Steve McGarrett Was Right: Gays NOT Born That Way, The Condition Is Related To Mental Illness

Just as hyper heterosexuality and rape and abuse of women (exhibited by the democrat candidate's husband) might be part of a bi-polar disorder, it seems that most sodomites waste their entire lives pursuing the perfect sexual adventure at the cost of their jobs and sometimes their marriage and their sanity and their lives. Why would a 'normal" man waste his life trying to squat to piss in the ladies room when there is so much else to life? The short answer is that it is a mental illness.
Just as hyper heterosexuality and rape and abuse of women (exhibited by the democrat candidate's husband) might be part of a bi-polar disorder, it seems that most sodomites waste their entire lives pursuing the perfect sexual adventure at the cost of their jobs and sometimes their marriage and their sanity and their lives. Why would a 'normal" man waste his life trying to squat to piss in the ladies room when there is so much else to life? The short answer is that it is a mental illness.

They squat or they flip...

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Just as hyper heterosexuality and rape and abuse of women (exhibited by the democrat candidate's husband) might be part of a bi-polar disorder, it seems that most sodomites waste their entire lives pursuing the perfect sexual adventure at the cost of their jobs and sometimes their marriage and their sanity and their lives. Why would a 'normal" man waste his life trying to squat to piss in the ladies room when there is so much else to life? The short answer is that it is a mental illness.
And that's where I draw the line. Homosexuality is not a mental disorder but transgenderism is. One of the markers of mental illness is the inability to distinguish fiction from reality, or the preference of fantasy over reality, which is why Dr. Michael Savage is right, liberalism is a mental disorder. The APA has been so corrupted by politics, that even when a man believes he's a woman, a most clear cut example of mental illness, they refuse to see it as such.
Just as hyper heterosexuality and rape and abuse of women (exhibited by the democrat candidate's husband) might be part of a bi-polar disorder, it seems that most sodomites waste their entire lives pursuing the perfect sexual adventure at the cost of their jobs and sometimes their marriage and their sanity and their lives. Why would a 'normal" man waste his life trying to squat to piss in the ladies room when there is so much else to life? The short answer is that it is a mental illness.
Also, why do "gay" men chase around an artificial vagina (an anus) while "lesbians" often use a dildo in sex? Mental illness. Or, alternately, closeted heterosexuality.
^^ Yes, 100s of millions of years ago homo sapiens evolved into dioecious mammals for the sake of procreation. Their drive to procreate is biological and instinctive. Homosexuals cannot procreate and by definition cannot be "an evolutionary phenomenon".

Next tiny-brained question?

Homosexulaity is an evolutionary dead end

and yet two gay men have a child with both DNA

Isn't science wonderful?

Soon womb transplants will be available for gay or transgenders. We know it can be done for women already.

Head transplants will be done in a few weeks as well. Then someone can truly have a woman's body or vs.

Men spill sperm all the time, so what. This is not the dark ages and we are not underpopulated due to the black death when man power was need to produce food for survival.

We may well be limited to two children in the not so distant future.

Common sense tells us most can not afford more than two or three children now. We don't have large extended families to help raise the children like many did in the past. Now we pay more for day care than many low income workers even make.

Tell man to stop masturbating and only have sex one week a month till their wife is pregnant and then wait at least a month or two after childbirth before having sex again.......... try and sell that to the majority of males. You would be laughed out of town. Then tell them if they can't afford more children to no have sex at all? What of older people? Because a woman can no longer breed she can't enjoy sex because it would be a waste of sperm?

Guess there are banks full of sperm if a woman wants of needs.

Spill sperm.....need to breed..... we are not live stock

Why must women always be pregnant? Why should sex for good health and fun be a bad thing? Sexual revolution freed women with birth control. Maybe men should have enough control with withdraw.....ops again spilling that golden sperm. Tell men not to have sex. Let women do what they want.
Why are you trying so hard to antiquate pregnancy? It's the most beautiful thing about humanity.

for the right time and women that want it. Sex is about far more than just procreation. Love does not have to include children.
I've got news for you, Bonzo girl. Even 1,000 heterosxual men on an island would render the very same results. Duh!
And they would have less fun.
Gosh! When your non-logic has been exposed, you change the subject faster than the time it takes the Orange Blossom special to pass by Folsom Prison.

You just go round in circles with your argument.

You should read what I was responding to. I made the opposite point.
You made a point?
There are really two classes of homosexuals, those who live in committed relationships and those who live the "high life", multiple partners, drug and alcohol abuse, a very self destructive lifestyle. These are at high risk for depression and suicide.

And how is that different from straights who do the same thing?
Ladies and Gentlemen, there are just some things you have to go with your gut instinct on and in this one instance, I, Steve McGarrett got it right. I guess being a conservative Christian Southern Baptist straight White man such as myself has it's benefits. It's called having intellect. And when using that intellect God graced me with along with a strong gut instinct, it alerts me to the dangers of society. It tells me that since liberalism is a mental disorder, so is homosexuality.

Gays NOT born that way, the condition is linked to Mental Illness – US study |

from your link: "The study does not claim that being gay is a choice, merely that stating the opposite may be wrong."
Really who gives a shit? This is a tired debate. You are not going to prove to millions of people that they have a mental disorder or what they feel is unnatural. Stop trying to demonize that which you don't understand and kindly crawl back into your hole.
I'm not demonizing them. I'm exposing the truth about them.

exposing them? they find love among their own gender and not the opposite?
what is there to expose? Why do care who they are attracted to?

Love is beautiful. finding that person that is a soul mate, especially in maturity that is as strong as ever is inspiring. We should all have more love in the world. Better love that ugly hate, bigotry or war.
Love is fleeting!

"Love is like a dying ember; only memories remain."

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