arguement. Individuals who commit suicide likely suffer from a mental illness, most likely depression... That doesn't mean that all homosexuals are mentally ill. Many white Males commit suicide, that doesn't mean white Males are mentally ill
I wish people would learn that there are two VERY DIFFERENT kinds of lifestyle among homosexuals. Once that distinction is made, everything makes much more sense.
Homosexuals commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros....the proof of mental illness is right there
That's a bullshit arguement. Individuals who commit suicide likely suffer from a mental illness, most likely depression... That doesn't mean that all homosexuals are mentally ill. Many white Males commit suicide, that doesn't mean white Males are mentally ill

Missed the part they commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros didn't ya
Homosexuals commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros....the proof of mental illness is right there
That's a bullshit arguement. Individuals who commit suicide likely suffer from a mental illness, most likely depression... That doesn't mean that all homosexuals are mentally ill. Many white Males commit suicide, that doesn't mean white Males are mentally ill
I wish people would learn that there are two VERY DIFFERENT kinds of lifestyle among homosexuals. Once that distinction is made, everything makes much more sense.
Yes there is a difference. Short living or long living gays. And lesbians are accepted by society more than males?
Homosexuals commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros....the proof of mental illness is right there
That's a bullshit arguement. Individuals who commit suicide likely suffer from a mental illness, most likely depression... That doesn't mean that all homosexuals are mentally ill. Many white Males commit suicide, that doesn't mean white Males are mentally ill
I wish people would learn that there are two VERY DIFFERENT kinds of lifestyle among homosexuals. Once that distinction is made, everything makes much more sense.
There are much more than two... Just as there are much more than two lifestyles with heterosexuals. I do agree that lifestyle and environmental factors have more of an effect of mental health and suicide rates than simple sexual orientation.
Is this thread meant to make heteros horny?
Gay shit is not something I find erotic.

It is so odd that interacting with a person that loves and respects you is probably the most erotic thing on the planet, and yet people seem to want to talk about smearing peanut butter all over themselves and similar weird ass hit instead.

Homosexuals commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros....the proof of mental illness is right there
That's a bullshit arguement. Individuals who commit suicide likely suffer from a mental illness, most likely depression... That doesn't mean that all homosexuals are mentally ill. Many white Males commit suicide, that doesn't mean white Males are mentally ill
I wish people would learn that there are two VERY DIFFERENT kinds of lifestyle among homosexuals. Once that distinction is made, everything makes much more sense.
Yes there is a difference. Short living or long living gays. And lesbians are accepted by society more than males?
I didn't say anything preferential to lesbians. The lifestyle makes all the difference, not the gender.
What is erotic? That is something in the mind. I wished I knew what love(heterosexual) is. I will remain single until I do.
Homosexuals commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros....the proof of mental illness is right there
That's a bullshit arguement. Individuals who commit suicide likely suffer from a mental illness, most likely depression... That doesn't mean that all homosexuals are mentally ill. Many white Males commit suicide, that doesn't mean white Males are mentally ill

Missed the part they commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros didn't ya
People from Guyana also commit suicide at astronomical rates compare to other countries on Earth... Are they all mentally ill?
Suicide in Guyana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Homosexuals commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros....the proof of mental illness is right there
That's a bullshit arguement. Individuals who commit suicide likely suffer from a mental illness, most likely depression... That doesn't mean that all homosexuals are mentally ill. Many white Males commit suicide, that doesn't mean white Males are mentally ill
I wish people would learn that there are two VERY DIFFERENT kinds of lifestyle among homosexuals. Once that distinction is made, everything makes much more sense.
Yes there is a difference. Short living or long living gays. And lesbians are accepted by society more than males?
I didn't say anything preferential to lesbians. The lifestyle makes all the difference, not the gender.
Just so long they aren't homicidal maniacs and live next door.
Homosexuals commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros....the proof of mental illness is right there
That's a bullshit arguement. Individuals who commit suicide likely suffer from a mental illness, most likely depression... That doesn't mean that all homosexuals are mentally ill. Many white Males commit suicide, that doesn't mean white Males are mentally ill

Missed the part they commit suicide at astronomical rates compared to heteros didn't ya
People from Guyana also commit suicide at astronomical rates compare to other countries on Earth... Are they all mentally ill?
Suicide in Guyana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, suicide and thoughts of it are an indicator of mental illness

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