Steven Spielberg's movie about Lincoln is pure bullshit !!!!!!!

"deport all" blacks "back to Africa" was not even in the slightest considered by AL.

He and his generals were faced what to do with more than 3 million slaves, and some of the ideas were to send willing volunteers to Haiti and Central America, not all of them, not one of them unwilling.

Gipper is guilty of falsying history and of present-ism the sort we find at SnoreFront and Devil Like Productions.

For shame.
"deport all" blacks "back to Africa" was not even in the slightest considered by AL.

He and his generals were faced what to do with more than 3 million slaves, and some of the ideas were to send willing volunteers to Haiti and Central America, not all of them, not one of them unwilling.

Gipper is guilty of falsying history and of present-ism the sort we find at SnoreFront and Devil Like Productions.

For shame.

Wrong again. Why do you persist with posting lies and distortions? A simple Google search proves you wrong. Now will you chose to educate yourself or stay ignorant?

Perhaps no one has described it better than black author Lenore Bennett, Jr. No conservative nor friend of the Confederacy, Bennett wrote in his massive chronicle Forced Into Glory, Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream:

What Lincoln proposed officially and publicly was that the United States government buy the slaves and deport them to Africa or South America. This was not a passing whim. In five major policy declarations, including two State of the Union addresses and the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, the sixteenth president of the United States publicly and officially called for the deportation of blacks. On countless other occasions, in conferences with cronies, Democratic and Republican leaders, and high government officials, he called for colonization of blacks or aggressively promoted colonization by private and official acts.

Lincoln’s own words, and those of his colleagues, left abundant evidence of his views. Following are a few of the many examples.

"Let us be brought to believe it is morally right, and, at the same time, favorable to, or, at least, not against, our interest, to transfer the African to his native clime, and we shall find a way to do it, however great the task may be. The children of Israel, to such numbers as to include four hundred thousand fighting men, went out of Egyptian bondage in a body."

~ Lincoln, 1857

"It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation, and deportation, peaceably, and in such degrees, as the evil will wear off insensibly; and their places be . . . filled up by free white laborers."

~ Lincoln, February 27, 1860, New York City

"But if gradual emancipation and deportation be adopted, they will have neither to flee from . . . till new homes can be found for them, in congenial climes, and with people of their own blood and race."

~ Lincoln’s 1862 State of the Union Address

"(It) might well be well to consider, too, whether the free colored people already in the United States could not, so far as individuals may desire, be included in such colonization."

~ Lincoln’s 1862 State of the Union Address,
regarding already-free blacks and the American Colonization Society

He asked Congress to pass a constitutional amendment:

"colonizing free colored persons, with their own consent, at any place or places without the United States."

What if Congress refused to grant Lincoln’s desire for this sprawling, whites-only enclave, which included states and western territories alike?

"We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best, hope of earth."

"Almost from the commencement of this administration, the subject of deporting the colored race has been discussed . . . As early as May 1861, a great pressure was made upon me to enter into a coal contract with (a) company. The President was in earnest in the matter, wished to send the Negroes out of the country."

~ Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles

"(President Lincoln) zealously and persistently devised schemes for the deportation of the Negroes, which the latter deemed cruel and atrocious in the extreme . . . "

~ Close friend and Federal Marshal Ward Hill Lamon

Until Americans – especially conservatives and Christians – begin to appreciate how misguided was Lincoln in so many ways, how many lives his actions destroyed or ruined, and how unlike conservative and Christian principles were those actions, we will be frustrated in our efforts to elect wise statesmen to lead us, and to support and require statesmanlike conduct from them.Misconceptions About Lincoln by John J. Dwyer
Abraham Lincoln 'wanted to deport slaves' to new colonies - Telegraph
Book: Lincoln sought to deport freed slaves - Washington Times
Abraham Lincoln 'tried to deport slaves' to British colonies | Mail Online
The Great Emancipator Abraham Lincoln and the Issue of Race
Abraham Lincoln wanted to deport slaves to British colonies, reveals book - Lifestyle - DNA
Lincoln ‘tried to deport slaves’ -- NationNews Barbados -- Local, Regional and International News --
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Bennett makes the assertion of ALL slaves would be shipped without conclusive supporting documents to prove the assertion. (I notice you have gone from all African Americans to all slaves)

Gipper repeats the assertion without having checked the documents

At the same time, the President was considering the franchise for black veterans and educated blacks.

Gipper truly does not understand what the President was doing, and Bennett has deliberately skewed the facts to an untenable conclusion.
Oh God another neo confederate hate Lincoln thread......Dont any of you ever get sick of trying to hide the fact that slavery was a reality back then?
It is really a "we hate statism and presidents who use statist programs for either good or bad", because the 'anti-statists' want to curb federal power.
The number one priority with Lincoln was the preservation of the Union, the rest, such as slavery which he was against took second place. Lincoln's reaction to the Ghost Amendment seems evidence that the Union came first.
The number one priority with Lincoln was the preservation of the Union, the rest, such as slavery which he was against took second place. Lincoln's reaction to the Ghost Amendment seems evidence that the Union came first.

You see that as a bad thing?

The TRUTH is sometimes hard for some people to accept. Generally I think it is due to ignorance. But it might be that truth is whatever some people want it to be and facts be damned.
Without Lincoln, warfare between and among the states would have occurred for decades. Texas would have created its own nation, as would the territories of Utah and New Mexico, and the Pacific Coast states. They would have warred until one super-national state arose. The end would be the same: the United States of America. The cost would have been much higher.
"Cornerstone Speech," by Vice President of the Confederacy Alexander H. Stephens, given March 21, 1861, at Savannah, Georgia

The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution African slavery as it exists amongst us the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution...

Our new government is founded upon...the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.
Cornerstone Speech by Alexander H. Stephens
Prior to and during the presidential campaign of 1860 Abraham Lincoln spoke of what he called "a second Dredd Scott Decision."

This would have been a decision by the Supreme Court finding laws against slavery in the free states to be unconstitutional.

Lincoln did not campaign on a promise to free the slaves. He did campaign on a promise to restrict slavery to the states where it was legal. This promise united two very different constituencies. Abolitionists wanted to free the slaves where slavery existed. They thought Lincoln was the best man they could vote for, considering the political consensus. Then there were those who wanted to keep slavery out of their states and the territories because they wanted to keep blacks out of those areas.

During the 1860 election Lincoln won 39.65% of the vote.

403 Forbidden

In a two way election that is considered to be losing by a landslide. Four men ran for president in 1860. The other three were more supportive of slavery than Lincoln.

If the slave owners in the South had had more sense they would have realized that even if Lincoln wanted to free their slaves he lacked both the mandate, and the popular support to do so. There would have been no secession.

Also, during the nineteenth century the American South produced the best cotton and tobacco at the lowest prices. This was true whether the cotton and tobacco was grown by slaves or share croppers.

Another factor to consider is that as many as ninety five percent of white men in the South did not own slaves. Farmers without slaves had difficulty competing with plantation owners who owned slaves. Non slave owning whites in the South usually earned less than their skills would have earned for them in the North. European immigrants usually moved to the free states because there were better economic opportunities there.

On top of that, men who owned at least 20 slaves were draft exempt from the Confederate military. The Confederacy really was a rich man's war and a poor man's fight.
The Civil War was forced on President Lincoln by slave owners defending an institution whose existence made a mockery of America's most cherished value, which has always been freedom.

If Lincoln had not preserved the Union, there would probably be more than two countries between Canada and Mexico. The disunited states would not have been able to advance the causes of freedom and democracy during the twentieth century.

Because Lincoln was able to preserve the Union, the United States went on to become the strongest and richest country in the world.
(Or, How a Real Statesman Would Have Ended Slavery)
by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

"Every other country in the world got rid of slavery without a civil war . . . . How much would that cost compared to killing 600,000 Americans when the hatred lingered for 100 years."

~ Ron Paul to Tim Russert on "Meet the Press" in 2007

The new Steven Spielberg movie about Lincoln is entirely based on a fiction, to use a mild term. As longtime Ebony magazine executive editor Lerone Bennett, Jr. explained in his book, Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream: "There is a pleasant fiction that Lincoln . . . became a flaming advocate of the [Thirteenth] amendment and used the power of his office to buy votes to ensure its passage. There is no evidence, as David H. Donald has noted, to support that fiction". (Emphasis added).

In fact, as Bennett shows, it was the genuine abolitionists in Congress who forced Lincoln to support the Thirteenth Amendment that ended slavery, something he refused to do for fifty-four of his fifty-six years. The truth, in other words, is precisely the opposite of the story told in Spielberg’s Lincoln movie, which is based on the book Team of Rivals by the confessed plagiarist/court historian Doris Kearns-Goodwin. (My LRC review of her book was entitled "A Plagiarist’s Contribution to Lincoln Idolatry").


A Speilberg movie that isn't 100% factual and true? I'm shocked !!!! :eek:

I thought he pretty much nailed it with E. T.. :lol:
The revisionists, clearly out of context, mistakenly conflate Lincoln's awareness that slavery must end with Lincoln being an abolitionist. Lincoln's massive contributions to the 13th Amendment are indeed documented, are not in question. He supported the amendment to crush the divisive slave power that cursed America for more than two centuries.

Lincoln is a study of evolving over the decades on an issue that would nearly destroy the Union.

Oh, and the Radicals never led Lincoln. Quite to the contrary, he led them wherever he wanted, which drove Sumner, Wilson, and other nuts.
Lincoln was far from an abolitionist. His intention was to repatriate blacks back to Africa. He would never have ended slavery in this country but it was the method he chose to punish the south for secession.

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