Steve McGarrett Was Right: Gays NOT Born That Way, The Condition Is Related To Mental Illness

Yet in nature homosexuality exist across over a thousand species.

God create

Also cannibalism exists. I would say over all, that cannibalism serves the perpetuation of a species far more than homosexuality does. Homosexuality is the antitheses of evolution. Homosexuality is not God created; it is socially and environmentally created.

I've had "gay" livestock too. And these male animals became that way out of frustration of not being able to get at the females, penned in with the other males. That was an environmental/behavior construct and had nothing to do with their original sex drive...had they been able to access what they were really after.
You reached too deep into your ass for this one... It doesn't even make sense
Yet in nature homosexuality exist across over a thousand species.

God create

Also cannibalism exists. I would say over all, that cannibalism serves the perpetuation of a species far more than homosexuality does. Homosexuality is the antitheses of evolution. Homosexuality is not God created; it is socially and environmentally created.

I've had "gay" livestock too. And these male animals penned in with other males became that way out of frustration of not being able to get at the females just on the other side of the fence. That was an environmental/behavior construct and had nothing to do with their original sex drive...had they been able to access what they were really after.

This is why I always poke fun at gay men using each others assholes as artificial vaginas...and dykes employing dildos in their activities with each other. Their true drive is evident even if they themselves cannot admit it or access those painful memories of wrong imprinting, frustration etc. etc. etc. Even abuse can drive someone to wrongfully believe that "going gay" will solve their relationship problems. It doesn't. But time deals long and painful lessons some times. Realization always comes in the end.
Homosexulaity is an evolutionary dead end
Is sperm an evolutionary dead end just because ca. 40 million to 300 million sperm cells per milliliter are wasted during intercourse with each heterosexual ejaculation? Am I correct in assuming you think homosexuality is going to dominate the world's population and eventually 'wipe us out' of existence?
Homosexulaity is an evolutionary dead end
Is sperm an evolutionary dead end just because ca. 40 million to 300 million sperm cells per milliliter are wasted during intercourse with each heterosexual ejaculation? Am I correct in assuming you think homosexuality is going to dominate the world's population and eventually 'wipe us out' of existence?

Go away already, you post gibberish
There isn't any concrete evidence one way or the other that people are born gay or not. I can only speak for myself and I didn't just wake-up one day and decide to be gay.
Nobody did. I don't care if people agree or disagree with the lifestyle, but to supplant facts with rank ignorance is unacceptable.
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There isn't any concrete evidence one way or the other that people are born gay or not. I can only speak for myself and I didn't just wake-up one day and decide to be gay.
Nobody did. I don't care if people agree or disagree with the lifestyle, but to supplant facts with rank ignorance is unacceptable.

I distinctly remember Anne Heche saying she was "born gay" what happened? LOL
Go away already, you post gibberish
It went way over your head. I'll try to speak your language, basically, you know, like, duh, know what I'm sayin', basically.
Go away already, you post gibberish
It went way over your head. I'll try to speak your language, basically, you know, like, duh, know what I'm sayin', basically.

All the sperm in the world isn't going to make a child if it's in another dude's rectum....get it?
It's no wonder my previous response went way over your head. You have no idea what this discussion is about.

Save it Bozo, you're running around flapping your yap thinking you're in the lead and you're a lap down
Go away already, you post gibberish
It went way over your head. I'll try to speak your language, basically, you know, like, duh, know what I'm sayin', basically.

All the sperm in the world isn't going to make a child if it's in another dude's rectum....get it?
It's no wonder my previous response went way over your head. You have no idea what this discussion is about.

Save it Bozo, you're running around flapping your yap thinking you're in the lead and you're a lap down
Don't be a sore loser... You must be used to getting owned by now
Go away already, you post gibberish
It went way over your head. I'll try to speak your language, basically, you know, like, duh, know what I'm sayin', basically.

All the sperm in the world isn't going to make a child if it's in another dude's rectum....get it?
It's no wonder my previous response went way over your head. You have no idea what this discussion is about.

Save it Bozo, you're running around flapping your yap thinking you're in the lead and you're a lap down
Don't be a sore loser... You must be used to getting owned by now

Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end you daffy dumb bastards. Stop playing stupid fucking games you can't win
Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end you daffy dumb bastards. Stop playing stupid fucking games you can't win

Be sure you include a couple of crates of 13 year old boys....
It went way over your head. I'll try to speak your language, basically, you know, like, duh, know what I'm sayin', basically.

All the sperm in the world isn't going to make a child if it's in another dude's rectum....get it?
It's no wonder my previous response went way over your head. You have no idea what this discussion is about.

Save it Bozo, you're running around flapping your yap thinking you're in the lead and you're a lap down
Don't be a sore loser... You must be used to getting owned by now

Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end you daffy dumb bastards. Stop playing stupid fucking games you can't win
You are a true scholar.
All the sperm in the world isn't going to make a child if it's in another dude's rectum....get it?
It's no wonder my previous response went way over your head. You have no idea what this discussion is about.

Save it Bozo, you're running around flapping your yap thinking you're in the lead and you're a lap down
Don't be a sore loser... You must be used to getting owned by now

Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end you daffy dumb bastards. Stop playing stupid fucking games you can't win
You are a true scholar.

Prove me wrong, Einstein. That would be game, set annnnnnnd match :)
Put 1,000 homosexual gay men on an island, leave them there with all they need to survive for 100 there in 75 years and what will you find? It's a dead end you daffy dumb bastards. Stop playing stupid fucking games you can't win
What depth of thought! You can add 2 + 2 all day long, but once a third digit is entered into the equation ..... you're racking your brains .

I've got news for you, Bonzo girl. Even 1,000 heterosxual men on an island would render the very same results. Duh!
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