Steve Scalise wearing a n 95 mask

I just saw a video clip of this guy speaking yesterday wearing a mask. What in the world?

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We were told masks don’t make a difference. It’s three years after this thing.

I still wear a mask at certain times when in busy places. They work. I get far less colds and other things that are passed by people coughing and sneezing. I also wash my hands a lot, after touching other people's hands, door handles, when getting home etc.
A lot of your ignorant, gullible kind, were scared shitless of a hyperbolized common cold outbreak.
A lot of whom? No idea who you are talking about. I was never terrorized by it, even when I had it, while in a cabin at 10,000 ft plus altitude, though it was certainly no picnic, and I was glad to get back down to 230 ft where I could breathe. I did my best to help out later as a convalescent plasma donor.
People do not wear masks when they will get that kind of stuff.

I was in the hospital with a high-level spinal cord injury. My body was all destroyed. I didn’t wear a mask. Sometimes I was forced to, but when I could I took it off.

Mask doesn’t make a difference. People also died from the vaccine.
I was going to leave this thread alone, but you are spreading disinformation Frankie!

I wear a mask whenever I am in large crowds because my doctor told me to! I had a liver transplant last March and I take anti-rejection drugs which destroys my immune system. I had food poisoning last week and thought I would die. Masks don't prevent that, but they do prevent a whole host of diseases. My wife had COVID recently, but I never caught it from her.
You were told a lie.

Of course, you and others on the dishonest right continue to believe and spread that lie.
Nope 👎

Scalise also took his mask off while giving an interview today. He told everybody to back away, but then one guy was still about a few inches away from him. The entire thing just doesn’t make any sense.

talk about these lockdowns they destroyed our economy. Maybe you’re one of those latte sipping Starbucks people wearing a BLM T-shirt with an LGBT hat. “ all hail Fauci !!!”

“let’s all just do whatever he says, and be slaves”

Our countries in deep trouble today. Americans are infuriated at the high price of homes, and the inflation caused by the governments, including Republicans, locking us down. If you want to be a zombie or a good little pawn that’s on you. It will not happen again to the American people

Aw, leave the Republican House Majority leader alone on it. Maybe he has a cold and doesn't want to spread it. You guys won't be able to convince even all Republicans masks are totally useless until doctors and nurses no longer wear them in operating rooms, as most people still think some filtration is better than no filtration. Remember, a lot of good Republicans, party supporters, conservative radio show hosts, died with the Covid after going maskless to Trump rallies to show solidarity with the prevailing Republican message and example of their idiot leader up on the stage 30 feet from anybody. Some people just learn to err on the side of caution (misplaced or accurate), as it is the conservative thing to do, rather than throwing all cautions and precautions to the winds, as that often turns out to be more radically stupid than taking minor precautions. It is not like he told you to start wearing one, is it? What's it to you?
As you remember when it started, we got the old reach around from Progs as we could not call it the Chinese disease. Then we had the Prog controlled media and entertainers changing directions and laughing and jiving up Trump and the Republicans at every turn. With Fauci changing his views on what to do every few weeks. A man working for near 4 decades on biological weapons. Any person with that experience in any other field with that action would have been killed by their own in dangerous situations. Then we can come to the real liars...the long-term political class and their younger spawn political class who you can see morphing.
As you remember when it started, we got the old reach around from Progs as we could not call it the Chinese disease. Then we had the Prog controlled media and entertainers changing directions and laughing and jiving up Trump and the Republicans at every turn. With Fauci changing his views on what to do every few weeks. A man working for near 4 decades on biological weapons. Any person with that experience in any other field with that action would have been killed by their own in dangerous situations. Then we can come to the real liars...the long-term political class and their younger spawn political class who you can see morphing.
Oh, you mean back when Donald Trump was publicly thanking the Chinese for the wonderful effort in controlling and mitigating the disease, and send them $17 Million Dollars of our PPE supplies, we would need a month later? Is this the same time, he was telling his biographer on tape, he knew this was a serious disease, but he couldn't tell the American People. Is this the time period you are talking about?
What does any of your crap have to do with Steve Scalise? It is not that I care about that stooge. I just get sick of listening to you rabid Uni-Party Fks eating your own over crap that is none of your dang business. And, I really don't give a rats ass which of the two dipsh#t you morons elect for Speaker of the house. It certainly would be funny if the idiots split between the two and all the Dems voted for Jefferies, because you idiots can't even govern yourselves, much less anybody else.
Steve Scalise is on his last leg.
Yeah he (Scalise) got shot at a Republican charity baseball game practice by an anti-Trump loon who is also a progressive, Bernie Sanders supporter. Scalise was almost fatally shot, suffered internal organ damage and required several operations after being shot in the hip. The bullet traveled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs and severe bleeding. It's little wonder that after all the body trauma he would contract blood cancer.

Blood cancer is highly treatable today so you Democrat buzzards can stop circling.
Oh, you mean back when Donald Trump was publicly thanking the Chinese for the wonderful effort in controlling and mitigating the disease, and send them $17 Million Dollars of our PPE supplies, we would need a month later? Is this the same time, he was telling his biographer on tape, he knew this was a serious disease, but he couldn't tell the American People. Is this the time period you are talking about?
What does any of your crap have to do with Steve Scalise? It is not that I care about that stooge. I just get sick of listening to you rabid Uni-Party Fks eating your own over crap that is none of your dang business. And, I really don't give a rats ass which of the two dipsh#t you morons elect for Speaker of the house. It certainly would be funny if the idiots split between the two and all the Dems voted for Jefferies, because you idiots can't even govern yourselves, much less anybody else.
The Prog controlled system could have worked with Trump. They did not. They used his personality against him and of course to belittle him and his voters. Progs car nothing of life. The Prog Socialist Party is the end all. If watching what we have seen after Trump left does not educate us to see that we the people do not control our nation, then nothing will. It is then down to pure addiction to party. I guarantee you the checks and benefits will get slimmer at some point.
The Prog controlled system could have worked with Trump. They did not. They used his personality against him and of course to belittle him and his voters. Progs car nothing of life. The Prog Socialist Party is the end all. If watching what we have seen after Trump left does not educate us to see that we the people do not control our nation, then nothing will. It is then down to pure addiction to party. I guarantee you the checks and benefits will get slimmer at some point.
That idiot is and always has been his own worst enemy, along with being the enemy of the United States, it's constitution and the rule of law. I like and still vote for republicans at local and state level, but at National level, no way. All you people bring is chaos.
Oh, you mean back when Donald Trump was publicly thanking the Chinese for the wonderful effort in controlling and mitigating the disease, and send them $17 Million Dollars of our PPE supplies, we would need a month later? Is this the same time, he was telling his biographer on tape, he knew this was a serious disease, but he couldn't tell the American People. Is this the time period you are talking about?
What does any of your crap have to do with Steve Scalise? It is not that I care about that stooge. I just get sick of listening to you rabid Uni-Party Fks eating your own over crap that is none of your dang business. And, I really don't give a rats ass which of the two dipsh#t you morons elect for Speaker of the house. It certainly would be funny if the idiots split between the two and all the Dems voted for Jefferies, because you idiots can't even govern yourselves, much less anybody else.
You obviously do not know the process for electing a speaker. Jefferies would have to have every Democrat vote and then have Republicans vote for him. Unless someone gets a majority, the votes continue until someone does.

For example, on the first ballot, let us say that Jefferies wins all the Dems (212), Jordan takes 150 Republican votes, and Scalise gets the remaining 71. No one is elected because it takes a majority of the 435 members to become Speaker. On the second ballot, Scalise drops out. Jordan takes all of the Republican votes (221) to Jeffries 212, Jordan would be elected Speaker because he has a majority.


Chemo-therapy makes people seriously vulnerable to bacterial infections.​
Covid viruses are a fraction of the size of bacteria and are transmitted via aerosol, going right through masks.
Bacteria are generally transmitted in droplets, which masks can block.​
This is not about political parties either. :thup:
You obviously do not know the process for electing a speaker. Jefferies would have to have every Democrat vote and then have Republicans vote for him. Unless someone gets a majority, the votes continue until someone does.

For example, on the first ballot, let us say that Jefferies wins all the Dems (212), Jordan takes 150 Republican votes, and Scalise gets the remaining 71. No one is elected because it takes a majority of the 435 members to become Speaker. On the second ballot, Scalise drops out. Jordan takes all of the Republican votes (221) to Jeffries 212, Jordan would be elected Speaker because he has a majority.

I don't really care. It only takes 218 or a plurality of the votes. I doubt anybody but Jefferies will get Dem votes. I will admit, though we will probably get another two years of one of the most do nothing House in the history of the House of Representatives.

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