Steven Spielberg's movie about Lincoln is pure bullshit !!!!!!!

Shame really....Lincoln used to be a Republican idol

We'll take him

Thank you kindly

The GOP is full of progressives. Just ask ilk like John McCan't.

GOP, time to rebrand in the image of the 'Great Emancipator' -

Steven Spielberg's historical drama, as well as the biography upon which it is based, Doris Kearns Goodwin's "Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln," both remind today's Americans that Lincoln was not only a moral leader but also a practical politician. The political identity that Lincoln forged for the fledgling Republican Party -- uniting the nation while defending individual rights -- was a winning formula for half a century, with the GOP winning 11 of 13 presidential elections from 1860 through 1908.

Moreover, support for civil rights persisted in the party throughout the last century. Among the Republican presidents of the 20th century, Theodore Roosevelt famously hosted Booker T. Washington at the White House. Dwight Eisenhower ordered federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to enforce school desegregation. Richard Nixon expanded affirmative action. And George H. W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law.

So Obama "united" the country by force and secured power for the GOP for years to come. Was it worth over half a million dead?

The country is as divided now as it has ever been since the Civil War. The only problem for progressives today is that they don't have the cloak of slavery to hide behind to enforce their fascist tendencies.
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So who here wants the good old day in the confederate states where people owned people and wars are started cause said slave owners through a fit?
The GOP is full of progressives. Just ask ilk like John McCan't.

GOP, time to rebrand in the image of the 'Great Emancipator' -

Steven Spielberg's historical drama, as well as the biography upon which it is based, Doris Kearns Goodwin's "Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln," both remind today's Americans that Lincoln was not only a moral leader but also a practical politician. The political identity that Lincoln forged for the fledgling Republican Party -- uniting the nation while defending individual rights -- was a winning formula for half a century, with the GOP winning 11 of 13 presidential elections from 1860 through 1908.

Moreover, support for civil rights persisted in the party throughout the last century. Among the Republican presidents of the 20th century, Theodore Roosevelt famously hosted Booker T. Washington at the White House. Dwight Eisenhower ordered federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to enforce school desegregation. Richard Nixon expanded affirmative action. And George H. W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law.

So Obama "united" the country by force and secured power for the GOP for years to come. Was it worth over half a million dead?

The country is as divided now as it has ever been since the Civil War. The only problem for progressives today is that they don't have the cloak of slavery to hide behind to enforce their fascist tendencies.

You obviously missed out on the 60s

Read up on it sometime
Abe wanted to send all blacks back to Africa...that would have devastated the NBA, but possibly kept Obabble where he belonged. On the other hand had we waited for Whitney's cotton gin, technology could have obviated the necessity for war.
Abe wanted to send all blacks back to Africa...that would have devastated the NBA, but possibly kept Obabble where he belonged. On the other hand had we waited for Whitney's cotton gin, technology could have obviated the necessity for war.

Tell me why is it considered wrong to wish to send people back to the country from which they were stolen from???????? I think it was too expensive and so did they in the end.
Abe wanted to send all blacks back to Africa...that would have devastated the NBA, but possibly kept Obabble where he belonged. On the other hand had we waited for Whitney's cotton gin, technology could have obviated the necessity for war.
What the fuck?

First, the idea of Colonization originated with abolitionists, with even some of our founders in favor of it. Lincoln for the most part abandoned the idea after 1863.

And secondly...on the cotton gin: again...what the fuck?
Abe wanted to send all blacks back to Africa...that would have devastated the NBA, but possibly kept Obabble where he belonged. On the other hand had we waited for Whitney's cotton gin, technology could have obviated the necessity for war.

Abe looked into it and quickly found it unworkable

Obamas father came from Africa. Repatriating blacks would have made no difference

The Cotton Gin caused the war
Abe wanted to send all blacks back to Africa...that would have devastated the NBA, but possibly kept Obabble where he belonged. On the other hand had we waited for Whitney's cotton gin, technology could have obviated the necessity for war.

Tell me why is it considered wrong to wish to send people back to the country from which they were stolen from???????? I think it was too expensive and so did they in the end.

Actually, most of them just didn't want to go.

And they weren't "stolen" from anywhere. Clue yourself into the REAL history of the slave trade. The people who were brought here from Africa were slaves THERE, and were sold to the slave traders, not "stolen". Furthermore, by the time of the War Between the States, the import of slaves had been illegalized, and the slaves in question were born in THIS country, which is one reason they didn't want to leave.
Right wingers, when you think of slavery, do you say, ah, the good ol days? You know, capitalism at its finest?
Abe wanted to send all blacks back to Africa...that would have devastated the NBA, but possibly kept Obabble where he belonged. On the other hand had we waited for Whitney's cotton gin, technology could have obviated the necessity for war.

Tell me why is it considered wrong to wish to send people back to the country from which they were stolen from???????? I think it was too expensive and so did they in the end.

Actually, most of them just didn't want to go.

And they weren't "stolen" from anywhere. Clue yourself into the REAL history of the slave trade. The people who were brought here from Africa were slaves THERE, and were sold to the slave traders, not "stolen". Furthermore, by the time of the War Between the States, the import of slaves had been illegalized, and the slaves in question were born in THIS country, which is one reason they didn't want to leave.
I am sorry but I don't make excuses for slavers
Wow. That link is one of the most twisted gyrations of historical revisionism and logical fallacies I have seen in some time.

As if the South was ever going to end slavery peacefully. Yeah, right. I want what that dumb shit is smoking.

Not to mention that the quote from Ron Paul was wrong to begin with.

There is very little difference between "Revolution" and "Civil War", other then normally in a Revolution the rebels win, and in a Civil War, the status quo wins.

In the US, we had a Civil War, and slavery was abolished.

In Haiti, they had a Revolution (with over 120,000 dead), and slavery was abolished.

And the Americas were full of other slave rebellions, from Jamaica and Panama to Brazil and Cuba. The only thing unique in the US Civil War was that a significant number of whites supported emancipation, and it was mostly whites fighting whites to decide the fate of slavery (instead of the slaves themselves taking up arms and slaughtering all the whites).

So yea, that claim was full of coprolite.
Right wingers, when you think of slavery, do you say, ah, the good ol days? You know, capitalism at its finest?

I always laugh when people make that statement.

Democrats were the party that split over slavery, with the majority of them supporting it and the Civil War.

Republicans were the party that was primarily founded on the principal of Emancipation.

Personally, slavery was a dying institution, that only had a decade or more to go at best I believe. The Industrial Revolution was just swinging into high gear at the time of the Civil War, and would have shortly rendered slavery obsolete.

That is why the only places it really still survives is in those regions that have little industrialization, and everything is still largely done by hand. In industrialized nations, it is cheaper and easier to build a machine to do it then it is to buy and take care of a human being.
Tell me why is it considered wrong to wish to send people back to the country from which they were stolen from???????? I think it was too expensive and so did they in the end.

Actually, most of them just didn't want to go.

And they weren't "stolen" from anywhere. Clue yourself into the REAL history of the slave trade. The people who were brought here from Africa were slaves THERE, and were sold to the slave traders, not "stolen". Furthermore, by the time of the War Between the States, the import of slaves had been illegalized, and the slaves in question were born in THIS country, which is one reason they didn't want to leave.
I am sorry but I don't make excuses for slavers

So now being truthful and accurate is "making excuses"?
Abe looked into it and quickly found it unworkable
Lincoln for the most part abandoned the idea after 1863.
You are both wrong. Lincoln was long devoted to colonization schemes.

Check this out: [ame=""]Colonization After Emancipation: Lincoln and the Movement for Black Resettlement [/ame]

Here's a quote about Lincoln and colonization: Using long-forgotten records scattered across three continents—many of them untouched since the Civil War—the authors show that Lincoln continued his search for a freedmen’s colony much longer than previously thought.

No doubt Lincoln was a white supremacist. Here's a quote from Lincoln: "I am not now, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social or political equality of the white and black races. I am not now nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor of intermarriages with white people. There is a physical difference between the white and the black races which will forever forbid the two races living together on social or political equality. There must be a position of superior and inferior, and I am in favor of assigning the superior position to the white man."

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(Or, How a Real Statesman Would Have Ended Slavery)
by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

"Every other country in the world got rid of slavery without a civil war . . . . How much would that cost compared to killing 600,000 Americans when the hatred lingered for 100 years."

~ Ron Paul to Tim Russert on "Meet the Press" in 2007

The new Steven Spielberg movie about Lincoln is entirely based on a fiction, to use a mild term. As longtime Ebony magazine executive editor Lerone Bennett, Jr. explained in his book, Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream: "There is a pleasant fiction that Lincoln . . . became a flaming advocate of the [Thirteenth] amendment and used the power of his office to buy votes to ensure its passage. There is no evidence, as David H. Donald has noted, to support that fiction". (Emphasis added).

In fact, as Bennett shows, it was the genuine abolitionists in Congress who forced Lincoln to support the Thirteenth Amendment that ended slavery, something he refused to do for fifty-four of his fifty-six years. The truth, in other words, is precisely the opposite of the story told in Spielberg’s Lincoln movie, which is based on the book Team of Rivals by the confessed plagiarist/court historian Doris Kearns-Goodwin. (My LRC review of her book was entitled "A Plagiarist’s Contribution to Lincoln Idolatry").


[ame=]Ron Paul's Neo-Confederate "South Was Right" Civil War Speech With Confederate Flag - YouTube[/ame]

Ron Paul's a fucking racist.
Abe looked into it and quickly found it unworkable
Lincoln for the most part abandoned the idea after 1863.
You are both wrong. Lincoln was long devoted to colonization schemes.

Check this out: [ame=""]Colonization After Emancipation: Lincoln and the Movement for Black Resettlement [/ame]

Here's a quote about Lincoln and colonization: Using long-forgotten records scattered across three continents—many of them untouched since the Civil War—the authors show that Lincoln continued his search for a freedmen’s colony much longer than previously thought.

No doubt Lincoln was a white supremacist. Here's a quote from Lincoln: "I am not now, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social or political equality of the white and black races. I am not now nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor of intermarriages with white people. There is a physical difference between the white and the black races which will forever forbid the two races living together on social or political equality. There must be a position of superior and inferior, and I am in favor of assigning the superior position to the white man."


No..he wasn't.
Actually, most of them just didn't want to go.

And they weren't "stolen" from anywhere. Clue yourself into the REAL history of the slave trade. The people who were brought here from Africa were slaves THERE, and were sold to the slave traders, not "stolen". Furthermore, by the time of the War Between the States, the import of slaves had been illegalized, and the slaves in question were born in THIS country, which is one reason they didn't want to leave.
I am sorry but I don't make excuses for slavers

So now being truthful and accurate is "making excuses"?

Basically..what you seek to do is exonerate the slave trade by conflating a really small and insignificant part of the history.

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