Steven Dutch, worlds leading Physicist debunks twoofer

U.S.D.C. Eastern District of Virginia

Once again, case closed.

Now please ignore this troll..............

I am sure you want it to be case closed for fear I will turn something up and I know I will because its all fraud and no one signs their name to this shit knowing that if someone like me comes along they wind up in jail for perjury.

They will sign it department of xyz to insure you cant pierce the corporate veil and thats immediate file 13.

Nope case not closed, I asked to see the documents. Its looking more like you believe anything without really knowing if its true. If I am going to condemn someone of a crime I at least want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the materials placed into evidence are in fact bonafide evidence.

You reject that huh?

No dumbshit, what I reject is that you want us to believe that you can determine valid evidence better than a federal court can....

I reject that you believe half the stupid shit you've tried to make us think you believe.

And i reject you.

You have been weighed, and measured, and found wanting.......

Try again when you have some facts......You know something that a court would consider evidence.... You've had ample opportunity to see what has already been presented and accepted in a court of law....

So I challenge you, prove any of those pieces of evidence to be false.
Show us one piece of evidence that would hold up in court that 4 planes did not crash on 9-11-01......

When you can do that we'll talk............
Until then, I neg stupidity.....


wrong its not evidence until it is validated by process.

wrong I claim I have seen NO valid evidence from the government.

YOU claim they have valid evidence.


you refuse to cite the required certifications for validation.

I dont give a shit if you have a mountain of junk and pictures, its all fucking worthless outside of process proving validation.

again you are delusional by pretending it has any legitimate value.

your constant dodging proves you have no bonafide evidence

proving your claim is bullshit is simple, no validation, = worthless mountain of shit PERIOD! No more need be said.

you cannot support your claims and you want to blackmail me into thinking like a tard by negging me, now thats fucking hilarious, I am not here to win a tardocracy popularity contest.
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Kokojoke must be getting tired, hauling those goalposts around all day. :lol:

'Give me evidence that planes hit the towers!' he screams.
Photo and video evidence is easily supplied.

'That is faked!' he yells.
He is asked to prove that.

'I don't have to prove it!' he retorts. 'Show me the bonafide evidence!'
He is asked what constitutes bonafide evidence.

'Evidence properly processed through the courts!' he replies.
He is shown court cases surrounding 9/11.

'The courts are corrupt!' he yells. 'Only a fool would sign off on the evidence presented in this case! It's all faked!'.
And the circle of conspiracy is joined.

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I am sure you want it to be case closed for fear I will turn something up and I know I will because its all fraud and no one signs their name to this shit knowing that if someone like me comes along they wind up in jail for perjury.

They will sign it department of xyz to insure you cant pierce the corporate veil and thats immediate file 13.

Nope case not closed, I asked to see the documents. Its looking more like you believe anything without really knowing if its true. If I am going to condemn someone of a crime I at least want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the materials placed into evidence are in fact bonafide evidence.

You reject that huh?

No dumbshit, what I reject is that you want us to believe that you can determine valid evidence better than a federal court can....

I reject that you believe half the stupid shit you've tried to make us think you believe.

And i reject you.

You have been weighed, and measured, and found wanting.......

Try again when you have some facts......You know something that a court would consider evidence.... You've had ample opportunity to see what has already been presented and accepted in a court of law....

So I challenge you, prove any of those pieces of evidence to be false.
Show us one piece of evidence that would hold up in court that 4 planes did not crash on 9-11-01......

When you can do that we'll talk............
Until then, I neg stupidity.....


wrong its not evidence until it is validated by process.

wrong I claim I have seen NO valid evidence from the government.

YOU claim they have valid evidence.


Clearly in your mind nothing that fails to support your particular lunacy, including the gov't investigation and subsequent court decisions and events, should be considered valid.
No one has a greater interest in proving the gov't explanation bogus than the insurers, both domestic and foreign, who paid out billions in claims and have virtually limitless legal and investigative resources. Fully 12+ years after the 9/11 attack no one has provided any valid alternative in court. Case closed.
I'm not arguing with this nutcase anymore. I'll still neg his stupidity though.

you dont have much choice when you dont have the the goods or knowledge to back up your claims.

You have shown that you are the stoopid one here so blackmail and neg yourself! LMAO

There you go folks, demand that they prove their claims and they classify you as a nutcase and try to blackmail you into posting in support their vices and dysfunctions.
So you consider courts the only arbiter of truth?

If someone tells you they see an event, do you ask them if they have certified, sealed, sworn evidence from a court?

What makes a court able to determine the truth of, say, video evidence? Wouldn't it be better to take it before someone who works in that field?

Also, again, you are setting a bar that cannot be reached. Convenient for you. Since the vast majority of people find the evidence overwhelming that planes did, in fact, hit the towers, there is little-to-no possibility that a court will ever hear a case about the possibility it was all a hoax. Because of that, you can continue to chirp about needing 'bonafide' evidence because such evidence, by the arbitrary standards you desire, will never exist to be presented to you.

I am pretty certain that any court hearing a case about the 9/11 attacks would accept the video and witness evidence that it did, in fact, happen.

At least most of the truthers accept the reality that planes hit the towers; they just don't think the planes caused the collapses.


Really, he said he wanted court evidence, it was provided and he questioned the court. Fuck this troll.......Where's 911shitforbrains at least he is entertaining at times......

the court will accept used asswipe as evidence for the quality of a diamond if the defense does not challenge the evidence, mosoui is a fucking idiot he knew nothing about court procedure or that it could all be thrown out. If that evidence that you claim is valid really is then it has a nice paper trail connected with it.

Otherwise you still have nothing and fail to make your case. It looks like the picture of one I see that came from a mountain side in spain.

See getting to the truth isnt as cut and dry and easy as you think. YOu want to prove soemthing is true its not as simple as taking ollies word for it.
"It looks like the picture of one I see that came from a mountain side in spain." koko7
other than being rock solid evidence of mental illness .
from that picture alone there is no way for you to know it is not from the shanksville crash.
No dumbshit, what I reject is that you want us to believe that you can determine valid evidence better than a federal court can....

I reject that you believe half the stupid shit you've tried to make us think you believe.

And i reject you.

You have been weighed, and measured, and found wanting.......

Try again when you have some facts......You know something that a court would consider evidence.... You've had ample opportunity to see what has already been presented and accepted in a court of law....

So I challenge you, prove any of those pieces of evidence to be false.
Show us one piece of evidence that would hold up in court that 4 planes did not crash on 9-11-01......

When you can do that we'll talk............
Until then, I neg stupidity.....


wrong its not evidence until it is validated by process.

wrong I claim I have seen NO valid evidence from the government.

YOU claim they have valid evidence.


Clearly in your mind nothing that fails to support your particular lunacy, including the gov't investigation and subsequent court decisions and events, should be considered valid.
No one has a greater interest in proving the gov't explanation bogus than the insurers, both domestic and foreign, who paid out billions in claims and have virtually limitless legal and investigative resources. Fully 12+ years after the 9/11 attack no one has provided any valid alternative in court. Case closed.

so because someone else didnt you think that proves anything? cite the source of that insane logic, outside yourself of course.

Nope if its legitimate the paperwork proving it exists, if not it does not, apparently you all have severe comprehension deficit since you all take turns puking up the same puke thinking its something different.
I am sure you want it to be case closed for fear I will turn something up and I know I will because its all fraud and no one signs their name to this shit knowing that if someone like me comes along they wind up in jail for perjury.

They will sign it department of xyz to insure you cant pierce the corporate veil and thats immediate file 13.

Nope case not closed, I asked to see the documents. Its looking more like you believe anything without really knowing if its true. If I am going to condemn someone of a crime I at least want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the materials placed into evidence are in fact bonafide evidence.

You reject that huh?

No dumbshit, what I reject is that you want us to believe that you can determine valid evidence better than a federal court can....

I reject that you believe half the stupid shit you've tried to make us think you believe.

And i reject you.

You have been weighed, and measured, and found wanting.......

Try again when you have some facts......You know something that a court would consider evidence.... You've had ample opportunity to see what has already been presented and accepted in a court of law....

So I challenge you, prove any of those pieces of evidence to be false.
Show us one piece of evidence that would hold up in court that 4 planes did not crash on 9-11-01......

When you can do that we'll talk............
Until then, I neg stupidity.....

Damn, I have to spread some rep around so I can neg this stupidity again.....BRB

He's still at +5. You will need to NEG him at least once more to balance his REP with his IQ.

It is meaningless so trying to use it to blackmail me to post in your favor is nothing short of a joke.

You people are outing yourselves and showing how corrupt you are, but you want the government to treat you fairly. Shame on you all.
damn, i have to spread some rep around so i can neg this stupidity again.....brb

he's still at +5. You will need to neg him at least once more to balance his rep with his iq.

it is meaningless so trying to use it to blackmail me to post in your favor is nothing short of a joke.

You people are outing yourselves and showing how corrupt you are, but you want the government to treat you fairly. Shame on you all.
oh no! Not the blackmail, you're corrupt agents of the nwo ploy again!
Hee hee poor little mentally ill man, all alone in the thread convincing himself everyone else is crazy and he's the sane one.

What better example of insanity is there than one gibbering fool thinking he alone has a grasp on reality while all the other people are the insane ones? You could probably get an advanced psych degree just by printing this thread and turning it in as your thesis.
hee hee poor little mentally ill man, all alone in the thread convincing himself everyone else is crazy and he's the sane one.

What better example of insanity is there than one gibbering fool thinking he alone has a grasp on reality while all the other people are the insane ones? You could probably get an advanced psych degree just by printing this thread and turning it in as your thesis.
not a bad idea!
BTW Tojo, no one wants you to post in their favor, whatever that's supposed to mean.

But when you insist on proof that there were planes and you deny the evidence accepted in federal court...Well, you're nuts!

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