Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon, in the White House


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
No doubt we know what herr dumpf is all about with his pick

Anyone holding out hope that Donald Trump would govern as a uniter — that the racism, sexism, anti-Semitism and nativism of his campaign were just poses to pick up votes — should think again.

In an ominous sign of what the Trump presidency will actually look like, the president-elect on Sunday appointed Stephen Bannon as his chief White House strategist and senior counselor, an enormously influential post.

Many if not most Americans had never heard of Mr. Bannon before this weekend, and for good reason: He has kept a low profile, even after taking over Mr. Trump’s campaign in August. Before that, he worked as the executive chairman of the Breitbart News Network, parent company of the far-right website Breitbart News, which under Mr. Bannon became what the Southern Poverty Law Center has called a “white ethno-nationalist propaganda mill.”

Mr. Bannon himself seems fine with that description, telling Mother Joneslast summer that Breitbart was now “the platform for the alt-right,” a loosely organized group of mostly young men who believe in white supremacy; oppose immigration, feminism and multiculturalism; and delight in harassing Jews, Muslims and other vulnerable groups by spewing shocking insults on social media.
Guno, maybe you can hitch a ride with Miley Cyrus or Cher and make a new life in Canada. Bon voyage. Please do.

Leave Canada alone!

They deserve to be sent to a nation that will be more to their liking which is North Korea!
Guno, maybe you can hitch a ride with Miley Cyrus or Cher and make a new life in Canada. Bon voyage. Please do.

Leave Canada alone!

They deserve to be sent to a nation that will be more to their liking which is North Korea!
Agreed. But, like Miley and Cher, guno is all talk. There may be a little trip but even these ninnys know how good it is in the USA, they'll be back. Where else can you hissy fit all you want? Even Canada isn't that tolerant. LOL
Oh guno. You are late to the party. This lie has been completely blown out of the water. Alt right is many organizations. Not just one group.

Bannon does not head them. He is not the leader of any of the groups. Bannon did realize many alt right posters did post on the website and he was cool with that. As he said of course there are racists in any groups black or white. Majority are just fine.

Now as to anti Semite and trying to paint Bannon as such. Man oh man what a whopper. I'm getting tire of countering these stupid threads but here I go again.

Bannon for years was a freind, a confidant and an advisor to Breitbart. Andrew was a Jew.

Joel Pollak is Senior Editor at large at Breibart and has worked with Bannon for many a year and come out in strong defense of Bannon. Orthodox.

Then you have the CEO of Breitbart Larry Solov who worked with Bannon to start up Breitbart Jerusalem. Guess what religion.

On top of all that you have very heavy hitters like David Horowitz and Mark Levin jumping in to bust this lie that Bannon is an anti Semite.

Oh and don't forget Jared and Ivanka Kushner, Trump's daughter and son in law who worked closely with Bannon during the campaign and embrace his new position in the cabinet.

And last but not least the ZOA has dumped hard and heavy on the ADL for spreading the lies about Breitbart and Bannon and have completely given their blessing to Bannon being part of Trump's team.

Now you sure you want to stick to the whopper that Bannon is anti Semetic and that this Jewish run website is anti Semetic and white supremicist?

You really want to try to pull that bullshit off now?


You left wing loons should have done your homework.
Yet again, we have fact-free commentary from the Left. I've been following this story and have yet to see a single quotation from Bannon himself indicating any sort of bigotry against anyone (other than Leftists).

Our Beloved President sat in the pew for 20 years listening to a hateful "Black nationalist," whose divisive, stupid, and inflammatory rhetoric was brought out for all the world to see.

The Left's reaction, "Picky, picky, picky."

Guno, maybe you can hitch a ride with Miley Cyrus or Cher and make a new life in Canada. Bon voyage. Please do.

Leave Canada alone!

They deserve to be sent to a nation that will be more to their liking which is North Korea!
Agreed. But, like Miley and Cher, guno is all talk. There may be a little trip but even these ninnys know how good it is in the USA, they'll be back. Where else can you hissy fit all you want? Even Canada isn't that tolerant. LOL

Oh Gee I thought everyone who voted for Trump was very unhappy with the USA, that is was not great anymore. Guess if Trump does not make it great again, you will all be leaving. Some of us, even with its problems have always felt we lived in a great nation.
Guno, maybe you can hitch a ride with Miley Cyrus or Cher and make a new life in Canada. Bon voyage. Please do.

Leave Canada alone!

They deserve to be sent to a nation that will be more to their liking which is North Korea!
Agreed. But, like Miley and Cher, guno is all talk. There may be a little trip but even these ninnys know how good it is in the USA, they'll be back. Where else can you hissy fit all you want? Even Canada isn't that tolerant. LOL

Oh Gee I thought everyone who voted for Trump was very unhappy with the USA, that is was not great anymore. Guess if Trump does not make it great again, you will all be leaving. Some of us, even with its problems have always felt we lived in a great nation.
You haven't been paying attention, Penelope.
Guno, maybe you can hitch a ride with Miley Cyrus or Cher and make a new life in Canada. Bon voyage. Please do.
Canada immigration laws a VERY strict. They don't allow non citizens to just move into their country. There is a lengthy process you have to go through.
Starting at 4 pm local time I will need to start listening to the evening news shows until around 12:30 pm all day until Seth Meyers comes on with his gut busting comedy.

Hopefully they will say something about Bannon.

I don't care how far Right Wing these guys are as long as they get results.
I'm not real up to speed on this guy.

Any actual, specific quotes on him?
I'm not real up to speed on this guy.

Any actual, specific quotes on him?

His ex wife said that he said in a custody/bitter divorce battle that he didn't want his daughters going to the same school with Jewish children.

But this flies completely in the face of his relationships with Breitbart and the whole upper echelon at Breitbart news. Andrew was a Jew and so is everyone else.

Bannon helped set up Breitbart Jerusalem with the CEO of Breitbart who is Jewish as well.
Netanyahu congratulates calls Trump a "true friend" of Israel and says that the US and Israel will now be able to restore relations. Obviously this is in stark contrast to the Hussein, who has done everything in his power to fuck Israel over.

And yet, it's Trump and his administration that are the "anti-semites"...:blahblah:

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