Steven Spielberg's movie about Lincoln is pure bullshit !!!!!!!

Lincoln was not an abolitionist but was dedicated to ending the slave power. You can't repatriate Americans who were born here, and the international slave trade had ended more than fifty years before. External colonization was one of several ideas floated by him and others. The concept involved moving a small minority. The means to move any more than that did not exist, and all knew it.
Lincoln was not an abolitionist but was dedicated to ending the slave power. You can't repatriate Americans who were born here, and the international slave trade had ended more than fifty years before. External colonization was one of several ideas floated by him and others. The concept involved moving a small minority. The means to move any more than that did not exist, and all knew it.

Liberia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This wasn't a new idea.....
Zak, I did not say it began with him. I said, "External colonization was one of several ideas floated by him and others."
A house divided against itself cannot stand, this nation cannot endure half slave and half free.....Abe Lincoln
Because AL was not a RR abolitionist does not lessen that he was anti-slavery with only Union more important than that. In the end, AL was able to to preserve the one by elimination of the other.
Because AL was not a RR abolitionist does not lessen that he was anti-slavery with only Union more important than that. In the end, AL was able to to preserve the one by elimination of the other.

Yeah he preserved the Union by committing treason by warring on fellow Americans resulting in the deaths of 800,000, unbelievable suffering, and destruction of nearly all the southern states. Leading to decades of terrible racism and injustice in the South lead by the D Party. To say nothing of his trashing the Constitution and centralizing power in DC.

Now that is a job well done...:clap2:

The Lincoln Myth persists....AMAZING!
Gipper, the South committed treason, and the Old South was executed for it.

Revisionism is acceptable as long as it stays within the narrative suggested by the facts. You have not done that.
Lincoln whooped the south ass ended slavery and saved the union....Get the fuck over it already you whining fucking neoconfederats!
Lincoln wanted to stop the spread of slavery into the territories and leave slavery in the existing slave states. If the South had seceded, I think there would have been more wars over the territories.
Wars would have extended throughout North America because of it, from Mexico and the Caribbean to Canada.
Wars would have extended throughout North America because of it, from Mexico and the Caribbean to Canada.

Interesting, I hadn't thought about that but you're probably right.

America in general was expansionist back then. Being agricultural, the South was always looking for more land. We later had the Spanish-American war at the end of the 19th century. Some of the American influence on the island cultures was Southern.

Here is an interesting facet of history i didn't know about.
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Wars would have extended throughout North America because of it, from Mexico and the Caribbean to Canada.

Yeah sure....yet somehow the entire western world, including the huge British empire, eliminated slavery without bloodshed....strange???

The Lincoln Myth is strong among the feeble minded.
Wars would have extended throughout North America because of it, from Mexico and the Caribbean to Canada.

Yeah sure....yet somehow the entire western world, including the huge British empire, eliminated slavery without bloodshed....strange???

The Lincoln Myth is strong among the feeble minded.

Then the confederates states shouldnt have started a war....
You make no sense as usual. With the eastern and central portions of the country split in two, the western portion of the continent was up for grabs.

Your hatred of Lincoln is biased and unfounded.

Wars would have extended throughout North America because of it, from Mexico and the Caribbean to Canada.

Yeah sure....yet somehow the entire western world, including the huge British empire, eliminated slavery without bloodshed....strange???

The Lincoln Myth is strong among the feeble minded.
One of the biggest lies in history is the idea that the CW was fought to free the slaves. How can that possibly be true when there were 4 northern states that allowed slavery during the entire war and when General US Grant was a slave owner during the war and so to Lincoln's second vice president Andrew Johnson.?

I hate to break it to the Lincoln worshippers, but the biggest reason he went to war was his own legacy. He didn't want the power of his office reduced, and he SURE as Hell didn't want to be the President under whom the Union split apart. In service of his own place in history, he chose instead to suppress what were largely accepted to be the Constitutional rights of the states - to exit the federal contract - and plunge the nation into a long, ugly war of suppression.

Oh, and then he dressed it up in the clothing of "emancipation", in order to make it look noble and to keep his own soldiers from deserting and going home.
$10 says that the movie has nothing about him being one of the worst Presidents who butchered the constitution

What Article in the Constitution gives any State the right to leave the Union?

You HAVE read the Bill of Rights, yes? The 9th and 10th Amendments? Of course you have, otherwise you wouldn't have so-carefully restricted your question ONLY to the "Articles of the Constitution", in an attempt to pretend that ONLY the Articles of the Constitution apply. Nice try.

Since the Articles of the Constitution exist to describe the rights and responsibilities of the federal government, not the states or the people, perhaps YOU can tell us where in the Articles of the Constitution the federal government is given the right of forcible coercion against states to keep them in the Union.
The crazies, fraught with follies of fact and saddled with poor syntax and diction, do not comprehend the Constitution, Lincoln and his personality, and narrative of our wonderful country. They spew only 'tin hat' foolishness.

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