Steven Spielberg's movie about Lincoln is pure bullshit !!!!!!!

$10 says that the movie has nothing about him being one of the worst Presidents who butchered the constitution

What Article in the Constitution gives any State the right to leave the Union?

You HAVE read the Bill of Rights, yes? The 9th and 10th Amendments? Of course you have, otherwise you wouldn't have so-carefully restricted your question ONLY to the "Articles of the Constitution", in an attempt to pretend that ONLY the Articles of the Constitution apply. Nice try.

Since the Articles of the Constitution exist to describe the rights and responsibilities of the federal government, not the states or the people, perhaps YOU can tell us where in the Articles of the Constitution the federal government is given the right of forcible coercion against states to keep them in the Union.

Since the Civil War the secession question is academic, a state cannot secede unless it has the power to do so. The questions of secession or nullification are long dead. The executive and the judicial have both rejected the concepts.
And the North and the West murdered the Old South. It and its doctrines of treason and secession will never be treated with any other reaction than laughter.
They also had a movie out about Lincoln slaying zombies or somesuch. Silly.
$10 says that the movie has nothing about him being one of the worst Presidents who butchered the constitution

What Article in the Constitution gives any State the right to leave the Union?

You HAVE read the Bill of Rights, yes? The 9th and 10th Amendments? Of course you have, otherwise you wouldn't have so-carefully restricted your question ONLY to the "Articles of the Constitution", in an attempt to pretend that ONLY the Articles of the Constitution apply. Nice try.

Since the Articles of the Constitution exist to describe the rights and responsibilities of the federal government, not the states or the people, perhaps YOU can tell us where in the Articles of the Constitution the federal government is given the right of forcible coercion against states to keep them in the Union.
Does that mean said states have no fault when they start a war like the confederates did?
Lincoln was clearly a dictator and white supremacist who prosecuted a brutal war against the principle of democracy. If you believe in democracy you must agree that any sizable region (Ireland, the Ukraine, Slovakia, Quebec) has the right to secede if they so desire. Anything else is tyranny. I hate sentimental portraits of Lincoln - he was a crooked politician whose armies tortured suspected deserters and imposed a deadly blockade which killed many Southern civilians.

Let's put myths to rest

The Mythical Lincoln

It seems like the more Americans a president kills the higher up he ranks on the list of greatest presidents.
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What Article in the Constitution gives any State the right to leave the Union?

You HAVE read the Bill of Rights, yes? The 9th and 10th Amendments? Of course you have, otherwise you wouldn't have so-carefully restricted your question ONLY to the "Articles of the Constitution", in an attempt to pretend that ONLY the Articles of the Constitution apply. Nice try.

Since the Articles of the Constitution exist to describe the rights and responsibilities of the federal government, not the states or the people, perhaps YOU can tell us where in the Articles of the Constitution the federal government is given the right of forcible coercion against states to keep them in the Union.
Does that mean said states have no fault when they start a war like the confederates did?

I'm afraid I have trouble seeing "fault" in exercising one's rights, or in seeing it as "starting a war" by doing so simply because someone ELSE decides they're going to forcibly stop you from exercising those rights.

Keep in mind that, although in this day and age people believe secession to have been "settled" by the War Between the States as "not a state's right", at that time it was believed by most people to be fully and correctly within the power of the states to do. Our own Founding Fathers very much believed in the right of a people to withdraw themselves from a social and political contract they felt to be onerous, burdensome, and unfair to them. They HAD to have believed it, because that's what they did themselves in the American Revolutionary War.

Justify all you like, but when Lincoln chose to use military force to subjugate the Southern states and retain them in the Union against their will, he believed he was violating their rights, and he didn't care, because he rationalized it as "for the greater good", just like you guys are doing now. "Well, their reason for wanting to leave sucked, so it's okay that their rights were violated." Does that mean that if you don't approve of the use I put my freedom of speech to, that makes it okay for the government to censor me? Which other rights of individuals and states do you believe can be suppressed if the cause for which they're exercised doesn't meet with your approval?
Wars would have extended throughout North America because of it, from Mexico and the Caribbean to Canada.

Yeah sure....yet somehow the entire western world, including the huge British empire, eliminated slavery without bloodshed....strange???

The Lincoln Myth is strong among the feeble minded.

Then the confederates states shouldnt have started a war....

They didn't. Your beloved Dishonest Abe did. He then proceeded to cause the deaths of 800,000 Americans.

Funny how he destroyed the South just to keep it in the Union. How this could be considered admirable, I will never know.
Lincoln was clearly a dictator and white supremacist who prosecuted a brutal war against the principle of democracy. If you believe in democracy you must agree that any sizable region (Ireland, the Ukraine, Slovakia, Quebec) has the right to secede if they so desire. Anything else is tyranny. I hate sentimental portraits of Lincoln - he was a crooked politician whose armies tortured suspected deserters and imposed a deadly blockade which killed many Southern civilians.

Let's put myths to rest

The Mythical Lincoln

It seems like the more Americans a president kills the higher up he ranks on the list of greatest presidents.

Yes it is amazing how so many Americans have been duped into believing the Lincoln myth promoted by the ruling elite. The ruling elite have done much the same with the worthless lying fool FDR. No doubt they will do it with Obama too and many people will fall for the statist lies.
Yeah sure....yet somehow the entire western world, including the huge British empire, eliminated slavery without bloodshed....strange???

The Lincoln Myth is strong among the feeble minded.

Then the confederates states shouldnt have started a war....

They didn't. Your beloved Dishonest Abe did. He then proceeded to cause the deaths of 800,000 Americans.

Funny how he destroyed the South just to keep it in the Union. How this could be considered admirable, I will never know.

That odd seeing as it was the confederates who fired on a union fort.
You HAVE read the Bill of Rights, yes? The 9th and 10th Amendments? Of course you have, otherwise you wouldn't have so-carefully restricted your question ONLY to the "Articles of the Constitution", in an attempt to pretend that ONLY the Articles of the Constitution apply. Nice try.

Since the Articles of the Constitution exist to describe the rights and responsibilities of the federal government, not the states or the people, perhaps YOU can tell us where in the Articles of the Constitution the federal government is given the right of forcible coercion against states to keep them in the Union.
Does that mean said states have no fault when they start a war like the confederates did?

I'm afraid I have trouble seeing "fault" in exercising one's rights, or in seeing it as "starting a war" by doing so simply because someone ELSE decides they're going to forcibly stop you from exercising those rights.

Keep in mind that, although in this day and age people believe secession to have been "settled" by the War Between the States as "not a state's right", at that time it was believed by most people to be fully and correctly within the power of the states to do. Our own Founding Fathers very much believed in the right of a people to withdraw themselves from a social and political contract they felt to be onerous, burdensome, and unfair to them. They HAD to have believed it, because that's what they did themselves in the American Revolutionary War.

Justify all you like, but when Lincoln chose to use military force to subjugate the Southern states and retain them in the Union against their will, he believed he was violating their rights, and he didn't care, because he rationalized it as "for the greater good", just like you guys are doing now. "Well, their reason for wanting to leave sucked, so it's okay that their rights were violated." Does that mean that if you don't approve of the use I put my freedom of speech to, that makes it okay for the government to censor me? Which other rights of individuals and states do you believe can be suppressed if the cause for which they're exercised doesn't meet with your approval?

It is starting a war when you fire on a union base continuously. I know you would love it to be Lincoln being the bad guy but truth is he isnt. He was just the smarter and better guy.
(Or, How a Real Statesman Would Have Ended Slavery)
by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

"Every other country in the world got rid of slavery without a civil war . . . . How much would that cost compared to killing 600,000 Americans when the hatred lingered for 100 years."

~ Ron Paul to Tim Russert on "Meet the Press" in 2007

The new Steven Spielberg movie about Lincoln is entirely based on a fiction, to use a mild term. As longtime Ebony magazine executive editor Lerone Bennett, Jr. explained in his book, Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream: "There is a pleasant fiction that Lincoln . . . became a flaming advocate of the [Thirteenth] amendment and used the power of his office to buy votes to ensure its passage. There is no evidence, as David H. Donald has noted, to support that fiction". (Emphasis added).

In fact, as Bennett shows, it was the genuine abolitionists in Congress who forced Lincoln to support the Thirteenth Amendment that ended slavery, something he refused to do for fifty-four of his fifty-six years. The truth, in other words, is precisely the opposite of the story told in Spielberg’s Lincoln movie, which is based on the book Team of Rivals by the confessed plagiarist/court historian Doris Kearns-Goodwin. (My LRC review of her book was entitled "A Plagiarist’s Contribution to Lincoln Idolatry").


WOW, after reading DiLorenzo's piece, I guess the GOP really IS the party of Lincoln.
Yeah sure....yet somehow the entire western world, including the huge British empire, eliminated slavery without bloodshed....strange???

The Lincoln Myth is strong among the feeble minded.

Then the confederates states shouldnt have started a war....

They didn't. Your beloved Dishonest Abe did. He then proceeded to cause the deaths of 800,000 Americans.
The southern rebels did.

They did months before Lincoln even stepped into office.
Funny how he destroyed the South just to keep it in the Union. How this could be considered admirable, I will never know.
You should be happy he did. Had he not kept this Union together, you might not be here right now, spouting garbage.
Then the confederates states shouldnt have started a war....

They didn't. Your beloved Dishonest Abe did. He then proceeded to cause the deaths of 800,000 Americans.
The southern rebels did.

They did months before Lincoln even stepped into office.
Funny how he destroyed the South just to keep it in the Union. How this could be considered admirable, I will never know.
You should be happy he did. Had he not kept this Union together, you might not be here right now, spouting garbage.

Yeah Lincoln caused the deaths of 800,000 Americans so that we could enjoy freedom of speech. Lets kill 'em so they can have free speech......... unbelievable.
I knew Spielberg would bastardize poor Lincoln.

You have to understand, Lincoln is a progressive idol. In the movie, you saw Lincoln violate law after law after law and then justifying it by saying that the ends justify the means. This is progressive philosophy 101. In essence, screw the law, just give me what I want and then screw you.

In short, the rule of law means nothing. Might makes right.
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I knew Spielberg would bastardize poor Lincoln.

You have to understand, Lincoln is a progressive idol. In the movie, you saw Lincoln violate law after law after law and then justifying it by saying that the ends justify the means. This is progressive philosophy 101. In essence, screw the law, just give me what I want and then screw you.

In short, the rule of law means nothing. Might makes right.

Shame really....Lincoln used to be a Republican idol

We'll take him

Thank you kindly
I knew Spielberg would bastardize poor Lincoln.

You have to understand, Lincoln is a progressive idol. In the movie, you saw Lincoln violate law after law after law and then justifying it by saying that the ends justify the means. This is progressive philosophy 101. In essence, screw the law, just give me what I want and then screw you.

In short, the rule of law means nothing. Might makes right.

Shame really....Lincoln used to be a Republican idol

We'll take him

Thank you kindly

The GOP is full of progressives. Just ask ilk like John McCan't.
You have to understand, Lincoln is a progressive idol. In the movie, you saw Lincoln violate law after law after law and then justifying it by saying that the ends justify the means. This is progressive philosophy 101. In essence, screw the law, just give me what I want and then screw you.

In short, the rule of law means nothing. Might makes right.

Shame really....Lincoln used to be a Republican idol

We'll take him

Thank you kindly

The GOP is full of progressives. Just ask ilk like John McCan't.

GOP, time to rebrand in the image of the 'Great Emancipator' -

Steven Spielberg's historical drama, as well as the biography upon which it is based, Doris Kearns Goodwin's "Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln," both remind today's Americans that Lincoln was not only a moral leader but also a practical politician. The political identity that Lincoln forged for the fledgling Republican Party -- uniting the nation while defending individual rights -- was a winning formula for half a century, with the GOP winning 11 of 13 presidential elections from 1860 through 1908.

Moreover, support for civil rights persisted in the party throughout the last century. Among the Republican presidents of the 20th century, Theodore Roosevelt famously hosted Booker T. Washington at the White House. Dwight Eisenhower ordered federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to enforce school desegregation. Richard Nixon expanded affirmative action. And George H. W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law.
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