Steven "POS" Colbert


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
Does Colbert exercising his 1st Amendment rights make you feel less Safe, Snowflake?
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
Trump is president of the United States of America. I am Glad he is president rather than Clinton.
I'm not sure what "Trump is not my president" means. Individuals don't have presidents. The country has a president and his name is Donald J. Trump.
Alt Right Snowflakes like RR are very, very afraid of the 1st Amendment rights of American citizens.
Colbert is as creepy as an MSNBC qu332r. His deformed right ear. He can pay for a plastic surgeon to fix that. Why not?
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.

They always threaten to leave the country but never do.

I reckon it's all a part of their pathological progressive lying.

They simply can't help themselves.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.
You can also call him Steven "Highest Rated Late Night Show" Colbert
Has Amy Schumer on the same night he makes a lame Trump Constitution. I think he's jumping the shark.
In Regard to Steven Colbert, and the vile, disgusting left. As I've said about the rest of the Slime Balls in Hollywood. If you don't like America , and if you claim that Trump is not your President you may feel free to leave the country, Cuba, and Venezuela may suit you better.

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