Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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DOJ wouldn't have brought seditious conspiracy unless they could make it stick.

lol yeah sure, like the fake 'impeachments' were based on 'proof', and the FBI faking evidence was nothing to note, right? You're too stupid to pull off this sort of spam. Leave that to the professional commies, you aren't going to be given a Big Important Cadre Job any time soon.
What they want and what they get are not the same thing. You presume there is full cooperation and these guys are willing to accept anything thrown at them.
I expect them to put up a fight. Just like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Ghislaine Maxwell, Derek Chauvin, Kim Potter.
Go back to your room and let the adults handle everything now. You kiddies have totally fucked everything up and it's going to take some work to fix it.
Lol. You'd think the "adults" could do more than share their fanfiction online.

What are you going to do?
After months of braying that January 6th was a just protest and constantly bitching that "well, tell me, why is no one being charged with insurrection, sedition, or conspiracy?".

Well, here you go. The DOJ started with the low hanging fruit. Now they're slowly making their way up the tree to the people who organized it. I told you last year it was a matter of time.

Non-partisan group my ass. This was a coordinated attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election. Period. And yesterday was just the tip of the iceberg. You know people like Gym Jordan, MTG, Mo Brooks, etc have got be to shaking in their boots right now. It's about time. :)
Lol. You'd think the "adults" could do more than share their fanfiction online.

What are you going to do?
What the Progs are doing in D,C, and areas where they rule is something the Founding Fathers warned against. But voters back them and believe they are right. What I do not even fathom is that Afraican Americans hate the deep state tactics they complain about and then follow the same things because the party doing it is what they like and many in charge are African Americans. Resources doled out to all Americans will not be so plentiful as time moves on. But the statist authoritarian government will remain behind.
What the Progs are doing in D,C, and areas where they rule is something the Founding Fathers warned against.
Fuck your Founding Fathers. I really don't give a shit what a bunch of racist slavers thought.
But voters back them and believe they are right. What I do not even fathom is that Afraican Americans hate the deep state tactics they complain about and then follow the same things because the party doing it is what they like and many in charge are African Americans. Resources doled out to all Americans will not be so plentiful as time moves on. But the statist authoritarian government will remain behind.
The deep state are the wealthy elite on both sides of the isles who manipulate government and laws in order to make themselves and their donors a boat load of money at tax payers expense. They don't actually give a shit about this sort of stuff. Lol. You think the Deep State gives a fuck what happens to a bunch of moron wannabe pirates?
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You guys need to cut bait on traitors and racists. You’ll get more dates and get invited to a few parties. Otherwise enjoy Mom’s basement.
It’s funny…but not…how the right continuously seems to defend their extremists calling them “patriots” and insisting they did nothing wrong. They blame the left, the FBI, anyone but the folks who committed the crimes. They’ve become what they accused the left of for years…the party of “dindo nuffin” - self proclaimed professional victims even though they have most of the political power locked up.

That is a lot of weaponry those Oath Keeper Brown Shirts have been moving around. If they had suceeded in a coup, I wonder how many would be cheering here? Meanwhile it’s “but but Antifa“ who NOBODY calls patriots or victims.
It’s funny…but not…how the right continuously seems to defend their extremists calling them “patriots” and insisting they did nothing wrong. They blame the left, the FBI, anyone but the folks who committed the crimes. They’ve become what they accused the left of for years…the party of “dindo nuffin” - self proclaimed professional victims even though they have most of the political power locked up.

That is a lot of weaponry those Oath Keeper Brown Shirts have been moving around. If they had suceeded in a coup, I wonder how many would be cheering here? Meanwhile it’s “but but Antifa“ who NOBODY calls patriots or victims.
December 5 2020

Trump's pity rally in Valdosta Georgia.

"We're all victims. Everybody here, all these thousands of people here tonight, they're all victims. Every one of you."
Its not really a witch hunt, its a preemptive strike, DOJ/FBI plan on launching terror attacks against Americans in coming days, objective is to seize total control of the election process well prior to the midterm, they are gonna be launching terror attacks against Americans and you are looking at their scapegoats. Terror attacks mean violent responses, and "martial law" or perhaps Biden/Klain ordering initiation of the "Insurrection Act," which is essentially the same thing.

You folks really need to listen to the shit Biden, and the fascists have been spewing, its vile, hate filled, and violent political rhetoric, they are desperate because they know the end of their days is upon them, they have sold out the nation to communist China and the tech billionaires of silicon valley, who have promised the fascist democrats they can have the corpse of the USA to lord it over along with all they can steal from it before they kill it! All Americans need to be armed and cultivate the mentality to use those arms.

DOJ/FBI are no longer legitimate, they are totally corrupted at all levels, they must be considered in exactly the same terms as we did the KGB, and East German Stasi, their interests are not Americas or Americans interests, they work exclusively for the tech oligarchs, and the democratic fascists, they are moving against America at this very moment! They are gonna launch terror attacks, and lay blame for them upon conservative Americans, and then move in violence against all of conservative America.

These are the bastards who loosed the pandemic, you are on the receiving end of "The Great Reset," you are not voting your way out of it... ;)
Who cries more? You, Trump or Lindsey Graham?
Or they would rather take a plea deal for a lesser crime with a guaranteed lesser sentence than take their chances on going to jail for 10-20 years. Less than 8% of people charged with Federal Crimes go to trial. Everyone isn't flipping on someone else.
Which only helps the govt’s case.
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