Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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Unless any of the alleged actions can be proven with tangible evidence, they were protesters who had every right to be there as anyone else peacefully protesting (and I don't use that phrase lightly, like CNN does).
They had no right to be in the Capitol, dope.
You guys need to cut bait on traitors and racists. You’ll get more dates and get invited to a few parties. Otherwise enjoy Mom’s basement.
You know the really cool thing about freedom is people do not hve to like people that they do not like. In that same note adults realize that regardless of minor or major differences if we start trying to put people in a specific box those same people become the true enemies of our liberties best friend.
Full Indictment here!

After months of braying that January 6th was a just protest and constantly bitching that "well, tell me, why is no one being charged with insurrection, sedition, or conspiracy?".

Well, here you go. The DOJ started with the low hanging fruit. Now they're slowly making their way up the tree to the people who organized it. I told you last year it was a matter of time.

Non-partisan group my ass. This was a coordinated attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election. Period. And yesterday was just the tip of the iceberg. You know people like Gym Jordan, MTG, Mo Brooks, etc have got be to shaking in their boots right now. It's about time. :)
No Jack, we heard all this gotcha crap during the Russian hoax...
Flipping on others to secure a plea agreement.

You should get off of the couch more.
Again you are assuming there is someone to flip on. There's no indication that there is really. What's more likely to happen is these guys will just take a plea and serve 4-5 years in prison. The Democrats will use it to try and say that "our democracy is at risk" and if you elect a Republican, they will steal elections. Which is comical because that's what Trump is saying, only about them.
It’s funny…but not…how the right continuously seems to defend their extremists calling them “patriots” and insisting they did nothing wrong. They blame the left, the FBI, anyone but the folks who committed the crimes. They’ve become what they accused the left of for years…the party of “dindo nuffin” - self proclaimed professional victims even though they have most of the political power locked up.

That is a lot of weaponry those Oath Keeper Brown Shirts have been moving around. If they had suceeded in a coup, I wonder how many would be cheering here? Meanwhile it’s “but but Antifa“ who NOBODY calls patriots or victims.
According to the indictment, these guys had all their guns and ammo in a hotel across the Potomac, ready to go once the building was secured. And there's much more.

So the big question going forward will be whether they had prior communications with the orange orbit. I'd start with Bannon, but there are plenty of actors to be had here.

Suddenly, we've gone from the DoJ sitting on its hands to the shit hitting the fan. Cool.

Full Indictment here!

57. On January 3, 2021, RHODES departed Granbury, Texas, and began traveling to the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. While traveling, RODES spent approximately $6,000 in Texas on an AR-platform rifle and firearms equipment, including sights, mounts, triggers, slings, and additional firearms attachments. 58. On January 4, 2021, WATKINS asked the Florida Signal Chat, “Where can we ow off weapons to the QRF team? I'd like to have the weapons secured prior to the Op tomorrow.” 59. On January 4,2021, VALLEIO messaged MEGGS, “Sir, Ed Vallejo of Arizona in {Temn. With cadre requesting coordinates to Allied encampment outside DC boundaries to rendezvous. Please respond ASAP. For the Republic.”
Nah, they obviously got nuthin'!:rolleyes:
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Again you are assuming there is someone to flip on. There's no indication that there is really. What's more likely to happen is these guys will just take a plea and serve 4-5 years in prison. The Democrats will use it to try and say that "our democracy is at risk" and if you elect a Republican, they will steal elections. Which is comical because that's what Trump is saying, only about them.
I guarantee they will not get any deal without offering something of value to the prosecutors.
I guarantee they will not get any deal without offering something of value to the prosecutors.
Sure they will. 92% of all Federal charges are settled via plea deal. Do you really think they are all flipping on someone else? The value to the prosecutors is a guaranteed win, and you can move on to the next case. If youre stuck in a trial it can drag on for a year or more and you might end up losing. Only about 2% end up in a trial.
According to the indictment, these guys had all their guns and ammo in a hotel across the Potomac, ready to go once the building was secured. And there's much more.

So the big question going forward will be whether they had prior communications with the orange orbit. I'd start with Bannon, but there are plenty of actors to be had here.

Suddenly, we've gone from the DoJ sitting on its hands to the shit hitting the fan. Cool.

Prior communication is almost certain.
Stone’s security was provided by the oath keepers. He’s seen entering and exiting the Willard Hotel with them on the 5th. The same Willard where Trump’s “war room” was located.
Stone has since pleaded the 5th to avoid self incrimination.
I guarantee they will not get any deal without offering something of value to the prosecutors.
Yeah, and I'd imagine that if there are higher rungs to this particular ladder, they could very well be the inner orange circle itself.

Big "if" there, but not out of the question.
Prior communication is almost certain.
Stone’s security was provided by the oath keepers. He’s seen entering and exiting the Willard Hotel with them on the 5th. The same Willard where Trump’s “war room” was located.
Stone has since pleaded the 5th to avoid self incrimination.
Yikes. This would explain why they're so desperate to keep info from coming out.
Sure they will. 92% of all Federal charges are settled via plea deal. Do you really think they are all flipping on someone else? The value to the prosecutors is a guaranteed win, and you can move on to the next case. If youre stuck in a trial it can drag on for a year or more and you might end up losing.
This ain’t 92% of federal cases. See Flynn. His plea deal was rescinded multiple times as he did not meet his obligations.
According to the indictment, these guys had all their guns and ammo in a hotel across the Potomac, ready to go once the building was secured. And there's much more.

So the big question going forward will be whether they had prior communications with the orange orbit. I'd start with Bannon, but there are plenty of actors to be had here.

Suddenly, we've gone from the DoJ sitting on its hands to the shit hitting the fan. Cool.

The likelihood of that is miniscule isn't it? Seriously, if there was that large of a plot someone would have spilled their guts to some media outlet by now.
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